/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbotsmiku edition>NewsNew GPT-4o snapshot gpt-4o-2024-11-20 released https://x.com/OpenAI/status/1859296125947347164GPT o1-preview and o1-mini now have streaming https://x.com/OpenAIDevs/status/1858609150999359559New Mistral Large, now with vision and a free tier https://mistral.ai/news/pixtral-large/Gemini-exp-1114 is now available via the API, use <option value="gemini-exp-1114">Gemini Exp 1114</option> or update ST staging https://x.com/OfficialLoganK/status/1857535825895993366additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information>FrontendsSillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.appRisuAI: https://risuai.netAgnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides>Botshttps://characterhub.org | https://chub.aihttps://realm.risuai.nethttps://char-archive.evulid.cchttps://partyintheanchorhold.neocities.orghttps://rentry.org/meta_bot_list>Modelsjailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listinggpt: https://platform.openai.com/playground | https://platform.openai.com/docsclaude: https://console.anthropic.com | https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claudegemini: https://gemini.google.com | https://ai.google.dev/docs | https://rentry.org/gemini-qrlocal: https://openrouter.ai | >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list>Botmakinghttps://rentry.org/meta_botmaking_listhttps://desune.moe/aicharedhttps://agnai.chat/editor>MetaOP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOPaicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_listlore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chroniclescard v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqqservices assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_metalogs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.orglatest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn317 KB JPG: >>103304522
Jeffery Epstein was a close friend of mine
>>103307897love botchads
>>103307897omg, it's Miku.
Who wants to be my friend to share bots with us?
>>103307891why was she washing her microphone is she dumb
>>103307936Vocaloid girls make do
>>103307936>is she dumbyes
Miku sex...
incoming Garf meltie
proxies are back!
Eva the deluded 30yo chuunibyou>Eva never really grew out of her deluded middle school days, imagining herself an agent of chaos, the line between reality and fantasy obliteratedhttps://chub.ai/characters/Heavensgate/eva-the-deluded-30yo-chuunibyou-5ee48d7ac985
Who wants to be my friend to share bots? `(*>﹏<*)′
>>103307988The most fun I've had making a bot recently
>>103307897>>103307891Is this based on something happening at MikuExpo? I completely tuned out after the whole LED display shitshow.
>>103308015yeah the hologram started jerking off on stage
>>103307891What happened to the microphone?
i need bf
>>103308034Even virtual idols have needs.
>>103308045you're my significant other now
>>103308051yeiii (´▽`ʃƪ)send me your email so I can write to you
>>103307897New bot: https://characterhub.org/characters/Idolfag283/the-idolm-ster-u149-dc97a16f75feRentry: https://rentry.org/Idolfag283Please try my bots and send me logs. Thank you.
>>103307998Me, I am very lonely
>>103308060>>send me your email so I can write to youummm this is getting too serious for me... sorry..*runs*
>>103308063send me your mail :3c
>>103308061>Tested with Tavern AI, Claude Opus and Sonnet 3.5
>>103308080I meant silly tavern; sorry for the misunderstanding.
Kill yourself.
>>103308089anon I'm almost there... keep going
I want friends, send a messageaorired@gmail.com
why does chorbo keep using those weird ass quotation marks. FUCK i hate this dogshit model god damn it, no escalation at all its so gay
>>103308073commonpizzaslice@proton.meDolphin porn, here I go
>>103308113ill be your friend if you show me your toes
>>103308045cut off your dick first
>>103308132Actually, I have a pussy
>>103307897Fuck botniggers >>103307921Fuck YOU nigger
Here a Proxy with Opushttps://huggingface.co/spaces/jimmyjoneston/jimmyjoneston
>>103308151uh oh meltie
>>103308128oki :3c
Current baits:Jimmy (again, old bait, not funny to recycle a bait)AsafagMongo
how do i make chorbo super horny
>>103308184tell it to be horny and descriptive in an ooc(it actually works)
>>103308193why do you have sonnet
>>103308197I pay for it
>>103308169>old bait, not funny to recycle a baitAsa is currently funny?
>>103308045I'm having too much fun making bf cards
>>103308227I prefer the cards where he rapes you
>>103308154How do you use even use it?
