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this is the reason why everything sucks in 2024.
this is the reason why your colleagues are retards in 2024.
this is the reason why software is slow and broken in 2024.
if you think like this, please go work on an oil rig instead
>social media screen cap thread
Fuck off
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try refuting my argument instead, neaderthal
>shitter screencap
why don't you go back and stay there fucking itoddler
its linkedin, mr unemployed and unemployable
>Its not shit! Its diarrheaa!
>i'm not retarded, i'm just a niggerfaggot!
Now say it like you're pretending
>joins a technology forum just to call people stupid
are you on the c++ steering committee?
>make up claims to pretend to be offended
KEK, they call you stupid a lot or why you're projecting this hard?
>fake it till you make it goes to work on oil rig like op suggests
>bp oil spill
this is true though
>Culture Fit = "Do we like you"
no shit
so many people filtered by roastie hr because it gives her the ick.
Oddly specific
Yeah that's the only valid complaint made in the op
Devs who can't implement their own data structures are bad. Devs who do implement their own data structures are worse.
The thing these people fail to do when they criticize simple algorithmic interview questions is to provide an effective alternative.

Suppose I want to verify the correctness of someone's resume in a manner that does not waste a significant amount of either of our time. Their resume says they can program, but I've seen too many bullshitters to know not to trust their resume. I could check their Github and look at their projects, but I would need to both verify that the project isn't copied from somewhere else and also manually analyze the quality of their code, which could be time consuming. I could give them a practical programming assignment, but they are currently applying to hundreds of different jobs and do not have the time to complete assignments for each one. Moreover, there is a chance we will be accused of trying to get free work done by applicants.

The easy solution: ask them to perform a trivial programming task that could be hacked out in a few minutes on a white board. This allows me to establish that they at least understand the basics of programming, and gives me the ability to see into how they personally approach problem solving.

>But this problem has already been solved, why not just use a library
If I gave you a problem no one had ever developed a solution for, it would take you longer than the length of an interview to solve it, and you would rightfully demand payment for it. There's a reason why your professors reuse homework and test questions, and why you're not actually supposed to fucking cheat on them.
If a corporation is profitable and its shareholders are stupid enough, its okay for them to be unproductive or inefficient.
(Monopoly, oligopoly, low interest rates and layoff restrictions will also allow them to survive. )
The solution is obviously to have someone with a good understanding of the stack talk to them.
It literally takes two minutes to sus out a fraud if the interviewer knows what they're talking about
Half of these coding problems that people are whining about are incredibly simple. Most the whiners are just extreme brainlets and are totally useless once there isn't some open source library to do exactly what they want.

Also this guy just looks like a stupid faggot.
Or they could just ask the trivial programming problem. If you can't invert a binary tree you're just dumb and there's no need to go any further. If you can do that then we can start to talk about harder problems and the stack etc.
I'm kinda with him on leetcode questions not being a great test of the actual job
>system design is storytelling
If you can't pass a system design question, you have no place in software engineering
He's right you know
You'd die trying to open a coconut
How do you invert a binary tree?
Do you just pick one of the ending nodes to be the new root?
From what I read on Twitter they just wanted the guy to walk the tree and swap all the left and right nodes. He couldn't figure it out even with the help of the Google interviewer and threw a tantrum because he created Homebrew. It's even funnier because Homebrew is banned at Google for being an insecure piece of shit.
It literally doesn't matter if you can invert a binary tree, and you don't write code on a fucking whiteboard.
I can easily tell when I talk to someone about topics I'm experienced in if they are bullshitting me. It's much better to talk about real life programming problems. I don't care about the syntax or math puzzles, I want to see how they think and communicate, because that's what they will be doing. If you can explain what you're doing, chances are you'll do well. If you are a turbo autist who can do dynamic programming on a whiteboard but can't write a single live of comment properly, what the hell do you expect.
>It literally doesn't matter if you can invert a binary tree
It does because if you can't you're legitimately 80 IQ and the interview can end right there.
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He's literally right.
>Rewrite Dijkstras algorithm from scratch and design a system to host Uber on this whiteboard
>The job? You center DIVs
None of that shit matters. I've never studied algorithms. I can't perform any of the algorithm things. It's never come up once in a real job where I thought boy I sure wish I knew the most efficient sorting algorithm.
90% of my job is configuring services to accept the 5 lines of code I'd actually write. Software is such bullshit.
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>be like
>real talk
These are questions asked at FAANG and finance companies. You're obviously not who they're looking for so don't let your insecurity spill out all over the Internet. Just be happy doing web development for some podunk company in the middle of nowhere and gluing together 500 shitty dependencies in Java or JavaScript.
That sounds easier than fizzbuzz.
My company is one of the top 20 tech companies in the US. I've done system design questions. The one place that ever asked me some faggy algorithm question was exactly the podunk no name shit house you're talking about ironically. I just winged it using my own logical thought process and they gave me the offer. I rejected it for a company that didn't make me jump through hoops and paid better.
Skill issue.
Fucking what LOL

