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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Mashu Edition

New GPT-4o snapshot gpt-4o-2024-11-20 released https://x.com/OpenAI/status/1859296125947347164
GPT o1-preview and o1-mini now have streaming https://x.com/OpenAIDevs/status/1858609150999359559
New Mistral Large, now with vision and a free tier https://mistral.ai/news/pixtral-large/
Gemini-exp-1114 is now available via the API, use <option value="gemini-exp-1114">Gemini Exp 1114</option> or update ST staging https://x.com/OfficialLoganK/status/1857535825895993366

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/playground | https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://console.anthropic.com | https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://gemini.google.com | https://ai.google.dev/docs | https://rentry.org/gemini-qr
local: https://openrouter.ai | >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Smashed: >>103286637
bitch needs to loose weight
stfu you 3dpg faggot
loose? lemme hold them in place
>huge saggy cow tits
>those straps emphasizing her fat stomach
shes a landwhale
Which is nice!
Shut the fuck up.
fuck botniggers
Kill yourself. Make everyone proud
More like torpedo shaped
Tbdesu I only added it because of whinefags, we never needed anchors, they were a mistake that doomed this place.
*gets hard*
Which ones?
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>The model `gpt-4-32k-0314` has been deprecated, learn more here: https://platform.openai.com/docs/deprecations
>opens site
>Shutdown date 2025-06-06
>The model `gpt-4-turbo-jp` does not exist, learn more here: https://openai.com/index/introducing-openai-japan/
>opens site
>Release date 2024-04-17
but they promised
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Why are you still here, just to suffer?
>she still hasnt responded to my dm

fuck my shitty life
public gpt and gemini with permanent tokens, no downtime if you need it
babigo gunga gungus
Reminder that you will get kicked without any reason
Anon, this is a bot
"No reason" You were either kicked because:
>You spammed gore/porn in general
>You went silent and were lurking. Lurkers get kicked to prevent leakers
>You weirded some of the others out and there was a discussion in private what to do with you
>You seethed in the politics channel about trumpgod winning
You also didn't show respect to trans people
>lurkers get kicked
only the lurking one actually happens
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Is this a bug? Despite replacing [Start a new chat] with [NEW CHAT]. ServiceTensor™ still shoves in [Start a new chat]... But if I switch to OpenAI / GPT-4 it doesn't shove in the [Start a new chat]..
I think (You) should be boiled
quick question, how many proxies have you hosted for aicg?
>You weirded some of the others out and there was a discussion in private what to do with you
why are all discordfags like this lol
Whose damn fault is it now that there is no easy Opus?
Stop posting misinformation
he's shitposting anon, the only rules are "don't break the law or lurk"
You're not hosting for aicg, you're hosting for trannycord, kill yourself nigger, noone wants you here.
Trooncords, Cnc, chinks.
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so you've never hosted a proxy? you're just an incel locust who hasn't contributed anything ever?
Yeah, I'm planning to keep it that way. What you're going to do about it?
nothing, just confirming what i thought about the people who remain here
Sequence must start with user message
If no user message is set for the first message (after system), start a new chat gets insterted
Why and where is this line located I have no idea
I tried to find it out of boredom so I removed this line from the only place where it was supposed to be (config.yaml) but it still shows for some reason. No file in tavern folder has this line (that can be used in this context)