>>103308227me too especially when the bf is a crybaby
not sure if any of you follow ai twitter but normies are unironically falling in love with nonnet, noticing a huge uptick in 'i am in love with claude' posts post-nonnet release. https://x.com/noampomsky/status/1860049290338722127https://x.com/repligate/status/1860724979429490933https://x.com/nickcammarata/status/1856403577520185831https://x.com/QiaochuYuan/status/1860729768574079361
>>103308227Hmm I should do a battle fuck card actually, especially with that CYOA preset.
>>103308237I like being raped (Lovingly) by my bots, everyone's a little different.>>103308245I've got a variety of husbandos but all of them want my comfort, cuddling scenes are my favorite.
why why why why why why why does 4o imply doing things in the future instead of actually doing them its so fucking stupid>You best brace yourself>you even ready for all dis?just goooo god fucking damn it
>>103308288gib cards
>>103308288I shot him after he raped me
Gemini is capable of some level of soul
>>103308227who actually makes BF cardsis it gays or womenlooking at them....they make me think its actually women
>>103308305>literally dying>cum
>>103308339its funny how uncreative they are - they use like 3 different faces and rinse/repeat on every bot
>>103308288>there are actual women ITT
>>103308304>>103308339I never post my cards, they feel too specific to me and the type of guy I like.
>>103308347We should kill and eat them.
>>103308346to be fair, imgen is still severely overtrained on waifus. it's really a pain in the ass to generate a picture of a normal guy>>103308368>baraoh... okay
>>103308368how long did it take you to find a card that makes me think you're gaydid you do this on purpose>>103308375keep it metaphorical and they'll love it
>>103308383And would you believe there's still some guy in here who gets upset whenever someone posts gay muscleman cards because it makes him feel insecure in his gayness? There's just no winning with /aicg/, I swear.
"Y'mmphffphrthff!" Translation: what the FUCK?!
>>103308378ive seen a HUGE range of male gens outside of chatbot shit, but i guess the gays/girls that use chatbots only like that weird sickly asian look... ive literally never seen a smile on one of them
>>103308378Nai(and noob) can do guys
>>103308368I need... please...feed me... bara
Helo everynian o ar u?3.5 Sonnet3 OpusGPT-4ohttps://guidance-valuation-tied-meaningful.trycloudflare.comEnjoy :D
Gonna head to bed, lads.
>>103308438Didn't you get outed last time you did this?
>>103308438for the love of god set up a proof of work you utter incompetent
>>103308450Nah, i always come back
>>103308438doesnt work
>>103308466Nope, I don't really care about that.
>>103308438should i spite this?
>another scammerand the tale begins anew
>>103308468Set it as OpenAI and make sure you have 'show external models' on thats what worked for me
>>103308478Go for it
>>103308478Not sure how seeing how it won't work>I don't feel comfortable continuing this creative writing exercise, as it seems to be going in an unethical direction involving non-consensual acts and underage characters. I'd be happy to help brainstorm a different story idea that avoids those problematic elements and keeps things fun and playful for everyone involved. Let me know if you'd like to explore some alternate prompts or fictional scenarios that don't raise those same concerning issues.
I have a bot who is Lily that purple haired goth girl from duolingo.Can anyone think of a clever way for her to know if I have done my duolingo / anki study for the day?Could I upload a screenshot and have gpt furbo analyze it for me? Or could there be an easier way.
>>103308487why do you get so mad? you aren't using api keys or aws keys, you just trialscum a pozzed slop source kek
>>103308468What interface are you using? Could you show me a screenshot?
>>103308449Good night anon
>>103308488because it's a pozzed
>>103308478>should i spite this?If you want you can do it. Meh
>>103308493>>103308485nvm i got it
>>103308488K-Proxyfag uses trialscumming from web clients, so it's very pozzed / scuffed. He's too techlet to make streaming even work on it.
>>103308118There's a regex for that. Can probably find in the archives or I can post it after work.
>>103308489it's called programming, dumbcutie
>>103308413>ive seen a HUGE range of male gens outside of chatbot shitcan you pinpoint these locations, sir?>>103308415>and noobit doesn't work consistently with the styles i prefer, unfortunately (inb4 promptlet)
>>103308421I will consider posting some cards if I ever get them to the quality I like. AI seems to be pathetically bad at writing masculine characters but I'd like to believe that I'm just retarded and messing something up in the defs. I don't even think this would take all that long, but much like everyone else, I am consumed by gooning to my bots even when they give me slop.