I always figured that he meant balancing a tree
He was right though. Managing an open source project like Homebrew is a far greater feat than 90% of Googlers.
You were filtered by a trivial question that anyone above 80 IQ could answer and are now making up lies to cover for that fact. Sad.
the purpose of jeetcode isn't to filter for applicants who have a strong computer science background, it's to filter for the most subservient shabbos goyim out there
Homebrew is objectively a piece of shit, especially 10 years ago when this happened, and they were right to pass on him.
I will never understand why people get so upset about tech interviews. Solving a simple problem on a whiteboard and talking about it is FUN.
i love solving problems
i hate acting like a circus monkey for psychopaths who would walk over me if i were dying on the street
It's just brainlets getting filtered.
>who would walk over me if i were dying on the street
That's basically everyone though. Why would I care about you in the slightest?
This is how I got my current job. Dress well, talk with good grammar and in complete thoughts and end the sentence when it's done. Don't over share. Try to connect on a personal level, and share in whatever she says. It's not like it matters. You're only going to see her for a maximum of 45 minutes to an hour for the entire time you work for the company. Trust me, she's not the hill you want to die on.
see you in hell
you're just bitter you wasted 20 hours of your life doing something the rest of us didn't have to

use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use my_project::BT;
use std::mem;

type Node = Rc<RefCell<BT>>;

fn invert_bt(bt: &mut Node) {
helper(&mut Some(bt));

fn helper(node: &mut Option<&mut Node>) {
let current = node.as_mut().unwrap();
if !current.to_owned().borrow_mut().root.left.as_mut().is_none() {
helper(&mut current.to_owned().borrow_mut().root.left.as_mut());
if !current.to_owned().borrow_mut().root.right.as_mut().is_none() {
helper(&mut current.to_owned().borrow_mut().root.right.as_mut());

fn swap(root: &mut Node) {
let mut _temp = root.borrow_mut().root.left.to_owned();
let mut _temp2 = root.borrow_mut().root.right.to_owned();
let _v1 = mem::replace(&mut root.borrow_mut().root.left, _temp2);
let _v2 = mem::replace(&mut root.borrow_mut().root.right, _temp);

fn main() {
// Initialize The Input Binary Tree
let child4: Node = BT::new(5);
let child3: Node = BT::new(4);
let child2: Node = BT::new(3);
let child1: Node = BT::new(2);
child1.borrow_mut().root.left= Some(child3);
child1.borrow_mut().root.right = Some(child4);
let mut bt: Node = BT::new(1);
bt.borrow_mut().root.left= Some(child1);
bt.borrow_mut().root.right= Some(child2);
println!("Initial: ");
invert_bt(&mut bt);
println!("After: ");

I love rust and I hope my career here is long and prosperous for everyone! C:
I agree, but I do poorly in them (so far) mostly due to retardation and severe anxeity (I answered a question that was basically "what is pass by reference vs pass by value" with "sorry I don't really know how memory management works" because I was internally freaking out about being "so incompetent" that I thought the question was easy). I don't complain about them though.

t. 7yoe "senior"
Rustchads win again
>she used Rc<RefCell<T>> instead of indexes
lol lmao even
If that makes you feel better. Do you want to add anything else to your head canon?
My company implemented algorithm questions and now all I get is pajeets that cheated on the first round online interview
Well, then atleast you can get free fish.
Long story short:
left, right = right, left
Indexes can introduce security flaws my friend. Even though rust is memory safe, if you code using indexes in a rust text editor it will warn you that even though it saves time and thought, it's better to refer directly to what you're calling. You also don't know the use case, so a direct reference call is preferable. Leaving it open to indexes can result in dword errors such as
>Cannot move out of index of
Instead of being like garbage programming languages like C++ which allow for buffer overflows, rust won't let hackers into your system on any level and tries it's hardest to protect your entire infrastructure.