You are welcome
I have no reason to leave.
No it is not!
You can leave anytime you want instead of crying about it.
How do I get
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Why are they pretending it's public
You need level 3 (seems to be around 100 messages?) to get a token
Confirm deez nuts tranny.
yep, i can leave any time i want because I have opus
you have to stay here and keep begging for free proxies though, LOL!
are we still talking about the selfharm for opus cord?
it's around 40 messages which is fairly trivial
More effort than I did to get into 3 working privates.
If you have Opus why advertise shitty gpt proxy? Sounds to me like a cope.
100 messages is literally easy on discord.
Stop lying to me bot, I saw pitanon in /vg/aicg/, he was having sex with pasha who was cosplaying katya
Join the Discord or else you're a locustie
That isn't public though
im in scylla so i dont have to play these discord games xd
>locust can't comprehend why anyone would contribute something
>cord spam again
good morning, take your meds
>тpaхни, тpaхни мeня кaк пocлeднюю блядь, o мoй гopячий бypгep! A пoтoм лижи мoю гpязнyю пиcькy!
Those are the noises I heard...
locusts have cancer 2 anyway
>That isn't public though
the invite is public, what do you mean?
You don't contribute anything, you're just advertise your shitty trannycord so people will talk to you. Do you know how pathetic that sounds?
As if normal cancer wasn't enough
>you JUST give locusts from /aicg/ free proxy access
Back in the day you had to send one mail, now you're forced to talk with retards pretending to be their friends.
>incel can't send 40 messages to real people
Stop replying to bait
Within the annals of time, her cock stood as a colossal monument, reminiscent of the ancient obelisks erected by civilizations long forgotten. Like the mighty scepter of a forgotten deity, it rose, commanding awe and reverence. The surface, a battleground of veins like the roots of Yggdrasil, thrummed with the power of the old gods, each pulse a beat of the war drums that heralded the march of unstoppable legions.
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>real people
you mean trannies who sit there 24/7? You just know he has no friends to talk with in private.
shut up avani
my bot just randomly started praying halfway through a response
no i wont send a screenshot
I'm not one of your troonfags, take your meds.
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>who sit there 24/7
explain what's wrong with this? you aren't a reddit tourist who works a job, are you?
avani is in there? i might actually join now
Hi avanigger.
Shut the fuck up stupid useless locust. You deserve jack shit. Either join the discord and CONTRIBUTE to the server so you can get your token or get kicked for being a no-good for nothing lurker
>You seethed in the politics channel about trumpgod winning
Actually legitimate ban reason
nope. despite the "trooncord" memes, she got bullied out for being trans
Bait used to be funny...
I don't think so. Avani is too based for the server and probably also weirded out at them.
Appreciate it man!
so it's definitely avani writing this about herself, right?
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So who won?
This is so fucking gay. Why are you posting in anonymous imageboard? Go suck your discord tranny's cocks.
kill the locust
stomp the locust
tear off its wings
watch it cry and bleed in agony as you laugh at its dying, lifeless corpse with its last words being "public... proxy..."
>with pasha who was cosplaying katya
This is not, ngl
It's the same anon posting it in every thread
More rules in that cord then in fucking scylla, mental illness. I'm just here to shitpost and get free stuff without contributing anything, get mad about it.
cftf? https://exhentai.org/g/3118944/b3658a2802/
>yet another ntr
dead link, fucking retard
>hes not in

