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>Release Notes
>Trailer iterating over recent milestones

Leave it to /g/ to sleep through the biggest OSS news in months. Freecad is actually usableā„¢ now and comes with a lot of features inherited from the Ondsel project. Noteworthy:
>Lots of UI and UX improvements, like dark and light themes , combo views and smooth camera gliding
>Assembly workbench
>CAM simulator
>Lots of available functions added to the python API
>Sheetmetal Workbench
And more. Really just read the announcement or release notes.

Yes, this is not another rice or curry thread.
fym bump, it's been 3 minutes.

Based beyond belief. Just needs a bit better UI / UX, but the direction is right.
oh shit nigga
Hopefully this is the blender 2.8 moment of CAD, it's been sorely needed
Nice, how does it compare to solidworks for anyone who has tried both? i love some features in freecad that i wish was in solidworks but everything else atleast in the previous freecad versions feel so much clunkier than it
It is.
I want to migrate away from fusion360, should I try it? I never go beyond extruding/fillet/chamfer anyway
Easy to learn for a beginner? I find Fusion 360 too complicated
>I find Fusion 360 too complicated
My condolences but that's already on the retard friendly side and this is quite similiar to Fusion.
You might want to try Plasticity, although that is commercial.
>You might want to try Plasticity
But it's God Tier. Yes, 300 bux aren't that cheap, but also not THAT expensive.
And it runs under linux.
>Topographical naming problem solved in the main branch
Looks like it.
For basic stuff, it was already pretty decent. Just give it a shot since it's free and open source.
Software from companies like AutoCAD and Adobe are only going to get worse and more exploitative over time, so it's best to at least expand your skills.
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>better UI
Just copy Ondsel, dark theme, glas extension, tree view. Very comfy experience.

Might be. CAM has finally an actual preview and sheet metal is available. There's been clear shots towards more professional industries.

I switched "just" due to Fusions cloud shenanigans and for basic stuff it's more than enough. Only exception being fancy curves and spiral stuff. It's ok in Meshes, but in Part Design UX feels very clunky for those applications.
>Software from companies like AutoCAD and Adobe are only going to get worse and more exploitative over time, so it's best to at least expand your skills.
>work in machine shop
>get quote for a perpetual seat of standard Solidworks
>like $4000
>working at different place, startup kinda thing
>get quote for perpetual standard seat of Solidworks
>Yes, 300 bux aren't that cheap
Considering some of the extra functionality the 300$ version offers it's dead fucking cheap.
XNurbs is integrated into Plasticity and the XNurbs plugin for SolidWorks or Rhino alone would cost you around 700$.
>Just copy Ondsel, dark theme, glas extension, tree view. Very comfy experience.
Thanks for the hint.
>XNurbs is integrated into Plasticity and the XNurbs plugin for SolidWorks or Rhino alone would cost you around 700$.
Exactly. Just that XNurbs is not available under Linux. Short rant: Apple should sell MacOS standalone.
>XNurbs is not available under Linux
Damn, didn't know that, I was waiting for them to might give a little Black Friday discount.
If XNurbs isn't supported I'll just stick to FreeCAD.
Blender, KiCad, FreeCAD. FOSS is looking more and more viable.
>FOSS is looking more and more viable
FOSS will need to be or computers and computing will forever be locked down fisher-price cuck-boxes that will deny you anything but paying for subscriptions and railroad you into slop.
I think that this will be the undoing of M$ in the PC space. Enterprise is a different story though.
>I think that this will be the undoing of M$ in the PC space
Inshallah, so God will.
>Enterprise is a different story though.
Take a look at OpenDesk. It's slowly coming together. As gay as the EU is, it does some thing pretty alright.
Enterprise will persist in doing this for as long as it's cheaper to just pay the subscription on top of the cheaper employee who was never educated on how to use any other tool.
If they lose the education into corporate sabotage pipeline, their numbers will decline in enterprise as well.
is there some reason why solvespace/freecad don't have the same intuitive controls as shapr3d/plasticity? Always thought it should be possible to implement it but trying it myself so far has been overwhelming its not a simple python script at least....
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>more and more
It already is. Kicad ate Eagle's lunchmoney and divided the market between itself and Altium. Blender established itself as the universal go to for small and medium projects, but also broke into several hollywood SFX due to mindshare. Freecad might be a lot less in comparison, but as already stated it's more than well enough for basic to semi complicated stuff. All that while running circles around any security or espionage concerns. Watch a few nerds hook the cam tools to some heavier machines and see how Freecad will eat into Solidworks' lunch money as well.
>is there some reason why solvespace/freecad don't have the same intuitive controls as shapr3d/plasticity?
Classic FOSS problem. No offense to FOSS, I'm a freetard myself, but FOSS projects are often one passionate programmer doing the heavy lifting or a team of programmers. No designers. That only happens after the project takes off because now there's a demand, see blender prior and after 2.8.
Commercial programs do need to hit the ground running and bring in money as early as possible so a UX fag is hired and deployed during the conception / design phase of the project instead of it being an afterthought.

