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mpv ffmpeg yt-dlp
i wish she had more episodes
Watch the disappearance of Nagato Yuki.
>watch [absolute abomination to the Haruhi franchise]
How about no.
for someone like me who hates movies, "action" shit, "supernatural" shit, and only watches TV shows with plausible characters, what is the appeal of anime?
the only good part of that show was when Yuki reverted back to her original self, everything else is irredeemable garbage
Slice of life or romcom.
>hates movies
>loves tv shows
how to spot a typical basedllenial
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Cute and funny things mostly.
just released the mpv plugin version of my youtube client on my release website with several fixes
source doko?
Yuki is not bringing you lunch
this but mpc-hc
i cant staph playing vrchat

Rate my config.
How is downloading 5000 YouTube videos going? I've not seen an update recently.
trve minimalism
>libplacebo-only options enabled in vo=gpu
cannot open file via cmd with this plugin loaded.
anyway I also tried test with ---no-config and --scripts-append the dll, even with absolute path it said file does not exist. any idea?
>actually downloading a virus
you poor fool
you need to copy the "ikatube" directory provided in the archive to the mpv config directory so it's in the same directory as mpv.conf etc
for windows users, not caring about something being a virus is the more internally coherent and consistent position.
screenshot from gpu-next looks same as displayed in mpv
screenshot from gpu does not look the same as displayed in mpv, unless mpv was forced to srgb trc
Invidtui isn't working ;-;
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Fedora, i5 12600K, RX 6600 XT. I can't play 4k h.265 video without dropping tons of frames. Tried --no-config

I don't remember why I use x11egl it was some kind of bug, but get the same results with x11


also how can I get a list of hwdec/gpu-context options that are actually supported by my player?
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delete everything

>also how can I get a list of hwdec/gpu-context options that are actually supported by my player?

dont forget to rtfm
>4k h.265 video without dropping tons of frames
update ffmpeg, don't listen to >>103246962 schizo
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Don't care what you think. It holds a special place in my heart.
the issue persists

>ffmpeg version git-2024-11-09
but I'll try to update it again
oh no no no ffmpeghevacksisters....
someone post last good ffmpeg commit before hevc havoc
you didn't provide enough info.
for starters, are the dropped frames vo or decode?
>another bug!
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> screenshot code diagram
This needs full rewrite.
Isn't maintaining multiple VOs and GPU APIs a massive waste of time?, just make gpu-next and Vulkan the defaults (GPUs that can't run vulkan are too shit to run mpv anyway and the ones that are stuck on vulkan 1.1 can be upgraded to 1.3 with third-party drivers, even phones support this now)

> ● Video --vid=1 --vlang=eng (hevc 3840x2160 29.9995 fps) [default]
> ● Audio --aid=1 --alang=eng (aac 2ch 48000 Hz 192 kbps) [default]
> AO: [pipewire] 48000Hz stereo 2ch floatp
> VO: [gpu-next] 3840x2160 yuv420p
> Audio/Video desynchronisation detected! Possible reasons include too slow
> hardware, temporary CPU spikes, broken drivers, and broken files. Audio
> position will not match to the video (see A-V status field).
> Consider trying `--profile=fast` and/or `--hwdec=auto-safe` as they may help.
> AV: 00:00:06 / 00:00:23 (29%) A-V: 0.133 Dropped: 55
> Exiting... (Quit)

same with --profile=fast --hwdec=auto-safe

but nevermind I'll just pretend hevc dostn exist
>mpv ffmpeg yt-dlp
Wrap them rascals with Firejail or Bubblewrap to keep the cute and fuzzy bunnies away and limit where the apps and read/write to and which of them are permitted to have networking. inb4 ruskies reply again.
meme vos are more power efficient
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When I use https://github.com/ekisu/mpv-webm with videos captured from PS5 the output gets super washed out.

Is there any way to preserve the color etc. in vp8? There's a setting there to provide additional flags but I wouldn't know which ones.