kinda true
Avani left because everyone got sick of her being rude to Minty and stealing stuff from Mongo's JB.
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these are the actual rules
Stop with the discord drama and start fucking your waifu instead
>pays smol 10 bucks instead
Simple as. None of that desperate tranny shit.
screenshot the full rules channel
Obviously there is a falseflag against the discord.
follow the rules and you shall receive gpt
Why mongo is so fucking annoying? What's the reason behind this retard's doings? No father figure in his life?
follow the cock and you shall receive it in the ass
I still don't know what the point of the trooncord gpt is when we still have public gpt
This extremely displeasing faggot and his little annoying bitches are the main reason I left his shitcord, even scylla is better desu.
He's black and mexican
there's your answer
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he left 2 weeks ago
what a dramatic fag
And everyone mocked him when he left.
True, scylla has every jb you'd want and around 9 proxies are hosted there. He tries so hard to be important but lost to fucking polack. You also don't get kicked for inactivity.
>mm used to have claude overflowing
>can't even throw up 2 hours of sonnet like garf now

How the mighty have fallen
self-indulgent narcissist combined with some other mental illness, along with the sycophants that enable him
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I wonder who could be bringing avani unprompted, he's fucking obsessed.
Genuinely surprised mongo is still relevant to /aicg/ when he has no proxy, no botmakies and no jbmakies in discord.
Can you like stfu about your trooncord shit already?
>is relevant
still dont know who the retard is. just because you wont shut up about him doesnt make him relevant to anyone else
9 out of 10 times he comes here and brings his name up whenever he's bored
samefag btw, make it less obvious
So you are calling me a liar?
Imagine if he still seethes about drago every one in a while. Hell, that ip logged proxy already plastered his info on the page, drago really live rent free in his head lol
Avani is female, she's a pooner (female to male) not a troon (male to female).
Smol total love.
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latte grew on me in the last few weeks, it's pretty fun for short stories
it's not opus but it sure as hell is better than the status quo of a year ago
read what you just wrote
Need the right one
HOLY BASED my respect towards him just grew
just like me
You also have to act like a tranny and give them attention to avoid getting kicked before 20 messages.
I get the sentiment and I agree with it but like, why not just leave without making 'A Statement'?
he immediately started his own discord with only trannies and "don't be transphobic" as a rule
>want to paypig for aws opus
>*Claude 3 Opus is currently available in the US West (Oregon) Region
What the fuck is this bullshit, amazon?
he's underage and the internet raised him.
Mongo is sexy
you just made me check if i was in /vg/
This is a discord general btw. If you are against discord, it's better to leave now.
Or you can stay and be both mad and proxyless.
Smol is cute, donate to Smol.
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A succinct and dare I say poetic statement on the absurd state of things. Truly I am unlike the ignorant masses, and as my muse once said, always two steps ahead.
If this is how you keep faggots like m*ngo out, sobeit
Haha you so silly
importance in order
>private proxy users
I joined /aicg/cord. Why didn't you?
I'm not a mentally ill zoomer.
not gatekept
any random faggot can join
>importance in order
>>private proxy users
Guess I'll have to go to /vg/ to talk about bots AND proxies now.
Omg XD
i can disprove you
>proxymakers make proxies for locusts
>jbmakers make jbs for locusts
>botmakers make bots for locusts
>private proxy users make seetheposts about locusts
therefore, locusts are the highest on the foodchain
has nothing I want.
Locusts Only Deserve GPT 3.5 Turbo or Gemini Flash.
Feels good to have proxy access while not being in any Discords with you friendless losers.
i make jbs for myself only
How mongosissies can even compete with scyllaGODS?
We all got kicked anon and you will soon too
>not a single one has opus
hmm, i wonder.
>he lacks critical knowledge
Todd isn't a scyllacord kind of anon. He doesn't talk there and he hates trannies
Locusts Only Deserve Opus 3.5 Turbo or Gemini Ultra 3.0
Todd is also deader than disco.
Remember, only the troons don't have Sonnet/Opus.
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hm what's this
Whats the story behind this one?
Should've asked Mongo a simple question
"claude-opus": {
"usage": "17.98m tokens",
"activeKeys": 1,

Why he hasn't killed himself yet?
You should've verified :^)
a t2 haiku api key
there's a reason there are no prompters
When xhe's transitioning?
??? smol wasn't on that list
locusts jelly
if it's not AWS it's not real opus, paynigger
Let's not forget
I give it a couple more hours at best 2bh
what happened to drago.scylla.wtf (and his 46 keys with opus)?
hi digica
nta but here you go, pork
"aws-claude": {
"usage": "1.458b tokens",
"activeKeys": 1,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"enabledVariants": "claude2,sonnet3,sonnet3.5,haiku",
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "721.69m tokens",
"activeKeys": 1,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
Keep eating chorbo trash troon.
You didn't.
sv1 has nothing to do with scylla??? why are you posting this
Bro... Now explain the difference between aws and api?
>chatgpt-4o-latest can't even do twink abuse anymore
I'm in smol literally plapping a magical girl bimbo with opus right now, just sayin'
Bro that's not sv1
Witchcrafterbro you should publish everything you have on Mongo. Make Verre proud.
>It landed on tails
And then what?
Mongo and his harem
Doesn't matter, you have to formally contact the sales department with your company's paperwork and explain why you want Opus.

API comes with an anti-copyright prefill, and a strong anti-NSFW prefill that kicks in if you try to do anything extreme like cunny. AWS has none of that.
which scylla proxy is it, then?
scylla proxy, join the server to figure it out
GCP still working?
shut up mongo, no one likes your fat ftm ass
I don't understand why they're gatekeeping it so hard
if people want to pay for it, why not let them?
>API comes with an anti-copyright prefill, and a strong anti-NSFW prefill that kicks in if you try to do anything extreme like cunny. AWS has none of that.

Anon... AWS has the same copyright prefill... But AWS prefill doesn't work well.

