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prev: >>103210983

>Keyboard recommendation template:
(Helps also to mention if you're open to soldering or not)

>Find vendors

>This keyboard stuff is so expensive!
https://aliexpress.com (or Taobao if you are China-savvy)

>Layouts and switches

>Practice typing

>What does ______ do to a keyboard's sound
https://blacksimon.tv/science (Google sheet by a twitch streamer)

>What's the deal with backlighting?
https://rentry.org/mkg_backlight (WIP, suggestions/corrections welcome)
q5 chinkshit.
try to rob my house at 2am see what happens mother fucker. gonna hack qwerty tattooed to your face.
Keychron doing a eggshell off-white coating and matching it with pure white keycaps is one of those little things that reminds you of how Chinese they are as a company
>finally get comfy on my 40% split ortho
>have a vivid dream involving an IBM buckling spring keyboard
Is this consoomerbrain or is God telling me to stop being homosexual
>exploded arrow keys
>split in the vertical nav cluster
that thing is ass
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I've been looking at the Azeron, but 200 bucks is crazy for something that doesn't even offer a D-pad. Anyone ever found some STL files so I can just print one myself?
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I'd like to see what that board would look like with proper caps, e.g. picrel
what's wrong with knobs?
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Nothing, he's being a homo.

Exploded arrow cluster is also conventional and fine on a 96%.

"Split in the nav cluster" doesn't look bad if you put F13 at the top. Three could be del/home/end and then numpad can do pgup/pgdown or fn + arrows. Or put them over the numpad with print.

Numpads are good, he's way outta line.

If you buy >>103284091 or similar and do picrel layout I think that's not that cringe
GMK Black Snail with numpad and novelties for the windowed lock keys, since Keychron supports programmable per-key RGB...
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Q3 Max or Glorious Wireless Boardsmith? Pic rel is pretty much how the two look. I'm aware of Keychron's praise, but how reputable is Glorious and the build quality and wireless capability of the Boardsmith? Does it have the same 2.4 ghz like the Q3 Max or is just a bluetooth?

The two are pretty much the same price 200 britbongs after Black Friday Discounts. The reason why the Q3 Max is more expensive is cuz I went for the custom switches and keycaps seperately to replicate the look of the Q3 special edition. I do prefer the silver plate and the side rgb aesthetics of the Glorious though that the Q3 Max had no option.
I can't speak for Glorious keyboards but I have a mouse of theirs and it's easily the nicest one I've used since back when Logitech's reputation was at its peak. That keyboard pictured is beyond fugly but I would imagine the construction is acceptable.
>how reputable is Glorious
Not at all. Get a Neo80
Frankly they're both overpriced in the current market, but at least Keychron makes a bunch of weird layouts where they're still king. I won't tell you not to get the glorious, but I will say that you'll be paying a bunch extra just for RGB.
As for Keychron, they're fine, but common layouts like 65%, 75% and TKL have a bunch of better options these days, like stuff from qwertykeys or aliexpress prebuilt boards.
can you be a pal and list some of the good options if you know some offhand? there's so much random 65/75 shit out there and it's hard to tell what's actually any good
The Bridge75, Rainy75 and Womier SK75 are all very good. The Inky75 is just an SK75 but cheaper (and only worth buying if you live in a few specific countries, because of shipping costs). There's also the ND75, where you trade via support for a screen instead.
For TKL keyboards there's the GX87, the preorder version on the mchose website has via support.
And for 65% keyboards there's the Lucky65 which comes as a barebones keyboard, or the Womier SK65, which is just a Lucky65 (it literally has Lucky engraved on the back) but with a knob and no via support if I remember correctly.

