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File: MPman-f10-3.jpg (323 KB, 1752x1409)
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first mp3 player
it was a piece of shit, but say something nice about it
0/10, can't wear it like the casio mp3 player watch
>3.5 x 2.75 x 0.6 inches = 8.89 x 6.985 x 1.524 cm
it was 1998 anon. in that year it was perfectly portable and smaller than a walkman or CD player
> zoomyzoomzoom has no idea about the past
truly is the born dead on arrival generation. too stupid to understand the present, way too brain damaged to comprehend technology from the 1990s unless involves bing bing wahoo nintentoddler games.
>it was a piece of shit,
what the fuck would you know? you weren't even born then.
Now I can listen to 5 (probably less) 128k mp3s over and over! Amazing!
I was around back then. Don't pretend like this would be that much better than owning a CD burner and a portable CD player. Other than it not skipping the CD player kills this shit in every other way. This tech needed a little bit of time to mature and flash wasn't quite there yet.
That's long enough for a run. And when you get home you can switch them out
Yes I was thank you very much.
I don't know about its DAC but chances it was garbage like all the old mp3 players. The fact alone that it had only 32MB meant that you could put few songs and of low quality. I've got FLAC songs bigger than that.
>proof of concept and person of color is the same acronym
how many times before memory corruption kills it?
>Don't pretend like this would be that much better than owning a CD burner and a portable CD player.
any mp3 player is greater than having to carry around a portable cd player, extra batteries, a disc folder, the discs. all that shit, and the power consumption, put an end to portable cd faggotry.

> 16-bit DAC
> 44khz output
> garbage
such an amazing fantasy land you live in.
>The fact alone that it had only 32MB meant that you could put few songs and of low quality
the same company that made this player released another version that could support 128mb and smart memory card storage. things moved quickly.
>Dat paralLEL port interface.
>Hol up gotta check if I'm using IRQ 5 or 7.
Yeah I'm glad I waited.
>put an end to portable cd faggotry.
NTA but wtf am I reading

The same company also produced pic rel, it's not exactly an acclaimed company making quality audio-related consumer electronics. That would be SigmaTel.
>> 16-bit DAC
>> 44khz output
I think it's more complex than that and what was the maximal bitrate of mp3 that it could decode, anyway? certainly very low, if you can find it.
What followed before ipod was fuck tons of cheap, DRM'd shit that would be broken forever if you ever forgot to click "safely unplug" in Windows and took it out.
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I couldn't afford apple. I forget the capacity, but it was enough to keep me company during lunch period since I had no friends
A single CD with music burned in CDDA contains more music than that player would be able to store without severely impacting the audio quality. Everything else is just optional. Being able to carry more batteries and more CDs is a plus not a minus. You're not forced to do so. You can't think of a piece of shit like this like you do iPod era devices. Literally the only pro is that you can run with it without it skipping. That was solved by later CD players but by that time good mp3 players existed.
thank you
>what was the maximal bitrate of mp3 that it could decode, anyway? certainly very low, if you can find it.
I remember that they could play Wave Audio files, so the quality is actually pretty high.

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