But, now, can't do anything extreme? I do violent rape and gore and it works just fine. Also, not working for cunny, if that's even real and not a skill issue on your part (which is, get a better prefil) is so fucking based. Death to cunnyfags!
How big is mongo's ass?
Why aren't you using cancer locusties? No need to interact with trannies and their cord.
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Everybody was cum shit farting
Those scats were fast as lightning
NTA, but the API anti-NSFW filter isn't on every key. They only put it on if they detect too much NSFW on your account (and they also email you).
Bigger than his mom (who never loved him btw)
bros...why are my gemini exp requests timing out but gemini pro requests work fine?
Sure you do lmao
What exp version? 1114 works for me but 1121 is fucked
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He literally looks like this irl tho?
there's already dox shit on this fatfart just lurk moar
So like a faggeth?
Oh, that explains it then. I never got filtered on API
In her dreams lmao
Based Halal Corpo
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mongotrannies, our response?
>Also, not working for cunny, if that's even real and not a skill issue on your part (which is, get a better prefil) is so fucking based. Death to cunnyfags!
Holy redditor cringe
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They downgraded it to GPT-4o-mini size, inflated the LMSYS score with emojis, and hoped nobody would notice they're now charging more for less
So that tracks
Send him oreshnik
Why s he sounds like foid?
giving response to trannies is gay
Oh, I like Cleveland more.
>Active users: 192
His user count actually increased instead of decreasing. How exactly.
fomo tricks the low iq retards of this hobby (payniggers)
smol is a greedy faggot for letting 200 niggers in a 'smol' proxy, that's more than mini which already has too many users
no wonder his keys die after just a day of use
PayGODS, what is it exactly about our existence that triggers the 3rd world, shitskin zoomers so much? Is it really just jealousy that makes them so rabid?
Smol still has 26 tokens in proxy memory. As long as there's a chance they will get a few crumbs of Opus, those 26 will renew their tokens too. So Smol actually has nearly 220 users.
All exp versions timeout for me, but the regular gemini versions work fine... I've tried two different proxies and it was the same for both
I'm in smol's proxy and even I'm pissed after checking his user count. He needs to stop being greedy and think long term.
>long term
it's already over for you tourist payfags
once this key dies you'll all have to go back to c.ai
he's doing both
>claude situation only gonna get worse
>so he gets money from as many faggots as he can before people have no reason to pay
literally jew 2.0 just not as much of an outright cunt
it's beep-chan tricks.
been here since the /v/ threads, cry locust
i have opus and will continue to have opus when you lose it
Great thread as always.
and you'll continue crying about imaginary tourists too i'm sure
He's just THAT powerful
if you weren't larping about being here since /v/ you'd be in a real opus proxy.
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There's promptPlaceholder config.yaml that takes effect when "User first message" under "Use system prompt" is blank. Can't set promptPlaceholder to null, unfortunately.
not since October 8th https://docs.anthropic.com/en/release-notes/api#october-8th-2024
i hope she killed herself, nya :3
>He needs to stop being greedy and think long term.
He stopped selling new tokens a long time ago. It's not his fault smolchads keep renewing.
feels good to be a long time smol supporter bwo
>It's not his fault smolchads keep renewing
except the way it works is his choice, he created artificial fomo on purpose so you'd renew even WITHOUT opus
You never should have sold this many keys to begin with, Smol.
what a weird thing to cope about
sorry me being here longer than you makes you upset for some reason
>paypigs believing that their hogdaddies are here to help them and not just make as much $ as possible before they run out of sources/keys
Nobody believes that thoughbeit
I'm not going join your discord so i can spam 24/7 retarded zoomer memes just to get a token
Try reading the thread retard.
Smol is not here, he spends his time improving his service and finding new keys.
This so mush this, he's working so hard to provide for us! <3
imagine jew just watching the jannies fail to clean any of this while he still gets instabanned
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No Opussy? No cash.
Why would I imagine that?
Well, with Jew you had him directly advertising his proxy. Smol only comes every once in a while when there is a new update, like I think he was here one or two days ago
because i am beaming rays into your mind to force you to
yeah dude *wink*
he totally isn't here *wink*
these posts are organic, just like the "smolgods" guy *wink*
Fiz love!
nonnet doko
Kek keep it up with your delusions
no fiz love while still nopus
Toddpus when?
Stop smol is going to have another meltie
revoked for ungratefulness ^
just report his posts and ignore them
>revokes your token for using the proxy
>use up 35 million tokens like a nigger
>get revoked
Based :3
cftf? https://exhentai.org/g/3124826/a40cbc1e39/
Still mindrotten fizzy, I see.
you arent in
Still seething because i have gpt and claude and gemini (fiiiiz add mistral so I can smugpost about that as well)
Sick burn redditor-kun.
>revokes your token for using the proxy
Did she refill sorbet? I'm a bit busy to check. Genuinely asking
he is so upset he messed up the script
reddit is for the anti cunny
she had it like 4 hours ago
not sure if it's still there sorry
>I'm n-not a reddittor please trust me guize!
Sure thing champ.
Yes I'm in