That's all the stuff I would personally consider in the $100ish range, and if you're willing to spend more then I agree with the other anons who recommend the Evo80 or stuff from qwertykeys.
How are 60% keyboards? 65/75 are always a pain in the ass to pick because the arrangement of the keys they keep.
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To the anons who were talking about this a few days ago, the page is up and there's more confirmation on how it works.
They're great if you're happy to use layers often. Personally I couldn't go below 65%, but I can see why people like 60% keyboards.
Cannonkeys marketing hands typed this
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Are there any good ergonomic split keyboards that I could actually buy? Ideally something small and portable.
Typing on my HHKB all day is causing me serious physical pain.
Going outside is not an option. I WILL NOT TOUCH GRASS!
I'm not buying that shit, I'd probably get a slime green keyboard with purple transparent keycaps or something awful.
But I kinda want someone here to buy one so I can see what they get.
He's not wrong in calling 96% dogshit, as it's just a gimped full size. Keychron at least has the decency to not have a tiny faggot 0 key on the numpad though, it's slightly more redeemable, but the space saved is fucking negligible as hell regardless.
>$49 shipping to my country
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I have a dactyl up for sale right now if you're interested. Could also build a teeny 4x5 one if that's the layout you want.
What are the best keycaps I can get on Ali? I like stuff with minimalist designs. Using a K8 Pro, my first mechanical keyboard. I’m also a total noob so can anyone tell me how to go about configuring this QMK stuff I keep reading about? I’m a bit retarded.
>the space saved is fucking negligible as hell
couple inches is not negligible
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Meme board almost complete, just need to get some rubber feet for the tenting and a longer cable. Comfy as hell, up to around 40 wpm. I'm actually liking the silent choc v1 switches a lot.
keebox store has Shenpo and XMI dye sub caps, they're a good deal
cool thanks. what's the next tier up? wish one had the rainy's aesthetic with the bridge layout
It really is, just use a bigger desk if you're strapped on space. Most faggots that cry about this too have fuckhuge desks or their PCs 2 hairs away from their mousepad, so I don't want to hear it.
It's not about overall space, it's about what proportion of the space from your left shoulder to your right can be allocated to your mouse vs being hogged by the keyboard. A bigger desk doesn't solve that.
Just get wider shoulders faggot.
This >>103286908 but unironically.
>b-but m-muh posture
When you're probably fat as shit. Also imagine effectively concern trolling about any of this when you aren't even talking about ergo boards, for ~2 inches of space, mind you. You just sound beyond silly.
>concern trolling
I disagreed with you. That's "concern trolling"?
You were bringing up ergonomics which I just find funny, since absolutely no "normal" rectangular board is good for it in any capacity. Saving two inches for "muh shoulder/mouse spacing" is fucking laughable at best in these contexts dude. Again, you either just have a full size board shifted over too far to the right, a tiny mousepad or a tiny ass desk.
That's just one of many reasons by gimped 90whatever% slop layouts are goofy as hell, since idiots have convinced themselves they're better for the dumbest reasoning imaginable. Especially in these non-ergo board contexts, and if anything you should be arguing instead for slide-out keyboard trays if you want to cry about "muh mouse space".
>You were bringing up ergonomics
More mouse area in the center of your posture feels like you have a lot more space. That's not an "ergonomic" argument. I am not concerned about injury management for office workers and codemonkeys.

Nothing in your post explains what you meant by "concern trolling" so I guess you're just a moron who uses words at random. Lots of "I just find it funny" tics too so I think I can confidently assume you're a run-of-the-mill obnoxious dumb guy
good split boards?
GF wants one but i dont want to buy from keychron
It quite literally is an ergonomics argument, the fuck are you on about? Injury management is just one aspect of that.
>uses words at random
You keep bringing up mouse space to shit on full size boards, waxing lyrical about how "muh 2 inches of space savings" like it means anything to anyone. I doubt your intention was concern trolling, but again, that's effectively what you're doing here with perpetuating the meme about "muh mouse space". You retards act like all people are gaymer retards, who love flailing their arms around on 200dpi, since that's what tryhard e-celeb losers have convinced them is necessary for "muh aim" in games. Normal people will be using 1000+dpi and have no issues with space, using even a smaller mousepad. I have a fatass water bottle on my mousepad and have had zero issues bumping into it or my full size boards, even my F122 when I use it. All these copes to justify using shitty layouts with gimped features are just that. Again, 2 inches is literally fucking nothing. At least the 41% troons have some validity by "reclaiming" several inches of space with their tiny, limited layouts, but again every single one of these things is rectified by getting a bigger desk and a bigger mousepad. Or moving even their tiny keyboards out of the way/further back on their desk.
Once more, if you had any consistency here you would be arguing for keyboard trays instead if one wants to flail their arms around that much.
Hello, I'm looking to get a new keyboard for christmas. I had a Logitech G413 carbon, but some of the keys started double clicking or not registering properly, so I had to ditch it.

Mid range, something below 100 bucks if possible, but I'm open to suggestions
>Location (continent at least)
>Preferred switch type
Used Roamer Gs on the afromentioned G413, but I don't know much about them in general, but I did enjoy the clickyness of them
ISO, but to be more specific, ISO-IT.
>Form factor
100% or 95%. I want Function keys and a numpad but I don't care much about media keys. It also needs to be wired.
Unneeded but welcome
>Previous/current keyboards
Logitech G413 Carbon
Currently using Logitech Classic Keyboard 200
Is there a cheaper but similar feel to the Gateron Oil Kings?
I wanna go from Sharkoon Skiller Mech SGK3 Kailh blue switches to corsair k70 pro red cherry mx switches because my current keyboard is starting to show its age and i want maybe more silent switches and also multimedia keys and a keyboard that looks night and also black friday so huge discount

what am I in for?
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I've been using a Filco Majestouch with brown switches since around 2010.

