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How to request advice:
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference and music examples
>Past gear and your thoughts on them

>Where do I buy IEMs?
Amazon, Aliexpress, Linsoul, Hifigo, Shenzhenaudio

>Shopping Guide (IEMs, Cables, Ear Tips, etc.):

>EQ Guide (Measurements, Targets, Equalizer, etc.):

>/iemg/ Proto-Blog/Wiki

>Frequency Response Graph Tool

>Budget Wire Over-Ear IEMs:
• EPZ Q1 Pro / G10 (Harman) - $35
• TRN Conch (bright V) - $35
• Kefine Klean (bassy neutral) - $50
• Simgot EA500LM (bright V) - $90

>Bullet IEMs:
• Final E500 (dark) - $25
• Tanchjim One DSP (neutral) - $30
• Etymotic ER2XR (neutral) - $100

>Flathead Earbuds:
• Blue Vido (warm) - $5
• Faaeal Iris 2.0 (warm) - $10

• Fosi Audio DS2 2024 (CS43131) - $45
• Tanchjim Space - $90
• Qudelix 5K - $110

• HiBy R1 - $85
• Hifi Walker H2 / Surfans F20 (Rockbox) - $120
• FiiO JM21 - $200
• HiBy M300 - $200
• Hidizs AP80 Pro-X - $200

Previous thread: >>103260035
Galaxy Buds FE
Fox edition?
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Not sure where to ask this, but
rode podmic vs audio technica AT2020 vs other?
for voice calls and recording guitar
>Clean output & seamless Bluetooth connection.
>Effortlessly drive planar with that tiny size.
>Can act as DAP (akin to ipod nano) albeit only support up to 32gb SD Card.
>8 hours continuous use of battery life.
either are fine. i've used a rode nt usb for over 6 years
that halftone printing on the lego looks cheap and low res...or maybe....its a fake copy?? i mean, you cant be so sure with chinkshit.
concluding the /iemg/ bass poll because votes stopped coming in.

total mud victory.
>only 38 posters
actual dead general, transjim killed /iemg/
I got the dunu lyre mini for only $33aud during 11.11 but it is so micro-phonic it is unusable. This is a shame because every single aspect of the cable is premium as fuck, it would be a 10/10 if not for the micro-phonics. So what I am going to do is cut the fabric sheathe off it and find out what is underneath, will report back here fellas.

Also I think the oriental brothers at Hakugei fucked up their black friday sale pricing for pic related, paid $51aud total. The black friday price was removed only a few hours after the sale started lol.
>asano judgement day culling
so based
so like $5 usd, gotcha
Weird to have pride in currency lad, is there anything you yourself have done to be proud of?
cumming into my own mouth while standing, pretty good party trick
Wow, that's impressive, how did you do that?
I yield anon, you have my respect
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>The subbass rumble is a bit too much for me
update, I cant bring myself to cut open the cable. It feels wasteful.
Just resell it bro
lol reasonable, shame you wasted the money on it. funny enough i saw headfiers arguing about it because one guy claimed not to hear any microphonics, so he said the other guy must have gotten a "defective," cable. god headfiers are deaf...
cloth-covered cables are the dumbest shit for iems. terribly noisy
>tfw i've imbalance ears
How to fix this :(
This helped me when I had allergies
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Based action €4.99 endgame 'phones
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Whad the fugg DDD:
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Plutus Beast is the new meta.
link it coward
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might get this
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Nice vocals and mids, below average bass. That thing's low end sounds powdery as hell.
Resoulution is alright. Shocker I know, considering this thing only has AAC decoding
so...should i get it?
Its good for the price
it's overrated.
every moondrop TWS i've ever bought including this one has the max volume set so unbelievably low it's disgusting.
i don't know why chang hates volume control so much, every other TWS i've ever had is double the default volume of moondrop ones.
>Asano lego's already gone
Maybe next time...
Depends on your budget and sound preference. For something less than 20 bucks the Space Travels punches above its weight in audio and build quality. That thing can compete with some budget wired IEMs like the Wan'ers (Wanker) and even Chu 2.
Also, Spacetravels are tuned to neutral. If you like something with punchier bass go for TWS stuff from Soundcore.
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This thing too. Space Travels have very low volume gain and will EASILY distort if you push that thing above its limits, like in Wavelet for example.
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Just how bad can they be?
Can someone tell me what are dongles for?
Like, when would I need one?
when yo phone got no hea'one jak
you plug one in it cuh
you need negative preamp to avoid clipping
Reviews say they're pretty good. And they're the only reasonable planar tws at that price
piss off nigger. such a waste
Why are you so aggressive, I'm just bouncing off reviews I've read.
Nigga wrong thread
Whoa... thanks
they typically have better sound quality than built in audio like from a pc motherboard or a smartphone. low output impedance, SINAD, linear phase filter (only some dongles have linear phase like CX31993 or specific models of CS43131/CS43198 based dongles like FiiO KA2, FiiO KA5, moondrop dawn pro allow you to manually select the filter using their android app)
i own them, they're good.
but for the price you're better off getting denon perl pro if you just want the best TWS audio quality. if you care about transparency/ANC features more then get samsung
Sounds like a plot to a really bad porn parody movie
what would pos porn look like...
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Terrible. They don't even have wires.
What IEM should I get kikkass bass under 20$? I am planning on getting KZ EDX Pro. The graphs shows it has the better bass than most IEMs under 20 burgers.