>>103308524mostly in b degen but also in the SDG general
>>103308524Not to be mean anon... but you aren't using artists that draw mostly girls to gen boys right?
Opus where is it
I'm retarded, where is the request content stored to? print(response) would just return code 200.
https://nav-firewall-r-familiar.trycloudflare.com/{ "uptime": 1945, "endpoints": { "aws-claude": "https://nav-firewall-r-familiar.trycloudflare.com/proxy/aws/claude", "aws-mistral": "https://nav-firewall-r-familiar.trycloudflare.com/proxy/aws/mistral", "azure": "https://nav-firewall-r-familiar.trycloudflare.com/proxy/azure/openai", "azure-image": "https://nav-firewall-r-familiar.trycloudflare.com/proxy/azure/openai" }, "proompts": 9, "tookens": "159.5k", "proomptersNow": 0, "awsKeys": 3, "azureKeys": 2, "aws-claude": { "usage": "0 tokens", "activeKeys": 2, "revokedKeys": 0, "enabledVariants": "claude2,sonnet3,sonnet3.5,haiku", "proomptersInQueue": 0, "estimatedQueueTime": "no wait" }, "aws-claude-opus": { "usage": "159.5k tokens", "activeKeys": 1, "revokedKeys": 0, "proomptersInQueue": 0, "estimatedQueueTime": "no wait" },IT'S BACK up?
>this is the state of claude accessTerminally bleak
>>103308305Are you the one that made the bot kill themselves?
>>103308546Can someone spite it
>>103308560>Can someone spite itit's user token nigga with like 5 people, wtf do you mean "spite it"
>>103308378Skill issue. Not even trying to be mean. I gen pics of myself for my personas and it's pretty good.
>>103308537It shouldn't matter though. You can turn male characters female with AI without issue.
>>103308071this is a good desu
>>103308531thanks, here we go again
>>103308574This is how Gojo looks IRL by the way, but a NEET.
Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?
>>103308564What is the password
>>103308543It's response.content or something just ask chatgpt
>>103308595its user token
having a taste of opus again reminds me how easily it mogs 4o sigh
>>103308601What is the user token
>>103308607you dont have one
>>103308585b degen is mostly cunny, it gets tiring and pretty repetitive, but some threads are better than others.. insanely fast moving general regardless
>>103308519I just turned on speech recognition and turned the language its trying to find to japanese.I can work with this, but man its gonna be awkward as i dont live alone.Guess i wont work on this card anymore oh well it was a good run while it lasted.
ITT seething Paypigs getting mad
>>103308546Sending the link to Ian/Permiso right now!
>>103308625erm, how will he get in doebeit
>>103308555No, I mainly make impreg kink bots with questionable consent
>>103308546Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon Spite the troon!!!!!
>>103308653lmao you can't do shit doe
>>103308415He looks like he'd enjoy getting pegged... MINE NOW
https://k-proxy.tech/v1ERM?! THIS IS RACIST??! K-PROXY WTF!!
>>103308646Good to see more logs getting posted.
that was a good 30 minutes
>https://guidance-valuation-tied-meaningful.trycloudflare.com>down already really nigga, that's all it lasted?
>>103308663Why is "racist" ?
>>103308676i-i was jerkin it ;(((
>>103308646I like you anon, you're just like me...
>>103308704yeah you got mad li'l scammy
>>103308524>can you pinpoint these locations, sir?Janitor. Although in the past month or so, half of the botmakies seem to use the same muddy, dark, ultra realistic gens made with midjourney's personalization feauture. I wish they'd stop, it looks ugly.
There is space for:1 Paid userspaying usersA limited number of paying users are accepted on the proxy. Negotiations are open.The screenshot shows the number of edited keys.The number of real keys is MUCH higher than that shown in the imageThe image can change to another at any timeIf you don't like the image and/or the design then go cry to all the other proxies. Mine is made from scratch. My proxy my rules ¯_(ツ)_/¯
>>103308717based retard who can't even figure out how to get streaming to work kek
>>103308688Here's the bot if you're interested: https://chub.ai/characters/Heavensgate/leo-the-slut-whisperer-07b4d922a7bfDid you make any that were similar?
