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ITT we laugh at dumbass technologies that never took off
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>why yes I would like to make my website 10 times for complicated for no reason
what? mongodb gets a ton of use anon
I like SQL.
But over time I've come to realize that the pure, normalized, relational data model itself sucks massive ass for tons of use cases and that a document centric model fits way more use-cases way better.
Imagine if we stored our code that way, in a normalized relational data store.
That would be extremely retarded. But relation DBs get constantly used for things that are way more document-like.
never used MongoDB btw
I'm trans and I use MongoDB
but mongodb is cloud scale?!
Field => json data that you can read.
at that point I'd rather just use a file
proprietary garbage
>b-but SSPL is free
no, it's not
it restricts users from running proprietary programs on their machines, which, depending on a definition, may also include BIOS/UEFI
Yeah, mongo DB can be scaled more efficiently than SQL.

I worked for a highly successful SaaS company that uses MongoDB

hi trans! I'm also trans and I use Arch btw
I use a mix of nosql and sql, most of the stuff is in sql but some of the stuff is in nosql when i know there wont be complex relationships involved.

It's almost like im not a fucking retard like 99% of the people on this board.
>Look at this cool no-sql DB
>It's just SQL but a single JSON column per table.
>Even has b-tree indexes
>Nearly zero support for any major framework except node
I wonder why it failed.
This. I don't want to support cuckware like that in any way.
Right, you can go full autist and have a perfectly normalized SQL schema that is a complete PITA to use, or you can denormalize it where it makes sense because you have some confidence in what the usage patterns are going to be and the tradeoffs make sense.
In the real world, plenty of people stuff JSON payloads in their postgres database to do something similar to what MongoDB claims to offer, usually with vastly better performance and scalability.
What's the suckless alternative to SQL again?
actually I decided to read the license and noticed that it's incompatible with ANY piece of free software
>If you make the functionality of the Program or a modified version available to third parties as a service, you must make the Service Source Code available via network download to everyone at no charge, under the terms of this License
>you must make the Service Source Code available under the terms of this License
>Service Source Code must be available under the terms of SSPL, which is impossible for GPL code of GNU and Linux
how fucking hostile to free software you have to be to write this piece of shit?
It's like AGPL but even worse. I really dislike both, they are only used to prevent people from making their own changes.
nah it's good, just look at Gabbai or TRVTH and see how they comply with it
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over-engineered piece of shit. Imagine clients having to pay $50,000 for a simple integration.
the file-system in general and text files specifically
want to store more complicated things?
write a parser

>reddit invented paragraphs

Go back, retardditor
I don't like not having a guarantee that certain fields are set, or what type of value they're supposed to.
>they are only used to prevent people from making their own changes.
Are you a AWS employee Anon? because otherwise that's some fucking crazy levels of Stockholm syndrome.
>Imagine if we stored our code that way, in a normalized relational data store.
thats basically what DoD/ECS is and it makes code way faster and efficient
That isn't what ECS does, in theory you can combine ECS with DoD but in practice nobody does; also in general it doesn't make code way faster unless your working with thousands upon thousands of objects which is almost exclusive to game development.
>suckless alternative to SQL
>Tutorial D, pq, BigTable, plain old hierarchical filesystems.
Wrong, you normalize the db as best as you can then build views and procedures to make it easier on the devs that will use it.
ME*N is one of the most popular stacks in web dev.
Node isn't a framework retard. That said it works with a lot of different web servers, JavaScript bros just made it super easy thanks to Mongoose.

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