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>all x870 boards get cucked out of m2 slots due to USB C
>28cl for ram above 32gb is dead
>arrow lake is a complete flop yet still manages to have better motherboards than zen 5%
>5090 will cost at least 2k MSRP

What the FUCK is going on?
AMD couldn't let InteL take the L alone.
Even though Nvidia is completely irrelevant to me, yes, it's all still insane.
You should be able to run a lot of 10gb USB c connections off of the lanes needed for a single m2 slot.
Just in time for.. well.. uh..
>Maxed out my desktop for the TDP
>Boughted a laptop, maxed it out on storage and RAM
>Boughted two more laptops as backups, maxed those out too
I picked the perfect time to hit endgame, huh?
>needing more than 2 m.2 slots
>autistically caring about non ECC memory
>more bitching
Nice thread OP
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I have to store spoiled milk somewhere faggot
it means the macbook is better since the m4max is faster than amd & intel’s flagship cpu’s then consoles for gaming because you would have to spend over three thousand dollars for 60fps and textures that look marginally better
>you could only tell by a x25 zoom on a puddle
the rog panels are not that great
the best out of the box accuracy is the alienware 4k oled or the lgc4 42”
Buy an external HDD for your porn, no idea what your made up use-case will be for more than 2 m.2 drives worth of storage.
>5090 will cost at least 2k MSRP
Only retards buy the flagship GPU.
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Could have just said you live in poverty
looking at the spec difference for 50 series it will probably be more like only retards by the 80 class card
5080 is rumored to be over 1500
pc gaming is dead for the average family. for the cost of a pc with the 5080 and 265k, one married couple can buy five consoles of either the playstation, xbox, or nintendo
>saving porn
Subhuman detected.
porn is fucking hot and im tired pf people acting like sex is negative. sex is natural
nta yeah , but instead of porn just have real sex
I don't save porn (not that it's a bad thing to do, you're a faggot for thinking so), but that's the only reason people want massive storage, we can all stop pretending to believe otherwise.
Subhuman confirmed.
>all x870 boards get cucked out of m2 slots due to USB C
You know that X870 is just a revised B860E it only has one PCH?
>28cl for ram above 32gb is dead
Nobody expect some memory number-chasing-fags gives a shit.
>arrow lake is a complete flop yet still manages to have better motherboards than zen 5%
Z890 only has four more PCIe 4.0 lanes on its PCH over dual, daisy chained-PCH setup under X870E. Both Arrow Lake and Zen4/Zen5 have the same PCIe connectivity out of the I/O on the CPU package.
Both platforms are completely outclasses by their Xeon W and Threadripper counterparts at I/O connectivity.
sex is natural
porn isn't, subhuman.
porn is literally sexual content
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sexual content on a screen != having sex
One is something humans have done since the beginning of time, the other is absolute degeneracy.
They are not the same.
arrow lake boards are still better kek. you unironically get more features for less money as far a board segmentation is concerned
I still don't know what the use case is for consumer
10gbe over usb-c?
i still dont know what the use case is for consumer for nvme either
It's voyeurism. A disgusting, disgraceful fetish.
no its not
sex is fucking hot
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>90 will cost at least 2k MSRP
dude thats way to much compared to previous gen geforce flagships
I agree, but the thing is there isn't a huge generational difference in computers any more. You can still run everything fine with a decent build from 5+ years ago, at least at 1080p. Back in the 90's through the 00's this was kind of impossible, anything 5 years old was basically obsolete. These days buying a top end card unless you specifically need it for something is probably a waste of money, where as before it was more or less required to upgrade every few years.
It doesn't excuse 2k for a consumer card but its basically a pure luxury purchase at this point.
i disagree with the part that five years is not a of lot of time in tech in modern times. the last intel macbook pro was five years ago (2019), and now the current macbook pro fully specced out chip is faster than intel’s and amd’s chips

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