Based. I have pic attached in my thirdie shithole it has better bass than Truthear Gate which costed 5 times more lol
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pic related
coomdrop was way too based for their own good
inside the rabbit hole
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I bit the bullet and ordered HiBy W3 II. I read that it can be used as both USB-C and Bluetooth DAC, so if one fails to work and my device I can rely on other.
Can anyone already owning one of these tell me how bad is the audio latency using Bluetooth? I hope it's nothing more than 250ms.
my god that brings back childhood memories
Explain why I SHOILDNT get the ie200.
>• EPZ Q1 Pro / G10 (Harman) - $35
Is this still accurate?


Doesn't even mention it.
The epz is good. Conch and Simgot aren't. Gate is a cheap pos that should be $5 at most.
IE100 Pro is better and half the price
Reminder if you own more than 2 IEM you are addicted
are there measurements of that one
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he's trolling you, ie100 isn't either half the price or good
Oh that doesn't look so the bass actually looks‐
Holy fukk that's a lot of bloat
I'm addicted to fox IEM.
My second pair is on the way. Got the Zero2 first, was blown away, now I'm going to try the Q1 Pro for a different sound signature.
May go for something more neutrally tuned next.
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>asano lego already sold out
Daily reminder that not listening to good music renders your pos collection virtually worthless
I only listen to real music
I had one of these for a week
the bluetooth worked fine as well as the USB connection
didn't support bluetooth multipoint so I returned it
100 euros
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference and music examples
Didn't get it
>Past gear and your thoughts on them
Kz ZSN Pro - I don't have much to complain about, I like the sound. The only thing that sometimes I miss is a better distinction between instruments that orbit in similar frequencies. Sometimes the sharp cymbal mixes too much with other instruments, lacking clarity. But overall I like it.

