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This is why everyone hates IT by the way.
did you seriously read all of that
there's a serious literacy problem in whatever country you're from
What is your reading level?

The world isn't, nor should it be, text message after text message
I can read all of that but im not reading a reddit tranny complaining
an IITian wouldn't ever do that
just goes to show why UK is falling apart at the seams
I am never taking a job where I have to use a machine I am not the sole god of.
Fake and gay.
Reminder that 54% of American adults have a literacy below 6th grade level:

What's more, they're overproportionately represented in this thread.
Extremely based. IT guy completely mogged the retarded accountant to the point they questioned their own sanity.
All I know is everyone who uses reddit needs to be bullied until they commit suicide.
Good job, IT guy
still a dogshit reddit screencap tranny thread though isnt it?
Also, the mutts awake at this hour are most likely NEETs (makes you wonder why)
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>Right-click image, run with custom plugin --> sends image to OCR --> sends text to TTS
Do you even tinker, bro?
thats a company problem, not ITs

you cant have a machine that is yours in a big company they all belong to company, OS and every program is regulated, the machine is likely to be an RDP showning what you do real-time.

thats why i dont get those dumbhead corpo shills constantly advertising - install this install that in here, like if they choose their own thing
how do u do your tts
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>54% of American
4chan should be limited to only those who continue to read books after high school.
>new IT guy showed 'records' of editing word document to say 'cunt'
records like what?
i read books not reddit
Should ask yourself: What did she do to 'em that caused 'em to react so? I've never done shit like that to someone 'just because' - they always caused it with an overt action.
Piper. The OCR part is more complicated, but assuming you can figure that out you can just replace the echo test below with your OCR output. Also change the path to your voice model. You can pipe any text to it this way, henceforth the name.
echo 'This is a test' | piper -m "your_voice_model.onnx" --output-raw | aplay -r 22050 -f S16_LE -t raw -

what a disgusting human
You should stay on that website fag
no context? there is no way we can be sure that the IT guy might be a jeets or not
Oh yeah? Name 5 books.
hArry potter
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By the way, Apple devices can just do this out of the box
And then everyone clapped.
The new IT guy's name? Albert Einstein.
Hobbit, Lord of the Rings Fellowship, Two Towers, and Return.
where can i get custom voices for this? I got only .pth

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