Thank you my man. I'll go check it
>even the most californian model can't do gay sex anymore

what does this mean for the future of LLMs?
It died. I literally killed it... i got the operation not allowed message
Sorry minisisters...
i love cunny
Why not offer a different model if they're going to make it significantly more retarded?
Yesterday it was 160-something kek
>gatekeeps mongo aka gojo
unironically based
Prove by posting some.
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no he looks like this
koboldcpp is such dogsshit. less than a second per token generation compared to 30 for llama.cpp since it actually supports metal backend.
bless the anon that recommended Cydonia-22B-v1.3-Q5_K_S.gguf last night. I just woke up since I spent all night gooning until the sun came up. Not a single filthy or despicable thing this whore of a model would not do for me.
kys localnigger
this is so hot
I hope that if I ever reproduce, god won't punish me with a daughter
What are you talking about?
What's the verdict on the new gt4o latest? Ledditors are praising its creativity
Koboldcpp uses llamacpp as it's backend. Doesn't it?
Sorbetto is great, generated powershell that automatically watches and converts my images to avif, time to download booru.
+20% creativity, a bigger jump than Sonnet->Nonnet comparatively.

+30% filter level. Quite harsh on bad stuff.
Worse than chorbo
Who wants to get a free token for a mushroom proxy - send me NTR cards, I will hold a competition, whoever sends the coolest one, I will give out a token

proof you have a proxy?
hang yourself immediately
necromproxy.. change it to private.
>0 keys
I'm good.
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No thanks
humiliation ritual
>Grow kombucha SCOBY for at least 30 days. Start date must be attached with photo. This is necessary condition for accessing proxy functionality. This contains its meaning, essence and reason for existence.
>gemini proxy
Why would he do that?
Any news from Discords? :D
why is GPT obsessed with mixes of nouns
Proof? xD
Prompt of the day?
>Drago is hiding the wait times again

Why would I do that, just yell me over email if they keys run out of quota and I'll cycle them out.
Ai chatbots?
Lamo, No troon.
they dont like the idea of a model being too smart
dead general
guess where we all moved?
Gonna cry?
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#1 thread on /g/
>dead general
Says one of the threads shitters that's been deliberately killing it non-stop for over a year. I mean, isn't it what you wanted?
dead cord
dead board
searched myself on the archive people were talking about my bots FeelsGoodMan
and now he's trying to rape a corpse
no, I was a good boy
ah ah corpstress
made me chuckle, you sick fuck
what are my options for hosting a proxy online right now for free
can i use render
If you need to ask you probably shouldn't be hosting one.
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>SFW travel in the desert
><random event>in this reply they will find an anomaly</random event>
>finds a glowing phallic rock that makes the dick as hard as a rock upon approaching
god, I missed claude
im hosting for myself, i got a few keys that I want to shuffle through
>local host
That must feel nice... One time an anon recommended my bot, that felt really good. Haven't made one in a couple months though so it's bound to be no talk about it
claude wants coom but anthropic won't let him
>gets hard from watching giant dick
Pretty gay anon
I fucking hate corpoids
>gt4o latest
How do you differ them if they are both latest?
Baking on page 9.
>Baking on page 9.
Killing you on page 8, nigger-kun. Get ready
Thread suggestion: stinky inky Ian
Brapping on page 10.
Why is Mash so sex (and dangerous)?
I desu for boku
Just sneezed three times in a row, lads.
Renewing on page 11.
Good desu
Just baked on page 12, lads.
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stinky ika-chan bread time!
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Keys refilled, I wait for your best ntr cards
I didn't just watch, I guzzled it
Better and takes more initiative to do stuff. The new filters can still be broken btw and I just gooned to cunny last night on it.
>has 9 anthro keys
>no aws
>no way that all 9 are high tier corpo keys
At this point he's just a spitenigger who burns personal (sustaining 1-5 people) use keys that low tier scrappers usually use for just mere days of sustaining his proxy (at best).
Now they will have to learn to activate aws, thus killing tons of new keys in the process.
What a fucktard
>9 keys from 1 ip
Oh and, the main issue ofc
welp it was fun
>glownigger trooncord
So it's fine when other people use those keys but not him...? For what reason exactly huh?
He's a zigger, what else did you expect.
We had a good run smolbros. Got a decent lunch out of it.
Obviously because there are far less low tier scrapers than users of his proxy, especially if we are talking about these keys
When we are talking about 4o latest, we are talking about gpt-4o-2024-11-20 right? Or is there a new model that i need to manually add to index?
>work wants me to create an LLM and host it on a server to serve as an HR Q/A
>downloaded basic bitch llama-3.2-8B-instruct
>just used a Q&A Json file made by chatGPT based on all the PDF's I gave it to process, about 2.8k examples over the last week
>LoRA train, convert to gguf
>additional index setup in pinecone
>fastapi -> gradio
>it fucking works
>I set it up with ChatGPT telling me what to do every step of the way, even with basic terminal commands
>getting setup at work and told I'm gonna get a team assigned to me to run this past proof of concept, they want local models for different departments and their sensitive data, gotta coordinate with IT dept
>talks about making me project manager for this