-vf zscale=tin=smpte2084:min=bt2020nc:pin=bt2020:rin=tv:t=smpte2084:m=bt2020nc:p=bt2020:r=tv,zscale=t=linear:npl=100,format=gbrpf32le,zscale=p=bt709,tonemap=tonemap=hable:desat=0,zscale=t=bt709:m=bt709:r=tv,format=yuv420p

This works in ffmpeg but gives me a really weird result if I use that as additonal flags.
shut up nigger
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<- The weird result
lol... imaginine actually believing this
try this fork instead https://github.com/serenae-fansubs/mpv-webm and see if same issue occurs
make sure your GPU drivers are working and shit. check `glxinfo` for example, and make sure you are not `llvmpipe`ing.
both my CPU and GPU are multiple generations older than yours, and I can decode HEVC 4K/10bit/HDR without issue. hardware decoding may struggle with 60fps with some files, but otherwise, it's all fine.
stop playing trooncoom games maybe
start with vp9 results
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Same issue
it plays fine on Haruna if I set hwdec to auto, just not on mpv. 8k h264 is fine too
oops *4k, not 8k
try -bsf:v vp9_metadata=color_space=bt2020:color_range=pc
and -color_trc 18
It fails to encode if i add those in the additonal flags in the lua
idk then fellow, tried this https://developers.google.com/media/vp9/hdr-encoding but it still doesn't set hdr gamma, ffmpeg is moronic with tagging
I think this script uses mpv directly and not ffmpeg to encode videos
i tried with ffmpeg just to see if it works as expected, as expected it doesn't work as expected
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It works in ffmpeg with the -vf stuff from my initial post.

But would be nice if the script could do it.
i use streamsave to cut and trim accurately then encode with ffmpeg
it's better to just set correct tags but it doesn't work for whatever reason, workaround is encode to vp9 and then -c copy + set tags on the result but this is fucking retarded
Remember to enable debanging and disable gamma correction for twitch or other PC capture content. You don't want to apply bt.1886 on this content... Sometimes less correction is more correct.

profile-cond=get('path', ''):find('^https://www%.twitch%.tv/') or get('path', ''):find('^https://clips%.twitch%.tv/')
>>103248051 (me)
good typo
ffmpeg sisters are you ok?
is librempeg fsf approved?
i dont know just fix hevc
how would I write the timestamp and file name to a file so I can keep track of where I am in a show?

I want to write a "continue watching" script with bash that looks at that file. The script does some other wacky stuff that I won't get into rn and its def still a work in progress, but I am kinda confuse on how to solve this problem.
why doesn't mpv maintain it's own decoders like mplayer?
>"continue watching" script
just press shift + q when closing the player
ffmpeg is shit enough as it is
wm4 would disagree. he has always hated ffmpeg and he has now been vindicated years later.

mpv2 needs its own decoders (in Rust)
i wanted to write this in the previous thread, but it got archived.
this is a good showcase of how "more money" can be detrimental instead of helpful for open source projects.
forking mpv2 into media player video after it gets mysteriously abandoned and rewriting everything into assembly
wm4 removed the decoders
i didn't even know that existed lmao. classic case of rtfm. thanks anon. the script works like a fuzzy finder and player for an password protected nginx file directory. shift + q and the script would work perfect together.
for context I am trying to write an app I can replace plex with. I can share it if anyone is interested at all, again, jank af and deffinitely not done
hindsight is 20/20
Use jellyfin + https://github.com/EmperorPenguin18/mpv-jellyfin
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'member ffmpeg-mpv lol
zoom player needs libmpv
Generally I find them about as entertaining as watching my kids TV shows like He-man or Dr Who.
He-Man is good you plebian
aye, for my 8 year old.
nah, I am enjoying writing my shitty shell script that looks at an nginx file dir. this is really just for the fun of writing it. cool project though
your 8 y/o has better taste than you. that's embarrassing
Better taste in kids TV perhaps.
get your t-levels checked
>no argument
vulkan can't even decode vp9 and av1, it's worthless
1440p youtube livestream support when?
mpv is bloat, use ffplay.
Good mpv image viewer?
Update on my Youtube video download progress.
At the moment I have downloaded 2405 videos out of 5000. This is equal to about 2TBs of files.
shut up we use

enshittification merging soon, don't forget to add --script-opts=osc-boxalpha=80 to your config before updating to the latest git head to ensure no enshittification!
>madVR (for reference of golden standard :)):
why does kasper want mpv to look like shitty abandonware

may as well just use a screenshot of xine as a reference if thats the goal of this pointless PR

just for reference, YouTube's OSD and subtitles do not use a very transparent background, and neither do most smart TVs with sub rendering. this PR is made under very tenuous justifications just to make mpv look worse
>using the osd
not an argument

people who don't use the osd and the osc should not be making PRs to ruin them

simple as. stay in your lane.