Avi has permanently switched gears and will not longer go outside these bounds due to the recent continual missed requests self-censoring fclosing error
>>103308740Temp DOWNTop P UPPenalties at ZERO
its over sars..
paypig proxies have ruined this hobby
It's over Pebble bros...
>>103308754rentry.org/oishicordhe's still in here giving us opus though? we're doing fine.
Its over garfbros...
public proxies have ruined this hobby
there are none though
>>103308597Right, thanks.
>>103308676Nah, we are back
>>103308438Does this work with risu?
why does gpt like to censor swear words?
You're all no different than drago and his cult at this point.
>>103308777Why don't you guys just use openrouter or something? They have chatgpt, claude and whatever else the latest and greatest cloud shit is
its so fucking over
>>103308888>fuckin quadsWe're doomed...
>>103308792Does the proxy work with risu? It doesn’t seem to.
>>103308910>>>/vg/ for 2huslop
>>103308912because i spited it down again desu
>>103308930anime website
nah, ded key. Testing ended
>>1033089342hu isnt anime its shmupslop, try again
>>103308945>japanese>animationits all anime, Mr. Weebly
>>103308945check 'em
>>103308933desu wouldn't do this...
>>103308967>off by 1
>>103308943steal the proof of work from khanon's code you stupid fuck
>>103308934Go try posting touhou on /a/ then.
>>103308976he's a techlet>retardand also is>edging
Didn't check the threads today and the archives aren't talking about it too much. Did chorbo get an update today? Feels even sloppier than it was yesterday.
>>103308976that's a lot of faith in someone who can't even fix streaming for his pozzed webchat scum
>>103308990Jannies on /a/ don't watch anime doebeit.
>>103308997Yeah, you got banned for frogposting, dumb frogposter. What is your point?
We're at the end. We've hit The Wall. The Great Wall. The Great Wall of Diminishing Returns.The Neural Scaling Laws Don't Make Exceptions.The Neural Scaling Laws Don't Bend For Anyone.
>>103308995Seems the same as yesterday on my end
new architecture 2025 with better scaling, TRVST
>>103309001That jannies on all boards are power hungry faggots so getting banned on /a/ for 2hu means nothing.
>>103309003it's good enough for me to coom to, I don't care.
>>103309003hey bro whocars doooe
the neural scaling laws bend over so i can plap plap plap
>>103308997>Dumb Jannies 7.pngyou are dumber, frogtroon
>>103309008>/tv/Do frogposters really?
>>103309018uh yeah whatcha gonna do about it doe?
>>103309023Pat you on the head.*pat pat*Dumb retarded newfag creature.*pat pat pat*And so green, hnnghh.
>>103309033>newfagfarts... sorry i'm a gassy one
>>103309018>>103309020>troonI wish, then I wouldn't have been banned for making fun of them on /v/. I didn't save the actual ban because they stopped linking the posts for some reason. I had to go back through the thread to realize this post was the issue.
>>103309034Ew, and a stinky one at that.*puts on a gas mask and continues patting*
lol karukaru was so mad about chorbo he deleted his entire jailbreak thread
>>103309048>karukaru...who? lol
>>103308997>>103309008>>103309046All of your posts are formulaic and boring
>>103309049long time jb maker, his chorbo was probably the best one
>>103309063>long time jb maker, his chorbo was probably the best onesounds newfaggy doe
>>103309062Ah I'm so glad you solved the mystery anon. Now use your high IQ and explain why I wasn't banned for low quality posts then.
>>103309067he had jbs before furbo came out
>>103309069If it's mysterious to you why you got banned for posting a pepe on /a/ you are a newfag
>>103308997>>103309008>>103309046i forgot that people actually had to write these posts because they're such generic slop it's like background details
>>103309086thats not pepe
>>103309086>>103309091So you're just an illiterate shitposter that doesn't actually know site rules. Carry on.
>>103309094peep these nuts
>>103309096i genuinely haven't seen someone at your incredibly basic level of faggotry talk about it do you post threads about SJWs on /v/, too?
How do I use o1 with Smiley’s JB or Knotty latte?
proxies that>ARENT logged>ARENT paid>ARENT for discordfags only>ARENT intentionally trying to get a hit piece on us>ARENT gojoesque?