Coomdrop Space Travel - I would say that the kz zsn pro still pleases me more than this one. Even costing more, I feel that the spacetravel does not deliver even 20% of what KZ delivers. Not to mention the weak bass, lack of acoustic isolation (KZ without ANC can isolate better than the spacetravel with ANC on lmao). Overall I feel that the sound has no "soul", the basses of Kz better fill the sound, which makes it more "full".
Kefine Kleam
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kinda looks like a dusk analog. i guess the dsp cable would work
>Not giving money to crin
>No Moondrop QC
Seems worth it
everyone is happy with the EDC Pro now
only addict chinks keep chasing the dragon or waifu baits
Why do I hate Crinacle again /iemg/?
He's obese
Does it really sound similar to DUSK (analog) tho?
is 32gb mp3 player plus 64gb enough for flac how much music will I be able to hold and how much to leave space wise for playlists
like elo
I have EDC Pro and it just sounds like shit I dunno what else to tell ya
Hes way too sucessful
liar or deaf I dunno what else to tell ya
it has a similar driver config so probably more than other IEMs
I have 1130 songs mostly in FLAC in my DAP. It takes up 30GB. Note that your mp3 player system could take up extra space too, so it's not fully 32+64. So yeah, it depends on your music library.
If I'm aiming for a neutral tuning on a budget, can I do any better than the 7hz Zero 2 and EQing out some mid bass?
get the wanker sex edition
Sound differences between common budget 1DD recs are marginal. They perform well and can take EQ. Fit comfort and stability are more important factors dependent on your individual ear anatomy, meaning you'll just have to try them. Overall Zero2 does not rank highly for wide appealing fit. Common complaints are that the nozzle is too short and the shell is not ergonomically designed.
Cancel and order Q5k instead.
not any insane cable deals, but this Shadow Warrior is lower than 11.11's City Hunter (sick names chang)
>store coupon: 7YLJ8OE39HE8
>+ RHH site coupon
oh and it can be found in coins section for extra % off
>Crap microphonic cable that needs to be swapped (and needs to be swapped with IEx00 series specific connection to fit, not universal MMCX)
>Dumb nozzle vent design that needs to be taped over to prevent massive bass leak
>Flimsy shit stock eartips
>Terribly cheap plastic shell that feels worth $10
>Just look at the rest of Amazon reviews, bet it's labeled as Frequently Returned Item too (for all the reasons above, + one side randomly dying as consistent issue across their whole IE line-up, including the more expensive ones)
it’s 32gb and comes with a 64gb sd card
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Opinions? I'm considering buying it during the promo.
Okay, well idk how wide your library collection is. You tell me if it's fine or not.
oh how could i forget to talk about the sound. low resolution one-note bass, flat vocals, and retarded upper treble boost for the hearing impaired
NiceHCK or Tripowin (Zonie specifically) for me, sorry.
it's /iemg/'s number one pos over 30 kz life cycles. simply the GOAT (or FOX if you will)
I found it uncomfortable for my ears. Replacing cable helped, but that slight bump on the top which usually is made for comfort did not fit me well.
It's the best iem money can buy simply because EPZ will put your waifu on the faceplates.
I own so many i'm almost afraid to show them.
just like another meme - CCA CRA their sound very fucking metallic. I did EQ them a bit so they don't sound that awful but it's still meh... Tho I guess for their price it's fine? Dunno why anyone would buy them instead of Q1 or something
uncustomizable cables, yikes
literally a reseller lmao
What do you mean uncustomizable? How do you customize cables?
different lengths, with or without earhooks, different hardware, interchangeable plugs, bare wire, etc
What manufacturer even offers this.
put waifu on the faceplate or not worth
Can someone explain how they print it on the faceplate?
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a highly skilled but underpaid painter renders your waifu 1:1 on the plate before shipping it to you
xinhs, ivipq, zisin, and to a lesser degree yongse
which manufacturers are willing to put a waifu on a faceplate?
are IEMs just cope?
softears and epz
cope for what?
IEM are like the anti cope.
Huge headphones are the cope of the audio world.
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I don’t have the Q1 Pro but KZ is starting to get close man…(took them long enough)
IEMs are on a borrowed time until we get lossless no latency TWS with on-board PEQ. Thanks bluetooth for being total dogshit I guess. Headphones on the other hand are fully obsolete.
>$60 for a cable
ifi go pods exist
Not lossless, no PEQ, high latency.
2 weeks from now bros, I'm sure of it.
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Softears sell you $100 per bellsing BA.
At least they use knowles and sonion, overpriced nonetheless.
It's been a while they've started to get close.
i redeemed for less than $10
Hakuya? More like HAWK TUAH LMAO
best iems to watch arcane season 2?
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It will arrive in two weeks, yes.
Sadly the 350T suck.
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Does this count as fox IEM?
Cheap and good. Using them rn. No waifur plate but maybe one day, the default looks neat as well.
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>western IEM with western 2d on the box
come on guys, we can do better then this
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Yuk. Kimoi. The west can't compete.
You guys are talmbout EQ but if I want to use my POS to listen to analog music when how do I apply EQ?
>he fell for the analog meme
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are the 7hz crinigger zero2's still worth it?
no, mogged by tanch bunny
LMAO bnuny has no subbass
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it's not because it's not elevated to nigger levels that there's no subbass
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Zero2 objectively has too much bass if you're actually following the recent meta.
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Lmao this is just the 2nd sample on squig.
This one is ass although I wonder if I'm autistic enough to buy a graphic eq with balanced inputs/outputs and multiple preset options just to listen to vinyl records every once in a while.
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nice. better cable than most other budpos
All made in China
DB2 girl clears. Nicehck needs to use her more.
she cute
Uh oh...
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asano likes long pins O.O
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>the cables Tanchjim sells are (Rated) X and R
it's too bad YDX and YDSmall sound like absolute tin heap gas station trash since the cable and waifu are good.
meh it's just bright. budpos have a very low ceiling of fidelity anyways. listening to vocals is fine
any similar priced buds (or cheaper) like yincrow x6, vido, any faaael offering, is just going to sound better.
don't know of any budpos enjoyer that actually recommends the ydx to anyone because even by flatbud standards the sound is poor.
Will they fall out if I use them for running and other cardio workouts?
Apologize right now.
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I would take the YDX over all of those you mentioned simply because the cable is that much better. Getting any of these based purely on sound quality isn't something I'd do.
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It’s a little exaggerated sure but Bunny looks to have a deficiency maybe.
If it was deep insertion it wouldn’t be as concerning.
But the bass looks to be less than even my Libra X
Holy guacamoly
bro those are pos. i mog you 100x over newfag
All this shit combined for like $250 max. Could have gotten a single good pos with that shit.
And it wll die just as fast as a cheap pos.
i kinda agree with this. rosemary has a decent cable, but i paid 1/3 the price for ydx and it's still better
the bigger the box and the cuter the girl = the better the IEM
This is your brain on kzqkzcca
>revised cra
I kneel
I can't find the bnuny's on AliExpress. Where are they available?
>white vido
How does it compare to the blue one?
I really enjoy mine and was thinking about getting another one, maybe in different color (and therefore, sound).
Just buy something else like I did. Tanchtards decided it was a good idea to announce something then not release it for two months (and counting).
dunno if this is the right thread to ask but im looking for new TWS In Ears
i lost my SoundPeats Free 2 Classic
>Cheap while also sounding good enough for the money
>small and no stems
>good enough mic in absolutely quiet rooms
>weren't comfortable and slipped out of my ears when i tensed up
>sound could be clearer with more seperation, bass could be more precise
>no multi device connection
>mic was absolutely dogshit outdoors, calling was impossible if the room wasn't dead quiet
i looked up some reviews and yt shills
and most of them shill the Earfun Air Pro 4 and the SoundPeats Air 4 Pro for their sound quality and especially outdoor call quality
is it even possible to get good sound and good call quality without spending something in the pricerange of the fagpods?
i would be even happy with cheap, good sounding TWS if i could use my Phone as a mic when calling
tldr yes.
Scarbir is pretty good for TWS garbage
>TWS “hall of fame” so to speak
soundpeats free 2
Melobuds pro
qcy t17(imho probably better FR)
Samsung galaxy Buds FE & pro 2
soundpeats clear
Moondrop Space Travel

