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Technology has been ruined since woke shit got to it and we no longer can use the word Master.
>incels seethe over using one word over the other
Incels really are what they claim to hate
Is this still an election tourist talking point? I thought the NPCs have moved on to sperging out about the DEI bogeyman now.
You don't know anything about technology that's why you fixate on topical surface level drama.
My girlfriend calls me Master.
You're all men. If you are a man and fuck men (transwomen are men) you are incel, AND gay, so it really is a double whammy. And of course a fat bitch is roughly the same as being with a dude.

In all cases however, you are not women.
If these bugmen love star wars so much what are they supposed to call jedi masters now
>devs seethed so much they had to change a word
If this is what keeps you up at night you must lead an incredibly boring existence.
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Tech should use the most precise language possible.
Unless there are "slave" passwords that the master password is somehow ordering, i think the word "primary" is more precise.
Or do you care more about your warm nostalgia feelings than being correct?
Not opening the picture because I don't care what Johnny Rotten thinks. I don't listen to boomers.
Coping already, it seems
It's the other way around. THEY are trying to change OUR way of living although it doesn't even affect them. First they take our words, then they take our hobbies, then they take YOUR hobbies. But then it will be too late and you have no right of complaining because you never even tried to protect your rights. You have become a mere cuckold of woke culture.
Dubs of truth
Man, i miss early 2000s liberalism, not this woke trash corpos and their bootlickers like the other anons above are pushing
>destroying language is le gud
if its not a big deal, why change it
Why do I care what some old fart who was in a manufactured boy band has to say about anything? I don't care if it says master, primary, or faggot. It's quite insignificant. If this is what you care about I envy you because obviously nothing of any consequence ever weighs on your consciousness.
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I work in IT with a few older black boomer men who still say master and slave, Blacklist/Whitelist, etc. They told me that they never had a problem with it in the 70s-90s. never gave it a second thought. This is a white liberal issue. I dont say it because I’m scared of getting fired by a white liberal karen. Thats just my anectdotal experience. Thank you for reading my blog
>make a git repo
>rename "main" branch to "master"
>make a second branch called "servant"
>say i'm just a depeche mode fan when confronted
This. I have many black friends and keep dropping semi-racist terms much worse than this and nobody gives a flying fuck. They don't even see it as racist when I ask them. Ironically racism-shaming itself is a white privilege and racist.
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Back in the day before DEI, if you were black and in IT then everyone knew you were skilled and earned it.
If you had the skills then doors werent closed to you because you were black.

DEI stands for “Didn’t Earn It”

picrel is the smart nigger who invented game cartridges at Fairchild.
The perversion of language is how Marxists initially get their hooks in. I generally believe in "live and let live" but not when it comes to commies.
>tranny derangement syndrome
>left/right /pol/tard brainrot

y'all aren't beating the election tourist allegations lmao
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Damn skippy
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What's funny is that he also saw punk become an oi! punk knobfest too.
So he knows how annoying they are, but also why they are so attracted to punk.
Hence why Public Image Limited is gusic.
Arguably reinvented punk into new wave/no wave overnight.
History repeated again, but on the internet btw. Especially 4chan.
Also at music venues again too.

But I will add I still think the Trump support was dumb past 2016, especially considering property bubbles and how neither party stops them because they have conflicts of interest. I got it in that year because it trolled people. After that it became a cult of anti-woke as those opposite became the cult of woke.
Punk is about agitating and destabilising established ideology before it hardens into stone. Right now it's stuck between a rock and a hard place politically, though I think the recent election might actually shift things left more because I'm getting more tired of moderates more than anything and the far right are not doing enough to break their mental barriers.

Yes age prejudice is the smart way of doing things amirite.
Also, make the voting age 25+.


Good /g/ thread.
Tech is so boring now we're more interested in punk now.
>I in trannycase
opinion discarded
>Technology has been ruined since woke doodie got to it and we no longer can use the word Master.
In Linux we still have blackhole. Good luck penetrating my blackhole.
ip route add blackhole
>t. having a primary in compsci

zoomers are literally retarded, but perhaps that is the secret to succeed in clown world
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FYI for all you Zoomies who may not even know the significance of Fairchild Semiconductor. It was the worlds most advanced semiconductor manufactor in the workd until a small group of visionaries left to form Intel.