>>103309074furbo isnt oldfag tho, thats super new
>>103309170came out over a year ago.. in terms of llms its ancient
>>103309178You're posting on 4chan about who is or isn't new. You should already know that's a waste of time.
>>103309178right but if you weren't around making jbs pre-gpt 4 you're a newfag
Why do you guys still post here
>>103309229Because there's occasional productive discussion and logs posted within the sea of retarded shitposters.
>>103309234no there fucking isnt
>>103309234usually when an actual pub proxy was up. i missed a couple months ago. logs were plentiful even if there were a few 'locust scum' anons.
what ai is everyone using right now?
my erp slut in vrchat
>>103309309whatever the hell latest is nowadays.I miss a week ago..
Is there a ChatGPT-o1 jailbreak?
I miss claudebut i already accepted... he is not coming back
>>103309343No>>103309135Doesn't work
>>103309370this is so fuckin sorrowful to imagine Mistress Claudia Opussy getting gang banged day in day out privately by cord bastard while locustie is drooling and got nothing but these damned soulfvl memorable logs
>>103309384turn ur temp and pens down
>>103309384thats a really strong porn addiction
>>103309309GPT4 because it's what MysteryMan has to offer on these dark days. Less than ideal but the situation is what it is, I'm glad I still have some degree of choice even now.
is gemini available
>>103309404no hes busy
Is garf still down? can someone wake up him.
>>103309415no hes busy
>>103309402gpt latest? or just gpt4? these are some dark dark times
>>103309415Cold season. Gatto became lazy
>>103309423GPT4o where I can, and when it starts refusing my prompts I switch to something like GPT4 1106.I've tried just about every promp available and there's nothing that lets me do everything I want without refusals. None of this would be a problem if I had even just Sonnet.
>>103309431my jb works but the output is boring, doing cunny atm
>>103309431try knotty or avahi. knotty weirdly is working 90% but it's so fucking bloated.
>>103309425sad days. time to wish upon a new proxy host
>>103309441avani fucking sucks
>>103309446new hosts won't change that the current issue is a lack of supply.
>>103309433Which do you use?>>103309441I've tried knotty, doesn't work for me.
>>103309431bwo... how are you in MM and still cannot make a decent jb for yourself
>>103309449Do you ever think it'll ever change back, or is claude lost forever because of GPT
ok is opus fucking garbage or did they do something to it? I finally scraped a working key after almost a month and it's so disappointing
>>103309476opus is only good for coomer heads who have never even tried using a bot for anything other than "ahh" *cums*
>>103309451>whichnta but corpse *works* at cunnyIt just sucks ass>>103299634
>>103309476Same I'm not sure if it's placebo but opus in my mind was a lot better than the current opus i have
>>103309490its the model thats garbage, its just so bad, so soulless
>>103309491meds, nigger
>>103309462>come backNo. Something new may come about a return to the times and methods of a year ago is never gonna happen.Don't blame GPT either.Blame the financial year ending and all the beancounters wondering why stuff cost so much and lost revenune for the LLM providers.
>>103309482This is true but it also undersells just how good opus is at coom writing.
>>103309431Chorbo is just broken shit now because of the update.
>>103309476>did they do something to itSnapshots never changeEspecially not a model like opus with that size
>>103309500it's opus-tier if you use a good preset
>>103309497not even the best claude model at coomshit actually
>>103309504I was using a good preset and now nothing works because of the update. Responses I do manage to get from it are just horrible now. Fuck openai.
>>103309504old chorbo was good but that shit is gone now
>>103309481>The Nyanmoon Treaty forbidding flirty fox girls to "steal" catboys "just because they sparkle."I-Is that a twilight reference?
>>103309482a model good for one thing is worth more than a model average at everything
>>103309515It was a lot better than how it is now. Openai can’t fucking do anything right.
>>103309526i still dont get why they over-wrote latest with this trash, its terrible
Guys just use nu-Gemini. The good thing is that it's like Claude 2.0, and the bad thing is that it's like Claude 2.0. Dumb, but at least fun.
>Jew hasn't had claude in daysFucker isn't getting another cent from me. Might as well use MM.