Now do I get the job? I work for $45 an hour. I charge by the half hour if a project doesn't take more than an hour.
use std::mem::swap;

pub struct Tree<T> {
value: T,
left: Option<Link<T>>,
right: Option<Link<T>>,

type Link<T> = Box<Tree<T>>;

impl<T> Tree<T> {
pub fn invert(&mut self) {
swap(&mut self.left, &mut self.right);
if let Some(left) = &mut self.left {
if let Some(right) = &mut self.right {

Isn't that all you need? I didn't test it or think about it for more than a minute.
smart people want to improve things. Neither side actually gains anything out of you doing a leetcode
dumb people want to lick boots, "I had to do it, so you should too"
big corps are full of dumb people of course.

the real issue here is without leetcodes, if you can't trust the interviewer to be competent, its over for that team/business. Not worth the risk if you think you might have 'seniors' who are where they are because of experience on paper but haven't actually learned anything.
Furthermore, the only time you'll use indexes is when dealing with databases. I would instead use MySQL to handle that and query it with the rust plug-in instead which is way more secure.
you're a dirty pajeet
>smart people want to improve things
If you can't write simple algorithms like this you're not capable of improving things. You'll just end up writing more garbage bloat.
I haven't done that since college and I'm not going to start now. I'm not going to listen so some dewb nerd that I could beat up. The best interview was a panel and it was bring a tech project you've done and walk us through it. They got to challenge some perspectives/decisions I made and they could sus out if I was BSing very easily.
You don't really know the entire use case or how a project will be handled. Like if it's going to be used in a database. You wouldn't want to simply rely on indexing. It can cause compatibility issues with security software like Barracuda. Best to rely on standard calls so there's no confusion.
The code posted doesn't use indexing.
No I'm a white lil fukboi all of 170lbs. Come pound my lil ass and I'll code for free.
saar, do not smoke the hot white cocks saar
It's not going to be used. You're just demonstrating an understanding of the problem and how to code it.
Again I'm not Indian. Go be a racist somewhere else.
I think demonstrating a project in it's entirety and planning for eventualities makes for better code. Remember, temporary solutions often become long term problems. Do it right the first time and you won't have to redo it later.
Would. I want to cum in a white boys mouth
Even ChatGPT wouldn't post something this dumb.
you just called your own codebase garbage bloat lmao
maybe you wouldn't be in your mess if you could into FP
K well I actually have a job developing software. What are you doing with your life?
Yeah I had this revelation a few months ago that inverting a tree was dramatically easier than I had assumed, and I retroactively recategorized everyone I had heard complaining about it into the dogshit bucket.
Sorry I don't fuck racist scum.
If they give it to you as a coding project, sure.
If it's just a whiteboard solution, they're not looking for you to use three whiteboards to write out a full production ready implementation.
you over engineering faggots cause so many problems everywhere you go
It has to be a bot. Retard is ranting about indexes and databases even though it's a simple tree problem and the code he responded to doesn't even use indexes.
This. When I do a tech interview I don't really care about the solution, I only care about how they get there. Any retard can copy/paste code or import a library but sometimes at work you need more than that. The problem in the OP is so simple anyone with a brain and basic programming skills should be able to solve it. If you can't even do that, what value are you bringing to the table other than being a sentient ChatGPT/google wrapper?
It's just brainlets. Remember those are the people that say that there are no jobs in tech or that the job market is bad. That's your competition.
head in the ground
I have a job thankfully but its obvious we're in a massive recession
Job market is still great if you're not a brainlet that struggles with trivial problems.
It's a humiliation ritual that could only exist in a low trust society. Restricting immigration fixes it entirely.
Idiotic take, salaries are stagnant for all of us, do you even work in tech?
99.99% of the people complaining about these trivial problems are undisciplined liberals that are directly responsible for destroying their high trust societies.
> us
Don't group me with you dumb web dev faggots.
>he uses the "community" section of indeed
>if you think like this, please go work on an oil rig instead
this unironically
I was proud of avoiding webdev when I got my first job too. You'll grow out of it
What a fucking ugly language, on par with C++
libs are result of media brainwashing by jews, moishe
to be fair, there are a ton of people who memorize the solution to programming problems (including the motions to "explain" it) but refuse to actually learn anything from that process
these applicants can play out the interview incredibly well but get completely floored on the first day of work

however i would argue that most companies overestimate the competency they actually need
trying to get a 4.0 gpa ex-faang software engineer is a waste of time and money if the position is for a spring app
Grow up.
That's reality. Nobody outside of your close family and friends gives a fuck about you. Why would they?
I'd call you an ambulance if I saw you dying on american street, otherwise no, not worth the effort.
Explain why I was subjected to exact same brainwashing but ended up an atheist who laughs at muslims killing christcuck children because that's exactly what christcucks have sown for themselves by loving xir neighbors. I have borders wuth my neighbors for a reason and I couldn't hate them more.
Sounds like youre just a sociopath, perhaps as a result of brain damage in the womb
You're the one with brain damage, traitors getting what they deserve causing laughter is a natural reaction from anyone who isn't mentally ill.
Because growing up they all got a trophy just for showing up. So they feel entitled to a share of the company's annual revenue just for showing up to the interview. Being expected to actually have to put in effort to prepare for the interview or be knowledgeable on the skills they claim? Lmao...they're above that.
ok but what's the usecase of inverting a binary tree
everyone is an incel nowadays in north america due to the USD and any currency based on it.