TL;DR: GOOD UI/UX designers are expensive
sweet. but i would've gone with 70's porn jazz for the background music.
>is there some reason why solvespace/freecad don't have the same intuitive controls as shapr3d/plasticity?
People willing to join FOSS projects tend to be that kind of autistic that makes it hard to think simple and designing retard friendly UI is actually quite hard.
Plasticity is very much focused on innovating mainly in regard to UI/UX and workflow, this is what they get paid for.
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At that point, just go full city pop.
Most free software are already viable for small, even medium workload. People are just too lazy to learn new stuff. Been using gimp, kdenlive, blender and so forth for my personal projects and I don't miss adobe at all.
>viable for small, even medium workload.
But not large enterprise...yet.
holy shit FreeCAD is actually usable
bye solidworks!
>And it runs under linux.
It's an electron app.
tbf the cad prices are madeup by the sellers, they just charge whatever they feel right of charging you, even shit like i know you have 10 legit license and 5 pirate and i would pretend we not know
freecad has the extra handicap of having so many workbenches, which makes it really difficult to make an iu that works for everything at once
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now that all the CADchads are in one place:

bossman wants me to learn and solid works, local CC offers class in fusion 360. Are they that different I need to worry about the skillset not crossing over? Will my professor notice if I do all the homework in solidworks?
the skillset would be similar. i wont do the homework in solidworks unless the professor approves it, comment him on that, you are an adult you dont need to hide what you try to do
>It's an electron app.
That explains it
I mean blender does too and that didn't stop it.
nah blender doesnt come close to all the diferent somewhat contradictory function that has freecad
>nah blender doesnt come close to all the diferent somewhat contradictory function that has freecad
Of course not, but it still does have sperate workbenches. It'll take some work, but they'll manage.
>If they lose the education into corporate sabotage pipeline, their numbers will decline in enterprise as well.

FUCKING THIS!!!! Too bad academia is in the pocket of these psychopaths.
I don't think that holds particular true anymore. These days eery newbie gets told to stick with part design, maybe parts and maybe maybe spreadsheets or sketcher depending on whom you're asking and newbie's end goals. If he'd still waddle around it's good curiosity.

Meh. Academica is the reason we're having any foothold at all.
I love FreeCad. As a Houdini fag, I feel right at home with their procedural workflow.
>3D-printed 3D-printer
that's lewd
What does Houdini have to do with Freecad? I would've guessed they're completely different applications. Both purpose and workflow.
i am pretty sure that both the arch and fem modules have lots of uses
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I don't get it. in their FEM example, the result is slightly offset at the base, which is supposed to be constrained. and that's in two axes (YZ) - even though force is applied only along Z. I am not a CADfag, but that's weird to me.
I doubt that either is relevant for beginners nor constitutes as something that has to be mastered for the average user.

It's a showoff example. If you keep it inside the model it has those model in model graphic artifacts which just look not that good for a preview.
wait, people are using plasticity for real work and not just hardsurface concepting?
also plasticity is having a bf sale from the 29. 20% off, so if anyone's thinking of purchasing it, hold off for a week.
Houdini is procedural in nature and FreeCad is a parametric CAD modeler.
Procedural modeling and parametric modelling have a lot in common to the point that they felt the same to me. It felt like parametric modelling is a bit restrictive and stricter than procedural modelling but apart from that, the workflow is pretty much similar.
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>It's a showoff example
hm, I guess so. anyway, very cool. I can see they can even do topology optimization. very impressive. adding it to my donation list.
just because it doesn't follow the look and feel of the software you use, doesn't mean it's bad/there's something to be fixed
like having a quick look at your examples, they seem more like art programs such as blender, and is entirely foreign to me who's used to solidworks, while freecad's ui is more familiar and more in line with most cad suites
at least with freecad there's nothing stopping someone developing their own alternative ui/ux for it
Completely missed it yesterday, butt hell yeah! The past few months were already unimaginable levels of improvements. Did they finally add max lofts as well?
in freecad, can parts affect the dimensions of other parts?
like as a simple example, could i attach a bolt to one part, and then have a hole in another part follow the position of the bolt automatically?
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>Leave it to /g/ to sleep through the biggest OSS news in months.
What do you expect /g/dwellers to do with cad, fix their basements?
i get my technology news from /g/, not my fault you didn't post it sooner
>What do you expect /g/dwellers to do with cad, fix their basements?
well actually.. yea. i did draw up the layout of the space under my house to design and place things, such as for example spacing out lights and fans and visualising how things look, optimising the placement of things to make the most of the space, etc
>What do you expect /g/dwellers to do with cad
topologically-optimized, ergonomic dildos with factor of safety 2.0 for those intense goon sessions
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anon, was that you?
lol, but no. this isn't a basement in the sense that it's under ground level, rather the original house is significantly lifted off the ground, so we built in underneath it, but still overground
owo whats this. I have the autodesk student free version thingy

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