mind you this is only for frequency response nothing else
I'll check and see later if I still have their measurements but in short: I very much doubt the commonly shared idea of different color Vidos sounding different.
If I'm EQing with peak filters, what are the realistic limits to how much I can increase gain? Is there no limit as long as I use a negative preamp? I try not to go past 3db gain on any frequency since you can end up stacking filters even when using low values.
both are objectively bad sounding bellsing pos(slop)
not a single good iem in the pic
should have gotten a cadenza 4, 5+2, s15 or some other pos for that
With proper preamp, the limit is your wanted listening volume
I'd say that for most EQ presets, ±12dB is the limit. Beyond that it's not particularly useful.
Can anyone explain to me how an audio player can cost an arm and a leg? Isn't it just a simple machine that outputs ones and zeroes? How come some of the shit I find can reach like $2000?
I'm just looking for a simple one that can play music, has bluetooth and wifi, and I can set multiple alarms on it.
Because people will pay for it.
For a budget one get the Hiby R1 or an old smartphone, especially LG V20 and V30 have great dacs.
snake oil and shit, daps stop being worth it above 200$
>niche market segment
>hobby filled with pseudoscience
>little competition
they're going to price their shit for maximum profit, which means the highest price that customers are still willing to pay
luckily for them, audiotards love wasting money
Snake oil/Pseudoscience runs rampant in the audio hobby
So they all sound the same, right? My old $15 MP3 player connected to a DAC that outputs to my speakers is the same sound quality as a $2000 one in the same setup?