Someone born in fucking vietnam delivering food and eating noodles at their local shop every day has a better healthier life than the average american/canadian. Even europeans live better especially the dutch. North america is cursed hell.
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I just had to doublecheck, "inverting" made me think the tree would have to be flipped over unintuively, but literally all you need to do is write a tree traverser... With additional trivial step of swapping left and right pointers? If I asked the interviewer to clarify what inversion means he'd probably explain and I'd get it done in less than a minute. People get filtered by this?
You're proving my point kek. You have brain damage. Normal white people don't laugh while watching children die. If I were racist I'd call you a niggerbrain.
>if I were racist
I will laugh when a muslim beheads your son and avoids jail with mere probation so he can behead the rest of people you love
I live in Appalachia, so my children will grow up in a safe, Christian (most important) white community. I'm sorry, but you won't be able to watch my blue eyed children die.
the use case is to filter tards and lazy people from entering the company
>I live in [region in le 56% white country]
so you aren't white
I also always thought it meant one of the ending nodes would be the new root...
why the fuck is it called inversion?
>traitors getting what they deserve causing laughter is a natural reaction from anyone who isn't mentally ill.
Nope. That's a sign of mental instability.
>People get filtered by this?
That's a pretty loose usage of the word "people", but yes.
>Show me you can solve *trivial problem*
>Just import a couple dozen dependencies!
This guy really does exemplify everything wrong with software development today.
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It's not a test of the job, it's a test of if you know how to program and have some basic problem solving skills
If not then you can't do the job anyway
shitters who cry about leetcode and say it's all memorization shouldn't be programming
I would expect the real reason Homebrew is banned at Google is that Homebrew actually works, Google does not work (you're literally better off with retarded slavshit like Yandex than trying to find anything on Google), and they felt insecure about that.
so close, yet so far

interviews are merely the excuse for the initial bias you have X the agenda you are following
I've been doing interviews for god know how many years, do you know who gets a pass? Females, bimpoc, non confirming individuals. The less they can code, the better. If I pass one of them nonpassing xirs I get pat on the head from the Bauss as we are advancing our ESG KPIs and as an added bonus, my actual work output just increased compared to my useless peers. Why would I hire competent people? Business runs on Gov subsidies, we are not selling a product or a service.
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>OP is a faggot
t. seething macjeet

I don't know what's sadder. The fact that freetards are like this, or that there's some subhuman cretin out there emulating the style of a freetard mooontooner / package janny / make tinker / faggot with the exception being they use fagos instead. Maintaining build scripts is something real devs do in afternoon after vetting a dependency. You made it your entire life, and then decided to throw a fit on social media when the world reminded you that being a glorified script kiddie isn't a hireable trait
Are you seriously expecting anyone to read your drivel?
No, don't bother replying.
The guy actually got job offers from that. Cope, seethe, dilate.
system design was solved a long time ago. no one that works for a company that will ask these questions is inventing anything except maybe cartelists introducing bloat to pump micron stocks for example
This is why in every project you have 1 guy who knows how to do these things doing the work of 20 and when that finally guy leaves, the company goes under
same reason medical terms are all latin. obsfucation to create job security and turn it all into a speshul sekrit club

same reason they just say "code fizzbuzz" instead of outlining what fizzbuzz even is and then getting mad when they dont have a memorized solution
>they're all about op's cock sucking except the video links
this retard thinks english isnt latin lol
yep, the hr ick test
yawn, it's so boring watching the mouth breathers wake up in slow motion. The elites piss down their throats in slow mo, then they wake up in slow me. Happens every time.

First time I got a job in tech 10y ago I instantly understood the emotional abuse that the elites use in these companies to keep the normgroids wageslaving
>team building builds emotional attachments to coworkers and the company (basically how pedos groom kids)
>emotional abuse during the interview (idiotic questions, asking you where you worked like a paranoid and jealous spouse, etc.)
>endless humiliation rituals
>the demonization of free time and agency
>equating career with your value as a human
they're both easy but fizzbuzz is even easier
>i hate acting like a circus monkey for psychopaths who would walk over me if i were dying on the street
you mean existing in society?
sad temper tantrum
sad little boy

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