mpv has looked the same for the many years that the osc has been implemented. you simply want to change it because you want to "leave your mark" on mpv and fundamentally change the software that has been enjoyed by many people for years. if there is no justification for the change, then don't make it.
My beautiful murderous wife
is the nu-mpv kindergarchy creating PRs just to post about them here, attached to the supposedly ironic, if not elaborate, "enshittification" and "bloat" nomenclature?
>just make my osc unreadable senpai
>make uosc official and default
yes who?

funny you mention uosc because it's another example where it's overlays and osd elements are all considerably more opaque.

so basically we have:
1. current mpv osc/osd
2. YouTube
3. uosc
4. [insert more]

which all use semi-opaque osd elements.

and then we have:
1. madVR (meme windows abandonware)

which is apparently the look that mpv should emulate...just because.

great. awesome reasoning.
MicroSaar backdoor backers took over nu-mpv for sometime already.
that's why some of us are waiting for a successor to emerge, possibly written in rust.
some also run an old version, or at least pretend to be doing so.
>which is apparently the look that mpv should emulate...just because.
Do you even have eyes? madVR is way more transparent. No one is emulating anything.
do you even have a brain?

the PR's goal is to make mpv closer in aesthetic to madVR, thats the reason why its a point of reference and the new osc is closer to madVR's transparency. this is contradictory to more modern designs such as YouTube, uosc etc. which are closer to mpv's current transparency for elements and backgrounds...

btw this is completely retarded justification to begin with. madvrs stats screen is not meant to be user-facing. its something you have to go out of your way to pop up. the osc is userfacing with high visibility, its part of the player experience. the subtitles have high visibility and are part of the movie experience. these are not comparable elements to a tiny stats screen offered by some random abandonware program
It's merged already anyway, so you can stop seething.
madvr is lossless so
>and the ones that are stuck on vulkan 1.1 can be upgraded to 1.3 with third-party drivers, even phones support this now
>third-party drivers
>even phones support this now
ok tardjeet, show one example.
>everything isnt vulkan le bad
>no argument no refutation
>just merge go go go dont ask questions
>stop caring about the betterment of mpv, mpv was never good anyways am i right!
Are you blind? I'm the one who proposed the change on IRC because Youtube's bar is way more transparent, while osc.lua feels more bloated and old with its opacity. uosc's controls don't have a background bar at all. I never used madVR.
youtube's seekbar uses a shadow gradient and the bar color is solid red, not mpv's white, which more easily blends with subs. completely not comparable at all...

look at youtube's stat screen, right click dialog, click on the cog menu on the osc... or better yet click on subtitles and look at the subtitle background opacity. now tell me how boxalpha=105 is the same transparency with a straight face. this is just bad faith 101
oh also i forgot, the osc in youtube has a subtle outline around the clickable stuff unlike mpv.
rape but no homo
wtf do the seekbar and stat screen have to do with anything? Only the background bar was changed, and not by much. Also nobody is trying to make it the exact same as youtube.
>wtf do the seekbar and stat screen have to do with anything?
they're part of youtube's osd

>Also nobody is trying to make it the exact same as youtube.
>I'm the one who proposed the change on IRC because Youtube's bar is way more transparent
hello??? why are you contradicting yourself in literally 5 minutes?!
So? Nothing was changed in mpv's OSD, or even parts of the OSC other than the background bar opacity.

Taking inspiration from something doesn't mean we have to make it identical. In fact youtube's bar is stlil much more transparent.
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The duality of man.
youtube's bar is a gradient, and the parts where its more transparent, thats where the seekbar is is (opaque red, with opaque gray backdrop)

this is not comparable. there is no point of comparison here. if you would like to implement and osc like ModernX then feel free to do so. there are more comparable elements
do alpha males typically watch childrens TV and moenime?
Youtube's seekbar is above the bar I'm talking about, and being a gradient doesn't change the fact that it's transparent.
no leadership
wm4 if you can hear me please save me
you're wrong
i'm right
1. where the youtube osc is more opaque, thats where the osc buttons are
2. the backdrop of the mpv seekbar is tied to boxapha and is always more transparent than the boxalpha (osc.lua#L1662)
3. mpv seekbar and buttons are pure white, subtitles are white
4. the parts where the youtube osc is more transparent is only where the seekbar is (which is opaque red with opaque backdrop)
if you dont understand why mpvs osc is not comparable here then this conversation is tiring
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Is llyyr plapable?
xhe is brown
numpy is done for
good morning
Again, I never said that it is or should be the exact same as Youtube, it was only an inspiration.