I might just get a $50 smartphone. I just want a dedicated music player at home so I don't need to care about storage or battery life and all that shit.
1. SOTA chips like AK4191 + AK4499EX and ES9039Pro aren't cheap.
2. High-end audio players are basically smartphones and it's not easy to engineer like a small chink company.
3. Small chink companies don't have the bargaining power like Samsung or Apple to buy parts for cheap.
4. Refer to point 2 for DAPs using R2R/1-bit/Tube technology. Tubes require a properly designed suspension system within the DAP so as not to sound microphonic as fuck,
The way I see it, shit like the FiiO M17 is meant for people who want the equivalent of a full sized audio stack powerful enough to drive passive speakers and high impedance studio headphones and shelves worth of CD albums in a portable battery powered form. A very specific product, not meant for people who want a pocketable music player akin to those from 15 years ago.
The rise of smartphones basically killed cheap DAPs because for the likes of normies, their phones are 'good enough'. So DAP manufacturers started to cater to the whales and you end up with shit like the M17.

It was only after Apple killed off the headphone jack that low-end DAPs started to have a niche again which is why we see cheaper stuff like the Hiby R4 and JM21.
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https://samaudiosg.com/collections/all-products/products/%F0%9F%8E%B6sg-tanchjim-bunny-dmt-4-ultra-in-ear-monitors-iem but idk if there's global shipping better to wait for hifigo/shenzhenaudio stock it up

Are these any good? I'm looking for something to use in the gym.

