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What was the appeal?
pretty cool
you'd understand if you had more sports cars ingrained in your brain
Right when PC gaming got a little more mainstream and was a lot more public, Alienware and many SI’s at the time tailored their marketing to being as visible as possible to the masses, offering the premium pc gaming experience but without the diy hobbyist aspect of it.

They made it accessible to everyone as a retail product. Before that era, not Alienware as a brand but specifically the time you saw those types of alienwares, if you wanted a gaming pc built for you, you usually had to deal with a salesperson or a pc store tech.
They look fun! Art deco retro-futurism car-design kitsch poured with mtn dew. Wish I had one.
mid 2000's aesthetics
It was fun.
I loved how this specific case looked
couldn't bear the 'ware huh?
remember the "pc master race" shit?
back when people took that seriously instead of fed/psyop stuff?
ayy lmao
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It looks cool. Retard. that's a stupid question
Poorfag filter
Beat me to it kek
That makes two of us, fren.
they were cheap
pre-built with high specs, including a legit GPU. No big companies were doing that at the time. You'd build one or get someone (or a small shop) to build you one locally
that was it, really. the unique aesthetic was just a status thing because they were expensive. Most people didn't actually think the aesthetics were good on their own
Include me on that too, like-minded brothers.

Edit: Hehe, thanks for the gold, kind stranger!
Edit 2: Wow, more gold... That makes at least 5 of us...
Edit 3: I didn't expect this post to blow up so much, thanks everyone who upvoted!
They just looked so cool and fun
and before Dell bought them, they were actually really good fully specced top tier, you literally could not find their specs in any other prebuilts
Then Along came Dell and it all went to shit
it's like SGI gaud but aliens instead
and affordable
Same here fren
Man I had one of those light green ones for years. Loved that little guy.
Killed the custom built market at the time. Only the best priced companies survived that slaughter. Before dell bought them Alienware had decent quality parts, back then alot of parts even for a diy build where shoddy at best but at least it was somewhat affordable.
There is an additional thing.
Every pre-built PC had the problem that you weren't allowed to open the case or god forbid, change anything in the hardware configuration, else your warranty would immediately expire.
Alienware was the first company that allowed you to open the case and change any hardware that had a bright green frame or sticker. So if you wanted an upgradeable pre-built PC, Alienware was the way to go.

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