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This has been out for around 8 1/2 years or so now, what does /g/ overall think about it? I use it on the daily, I'm on it all the time and I have friends there so I can't really escape it. I like being sociable and this is really the only way to do it. I hate joining new discords. I hate normies, I can't stand so many fuckers making a discord and thinking they are special.

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fully replaced by matrix
>inb4 muh mossad boogeyman
>is a normalfag loser
>I hate normies
I would use matrix if I Could convince like 300 people to do it. I'd have no one to go there with. When discord dies and people move to a new platform, let's hope it's matrix.

TBF anon, it's cause my friends are normies or they also have normies as friends, so its easier to setup shop in 1 area then go to the mountains and expect people to travel to me. I've been on 4chan too god damn long to be a normie. Sometimes I wish I didn't know this site existed. I wish I could be normal. I am too "Weird" for average people. I've been told this. Tho I'm still confused.
Because there's no one that matches my personality to talk to, specially not females.
say nigger
I hate to break it to you but if your "friendship" breaks apart over switching to a different messenger then they weren't your real friends anyway
>t. pisscord mod
time to leave


they wouldn't but it would be harder to get ahold of them
>download link in my discord server, join now
>please verify phone number to see the channels
>time to leave
No point
sadly, as much as I hate this feature, I get it. It's to stop spammers.

I feel that.
Stop spammers from downloading files in a read-only channel?
in general, it slows down bots mostly. I was in a discord a few weeks back and we had a massive raid where assholes were spamming nigger, CP and everything they could. Took the dumbass mod team of the discord 20 minutes to settle it all down when it would have taken me 2 minutes.
A totally creative question, never asked before
why thank you anon, i totes love you man
Discord is a scam. Every jew I know has 7-12 private discord servers and posts 1000+ times in another 7-12 server every day. It glows brighter than the Sun.
im gonna need more context dude
I'm like the biggest discord hater but folded once I actually found a few people I actually get along with (I'm lonely af, never had friends and never will again if I dont take this), I hate it, discord is the facebook, of the internet, but nobody can ever decide where to move so laziness wins in the end.
I hate how much discord has taken over the internet these days. I get why but I don't trust it as far as I can throw it deal. several discords have told me that if I wanna get into the "Adult" section I have to show them my ID and I told them that ain't happening and 1 person I knew from another server said, "I don't know if you ARE an adult because you dont have the adult tag so I don't know if you're lying"

like faggot are you serious? Why in your ever loving mind would you give your ID even the smallest bit to some random person on the internet?
it ruined gaming
why do you know so many jews anon? hmmm?
Never used it? Is it like ICQ?
>is required to game
>blocks you
>can't game
It's used by pedos and trannies exclusively
Its vocaroo + whatsapp mixed into one program, after the streaming feature was added its just extremely good, its so good that Slack copied them and made way more money by abandoning their stupid gamer marketing.

People here shit on it but its far, far above the previous competition and thats why it got big. I would hate to go back to Teamspeak or Vocaroo. Like every other modern social media it comes at the cost of your privacy but if you actually care about privacy you shouldnt be using literally any non FOSS software anyways.
So youre telling me I can just spin up a low effort discord shill it on those sites, a harvest IDs easily to sell off to scammers and that's a socially acceptable activity to be engaging in according to normalfags?
Clown world burn it all down, I dont even do phone verify on anything, I dont have big tech mails either. Isn't that against TOS, isn't it illegal? I'm pretty sure verification for your fucking discord server wouldn't hold up as a reason in court when your account gets hacked and all of them leak out and get abused. Then you wonder why people dont care when they do it platform wide (like google), theyre literally begging for it.
Also please stop joining discords or whatever platforms in hopes you'll find friends, that only works for normalfags, the publicly accessible and shilled places basically never have any worthwhile people, it'll always go badly its not worth getting into that shit, total waste of time at best, if not you someone else needs to hear it.
Steam has streaming, works pretty well I use it often.
went from good to bad
Everyone I care about is on signal / XMPP. Gdprd this shit years ago.
All money they get is probably investment money. Lot of it comes from jannnis buying nitro every month. They do work with the feds and glow niggers cause it was desgined to catch pedos and that. App is full of weird mfers and depressed attention seekers. Its really the only place everyone hangs in for now till their service is gone and god i hope it does dissapear cause having to use it to send messages and do calls makes me feel like i got an uncurable cancer.
And yeah why the fuck does everyone feel the need to make a server out of every thing that exists. My dog died lets make a discord server.
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Discord simply came in at a very opportune time in a market that was not at all exploited.
Before Discord your options for online chat/voice chat were very limited. Surprisingly limited, actually, for 2015.
Before that, what were your options? Mumble? Teamspeak? IRC? Skype? msn messenger? (lol)
Each was a pain in the ass to set up, a pain to use, and limited in scope.

For zoomer nuchanners which have no memories prior to 2016, here is a number of things which are taken for granted now which were not at all the norm at the time, which were largely introduced by Discord:
>phone app
>easy to set up (it takes 30 seconds to create a server and invite your friends to it, this alone promulgated discord to the forefront within months)
>chat persistence when you're disconnected
>easy role management
>automatically embedded images/videos
>custom emoticons
>available either as a desktop application or a web application

Everything you associate with Discord (its so-called "culture", groomers, whatever) is just a side effect of you having no friends, and having to make do with public discords, which, like all public chatrooms, are trash.
It's a little sad... but self inflicted and therefore quite amusing, like all chud torment.
Yeah Discord was a god send when it came out. I remember my friends bouncing back and forth between Steam and Skype, whichever one was working that day, in order to play games. Then Discord came out and I immediately told them to download it right then and there, and it was amazing.
I've been using it daily for many years. We have a server with a bunch of boomers/decent people and we keep the server closed down so it doesn't get banned.


I dont like kids, & 90% of trannies are annoying

/g/ hates tech unless they can get into its code; even then there's no reason to. Most /g/tards don't code, don't dig into files, they just want a reason to complain.

A. Yeah sadly you can. People believe it too, but it IS illegal and Discord isn't doing anything about it. Oh dude, this 1 server told me that you send it to a bot, then the bot "securely" deletes It. LMAO I don't trust some random faggot on the internet with my ID at ALL I barely trust the GOV what makes you think I trust a stranger with this?
>finding friends
No no anon, I knew these people beforehand. If I join a discord there's a specific reason. I have less than 20, most of the time. Right now I'm in only 11. 4 are mine, for various things while 1 of them I admin cause the owner is a fucking idiot who can't computer to save his life.

B. I honestly forget that Steam has streaming, I don't know anyone who uses it. Not saying they shouldn't just that I never see it. Seriously, we need to use it more. It's not bad.

Something about this app screams, "I'm sending you illegal photos"
I like it but it feels wrong.

So years ago, I made a server based on the concept of how a mall works. I invited friends and people from around different sites and told them that they are welcome to use my discord for this idea. Then discord made categories. I figured out real fast that with categories, you can make them into mini discords. Works GREAT. But no one uses this idea. I gave it to a few people. My discord never took off. I deleted it within 2 years.

I still respect skype but I don't know anyone who actively uses it. Most people either text or call me on my number, messenger (PC ONLY now) or msg me on discord

I call it the closed door effect.

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