Youtube's buttons are also on the transparent bar.

I don't see how the backdrop of the seekbar matters, the white filled part is what's important to see where you are and it is not transparent. I can see it just fine even with boxalpha=255.

When subtitles overlap it looks bad to me with both boxalpha=80 or higher.

Youtube's seekbar past the current position is less transparent than the bar below, I don't know what you're looking at. The filled part is opaque in both Youtube and mpv. And again, I never referred to Youtube's seekbar., but to the bar below it.
Hi, I was hoping to get some help for a HTPC MPV config.
I want to use this HTPC like someone normally would with madvr, but with MPV instead. It has a very overkill GPU (4060).
I was planning to use ubuntu 24.10 for the default wayland - nvidia experience, set up kodi with MPV as a backend, and use a very overkill MPV configuration for a MadVR (or better) type output.
I've spent a lot of time searching for information on this kind of MPV configuration, but I haven't found anything in terms of configurations or explanations that isn't 4+ years old.
I don't expect to be spoonfed a config, but can someone point me to the direction of learning materials for this purpose?
I checked the archive on previous 'mpv ffmpeg yt-dlp' threads, but was not able to find any resources posted in the general.
is it possible to put libmpv in a game (mod) or game engine?
deplatform guido for using alt right hate speech imageboard
no trip so fake guido
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can i get a qrd on hdr playback on loonix? i'm on plasma wayland with a nvidia gpu
i though it was supposed to justwerk??»? but it doesn't
passthrough works fine of kde plasma wayland and just werks sirs
mpc gold standard :^)
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fuck off
reminder that kasper won
unmedicated posts
asperger "technically right" but can't see the whole picture energy. proceeds to enshitify mp5 one technicality by one. and there's noi one to put that arrogant little prick in place.
it's fucking over
>kasper, arrogant asshole
>wm4, arrogant asshole
>nanahi, cute asshole
this is the kind of reddit dishonesty that's ruining mpv
Yeah, I've never seen Kasper be as arrogant wm4 was
we use 0.28.0 here sister, stop complaining
bugsper has interbred this general and irc into a complete mess; divide and conquer. he's a nastly little rat.
nanahi pretends to use gpu, proof = gpu screenshots not fixed
what's wrong with vo=gpu screenshots
Works for me tbdesune, if you're talking HDR shit that's a whole different thing
bugsper raped and killed my family
result doesn't look the same on other color managed picture applications
one had the full right to be "arrogant", the other uses arrogant reddit ruler techniques into getting what he wants. anyone without an intellectual disability and who has observed the irc for some time knows this, but you aren't allowed to mention it. then he revived the culture of cross contamination between the irc and this general to muddy the waters even more. result? huge bikeshed and constant backstabbings anonymously.
vo=gpu force rapes screenshots into srgb, which is actually a good thing. there's no issue here
but vo=gpu-next can force rape to srgb and still look the same
>then he revived the culture of cross contamination between the irc and this general to muddy the waters even more.
this has been a thing for years. blame haasn, mia, akemi etc. for normalizing it.
Ah yes so you're the "new irc drama! mpv is finished! two more weeks!" schizo
a mpv-classic fork is looking more and more realistic
nu-mpv now blacksreens my entire screen for a second when activating osc and going in and out of fullscreen at the same time
bisect classically
mpv classic has to be pre-vulkan and pre-d3d11 to ensure that there's no libplacebo protocode in it. you dont need more than opengl 3.2
post some examples, im starving for drama.
it calmed down after wm4 disappeared. haasn even nudged kasper that it was inappropriate to do this when he first started cross contimating. real problem is that kasper is running the show while BLATANTLY doing it. very awkward culture now.
mpv is slowly becoming worse.
basically he uses things posted here as weapons in discussions/debates.
can you post a recent example? im curious what this looks like in conversation
>can you post a recent example?
no, it's better not to. but there are pretty good examples in the archive already:
The IRC "schizos" sowing discord wouldn't be a problem if you hadn't made them one.
>no, it's better not to.
why? im going to adjust my opinion of him if you post some recent examples where he leverages random shitposting against other maintainers. if there's a hostile environment it should be easy to evidence of this.