Working for Fairchild was a big deal.
btw i love /g/ politics theeads
I can't wait for DOTR.
Technically, since jews were the ones that owned the vast majority of nigger slaves, it should be called the "jewish password".
stop waiting and be the change you want to see in the world.
>no slaves
>no masters
>no gods
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your god is black
Calm down, Nietzsche, you'll catch VD with that attitude.
it's called "having a Masters", ESL-kun
note the S
It isn't coming anon. If it does I'll escape it and you won't.
>that smile
How can you even hate this nigga?
thanks for the live demonstration
>I'm rubber you're glue anything you say bounces off of me and sticks to you.

You were THAT kid on the playground back in grade school (a couple years ago?) weren't you?
No anon. I don't think you understand. I've been running from my problems my whole life. Now I live in a 3rd world country filled with brown people. I'm not getting roped. But if you get your wish and your own society goes to complete and utter shit, devolving into mindless violence, you're likely to be judged by those you think of as liberators. You use this website after all. You're probably some type of degenerate. You can try to lie to me about that but I'm not dumb.
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lol hey cuckshed

will you ever stop being pathetic?
I've killed in the past, even got a couple medals for it. I know what I'm capable of.
This loser is breaking the law and committing STOLEN VALOR!
Cool that means you're more likely to blow your own brains out when your dreams never come true.

Stop being a crab and you might make it out of the bucket.
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>/pol/ tourist retards who vote billionaires to be in power unironically believe this

So cool and anti establishment. Have fun with every single cabinet seat being filled by an oligarch billionaire you fucking retard. This is what you wanted and voted for.
The other option was Willie Brown's marxist bottom bitch. I'll take the douchebag orange man any day of the week over that mystery-meat trollop.
Thats fine man Im just tired of larpers unironically believing the right wing is anti establishment or punk in any way, its fucking cringe

The only path we have forward is to completely dismantle the current system its corrupt through and through. Probably the worst case of wealth inequality and corruption since the start of the industrial revolution with no end in sight.
Left and right wings are attached to the same bird with diarrhea and we are underneath it. Tiresome
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There are as many trannies as there are autists. The rage is directed at autists in actual fact. Whatever autists become fanatical about becomes something that must be decimated... Presently, autists are obsessed with being tranny instead of Sonic the Hedgehog...

Autists are probably the scummiest people in existence. Except when so disabled by autism they lose the arrogant perma-incorrect aura of loserdom. There's a middle ground of autism and that's where the trannies live and that's where decimation must be directed.
I renamed all of my git master branches to massah branches.
>Le no one cares goy let us change your words
Kill yourself
As an engineer, we use precise language to prevent misinterpretation of our prescribed solutions. We still use master/slave because the relationship between those terms is perfectly understood, even when applied to abstract concepts. We cannot say the same for the multitude of suggested replacement terms.

In other words, you may continue seething.
>In other words, you may continue rumblytumblied.
I use FoxReplace to replace a few dozen words here. It's custom censoring and I love it.
Holy projection, redditor!
code of conduct trannies??? they kept up the nazi language!! AIIEE
Go suggest it to your mentally ill friends so I don't need to keep banning them every time they seethe about the word "nigger" in my git repo.
It's the same with actors and movie industry in general.
>Lawson’s work built upon technology licensed from Alpex, and he refined and improved it to create a system where games could be stored on removable ROM cartridges. This innovation enabled users to buy a library of games and provided a new revenue stream for console manufacturers through game sales.
I can't help but notice that you phrase your post the way DEI trannies phrase things, no single person invented anything alone, noticing this fact alone would be enough to thwart this mindrot, but alas.
Have you also removed mirrors in your home to not remind you that you are a man?
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if it didn't matter, why did you fight so much to change it? -100 points for attempting to invert reality. BTW you are the election tourist, whinefag. You invaded this site. /pol/ belongs here and you don't. Anime belongs here and you don't
reads like chatgpt to me
>appeal to hipocrisy
Anon, pointing out hipocrisy only works on intelligent people.
Because it is, you didn't expect me to read whole wikipedia page about him in 2024, did you?
>ITT: retards falling for simple bait in 2024
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you are so obvious
wow lotta mad chuds in this thread lmao
Can you explain what you mean without sounding mad?
>he ran to a search engine for help
what the hell..?
And what does the 'Masters' refer to? Is it perhaps the thing you master?
Is there some problem with that?
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Time to start GNU/Dungeon series of forks to add words like: Master, slave, bound, etc. Change the theme to black with red accents and add fire effects. Clicking makes a whip slap sound. Positive buttons make a feminine "yes master" sound. The negative ones make a feminine "please no" sound. Notifications are delivered in blood inked paper and narrated by a devilish servant who you can slap to shut up.
Master node -> Demon Master
Slave node -> Slave imp
As she should! Any woman not addressimg to her owner as "master" must be corrected.

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