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God I hate undefined behavior.
>Jews are offended by the word "question"
>he did it for free
This is our worl
fuck kikes
Good. Nobody who uses the Q-word should be in any position of authority.
Will jews ever stop using the Holocaust card to keep from answering literally every question they can't answer? I've seen the holocaust card get pulled for the price of luxury items.
You will never be this oppressed.
feels bad man
I want to have a neurodivergent breakdown over plain english and have literally everyone take my side because of a genocide that happened 60 years ago while my people are genociding today with no repercussions.

sounds like heaven, really. it would be like a world set up just to serve me.
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The question they fear the most. "Who?"
>Be a working man in IT
>random kike/jeet/tranny says that whatever you do casues them to have a melty.
>get fired
I am so glad that I picked regular engineering instead of CS.
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Just define all undefined behavior.
>waah I'll be unable to do some crazy optimization
Your program performs 5 levels deep dictionary lookup for every RAM accesses, trust the pipeline.
cniles need to be drowned in piss
>Will jews ever stop using the Holocaust card to keep from answering literally every question they can't answer?
That's not what happened here you retard.

>I've seen the holocaust card get pulled for the price of luxury items.
death to all americans
Jew here
That's just ridiculous, he dindu nothing wrong
Slashdot still exists?
This is a mental illness.
He wasn't expelled for that paper, but rather this was the last straw. And he wasn't banned from the committee, that is borderline impossible, but rather the organization he was representing told him to fuck off and don't represent them anymore. If he can find different organization to represent, he can still attend (fuck, wg21 cannot ban LITERAL SEX OFFENDER AND CSAM CONNOSIEUR from attending, what makes you think they can ban someone kinda annoying to work with?).

What actually happened: Tomazos has been on lot of people's shit list, because his contributions suck. If you don't have access to the mailing lists, he posts output from ChatGPT as his contributions, and when called out, defends it, arguing that ChatGPT is actually superior to human reasoning already... Anyway, this paper was another in series of sucky contributions, it is barely concealed ChatGPT output submitted to wg21 for processing.

He was told that people don't like his paper's name, and he was asked to change it. He decided that the title is too important to his ViSiOn for the chatgpt BS submitted as a paper, and that he won't change the title. This was the straw that broke the camel's back and his "sponsor" told him to fuck off.
>thats not what happened
>post proof that it's exactly what happened
you have just shown that multiple contributions of chatgpt output (including the paper in
) didn't get him fired but refusing to change the title did, but expect to convince us that the crap contribution was the problem? then fire him for that. get out of here with that shit man.
The paper is literally written by ChatGPT. He asked ChatGPT the questions, and ChatGPT wrote the answers.
fake news
>You raise a valid point. The communication around this was private. The complaint about the title, the authors response, and the decision to expel were all communicated by either private email, on private mailing lists or in private in-person meetings. These private communications could be quoted by participants in said communications. Please let us know if that would be sufficient.
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Not just "question" though, they're offended by any word written by Marx. That's why they've spent the last decades trying to muddle his work and pretend that "Marxism" was always about making people believe that a man wearing a dress magically becomes a woman and other similar fairy tales. Of course the minute someone dares say anything that might remotely remind anyone of what Marx always wrote they start panicking.
You shouldn't think about it though. Why can't you be a good citizen and just worship them like the most based and redpilled leaders do?
>subliterates can't understand basic turns of phrase like 'the last straw'
Jesus Christ.
dumb retard
I think I am beginning to see why the term cnile exists
It happens to coincide with being a zionist boomer
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>Write C++ paper
>The (((Undefined))) Question
>oy vey, he's onto us

His point is that the alleged offense isn't worth being considered 'the last straw' in the first place.
No. Take more ESL classes.
The last straw should be yet another allegedly crap contribution not a fucking title. It is not exactly a complicated argument.
Wait. Do we hate cpp because they hate fags or do we hate cpp because they hate fag haters? I don't know anymore.
If what you are saying were true they could have just banned him for repeated ai-slop. But they didn't. They picked this justification, even though it's clear it would create drama.
That's not a coincidence.
fuck off with this blatant antisemitism
You are only demonstrating that you still cannot understand what 'the last straw' means. It's not restricted to events of the same type. For example, Mr. Roberts has been coming to work at least 20 minutes late every day for the past month, but the last straw (or the straw that broke the camel's back, if you will), was when he stole Mr. Powell's lasagna from the refrigerator. This led to Mr. Roberts being fired.