I recently got a Majestouch 3 Ninja for the media keys but realized I prefer visible legends and backlighting.
I'm now looking for a sturdy, backlit TKL keyboard with brown switches.
Keychron Q3 seems like my only option - any other suggestions?

Also, can QMK firmware set the backlight to a single color?

On the picture: my current keyboard with the most expensive wood I've ever purchased.
Are there other brands that have similar layout Keychron's Q5? With the PG Down/Delete/etc mushed together like this and a numpad tacked on the side? Other 1800 layouts I see have the PG Down/Delete/etc on top of the numpad
If I put this filter on it'll show you stuff over $250, which mostly narrows things down to fancy looking enthusiast keyboards. Around this price range you're pretty much ignoring price efficency and just picking up something that you personally think looks or sounds cool.
Full sized iso keyboard below $100 pretty much narrows you down to the Keychron V6, then you can pick up a set of seperate ISO-IT keycaps from somewhere like aliexpress and swap them over.
The Evo80 or GX87 are both solid choices for TKL keyboards, both being a bit nicer than the Keychron Q3 in my opinion. They both come with linear switches, so you'll need to buy some seperate brown switches and swap them over. The Q3 is fine though, especially if you've found a good discount on it somehere that makes it cheaper than the GX87.
The software should let you set the backlight to a plain white or single colour on all of them.
If you want it to be quieter then you'll need silent switches, linear switches are a bit quieter but still loud compared to non mechanical keyboards. Personally I would get a keyboard with hotswap sockets, because then you can buy some seperate silent switches later and swap them out instead of needing to buy a whole new keyboard if it's too loud.
As for media keys, with VIA you can remap any key to be a media key, personally I like to use fn + page up and page down for volume, and the end key to pause and play.
I've just found the K10 on sale and with shipping it rounds to pretty much exactly 100 bucks and has everything I need from it.
Hi thread. I'm weighing my options for buying or building a new keyboard and could use a hand making up my mind what to do

Sub-300 preferably
>Preferred switch type
I'm not familiar with brands. I've only ever used cherry browns and blues. My fingers rest very lightly on the keys but my typing is pretty heavy so I'm not sure I'd even feel much difference between tactile and linear. If someone's been in my position and could speak to that I'd love to hear your experience with it
>Form factor
I like the idea of going smaller than I'm used to but I haven't used a keyboard with layers so I don't know if it's inconvenient or annoying to use it for the keys I'd be losing. If it's something where I wouldn't miss the lost keys once I got used to it I'd go as low as 60% so long as the arrow keys are still present. Outside of the arrow keys I'm guessing binding all the outlying keys to a layer isn't any less convenient than only having to bind some of them
I don't really have strong opinions about RGB or lighting in general so I'm not going to lose any sleep over it whether it's there or not
>Previous/current keyboards
I have a ten year old old Cooler Master full size keyboard and I've used a few pretty plain TKLs at work. All have had cherry browns, so nothing special to take into consideration here. This probably means it doesn't need to be incredibly flashy to be a big improvement over what I'm used to

This would be my daily driver on my gaming PC and if I liked it enough I'd use it with my work Mac for coding too so I don't mind shelling out for a good sound and feel and compatibility with both. If it isn't too expensive or complicated and there's enough benefit to it I would be willing to build from scratch or lube switches or mod it. I would be surprised if building custom turned into a new hobby for me but stranger things have happened
>You keep bringing up mouse space to shit on full size boards,
"Keep bringing up". Once. In this thread. There's another guy who brings it up all the time, that's not me.
>I doubt your intention was concern trolling, but again, that's effectively what you're doing here
Concern trolling is a particular rhetorical strategy of falsely pretending to be on someone's side "with concerns" so as to introduce arguments against their side with the appearance of being from within. This accusation is made against people who seem so often to be voicing "concerns" about their side that it begins to seem they are really enemies in disguise.

You cannot make the argument that I am doing this, "effectively" doing this, anything of the sort. Your use of the term is lazy and imprecise. Your posts have this laziness about them in general.

>perpetuating the meme about "muh mouse space".
The "meme" "perpetuates" because people experience it. I have a full-size board and I have a southpaw full-size board. They feel very different to use because one puts my hands further to the left of where I sit. It's more comfortable not to do that.

>It quite literally is an ergonomics argument
Comfort wasn't invented in 1857. You are trying to import the baggage of this field of research into a conversation about the comfort of moving your hands a few inches one way or another, which any of us currently using our keyboards can test for ourselves immediately. Bringing in these loaded terms has the effect of obscuring the things we're actually talking about under a layer of pop-sci mystification, so that you can make bullshit non-sequitur arguments like "if you actually cared about ergonomics you'd get a split". I don't care about "ergonomics", and I don't want your motte-and-bailey word games that come with it.