i already know there have been examples of him complaining about the people who bitch and moan here, but thats his own fault for participating in these threads and ruining his own mood. ironically, haasn stopped chronically browsing this shithole the moment he got laid which is quite funny. but i have no doubt that this place made him miserable despite all of the development feedback he got from /mpv/.
mudshark alert
they could figure out who i am by ruling out because there are few randoms connected in general and consistently so during and across some of the examples and none of the devs are known to leak logs afaik (?)
fine, you dont have to post any logs, just describe a recent even that has happened, and what maintainers were involved
is better dvd support and menus ever going to come back
No, but can be implemented in ImGui or C plugin.
this culture is funny though
>ironically, haasn stopped chronically browsing this shithole the moment he got laid
lol k haasnsoft
The ffmpeg dvd support is also improved a lot. No menus but the experience good when using it for both remux and playing in mpv. You just need to set the title numbers. If needed it look like also you can extract the menus.
if true that's a good thing, important issues are posted here
Reminder that mpv will never be a serious player for videophiles as it still lacks Dolby Vision FEL playback.
reminder that the current ui enshittification is in violation of mpv contribution rules:
> Changes to user interface and public API must always be approved by the project leader.
there is no project leader since wm4 left so user interface should never be changed
FEL isnt even related to tonemap metadata
I just test it again, if I simply typing filename I want to play, it wont work because current working directory is in ikatube folder.
I can see lots of drama going on, but I'm going to humbly bump my request
The IRC was dead and I'm not sure what is relevant to modern mpv, I don't want to follow an outdated guide if its a waste of time
A brave soul attempting to create a high-end HTPC with MPV!

I'll point you in the right direction for learning materials and provide some general guidance.

**MPV Configuration**

Focus on:

1. Video rendering: Experiment with gpu, gpu-next, or vulkan rendering options.
2. Scaling and interpolation: Use scale and interpolation options with algorithms like spline36, ewa_lanczos, and jinc.
3. Color management: Explore colorspace and tone-mapping options for accurate color representation.
4. HDR support: Configure MPV to handle HDR metadata and tone mapping correctly.

**Learning Materials**

1. MPV documentation: Start with the [video output](https://mpv.io/manual/master/#video-output) and [scaling](https://mpv.io/manual/master/#scaling) sections.
2. MPV wiki: Check the [configuration examples](https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/wiki/Configuration-Examples) page.
3. Reddit's r/HTPC and r/mpv: Search for relevant threads or ask for guidance from experienced users.
4. Kodi forums: Look for information on configuring MPV for a high-end HTPC experience.

**Ubuntu 24.10 and Wayland**

Use the latest NVIDIA driver and configure it correctly for your GPU.

**Kodi with MPV**

Install the kodi-mpv package and configure it according to the Kodi wiki's [MPV instructions](https://kodi.wiki/view/MPV).

With a powerful GPU like the 4060, you can experiment with advanced configurations and features. Good luck!
If this is above the ability of the people in this thread, i'll check to see if there's an mpv matrix or something
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What exactly does he do?
the irony of this chatgippity slop is that rHTPC doesn't recommend mpv
hes jeeb!
Unironically, delete MPV and buy Zoom Player. Thank me later.
Ffmpeg isn't necessary anymore now that 4chan supports mp4.
Might be fine to remove it from the OP.
mp4 is a container, not a codec
remove yt-dlp from op and replace it with ikatube
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>remove yt-dlp from op and replace it with ikatube
i look like that
Yes, but that's irrelevant to the point.
avc/h264 mp4s are supported, not hevc or vvc
avc/h264 mp4s are inferior to vp9 webms
that will change when av1 is finally supported
you still need ffmpeg to cut and concat the video even if you plan on just posting the mp4 as-is without reencoding (and reencoding to vp9 might still be necessary to fit the filesize requirements anyways)
the bug is now fixed in the latest release, i just uploaded it to the release website
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thank you chino-chan
If you want to stir some drama, you have to follow through on your words, otherwise, it doesn’t work.
>current ui enshittification
What changed?
What if you could create keybind profiles in input.conf that you could switch to with a command? Either addition or replace. Call it `commands-profile` maybe I don't know
saving to separate input files and using `set input-conf <file>` doesn't work?
Can you use `set` inside mpv.conf?
That's exactly what input sections do, but wm4 deprecated them.

--input-conf only works at startup, use input-commands=load-input-conf foo.
If the keybinds are same but for different actions does latest config take precedence?
Is it not possible to reset panscan or empty vf on next file if you changed/added them with a keybind? Tried clr and remove suffix with config option
Wait what the fuck? if you change them on the second file, they get reset normally from that file onwards and backwards just fine. But if you change them while on the initial open file, they don't get reset when you move from forward and backward anymore

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