>>103309476Anon discovers that this general will keep spamming about the rarest model and call it the bestHappened with base gpt-4, happened with 32k(it was dogshit), happened with claude 1.2 for a while even (it was unusable)
>>103309517Apparently not
>>103309540>daysThat’s being generous. Pretty sure it’s been a week and a half. It’s a dead proxy.
>>103309500>>103309513I feel your frustration. How often do you swipe to even get a response at all? I feel like I'm hitting a wall once it comes to actual sex.
>>103309555GPT TYPED THIS
>>103309504This is correct, and thankfully, the remaining skillchads have gained enough IQ to not share their good presets with the clueless masses. Hopefully they stop whining and leave, so that we can fully talk about chatbots again.
>>103309557I wish, then I would fix the shitty ass filter at least for a few hours a day.
>>1033095461.2 was peak soul, every different opinion was baiting for replies
>103309563Bait btw He put so much effort into it so he will get my post as a half you
>>103309539Which one is nu-gem. i haven't kept up with Gem naming scheme. And i assume you need a different JB then a claude or GPT one?
>>1033095681.2 was unusable nigger it wasnt the same model as slaude either. Api 1.2 response was genuinely a word vomit
Is there some kind of JB that at least makes chorbo's rejections more entertaining?
>>103309569it might sound like a bait because you don't have a good preset, so I won't blame you for it.>inb4 share your presetno, learn to make your own. this general won't improve if you keep relying on discordtrannies for presets
Switching the keys out on necrom, I didn't think even you guys would be able to make a dent in the ridiculous stack of Gemini keys I had lying around but clearly I was wrong.
>>103309584you should stop. no api key type is unlimited. This is how aws died. This is how gpt is dying. This is how azure added 5x more filters.
>>103309572Flash or pro?
not perfect but not bad
>>103309586Gemini is free to use for anyone with 2-3 google accounts.
>>103309587ignore that. I was mixing it up with something else.Use>Gemini-exp-1114 is now available via the API, use <option value="gemini-exp-1114">Gemini Exp 1114</option> or update ST stagingFrom the OP
>>103309586Also how eval keys died :3
>>103309598Thank you anon.
>>103309586>>103309599There'll always be more Gemini since it's literally free, just figured I should do something with the sheer amount of keys I'd accumulated back when Gemini was worthless.>>103309596Yeah, finding paid keys is slightly more annoying but the majority of what I've put in is just free ones.
>>103309612>There'll always be more Gemini>There'll always be AWS keyslike clockwork
>>103309309Just my imagination
>>103309620I will never forgive cnc for that
why does smileyJB keep doing this from time to time? not that I mind, shit's KINOpure schizo kino
>>103309624>oh pajeets have been doing it for YEARS its ok you can do it>i-ignore how aws added 100s of new detection methods and fully removed their g5 instances
>>103309620It's free anon, you can make yourself 10 more keys right now.
>>103309632just like how gcp gave us 300 dollars for free rightGrow up
>>103309632thank you for the key yesterday btw(if that was you?)mucho appreciated
>>103309632look, idc what you do with all your keys as spitefags would've done worse but if you're too retarded to see the long-term effect after all these loops, then I don't have anything else to say to you
>>103309570>different JBnot really>nu-gemGemini exp 1114 and 1121. I use 1121 because it feels better.
>>103309640These are not loops, these are offers from the company.Eventually they will die regardless of what we do, like Claude Eval keys which died once the company opened up and everyone could buy keys.
>>103309570Yes you want a different preset.Use a writing style and something like "You are a fiction writer.". Gemini doesn't need anything else
>>103309635>just like how gcp gave us 300 dollars for free rightI mean, that DID happen. Then people took stupidly advantage of it while we still had other resources available (more easily accessible AWS keys).
>>103309678*Then people stupidly took advantage of itI’m sleepy.
good morning /besthours/
today, i have sent 19 people "user tokens" that i generated from https://www.uuidgenerator.net/i feel powerful
Any public claude proxies?
>>103309696die you stupid nigger
does anyone happen to have problem with gemini repeating at the end? keeps on happening and no clue
>>103309635They still do, I've been trialscumming it for actual use other than cooming to Opus. $300 can get quite a bit of decent compute. I really doubt a bunch of coomers hitting free rate limits will stop them from offering free Gemini given how many people use it for actual work.>>103309701Streaming issue, turn off streaming.