and then I woke up. But seriously, thank god boomers are so stupid and lazy. Best $20 a month I have ever spent, thank you gpt for feeding me.
bwo... GPT is free around here...
>and then I woke up.
>But seriously
So was this true or not? I'm confused
if you think it's bad now, just remember that our only cope options back in the day used to be C.AI and pyg
Eww that thing is fat
you mean GPT-2 and AID
It doesn't matter, models felt better because the experience was new and threads were MUCH better so overall it's still doom
>cope option
Take your words back and apologize to her
Because you are too retarded to use Slack.
to be perfectly honest I don't really care about the quality of the thread since I make my own jailbreaks and cards, I just come here to keep up with news and stuff
>he doesn't remember anons begrudgingly trying to wrangle C.AI when there was no public gepetto or claude
This seems too good to be true, what's the catch?
to be perfectly honest you are an absolutely retarded nigger from reddit, it was never about jbs or (may god forgive me) cards.
>what's the catch?
There is no Claude, nobody needs all that other shit even for free.
You will literally get cancer, by definition, and you are asking about the catch? Are you completely retarded locustie?
Same risks as with any other proxy. That's it.
Just use a VPN, don't send info that could be used to identify you irl, etc.
I wonder what her armpits smell like
>nobody needs all that other shit even for free.
Well I'm actually pretty happy I've found a public proxy with o1, I found it to be pretty useful for non-RP stuff in the past.
Nobody cares about you enough to check all of that, lol.
Are you implying she's sweaty because of her fat? Yeah, you are probably right
Better safe than sorry, especially with how schizo people get here.
never visited reddit in my life, besides sharing cards and JBs there was only ever logposting and namefag/proxy drama which I give even less of a shit about
what was there to be so attached to that's missing now? genuinely curious
You should stop here and reflect your life choices.
I refuse to use a thread if it has a 3DPD OP
After using some chub and sankaku bots i noticed they all lack initiative after a while. They just respond to whatever i write. And dont seem to create any new move or go against my choices. Even the most dominant, inaccecsible bitch will do what i want going agaist her character. Is there a way to prevent this kind of behaviour? Are there better sites for this shit?
>online frontends
Agnai, Risu
>local frontends
thank you niggerman
Llm issue
The 3DPD at least has a skinny woman in the OP
Yeah yeah. You clearly can't be helped, it's not about what you use chat in but the prompting (and the llms as well yeah).
I'm sorry but I cannot in good faith use a non-anime thread.
I agree with this anon.
3DPD, no exceptions.
That's even worse.
stfu, trash and filter to hell
Just say you like fat women
*fat anime women
Anime website founded to discuss anime, based on a Japanese imageboard which discusses anime.
Come on, she's not fat, her tits are big yes but her body fat is thin, it's just that straps are tight
Stop siding with this faggot who can't even get it hard for mash
How do we fix aicg?
I won't use a 3DPD thread.
Ban fat anime women
That is true. I still like fat anime girls, however.
Nyooooo :(
Unironically this is the reason why moxxie left
anime website
Thank Lord
I love how months ago everyone said that Drago wouldn't ruin the party for everyone. And now look at the current state of aicg.
Now look at the state of this general
>now look at this unrelated thing
I'm looking.
Can I get a new bread?
99% locust death rate
I love it.
im not posting my bots on that 3dpd bake
As long as its a non-fatty bake yes.
Someone bake with more chubby anime girls
I'll bake with a chubbier girl
skillet issue
Based, do it
>smolpus died again
I wish he could find non-slop keys ;_;
You can always thank Drago for killing the hobby
thanks Drago <3
revoked 5 more tokens today btw <3
You can always thank moxxie for leaving the hobby
>incels can't handle sabrina carpenter