>Again, 2 inches is literally fucking nothing.
You can insist on this as many times as you like. Insisting more forcefully won't make me change my mind. I think you're wrong.
best keyboard under 80 on amazon
I'd avoid getting anything 65 or smaller because you might find getting used to it more difficult and painful than you expected.

As a former full-size user, I find I can get used to most things as long as they have a numpad or a traditional nav cluster. I can live without an f-row because it's so easy to bind those to fn + 123etc. But I can't do 60%, and 65 would be a real stretch too.

As a long time brown user I know which linears do and don't work for me. I don't like really tactile switches because they get in the way when I game. If I use linears they have to be at least 60g weight, because like you I rest my fingers on the keys a little. Browns can be good but you have to do some work to them to make them good, which I doubt you want to do. MX2A browns might have fixed some of that, but I haven't tried them myself.

If I were making the board for you, I'd go for a Neo80 plateless with a solder PCB. (You have to solder to do plateless. Something's gotta hold those switches in place.) MX2A browns or blacks. Build it and try the two different sorts of gasket mount to see which feels/sounds better. If you don't like soldering, I'd get a PC plate and hotswap pcb, but I think hotswap sounds worse. CF plate on the Neo80 sounds good imo, alu is 2deep4me. The other nice thing about solder is it's DONE, no temptation to try millions more meme switches.

Spend a good chunk of the budget on keycaps to get something high-quality you really like, because the caps really are what gives the board its whole look. I'd go shopping for cool caps* first then see if there's a neo80 coat or ano color that goes really well with it. I might be tempted to do MTNU Rascals with the retro white coating, but you should find something that looks right to you.

*keep in mind stores show all the gay novelty caps in the promo photos but most sets come with a full set of normal caps for normal people
As long as a 65% has a 4-key nav cluster, I don't see how you couldn't use it like a traditional nav cluster. 3-key nav clusters shouldn't ever be considered
Put Home,End,PgUp,PgDn on the main layer and map Del to Fn+Backspace
Just lose Insert all together. That thing is useless for 99% of people.
I have a QMK board. Is setting up a build environment and editing the source the only way to setup some custom LED patterns?
You never know what program might use insert for some essential function. It could end up being a real pain. And delete on a fn layer is burdensome.

I'm not saying this isn't workable for many. But he's coming from full-size, it'll be a bit of a shock. I don't think jumping to 65 right away is a good idea. TKL is already a good deal smaller than he's used to, while keeping most stuff the way he knows it. 70% would be more ambitious while still being mostly familiar. But there aren't any good 70% boards to recommend right now as far as I'm aware.
Do any of you who work in IT have a layout % you can't go below? Some systems need TKL to get into the BIOS so i was wondering if there's other things that i may also need to check out before settling on a layout
Stretch your budget by $7 extra and get the Womier SK75 on Amazon, or go to to Aliexpress and make a Leobog Hi75 build, you could put something decent together for about $60.
I won't go below 65% because then you lose your arrow keys
F2/Del for BIOS is done by using the Fn modifier
Actually that's exactly what I imagined I'd do. Layer the arrows like you said, the number row so escape is on `/~, F keys on the numbers, backspace for delete (this is what an old work Macbook did anyway so I have the muscle memory), insert to whatever since it's so rare to need it

Curious as I am about it I'd be tempted to get something inexpensive that I could resell or return just to try it out before sinking serious cash and/or time into a build. Or keep of course, but you know
There are lots of split boards out there. Personally I'd suggest a dactyl but here's a decent list of 'em
>>103294347 (me)
Thinking about this a little more I'm kinda curious to see how a 60 would work for me. Is there an inexpensive chinkshit model or anything with arrow keys that would be worth trying?
Yes. Qmkmsys is probably the easiest setup for Windows. https://msys.qmk.fm/
You will probably need to edit config.h, keymap.c and maybe rules.mk for your specific keyboard.
If you need visible legends just buy new keycaps for your board. That's a standard layout, they're easy to find.
>Womier SK75
is that better than a keychron v6
What's wrong with a good Leopold keyboard? I love the weight and the fact it uses pretty widely available Cherry keycaps.
Are there any third party mech keyboards (like keychron’s Q line) that do the smaller spacebar like the first-party Mac keyboards?
monokei standard with silent switches for $81 on amazon
125hz polling
brutal v2 boards in 11 minutes... 65% and 96% enjoyers please consider
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What's the go-to chink hall effect keyboard?
Any 65% with dark purple aluminum case?
Lucky65 V2

plus the other ones mentioned.

you should consider brutal v2, even though it doesn't have the color you want—such a good price today...
ok one more

also luminkey65 had one but it sold out, not sure if that's still available somewhere.

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