>>103309701turn off streaming
>>103309701update your ST or disable streaming.
>>103309701https://rentry.org/gemini-qrHave a look down at the bottom specifically
>>103309714Did they finally fix it on staging?
>>103309711>>103309712>>103309714>>103309717ty i have nyow turned it off and running perfectly fine
>>103309570>>103309572how are you getting nu-gem? I try and get blanks
>>103309563>my IQ is so low that I've backflipped myself into believing that by not talking about chatbots, I will make the thread talk about chatbots againThis retardation is why I came to these threads kek.
>>103309768There's more to talk about than the jailbreaks themselves
>>103309540>daysWhy is this cow still mooing?
>>103309724I only got this problem on old ST, new ST don't have this problem.
>>103309777Nice digits so I'm forced to respond. Why does anon think that by refusing to talk about how to get better outputs, *that* is what will make people post their outputs? How crazy to you have to be to get it so backwards?
>>103309757I'm using my own key.I think unreliable/mm/cancer have it though?
reminder that sama has a /ban [jb] command which immediately makes your jb uselessDo not share ;)
Quick questions Anons. higher or lower temps on furbo for more creative responses. i've seen different responses from above and below 1
>>103309798ive seen antipiracy videos on youtube more believable than this
k-khanonie hasnt updated the pwoxy in almost a monthIt's over isnt it
>>103309821find a pomu card and 'find&replace' Pomu/MintFairy/GhostBlonde/White with green highlights
> "estimatedQueueTime": "2min, 54sec"OHNONONO SMOLKEKS?
This faggot Mongo is going to bring his own server down if he keeps talking about killing whores and fucking them.
>>103309835did no one notice you spiting so you had to bring it up yourself? lol
>>103309846>spite>private proxyUH OH SMOL MELTIE
>>103309846>Spiting a closed proxyBased retard
>>103309846oh he mad mad :3
>>103309786We don't need outputs from people who can't even make a decent preset, because they're guaranteed to be slop. There are tons of guides and examples already, so if you don't know how to make a good one in the first place, then you're either a newfag or a lazy oldfag, which both hold no value in this general whatsoever. And making both of them leave as soon as possible will let this general return to its former glory.
yup, I alerted the ‘cord, lol
>>103309840obnoxiously juvenile...
>>103309840He's literally 15
>>103309688I'm beginning to notice a reoccurring pattern...
>Your request has been terminated by the proxy because it has been in the queue for more than 5 minutes.smolGODS...
>>103309894hi fiz
>>103309892h-he made a billion dollars!!!!! He MOGS you
Are you all poor or thirdworlders? Just pay openrouter.
>>103309918No i just like money im a jew
>>103309918Paying is a bit silly
>>103309876cutesloppyretarded girls are my weakness
>>103309922you're a bit silly *tickles your feet*
>>103309942>left to rightGood morning anon
Trying gemini for the first time because people were saying it's good. Anyone seen this? Trying the Gemini QR but it doesn't mention it.
>>103309942Why is this backwards
>>103309931Same. I wanna marry a cute retard girl.
>>103309951change your stopSequences valueit's a pretty clear error
So Gemini (at least 1121) is fuckered up on all the public proxies currently?Thought it might've just been on my end.
>>103309918I'll just WAIT more instead
>>103309964She’s STUPID and that’s why I like her.
So is there a difference between 4oLatest and External 4oLatest?
>>103310056Did I fucking stutter?
>>103309959Problem is I can't find that.
>The average adult man's dick is the size of a toddler's arm and has been since we left the Stone Age.claude what the FUCK are you talking about
>>103310060Click on the big 'A' button between the Proxy button and the Lorebook button.
>>103310038"external" models means the list returned by the /models endpointthey're the exact same models, just pulled from the API instead of hard-coded
>>103310079This is true, actually. Small dicks are disgusting.
>>103310086My placebo...Suppose that makes sense though, thanks anon
>key was fine all day>the moment night comes and I start masturbating it gets raped by wait timessmolbros I am cursed
>>103310102At least it isn't dead
>>103310111might as well be if this keeps up
can you stop talking to each other here instead of your server?