There's not even a source for any of this supposed drama except for the slashdot submission.
Why are you so fucking dense? There is another offense that is more appropriate of being the last straw than the claim about the title. Stop deflecting to definitions. That's not the point.
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>There's not even a source for any of this supposed drama except for the slashdot submission.

>have 9001 valid reasons to expel a guy
>decide to manufacture a blatantly idiotic controversy and use that as justification to expel him
This might be harsh, but I believe all people involved deserve to die.
Both so these are just references to slashdot
dumb retard
i guess "the million dollar question" is also dogwhistle now?
Same sourceless shit as the slashdot submission. Cool.

>That's not the point.
You completely missed the point, because you still have a few more months of ESL classes to take. Don't worry though, you'll get there.
Calling everyone else an ESL when you've demonstrated multiple times that you lack reading comprehension isn't an argument.
dumb retard
You're just doubling down because you still can't grasp simple turns of phrase, even after having them explained to you in clear and concise terms. Sad. Many such cases.
>Same sourceless shit as the slashdot submission. Cool.

>>Both so these are just references to slashdot

jfc do I need to spoonfeed you retards everything or did you actually click the fucking link?


Literally noone is saying this is fake news other than you guys
link to slashdot.org
link to reddit thread which links to slashdot.org

dumb retard
>Literally noone is saying this is fake news other than you guys
The reddlt comments you link to repeatedly mention the lack of sources and the hyperbolic nature of the slashdot submission. The PDF you have linked to is the shitty paper in question. Still no sources for any of the drama. Sorry you can't read.
Very epic. Very based.
>2024-11-24 15:25 I contacted Andrew Tomazos directly. According to him the title "The Undefined Behavior Question" caused complaints inside WG21. The Standard C++ Foundation then offered two choices (1) change the paper title (2) be expelled. Andrew Tomazos chose (2).
>According to him
dumb retard
>First hand source is irrelevant
>First hand source of some retard who uses chatgpt to write papers is irrelevant
>He wasn't expelled for that paper, but rather this was the last straw. And he wasn't banned from the committee, that is borderline impossible, but rather the organization he was representing told him to fuck off and don't represent them anymore. If he can find different organization to represent, he can still attend (fuck, wg21 cannot ban LITERAL SEX OFFENDER AND CSAM CONNOSIEUR from attending, what makes you think they can ban someone kinda annoying to work with?).
>What actually happened: Tomazos has been on lot of people's shit list, because his contributions suck. If you don't have access to the mailing lists, he posts output from ChatGPT as his contributions, and when called out, defends it, arguing that ChatGPT is actually superior to human reasoning already... Anyway, this paper was another in series of sucky contributions, it is barely concealed ChatGPT output submitted to wg21 for processing.
>He was told that people don't like his paper's name, and he was asked to change it. He decided that the title is too important to his ViSiOn for the chatgpt BS submitted as a paper, and that he won't change the title. This was the straw that broke the camel's back and his "sponsor" told him to fuck off.
Stop questioning things.
Oh my god why is this so hard to understand? I'm not even the original guy and I understood his point. Supposedly this dude has submitted a bunch of AI slop that has pissed off everyone. And he did it again. Now according to the poster in >>103291558 refusing to change the paper's title apparently was the breaking point. The entire argument is that this doesn't make any fucking sense. Do you manufacture some completely stupid drama over a harmless title or do you just do the obvious thing and kick him out for yet another low-quality AI slop contribution as the justification?
Dont you mean six million?
>Do you manufacture some completely stupid drama
What you have failed to grasp is bifold: 1. Tomazos and reddltors manufactured this completely stupid drama. 2. 'The last straw', or 'the straw that broke the camel's back', does not imply choosing to do the so called "obvious thing". It means that a breaking point has been reached with the latest infraction, regardless of its nature.