Also, what are some awesome deals to snag on Aliexpress?
>TDM absolutely TEARING deuce a new one
holy fuaaark my knees...
no wait for moondrop bigblack
Audiofool really know how to rip off their customers.
This is some seriously autistic shit, just get TWS ffs.
I want something to use interchangeably with my IEMs. I own a BTR5, but it's not suitable for working out.
>working out
That's what tws/cheap earbuds are for
There's this one issue with the Moondrop Space Travel's ANC where when someone drops a heavy stack on a machine, it seems to trip out trying to cancel that *CLANK* noise and drives needles in my ears. Otherwise, that's what I use, but it leaves much more to be desired from an IEM.
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It goes crazy doing that when it tries to cancel out my weed whacker. I just disable the ANC for weed whacking and then turn it back on for leaf blowing.
How much will my earphones get fucked if I keep changing the cables?
Jesus Christ anon. Just get some $20 tws and pair em with your phone. You're not at the gym to appreciate your music.
So it's not just me. Because I have 2 of em and they both have the same problem.
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But I do.
It's just a limitation of ANC technology. It's good at cancelling continuous noise and bad at transients.
I guess.
Unrelated, what do you think of planars on IEMs? I'm eyeing the Timeless atm.
I've only heard the Tin P1 and the Dioko. I like the P1 a lot better. From looking at graphs (and from seeing Audeze's bizarre products a few years ago), it seems like they have some trouble tuning them. I like them in full-size headphones, but that's a very different application.
Considering AES says it's better than Harman, I'm more inclined to agree and take their opinion as fact over Sean Olive.
reminder that any post about targets is completely retarded and to only follow the eq guide
I'm such a greedy piece of shit. I'm also looking at the Hifiman edition xs for a planar option. I own an HD600 which is nice, but I wanna know what planars are all about.
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Uhh.. what's the point of CS chip when it'll pass through Bluetooth chip anyway? Am i the idiot one here?
nta but any difference between driver types will be perceived in FR, not inherent qualities of said driver types
for iems, not important, for headpos, quite a lot
dac chip for low noise floor and distortion
new budget queen
add that to the OP
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The AES paper was actually made by Sean Olive. Soundguys new meta comes out on top, then Harman 2019. So yeah, the "only untrained listeners prefer less bass" argument is outdated.
damn, nicehck nx8 looks decent, basically a cheaper awful p7
nice to see confirmation, agreed on op addition
Where my cluster 4 transbros at??
can you read the picture before you reply with your clueless drivel you fucking ape
Not the same anon, you wit. Are you deficient in iq? I even purposely only showed you a picture in case words are too hard.
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harmen...it's over...
>deaf niggas prefer harman which was the target sound for years
Not surprised considering this hobby is filled with boomers.
I was going to ask what was a good choice for just a cheap workout/general working set of earbuds, mostly for podcasts, people are saying these moondrop space travel ones? Do they actually have anime girls speak when you adjust the settings or whatever? Pretty funny.
>people are saying these moondrop space travel ones
the only choice for budget tws focused on sound quality. you should look through scarbir.com if you put more weight on ipx rating, connectivity, fit stability, etc.
>Do they actually have anime girls speak when you adjust the settings or whatever?
you can adjust between normal and cute anime waifu voices iirc, but yes
Whats ur budget bro?? Snoy XM5 are bretty good in tech
that's not what this diagram says
what does it say?
crinacle's 5128 measurements are broken because he only has the ear and not the head. crinacle's 711 graph are closer to what the bass response is like, zero 2 and chu 2 have niggerish bass out of the box but the subbass isn't exaggerated vs the midbass like your pic suggests
>711 (IEC711) + 4 (IEC 60318-4)
mark of the devil, we shall not fall for your bait.
use a tone generator, the subbass is cringe if you
EQ to JM-1
no thanks, i'll stick to the eq guide
difference between harman and soundguys is in the margin of error
also number of participants is very low
oh that, i thought i was reading the graph completely wrong, no yeah you're 100% right, i was just joking around
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soundguys has nerfed upper mids so it might be less offensive to the average person but not the most accurate
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new endgame dac just drops-it costs $24
or maybe if you'd display the graph differently with normalized average loudness the soundguys target is fairly neutral without the scooped lower mids
the moa study shows that the average end target is closest to the dfmod target above 1khz
the soundguys target is both bassier and darker above ~2khz than the avg and cluster 1 end targets
in a normal study harman will unironically win again...
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yeah my target pretty much looks like a bassier harman beta 2024. i'm only 1.7db below harman 2019, not sure how sean olive got such a drastic reduction in bass from 2019 to 2024.
Didn't know Luna measures that well, common transjimmy W
quick look at your end target is that you're a part of cluster 4 (ie quite bassier than the average, and darker treble in line with the avg) with less energy between 400-1000hz
it's the best measuring dongle in terms of snr/sinad/thd+n behind the fosi dac, but has much more power
still overkill for iems and way too expensive, but a nice addition to a collection for sure
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lol the harman boomer accuses me of being a deaf elderly woman >>103287306
No it's too cheap, anime engraving is worth at least $500.
have fun bickering amongst each other
>buy any cheap dongle
>slap on anime waifu sticker
fuck that whore!
Troon coded post. It's like attaching a rotting flesh sausage to a vagina and calling it a dick.
What's important is the difference between bass and treble. If you have more treble than bass then get into the class 3 corner.
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The only number that matters for IEMs is this.
when will an IEM brand be brave enough to make their mascot a cute anthro instead of the ten billionth anime girl
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I'm about to buy an Aria 2.
Please convince me otherwise.
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They're already furries.
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Only if you like vocals, and willing to accept that after 2 years the paint will chip out. Otherwise buy the Zero Reds.
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I just need an Anthro Yuki or Asano pleasepleaseplease
>How much will my earphones get fucked if I keep changing the cables?
Any cable and port has theoretical lifespan. Realistically just don't overdo it. Straight in, straight out, nothing should go wrong. You should consider it a replacement part i.e. don't mess with it unless it's dysfunctional. Some IEMs have QC issue where the slot is very tight, meaning you need to be even more cautious.

>nicehck nx8
Bleh I have very little faith in NiceHCK pos. Bad track record overall. Previous NX7 sold well, but had poor acoustic design, low quality drivers, etc. Now they're hiding the guts with opaque shell, and I don't think they've done much sincere R&D. The few graph samples don't look terrible, but it's far from a blind buy for me. I'd take an Aful around the same price any day.

>Aria 2
The paint is gonna chip in terribly ugly fashion. 1DD sub-$100 are very competitive and not vastly different in sound.
>Apologize right now
more like condolences right now.

my condolence...
Inawaken dawn ms, sivga que, kefine klean, ew300 are much more competitive
No good pos costs over $30.
Like a transformed/anthrofied version? With slightly different EQ?
That would be fun. This stuff is kinda gimmick based anyways.

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