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how true is this
The only BSD variant that anyone actually uses is macOS tho.
Broad generalizations about niche groups are irrlevant
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> iPedophile is resorting to posting his own cringe screenshots to use as topics
I think including BSD in there is pretty silly. Nobody actually uses BSD Unix interactively any more.
Doesn't Apple automatically scan all the photos you save on your local system?
For me it's Windows -> Linux -> Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2021
It's mostly true. Linux comes again right after macOS.
this is totally true for aimless people who got no idea about what they are doing.
But for people who like to tear computers apart, this is utter joke.
anything else is cope or they're still early in the pipeline
I've been "early in the pipeline" for 18 years. I'm never going to use your dogshit software.
MacOS is perfect for laptops and light office/normie/browsing work, it's very polished, lots of attention to detail.
I don't know about the economics of using expensive iMacs for production, but I'd totally get a Macbook over say a Surface.
Linux is more complex but gets close depending on how you set it up, though the polish isn't there. Mostly prefer this for coding though.
Windows is just trash that we are all forced to use thanks to Bill Gates strategy of stealing and modifying IP and suing competitors in order to lock in his customers. I routinely fantasize about it being completely deleted and cancelled forever.
As for BSD, it might make sense for some niche embedded system or some server hosting venture, but otherwise why? Just why?

So the pipeline for me is macOS -> Winshit -> Linux -> Winshit -> Linux -> Winshit -> Linux -> Fed up -> Dual boot
30 Jay threads a day
Windows is the only one that has backwards compatibility. Also Linux is just a windows app. No reason to use anything else.
That is how it went with me except I'm back on Linux.
There is no greater maturity than death, don't be in a hurry to get there.
Ive been using linux since I was for 20yrs and I can tell you it was windows -> linux and thats it. I wouldnt mind trying macOS but its basically just a locked down toddler tablet OS anyway.
ive got a surface and its useful but trying to fucking use the touch screen on windows is the most retarded shit that has ever been a thing.
It has no bearing on reality.
rich kids grow up on Mac
poor kids migrate to Linux in Uni
successful people use Mac
>bearing on reality
can't expect an iFag to have any of it.
>how true is this
Not at all. I'm never using crApple and only used winblows for compatibility reasons. Well, I also use winblows out of laziness, like when a power surge killed my laptop, but it's a rare usecase.
the pipeline is usually
Windows -> MacOS (Retard Pipeline)
Linux -> Linux
Most people start with windows because that's what every PC/laptop comes with.
Nobody uses macos though, the programs don't even close when you click the red button...

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