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Why aren't you using Windows Server 2012 R2 as your desktop OS, /g/?

>server tier performance
>no bloatware
>no botnet (no cortana)
>no updatewall (update at your discretion)
>desktop is default interface
>boots way faster than any other windows
>stability that makes Linux users question their faith
>gaming ability exactly the same as other Windows distros
>can add IIS and have a decent web server with a couple of mouse clicks
>can add Active Directory or convert to a DNS or DHCP server for fun
>supports up to 4 TB of internal memory
>up to 64 10-core processors = 640 cores
Is this a joke? It doesn't get updated anymore and using a server os for desktop usage is pants on head retarded.
I use 2025 for a jellyfin server and 11 Pro for desktop usage, never had any problem you talk about.
It's not worth using daily
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I did this when windows server came out, it was dog shit, kys anon
why should I when even microshit doesn't maintain it?
Because I'm using Windows Server 2025 as my desktop OS, OP?

>server tier performance
>no bloatware
>no botnet (no cortana)
>no updatewall (update at your discretion)
>desktop is default interface
>boots way faster than any other windows
>stability that makes Linux users question their faith
>gaming ability exactly the same as other Windows distros
>can add IIS and have a decent web server with a couple of mouse clicks
>can add Active Directory or convert to a DNS or DHCP server for fun
>supports up to 240 TB of internal memory
>up to 2048 cores (logical processors)
I want my windows to be updated and come with helpful security fixes to protect me from hackers and other viruses online!
>gaming ability exactly the same as other Windows distros
process scheduling is completely different in windows server
Windows desktop will prioritize active processes over background ones. Windows server will give background processes full priority. Good luck running any CPU intensive game
You still win, because Server uses much longer quantums. This is something freetards don't know, let alone understand.
I've been using longer quantums even on client editions for decades, to very positive effect.
How do we fix this?
If you feel you have to hobble it down to client-tier scheduling rules, there are a couple of registry values you have to tap on.
The low-IQs will tell you there's a radio button in the System control panel for this, but it doesn't do anywhere near the whole job.
Isn't this the version of windows server that's unpatched for Eternal Blue?
No, every Windows version since Vista (including server and embedded SKUs) has received a update.
idk man, when I was testing mitigations for Eternal Blue the only OS I could get to be exploited was 2012 R2. Be careful.
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A great many Windows Servers are pseudo-airgapped, because they contain actual, important business data - as an aside, it's why freetards think Linux runs everything, because the only server they know of is web servers, which are Internet-facing and easy to get statistics on as a result.
Anyway, I'd say this 2012R2 server you were auditing didn't have all its updates installed. Remember, it wasn't until Windows 10/Server 2016 that cumulative updates became standard: with older versions, you have to install all 500+ updates that Microsoft have pushed since the OS was released to have complete coverage, and it couldn't fill in the gaps itself because no Internet access and/or WU being disabled.
I know I work in this space lol. The system was not updated because I was testing my own Eternal Blue mitigation. Its nice to see non-retards are still posting here.
I wish I could figure out how to enable System Media Transport Controls. This isn't documented well.
It's documented fine, but with its reliance on UWP, it's easy to break if your environment isn't expected. UWP apps tend to break on unrestricted administrator accounts for example, and how they break depends on your version of Windows.
>Why aren't you using Windows Server 2012 R2 as your desktop OS, /g/?
Outdated and my GPU doesn't have drivers for it.
>server tier performance
No difference in benchnarks from my testing. Though I do tinker with Windows.
>no bloatware
It still has some bloat.
>no botnet (no cortana)
Cortana is right click -> uninstall
>no updatewall (update at your discretion)
I can update when I want as well.
>desktop is default interface
>boots way faster than any other windows
You turn your PC off?
>stability that makes Linux users question their faith
I don't care about Linux trannies
>gaming ability exactly the same as other Windows distros
If you play games from pre-2016, sure.
>can add IIS and have a decent web server with a couple of mouse clicks
>can add Active Directory or convert to a DNS or DHCP server for fun
>supports up to 4 TB of internal memory
I have 32GB and don't need more (nor can more match the speeds I run).
>up to 64 10-core processors = 640 cores
Thanks but I only need 8 cores (9800X3D).
Nta but
>got to advanced system preferences
>switch priority as it is for windows desktop
Wow, that was difficult.

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