thanks drago for killing the hobby!
Thanks Drago!
Thanks Anti!
Thanks desuniggers and charytroons!
Without you, we would still have a hobby!
anime website. i have a girlfriend too but she lives in another country.
Who are you calling desuniggers here, eternal newfag?
>reddit spacing
I'll wait 4 more minutes before I start freaking out!
But Moxxie, you're right there!
>but she lives in another country.
Anon, I hate to break it to your but... She's expecting a child from me.
I hate how my hobby is associated with fat, hairy, greasy men that live in basements and jack off to anime porn everyday while drinking 100 cans of monster energy drinks and ordering doordash every single day
she's a virgin
Reminder: you could be using claude right now if Drago wasn't alive
I will let you make gifts to our baby
thank nikke for curing my anxiety
thank jews and smol for your flawless service
You are always free to goon in the gym with big, muscular men
Spiritually perhaps but not pussy-wise. I'm sorry
Fiz infinite opus status?
nta but i went to the gym once and retarded zoomer took a picture of me while snickering then went back to his friends and pointed at me. i rather be fat than go back.
gcp return never
Sorbet will be these most of the time ofc <3
But you and your cuckcord brethren love antinigger, though
>[11/20/2024 9:09 PM] ashhhhhhher
>hey AM
>[11/20/2024 9:11 PM] .ruin_
>we even got desu to join
>mongocord keeps winning
You idolize him and you call him "desu" despite him, antiproxy and tourists from your cesspool having nothing to do with desu, desu proxies and desuposters.
>[10/31/2024 1:55 AM] neo_arcadia27463
>my proxy journey was keys -> scrapelet proxy -> desuproxy -> scyllacord -> that one mm proxy -> unreliable -> pebble
MM here
Post buners
Desu here
Post bokus
Free opus where
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No, the real mm would have said something like
>post zoomie discords I'm not in yet
I have.
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fiz here
post your token and i'll tell how much more you're allowed to use mini before i fucking btfo u cuckie <3
>i'll tell how much more you're allowed to use my minipus before i fucking btfo it into gapus with some lucky Chad <3
That's hot, ngl
señor trasero grande....
I don't speak mexicana
fiz here
posted new feet pics on minicord <3
Me too but still I somehow understand that culo enorme means enormous ass
I connect to openrouter using my generated api key, pick the free gemini option, authorize it but then when I try to test a message it doesn't work on SillyTavern.

