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the sort of chips companies producing in the 1980's can be made in your garage
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may I see it?

It could theoretically be done but it'd be hard as hell.
I absolutely dread to think that people like this actually exist, this shit is akin to flat earthers breathing through their mouths in public.
don't worry the king's pact binds them
youtubers have made chips in their garage before
just because you can't do it doesn't mean it was done by aliens lmaohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IS5ycm7VfXg
Very cool. That's 1200 transistors vs the 29,000 in the intel chip from 1979 though. Regardless, thanks for the video. Neat to see how he's able to do it at home.
If some literal who YTer hobo can make a 1200 trans chip at home, then I'm sure a big corp can manage 29k in the 80s. The point still stands, some fag YTers can do it, nothing AY LMAO CONSPIRACY about it.
I'm not the aliens guy. I wanted to see what was actually being made in the 70's/80's vs. what people could actually do in their garage. Pretty big difference. I completely agree with you.
Skill issue.
Trick rock into thinking always gets me
It could be made in a garage if you kept an alien in your garage sure
i'm one of those 15 people. there's always 15 btw, when one dies we initiate a new one into the fold.
>globetard is also an insufferable dunning kruger redditor
It's all about scale in the end, not specifically the skills or knowledge, at least not on the base level.
If I remember right AMD once stole one of Intels design by analyzing one of their CPUs in the lab, simply looking at how it's build, back when that was still possible. The base idea behind a microchip isn't that weird when you think about it, what's fucking insane is how people make them today, and on what scale.
The only thing being initiated in any fold associated with you is your musty, sweaty body soil and your triple chin neck folds.
SICK REPLY BRO! Mind if I add you in snapchat? You sound like a real swell and funny guy!
Sure it's @osmaster!_Jordan
Nah bro just take your multi billion dollar chip fab knowledge and develop a microchip that'll permaban me from the internet.
Nobody here questions the vital institutional collaboration necessary to bring our chips to life.
oh yea the internet, that's just the containment board for the omninet, i'd rather you say here tyvm.
all me btw
posted from my brand new samsung s30 super early adopter edition
You can easily google the people designing these??
But why would aliens know how to do this? At some point they’d have to be primitive like us do how they figure it out?
machines make the chips
i didn't know they used chemicals and light through magnifiers to get it so small though
My Dad told me computer chips were made by aliens in the 90's.
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Not only that, but people need to realize how important packaging is becoming, getting more complex as time goes on. End of the day it's probably nothing compared to making nm small transistors, but to think that people can combined multiple chips in all kinds of fancy ways, including stacking them is neat.
negative nm, using advanced physics.
Aliens taught them
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PEAK human engineering
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He posted that video 3 years ago, got 2 million views, could've made a small fortune as a youtuber but instead vanished off the face of the earth. Not helping your argument
>/g/ - Paranormal
Might you be a Time traveler?
he tried to start his own company
I think a good benchmark for complexity achievable by a puny human would be the redstone computers that get put together in minecraft, since they're a relatively close analog to putting something together with copper wires and duct tape.
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I wonder what happened between 84 and 87.
I could build a processor in bread board. Most people can. Not draw it on a huge paper. Then on that, you put 3 materials, p, n, p in the places you drew. Clean up. Same thing, now, miniaturize it, you got a processor for your phone.
using current day technology is cheating
photolithography is literally just chemistry and optics. it's photography except with metals and the exposure method is different.
I don't think it's cheating to use whatever makes it cheapest for you
>current day technology
none of it looks high tech and look like it could exist pre-2000 in the same form

honestly it's impressive http://sam.zeloof.xyz/second-ic/

his website claims he started a chip-making company https://atomicsemi.com
I've been to taiwan on a highschool trip. It's a nice place, but the factories were disgusting
> processor on a breadboard
that processor would still be usable today for everyday tasks if it weren’t for things like XML, Python, and 10 MB “web pages” that run billions of lines of javascript to print hello world (e.g. Angular)
trying to think about how a modern cpu is made with no prior knowledge is like skipping to level 1,000,000 in a puzzle game you've never played before and concluding that it is impossible
there is plenty of information out there to learn how we got to this point, there's a good century or so of progress to get to where we are
This is absolutely an astroturfed conspiracy theory just like flat-eartherism, run by hostile foreign intelligence agencies to try and tarnish the reputation of people in the West who work in the computer and aeronautics industry, respectively.

neat video. Here's a game that guides you through all the logic necessary to go from a simple NAND gate to a full computer:
is it round?
may I see it
shit bait
What the fuck else would you have a garage for? Cars? Utterly deranged.
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>the Talmud says the Earth is flat, therefore it must be true, Goyim
>Give it up Goyim, computers can only be made in Tel Aviv because we have access to alien tech, Moses was given NAND gates inscribed on lithium wafers
>if you disagree you will be sent to the tzoah rotschat and suffer in boiling excrement, just like J.C.
ok rabbi
>a hot plate is "current day technology"
whatever you say, retard.
Nothing, they went from 1000nm to 800nm which is a pretty normal development considering the years before
>may I see it
Yes. Watch a sunset. Use sun-safe glass to observe the apparent size of the Sun doesn't change from sunrise to noon to sunset. Travel to the southern hemisphere and observe the stars rotating around an apparent point in the sky to the south.
What was the question?
>humans can put 40 billion transistors on a chip the size of your little finger
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Small increments add up.
Well, machines do it.
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is it flat?
Will you use your superior knowledge of Earth's shape to make infinite profit by founding airline that flies routes which the sphere cucks cannot even imagine?
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You see how that microscope is able to zoom in to the point where it can see the individual gates?
Basically that level of optics and UV light.
The fucking thing you are using to SEE the chip in minute detail is what allows humans to make it.
With a video editor, duh. You can see at 0:27.
fucking hell this is like /x/ creepy
>retard actually answers
You can see it. People in ancient times already knew earth was a globe because they could see the ships far away appearing in view mast-first. Of course to see that you'd need to get out and touch grass, which explains why terminally online people claim the earth is flat.
i made one of these
>can be made in a "garage"
>"garage" has at least a million dollars worth of lab equipment in there
the knowledge of how to make these was given to us by greys in exchange for us allowing them to abduct humans.
this is why human technology exploded out of nowhere in just 20-30 years when the vast majority of our history was us doing nothing.
Stupid rock, blinded by paper.
Now scissors, that's someone I can get behind.
>all growth in the universe is exponential
>but not knowledge, must be the ayys
another variation of the story is that humans were close to figuring it out anyway, but were tricked by the ayys and given inferior tech.
Is this fake? Looks fake.
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The Madoka story

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