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Why aren't you home, /g/?
>think different. use another same bullshit distro
Yeah I'll never understand this. I just use Linux Mint. Switched over from Fedora on my laptop. I might go back to Fedora with cinnamon. I don't like having multiple distros on my PCs.
Cucked devs
Last time I tried Void I couldn't get KDE to work properly. Their guide is missing in highly specific things you need to do to install things correctly, you have to do everything manually. Tinker tranny distro to make you lose time basically.

I do really like xbps though.
What is the difference between Mint with Cinnamon and Fedora with Cinnamon?
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I am home.
Fedora doesn't block shit on flathub. They're not antisemitic. They don't use Ubuntu kernels which contain spyware. Dnf is faster.
>wants to use a bloated piece of garbage
>kde devs are so retarded it requires an immense amount of configuration and effort just to get it working
>wtf how could the void maintainers do this to me....
because i don't like blm and demented cross-dressing beta males
Why not Debian sid with Cinnamon?
Using KDE is a perfectly normal use case for a Linux desktop.
You are mentally ill, no wonder you use Void.
mint antisemetic?
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I just use Artix. No systemd, and the dev doesn't put up with tranny bait in the forums and keeps the focus entirely on the distro itself.
Is the dev straight?
I don't know, as he keeps the forum 100% focused on the topic of Artix Linux. He doesn't allow identity politics nonsense on there, especially not from trannies. Thats how a distro should be. It should all be about the distro, not the politics of the contributers. Right now if you are right leaning in any way, most distros will kick you out if you try to contribute. A right leaning distro that does the same would be just as bad IMO. I support the devs of Artix because they keep the focus on Artix, and nothing else. As it should be done.
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>They don't use Ubuntu kernels which contain spyware.
ermmm... about that
>Hardware details CPU, graphics, cameras, which peripherals are present.
>System settings The display language, which input methods are used, which accessibility features are enabled.
>Desktop usage patterns Which apps are used, how many open workspaces there are, how often each system settings panel is opened.
>Performance reports Disk and memory usage.
>Evidence of problems Counts of system crashes, OOM events, app crashes.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Desktop usage patterns Which apps are used
>I just use Artix because they validate my tranny derangement syndrome
Because why else would you put up with a hackjob meme distro that just shoehorns in gentoo scripts where they don't belong. A proper distro like Void is designed from the ground up to be systemd free and is so much cleaner because of it.
out YWNBAWing the YWNBAW
impressive tranny
>a proper ditro like void
you have the smallest (fake) clit anon
>Because why else would you put up with a hackjob meme distro
Like Void?
for retards with no taste or engineering sense, yeah.
>or engineering sense
You say this as a rebuttal to the only desktop with a modern graphics/display stack, proper hardware acceleration, and actual HDR support?
>removed Hyprland and Monero because they upset tranny commie feelings
Why do you like xbps?
Where's your DE?
>no software
>HDR support
it sucks, it's flickering and bad
>color picks #FF0000
>gets #FC1A0A
all of that is the responsibility of the display server

left in the past after i stopped being retarded
xbps is the best package manager and nothing else is even remotely close
it impresses me that i've only ever had one breakage, and it was because i know about package holding and threw a wrench into xbps's book keeping by being a fucking retard
didn't know*
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>just shoehorns in gentoo scripts
Overlooking the fact you're a troon, your claim is patently wrong: just as a systemd script (should) work across distros unchanged, so do openrc, dinit, s6 or runit ones. Re-inventing the wheel is stupid.
That said, Artix provides init scripts for all 4 true inits it currently supports, many written in-house. Parabola Linux uses Artix's openrc scripts verbatim, by the way.
arch just works
>tranische maintainers
>banned monero because reasons
>ugly package manager, no colored output
>has no wiki, only static pages hosted by got
>no central leadership, just a maintainer cabal
>xbps-src is just a circumcised version of the AUR or spinning homemade ebuilds
>shlib management is godawful, requires manual intervention if you make homemade xbps packages

Its a good stepping stone to gentoo.
Also they are so deranged, they view reddit and the git issue tracker as an adequate replacement for a forum. Utterly insane.
>use arch on my laptop
>package manager shits it self
>use gentoo
>takes way to long to compile + can't figure out for the life of me how to get wifi working
>use void
>just werks
>tranny devs ban monero and hyprland?
>just compile them your self
as much as void is flawed, i still love it.
This is where I was at, but was fiddle fucking with writing my own xbps-src packages and compiling, deconflicting shlibs etc. Realized gentoo worked for me better. Much less tinkering, and when I had to tinker, it required a lot less manual intervention.
yeah, i don't really poke around with the xbps-src shit. I mostly just grab the source code from github or gitlab and just follow the compiling instructions. If i ever were to switch I'm making my own distro, other shit is either too autistic to understand or doesn't support my ex's chromebook (i run everything of this thing)
Guess I'm switching to Debian. Thanks anon!
>dns is faster
lethal amounts of cope have been administered
dnf* im retarded it's fine
The cool thing about Void is that the founder went completely schizo and then disappeared. Like he disappeared into a void or something.
That's a good thing.
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I am already home anon ^^
kill yourself
they are way too behind on nvidia drivers

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