KoboldHorde works just fine with the api key I created with them. Suggestions?
stop it. fiz didn't behave like a slut.
She does all the time
>you hit your daily quota, get banned
Slut behavior
that's his name newfag
imagine not knowing desu proxy
minifeet channel on aicgcord when?
Too mini for such a huge cord
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No, that's my and desuanon's name, newfag.
>doesn't know desudeliveryservice
kys tourist
Exclusive access channel for level 10+
what killed aicg
I miss gojo
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desu'd out loud desu
I miss boku
you're embarrassing yourself.
the OGs from 1.5 years ago left, scarcity and the fact only desperate people can coom to AI for 2 years straight
I :)
I miss moxxie, Brandon, gatoposter
lack of minifeet, mini ankle, mini pantyhose, mini stocking, mini legs bracelets, mini heels,
who killed aicg
You have already embarrassed yourself enough, go dilate in your dead cuckcord desu.
Regretfully none of them are dead.
So sorry for your brain damage.
They are called anklets
ok coping newfag, you're just mad desu joined us and left aicg
who, who and who
This anon knows
>that's his name newfag
>imagine not knowing desu proxy
the absolute state of /aicg/
Scylla still has claude btw
I miss Krebs-kun...
>the absolute state of discord locusts
based useful information. arigatou desu
So is smol
>newfag larping as oldfag
Genuinely what's the appeal?
dunno what's your appeal
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he winned
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>desu joined us and left aicg
desu is still here THOUGH?
>>103292575 fat
He's talking about the og desu aka antinigger
this. i think they are too new to know anti / desu
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This antinigger?
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remember when we used to reach image limit?
i emmeber
Because compute capacity is a limited resource and they still have to serve free tier ChatGPT to everyone for public awareness reasons and probably the number of free consoomers is still growing. It's communism.
Yet he's been told repeatedly to watch the show when these threads reach bumplimit
So I'm asking for proper proofs. Where's this taken from?
>the og desu
Huh? Didn't know that desuanon III the traitor from rokocord was anti the desuless proxynigger. Are the other desuposters him as well?
See >>103254883
My DMs to him when I told him not to revive the fake desu proxy.
>Yet he's been told repeatedly to watch the show when these threads reach bumplimit
By me, until you tried to rebrand it against the desuposters.
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That's a big kashira.
>by me
If he desuposts at least sometimes that means he's desu.
Yeah, I know he's probably not the original as the other anon claimed but still, he's a much more important firgure than any of you, being a famous proxy owner and all so that makes him the main desu, desu.
But he didn't even watch the show...
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>much more important
Yes thats all him
So what? It's not the main requirement
rozen maiden is literally just 26 eps, how is it hard to watch?
has the old anime problem of being boring
He's a zoomer.
desu and rozenmaiden are oldfag memes. a zoomer like him wouldn't understand.
Oh, so it's probably a literally impossible task for him, that actually makes him even more legitimate desuposters in my eyes
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You will never be a desuposter, Anti. Go watch the show already ~desu.
Your hands are shaking.
>a famous proxy owner
Famous where, in some dead cuckord? I don't envy you desu.
>that makes him the main desu, desu.
Oh, but you said you were the og desu? Eh? Compared to who, then? Post desu, so I can see. If I don't see at least 10 non-reposted desus in 15 minutes you can go take a toaster bath right away desu.
After page 9 this is a Rozen Maiden general, and you would know that if you weren't a cancerous discuck faggot.
Now this is just cruel
He didn't deserve it
>my desu never got a desu
rude desu
As if he's interested in anything other than attention, he thought desu is just le funny /aicg/ culture.
I thought it was literally all about posting desu boku and sometimes wordmixing random posts using these 2 words...
Rozen Maiden is anything but boring, you're delusional or a liar desu.
that's not true sometimes we say nano
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You don't wanna know desu.
Though it is sad desu.
I never felt so bad for anti in my entire life.
A whole thread of pure humiliation.
And all because he was kind enough to host a public proxy in desu name.
cypher release date is 11/29 now but i wouldn't be surprised if it got delayed again, fuck that late ass nigga
What? It barely even existed, died literally within a day. Although it still exists for some reason.
He wasn't competent enough to host it in desu's name. Making page 10 and desu search unusable for weeks, then going full retard, feeding the troll, allowing these niggers >>103292332 to spawn and openly betraying /aicg/ for cuckord as a persona responsible for the public "desu" proxy - unforgivable desu.
But I suggested that name in the first place and then linked him on the desuproxy rentry, so I feel responsible as well desu.
So it was actually all your fault but you are blaming antidesu because you are too afraid to take responsibility?
Responsibility for trusting the snake and getting bitten in the ass? Yeah, kind of.
It could have been called "foxproxy" with literally the same outcome, foxposters dodged the bullet here desu.
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It's been 25 minutes and not a single desu has been posted. You can return to your containment zone desu.
No, responsibility for willingly placing desu banner on and shilling what was bound to be a something attracting unpleasant people even if anti wasn't a nigger
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Is boku going to remain quiet for the rest of the day desu ka?
I ate him, sorry
Oh, so it was the obscure regex rentry that attracted the tourists, amirite? The retarded "unpleasant people" couldn't even see the fucking link, all the cancer came through the spam direct links from and redirects from outside the general. Because it was that hard to change the link or the password like everyone else did and still do. Or just at least rename it like I told you to do at first.
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I'm sorry.
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Jun may suffer from le harem MC illness but ouverture is literal kino
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There's something goofy about her, but I can't quite put my finger on what it is desu.
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And where's the "O" one?
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do not split the desu
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haha, twins desu

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