If English was your primary language you would understand all of this. Again, you have entirely missed the point.
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and their golems shiver every time you speak the truth
they've been conditioned this way since forever
Again, the point is that the alleged "breaking point" does not even make sense as a breaking point because it is not an offense in the first place.
Should have renamed it to 'A Final Solution to the Undefined Behavior Question'.
>subhuman accusation
>because it is not an offense in the first place
It was supposedly offensive, according to Tomazos (the "author" of "papers" which are essentially ChatGPT conversations), and a couple of reddltfags. There is still no proof that any of this went down the way that Tomazos and one or two reddltniggers claim it did, if it went down at all. This is more than likely a ploy by Tomazos to gain some notoriety.
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what an absolute retard, bet he's in the thread and can't stop thinking about femboys
>decent people aren't banning anyone for pointing out actual arguments
yes, they absolutely are. if someone perceives you as going 0.000001% against the mainstream you will be permabanned on normalcattle sites
OK if you want to pivot and say that the entire story is fake, sure that's fine and totally separate. I have no idea if it is true or not. The entire premise of the argument was that his AI slop paper would have been magically okay if it had a different title.
Sure, he's a faggot but look at the faggot who replied to him. That is Drew level wokeness. anonanon is probably just a zoomer /g/ poster who fell for the maid socks meme.
Yeah, that troon unironically said complaining about DEI is a racist dogwhistle, even if there is nothing wrong with the argument itself, so it should be banned. These sf niggers are unbelievably tone deaf. I am so sick of this disingenuous shit. And people wonder why Trump won.
God I hate C++
Thank you for correcting the record, kind stranger!
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This and the Boost logo redesign are a great look for C++
>That's not what happened here you retard.

That is what happened. They related the "Undefined question" to the "Jewish Question" (a statement uttered during Nazi Germany about the jews regarding the holocaust)
It is, by dictionary definition, the Holocaust card. You retard.
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>The new Boost logo was developed by the Alliance
>The logo is professionally designed by https://grainandmortar.com/ at a cost of $12,000
give this ma'am reddit gold
>Historically insensitive
>facts from history is now illegal goy
I hate this planet. TUBD
That was the first version of the logo I saw and I could not believe I saw Vinnie posting that shit. Just how clueless do you have to be or think everyone else is lmao
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>12 grand for this
You can't even make sense of your own posts. You claimed (here >>103291213 ) that this was an instance of:
>using the Holocaust card to keep from answering literally every question they can't answer?
When that is clearly not what happened in this completely fabricated story, that some LARPing wannabe academic is peddling in an effort to get attention.
Why hasn't this committee come up with Protocols of the Elders of C++ to solve undefined behavior anyway?
The only "source" for this whole thing is a slashdot submission which draws from two reddlt discussions that also use no sources. It's all manufactured ragebait and concern trolling.
>You can't even make sense of your own posts.
No, you're just a genuine retard. Do you know what retards do when they realize they made an error and try to compensate? They get defensive and start arguing semantics. Just like you're doing now!

>When that is clearly not what happened in this completely fabricated story,
kek and lol, that is what happened. See the OP:

>Some critics pointed out similarities between the title and Karl Marx's 1844 essay On The Jewish Question , as well as the historical implications of the Jewish Question, a term associated with debates and events leading up to World War II.
This is, in fact, the holocaust card. Unless you want to pretend in WW2 nothing happened (based if you do IMO).
>solve undefined behavior
The solution has always been: real c/c++ programmers don't invoke UB
cope, mouthbreather.
>They get defensive and start arguing semantics
Just like you're doing
Aww, the poor little retard doesn't know what semantics are. That's cute.
Total UB death
Aww, the dumb retard doesn't know what semantics are. That's cute.
Anyone you have ever encountered online or IRL has to cope with your blatant retardation. Yes.
>Semantic argument is a type of argument in which one fixes the meaning of a term in order to support their argument.
You're an idiot. The critics own argument is hammering on the holocaust as if this random title was meant to reference it. You probably think of yourself as an intelligent person, unaware you're the dumbest person in this thread.
>Do you know what retards do when they realize they made an error and try to compensate? They get defensive and start arguing semantics. Just like you're doing now!
You just completely owned yourself you dumb nigger.
>continues to argue semantics after accusing others of arguing semantics
The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you
source: in my heart of hearts that voted for Kamala.
Why are you outing yourself? You already lost the argument when you went to semantics. You lose. By definition: They used the holocaust card. You're just coping and dilating at this point.
>The critics own argument
The ONLY source for any of this, is a reddltfaggot who claims to have spoken with Tomazos. You are a gullible child, and you need to go back.
Oy is the C++ foundation aware of your blatant anti-semitism? Don't be angry that there are people way smarter than you are.
Fucking braindead. I voted for Trump BTW, you subhuman nigger.
>The ONLY source for any of this, is a reddltfaggot who claims to have spoken with Tomazos
What's your source it's fake?

Cool self-portrait
Read the account name of the original reddit post. I know it's hard for you, but you can do it, sweaty
"They" is one guy on reddlt.
>The one guy on reddit it happened to
So what's your source it's fake? Have you heard any conflicting testimonies?
Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field?

A college degree? In that field?

Then your arguments are invalid.

No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.

I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.
hilarious how this outrage always gets idiots to get mad and defend something well ahead of the reason for why they're mad lol (the other guy who lost horribly a while ago)
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>reddit post
Do you?

Are you describing yourself?
Yes, the topic of this entire discussion is based on the author posting the shitdot link himself
>hilarious how this outrage always gets idiots to get mad and defend something well ahead of the reason for why they're mad lol (the other guy who lost horribly a while ago)
Yeah that guy who tried to claim they weren't pulling the holocaust card when they referenced WW2 and the Jewish Question is an actual retard. I feel bad for his handlers that have to wipe his ass.
What's your source it's real?

>Have you heard any conflicting testimonies?
Yes. The same exact reddlt threads have multiple people doubting the veracity of this reddlt story.
>tried to claim they weren't pulling the holocaust card
No one in here claimed that. Work on your reading comprehension.
>What's your source it's real?
The guy this entire series of events happened to posted the link himself
Are you saying he's a liar? That's a bold claim for someone with, self-admittedly, no source other than you clearly hating the guy for some reason. Did he misgender you at a convention?
the author posted it himself lmao
>No one in here claimed that.
There was literally some retard just now who claimed that, argued semantics for like two posts, then fucked off when he realized he was wrong.
I was at the C++ show floor (with my programmer socks)
I was at the booth for C++ porting to Rust (I program in rust btw)
When I turned to go visit the dilator station, I accidentally bumped into him, and he said..
>Pardon me, Xir
The author (a reddltor), posted a claim (on reddlt). This is your source. Amazing. I can't wait to see what other "news" you'll believe from that site. Why don't we take a look?


Looks like Trump stole the election and is soon going to become Supreme Eternal Dictator of the United States of Trumpmerica.

Are you saying that all of these reddltors are lying? That's a bold claim. Did they misgender you at a ragebait conference or something?
Yes, this has been a 5+ year plan in the making for the guy to use his name to post this troll post
>Trump Team Still Hasn’t Signed Transition Docs
Is it finally not gay to be attracted to this plump turd dispenser?
Yeah, people would NEVER lie on the internet, ESPECIALLY on reddlt.
> the "Jewish Question" (a statement uttered during Nazi Germany about the jews regarding the holocaust)
Please cite that "statement" (or question), retard.
Cool it with the antisemitism.
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It's pure coincidence that the account posts about C++ and AI. The reasonable explanation is that a troll is doing all of this?
Shouldn't they be worried about proposed solutions rather than shutting down asking questions?
Why do you hate Jews?
No, all they want to do is shut down questions and only talk about things behind closed doors. The C++ committee is actively against arguing over technical merits for solutions as shown by P3466 which just passed
Sorry, "the people reading articles about undefined behavior"
>The reasonable explanation is that a troll is doing all of this?
This is some lazy pilpul. The reasonable explanation is that the author -- who produces nothing but short slop papers for jeet AI "researchers" -- wanted attention, so he made up a story about being persecuted and posted it on social media. There is nothing out there to support his claims.
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Anyone who seeks to resolve problems is an enemy of Israel.
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>A Final Solution to the Undefined Behavior Question

I'm sure that one wouldn't raise any eyebrows, kek
It's not pilpul. People were saying the poster was a random redditor with no connection to this
Quaff you
From now on, I declare "undefined behavior" to be a code for "the jews poison wells."

