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for fucks sakes WHY IS 265 NOT SUPPORTED
265 has poor support
Nigger no modern browser expect for Safari support h265
literally every fucking website in existance will accept any type of file, but no, 4chan was always the bottom of the shitter. This place is glowware. They are everywhere and will do anything to spread their evil.

they took a decade to support vp9 NOW they finally allow mp4 but dont support 265 which isnt even the latest anymore, its av1
jap shit are usually 2 decades behind
neck ye self
> if i keep mentioning av1 then people will just magically support it for no apparent reason
you faggots really do live in a fantasy land of make believe
Every browser already supports it, 4chan is DELIBERATELY blocking uploads if a h265 stream is detected.
There's zero reason for this other than to dangle this as a 4chan pass only feature.
no retard no website supports it INCLUDING youtube because of H265/HEVC active patents
>literally every fucking website in existance will accept any type of file
they'll accept whatever but they usually convert / recompress it using something else. 4chan just isn't built for that. it's far easier to state what format is needed and if users are too incompetent to convert a video then they can fuck off back to tiktok and reddit.

unless h265 is done in hardware at the same scale as 264 then it's never going to happen. see you in 10 years and two more weeks.
4chan isn't a circlejerk trooncord server for a group that re-encodes Crunchyroll streams.
Get over it.
Meanwhile every major browser today supports AV1 and yet 4chan doesn't support it.
>unless h265 is done in hardware at the same scale as 264
It literally is
All devices that are capable of hardware decoding h264 are also capable of hardware decoding hevc, unless it's a shitty Intel laptop from 2011. Yet no browser except for Safari supports it even in software mode because of mpeg-la and their retarded patents.
it's never enough for these faggots
Let's worry about making moderation better first.
>> if i keep mentioning av1 then people will just magically support it for no apparent reason
>you faggots really do live in a fantasy land of make believe
That's not even what anyone here is doing. Do you have AV1 or some weird shit?
Because you touch yourself at night
You mean way more than most people? OP is a mod/janitor?
Firefox has it. I don't get why people don't just use Firefox...
>Muh trannies
They drink water! Watch out for that water! They breathe air too!
>Muh spyware
So disable it. It's 3 clicks you lazy fat fuck.
Since 4chan doesn't paywall any of their images/videos, nor do they encode the content themselves, they chould probably get away with not having to pay license fees for hevc.
But then who really wants to take that risk?
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just imagine if av1 was supported

>fucking image board doesn't allow screen caps of a 4k desktop because 4MB size limit
allowed webm immediately to combat shitty animated gif restrictions
>but was vp8
>vp9 came out over a decade ago
>still didn't support it for years causing lack of quality webm compression
>now FINALLY allows mp4 when 8 and other chans and imagboards have supported it for as long as webm
>still can't choose it on most video editing software
>so you have to double encoder your clips to get it to webm
Ironically, Firefox is the only browser that doesn't support it.
Can you do it all in ffmpeg?

also the irony of claiming anything MP4 related isnt universally supported when the ONLY thing that uses WEBM is YouTube and only if you specifically choose it, MP4 is the higher quality and has been universally supported for 2 decades over all hardwares

try uploading a webm file to any popular social media and it won't even recognize the file
I use chrome and it doesn't

nobody fucking uses terminal non GUI bullshit autism

its been supported for over half a decade
only you don't retardo
okay but why isn't webp supported?

niggers talking about support, literally everything defaults to webp when saving the image
Because webp is shit.
Implementing mp4 without AV1 support was peak retard moment.
why is there even the audio restriction? If its file size there is a size limit already. Is handling audio tracks really so different from a back end perspective?
uhhh youtube?
to stop screamers you idiot
Okay you idiot there's this thing called webm sound script, I've never got a screamer once since it was made *checks notes* 7 years ago
>high cpu load for the exact same video quality
what's the point of x265?
the only thing I see is it saves you a few MBs, which is worthless
Firefox has it on Windows under specific circumstances due to it piggybacking off of the Windows media libraries. It's not on Linux or macOS.
Chrome has it but only hardware decoding (no software support)
Safari has it because Apple deepthroats the MPEG consortium.

In conclusion, fpbp.
no such thing
>fucking image board doesn't allow screen caps of a 4k desktop because 4MB size limit
yes it does, i post 2160p .png screenshots all the time
are you really using negrosoft paint to save screenshots?
>still can't choose it on most video editing software
every decent video editing program has vp9/opus support and of course the webm container
>you have to double encoder your clips to get it to webm
you encode the source to vp9/opus in a webm and that's it, what the hell do you mean by "double encode"...
>also have to double encode because even if you REMOVE THE FUCKING AUDIO...
no you fucking don't you monkey, just copy the video stream and leave out the audio

you're so confidently wrong...
just learn ffmpeg, it's more intuitive than you think
here's how you strip audio (-an) out and as a bonus cut it to 19 seconds(-to 00:00:19.000), instantly, WITHOUT ENCODING ANYTHING(-c:v copy):
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -to 00:00:19.000 -c:v copy -an -f mp4 nature_cut.mp4
>yes it does, i post 2160p .png screenshots all the time
What's going on in those screenshots? If you have anything more complex going on that doesn't compress well then you're going to have to compress them to a JPEG. Maybe you can use something like optipng on them but it's still not guaranteed that it'll reduce the size enough.
storage and bandwidth are expensive in india
the only thing ffmpeg misses is encode to size to account for file size limits
no use case
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just use webm bro
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That's already doable by calculating the average bitrate needed. It would be nice if you could just give it a specified file size limit but usually you can't always tell the right bitrate to use and sometimes have to brute force it.
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3.84 MB
3.84 MB PNG
it's still fine for posting your desktop but yeah anything more complex is on screen and you need to switch formats

>thats already doable by jumping through hoops
i just want it to just werk by setting a flag you stupid homos
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>encode to size
if you think this site could be improved by latest codecs and blah blah and replacing pages with endless scrolling and replacing yous with updoots and replacing anonposting with usernames and thought police then maybe this website isn't for you bud.
You have to pay one dollar on the Microsoft store to use it.
You don't understand encoding. They can't just add a flag for this because there's no way of knowing exactly how much space it'll take up. Sometimes because of the overhead of the container, etc, it'll end up coming over or under the file size limit. You really do just have to calculate this yourself.
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354 KB GIF
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904 KB MP4
4chud should support JPEG-XL for images, AV1 encoded videos, and WebM for gifs. ONLY.
if you understand encoding so well, how come you havent solved this yet?
I have, just like everyone else has. You take the desired file size in mb / Time in seconds and use that for the bitrate. This isn't enough though because like I said, sometimes overheads make it shoot over or under the desired file size so if you want it perfect you have to use a brute force solution where you encode multiple times to get the closest to the file size. There's no perfect way to do it.
>i have solved it
>but not really
either way its not in ffmpeg natively and theres nothing stopping you from committing your implementation other than your lack of intellect
It's not something that belongs in Ffmpeg. You're just too retarded to realise that.
>most useful feature for natural persons doesnt belong in ffmpeg
so for who is ffmpeg then? big companies nickel and diming their datafarms?
OP is right though, no one wants to fuck around with the terminal
you have to navigate to the folder manually, remember the filename, try to remember random obscure command line parameters in the right order with zero discoverability
i want to fucking drag and drop a file and click a button
>b-but you cant make things easier because then you're not a l33t h4ck3r
shut the fuck up
Ffmpeg already allows you to specify the bitrate, that's all you need. You can calculate the bitrate easily in a script, it doesn't need to go in Ffmpeg, especially since it's impossible to do it correctly.

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