Hilarity will ensue.

I think that putc should mean "put the jews into cremation chambers"
you cant define behavior of all devises and external world
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what the actual fuck? how does one thing related to the other in any way?

I don't know what to make of this. Andrew is a bog standard liberal NPC and an old codemonkey. He's also an Australian, and it is in their nature to shitpost, so that gives me pause.

Is it possible he misinterpreted the complaint? Is it possible that some old Jew made a complaint about the paper title? Is it possible that there is some undisclosed conflict between him and another contributor that is driving this? Is it possible that none of it happened in the first place? I think the answer to all of these questions is yes.
he's a known shitposter of obviously low quality as judged by the people who can read the private c++ mailing list. he submits ai slop regularly. the paper in question was a conversation with him and ai, very low quality and not even correct
It all seems like hearsay to me. Andrew hasn't shown any documentation of the events which transpired. Neither have his supporters. His detractors have also not shown any documentation of his communications on this private C++ mailing list. All I see is people bitching and moaning about something that there is virtually no verifiable information about. It's facebook-tier shitposting from both sides unless someone can provide documentation of the complaints and/or the mailing list shitposts in question.
Would it be accurate to say that you're searching for a final solution to the Andrew Tomazos question?
man, what a great fucking troll. I hope everyone gets to enjoy it.
I gotta admit I fell for it, even though it obviously makes not sense whatsoever.
Unironically yes.
Might be worth raising an eyebrow at if he were known for disliking jews and named it "ON the undefined behavior question" AND it were a polemic against undefined behavior but sounds like crazy people in charge here
i hope you get banned for racism goy
Questioners should be shot on sight.
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He's up
>It might surprise you to learn I harbor no ill-will toward those that made the complaints, and once I realized they were serious, I took them seriously, and even initially considered changing the paper title.
>doesnt bend the knee
hes on his own now
and hes gettig brigaded it seems
*BUT he's on his own now...
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>see, if we all tried REAL whatever-ism, everything would work out just fine, REAL whatever-ism would be exactly like everything most people reading this/hearing this would actually want!
I've lost count of how many times I've seen an argument like that for one whatever-ism or another. One of many reasons I try to avoid using any such terms.
>The [literally anything] Question is now hate speech
You know, I could understand it if he'd titled his paper "The Final Solution to the Undefined Behaviour Question" (even if I wouldn't agree, I could at least understand) but this is absurd.
>and hes gettig brigaded it seems
A direct consequence of how reddit and human psychology work, I'm afraid. It's harder to defend against an accusation than to make one so if unless people actually have an ideal of innocent until proven guilty it's easier to just make an accusation, such posts can get a lot of upvotes by default. Especially if the explanation seems to make it make sense, even though there isn't actually any sources cited for the previous bad behavior or use of chatgpt, when shown a danger signal (e.g. "this man is bad, he used chatgpt and will drag down your project with bad contributions!", people tend to err on the side of caution and presume it's true.
And when it's already accumulated a lot of votes, well, the "consensus" has already been "established" and people will want to go along with it so they feel like they fit in.
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Glad this turned out to be fake.
Uh, what do you mean by "this", do you mean this story about stuff that supposedly happened before the paper, or that quote of yours?
'cause that quote sure describes wokism (even though C.S. Lewis obviously wasn't talking about wokism at the time).
I'm saying I'm glad OP's story was made up and the guy is a hoaxer, and that I'm following Lewis's advice and feeling relieved about it, instead of clinging to the original story

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