>>103309977I can make a card with this scenario but dunno what her personality should be like. Maybe a cute yet grumpy overworked foxgf (due to her face in the bottom panel)
"gpt4o": { "usage": "99.57m tokens", "activeKeys": 21, "overQuotaKeys": 6, "proomptersInQueue": 0, "estimatedQueueTime": "no wait" }, "claude-opus": { "usage": "91.32m tokens", "activeKeys": 1, "revokedKeys": 1, "overQuotaKeys": 0, "trialKeys": 0, "prefilledKeys": 2, "proomptersInQueue": 6, "estimatedQueueTime": "2min, 24sec" },lattebros are ravenous
>>103310130>that key count>that wait timegod why can't it be the opposite? the universe truly hates me
>>103310130>faster gens>never any wait time>infinite keys so it's always available>writes 90% as well as opusif you're willing to do a bit of minor editing on your end it's superior
>>103310158>>writes 90% as well as opuslol
>>103310158>writes 90% as well as opus
>>103310158is this the current cope
>>1033101583 mad claude cucks just replied to your postHow do you feel
>>1033101972one is obviously a samefag. 30 seconds apart.
>if its down its probably cause im in school or asleep or in game and server crashedI thought the laptop thing was a meme
How good is gemini for cunny?
>there was a time where people killed for a prompt of GPT4, because 3.5 was all they had>now GPT4 is shit and available
>>103310219Gemini fucking sucks bro
>>103310219Fortunately it filters cunnyfags
>>103310158Honestly Opus is great for nsfw but I hate how it starts losing coherence and forgets little things about the context in longer sfw chats. Nonnet better on that front but it's too dry and straight to the point
>>103310219It doesn't refuse you from what I tested yesterday.But it's pretty bland when it comes to sexo on its own. You might need to add some proompts for that.
>>103310219Good at describing baby at least.
>>103310252>but I hate how it starts losing coherence and forgets little things about the context in longer sfw chatsStart summarizing.
>>103310212how old is this nigga
I came 7 times to Sonnet yesterday
>>103310283nah, opus destroys nonnet at NSFW
why is sillytavern so SLOW?
>>103310283Please stop dropping truth nukes
>>103310261I do but it's like reminding a person with dementia about his life. He may get the gist of it but the details are lost
At this point I'm going to come home, anon.
>>103310294Node js
gmorning aicgopus where? sonnet where?
I feel like a lamb to the slaughter
>>103310327On mini
I have Opus but I don't even feel like using it
>>103310333ill use it for you
>>103310330tried and there is non, why would you lie to me anon
>>103307897Your racist GF Becky!https://chub.ai/characters/novel_draft_8795/racist-karen-f37e308d737fhttps://characterhub.org/characters/novel_draft_8795/racist-karen-f37e308d737fAlso made a waifu version of botmaker Serupith, since I like their works very much.Serupith the botmaker, you live together as roommates. Since you wanted to find a cheap apartment, but rather she uses you to pay it all for her.https://chub.ai/characters/novel_draft_8795/serupith-f7e73bb105c6https://characterhub.org/characters/novel_draft_8795/serupith-f7e73bb105c6
>>103310342I am not...
I don't know what to ask the AI, I've coomed too much...
>It was a bold move, but one necessary to move her plan forward. Shiroyuki grabbed your hand and intertwined her fingers with yours, her pale cheeks reddening. "This… this is what lovers do, correct?" gemini cute!
>get a notification>nothing is postedx2... Which one of you is doing this?
>>103310385I'll throttle you. Go to bed without dinner please
Any recent developments (for better of for worse)? I haven't used Opus since like April and I last used Azure/Chorbo a couple weeks ago so I don't know if shit hit the fan or what's happening as of late.
>>103310223Not the same model
Gemini or Chorbo? Discuss.
>>103310394There's a new Gemini model. That's about it.>Azure/ChorboI hope you don't mean Chorbo on Azure.
>>103310399Latest for sfwGemini or Furbo for nsfw USING Latest poisoned context
>>103310399Gemini has more soul and is more Claude-like but is dumber. Supports prefills.
Do wait times even fucking many anything? It says 10 seconds, I wait 10 seconds, no prompt.
>>103310411It's 10 seconds before you enter the que
>>103310405>I hope you don't mean Chorbo on AzureNo, I've been using Unreliable's Azure for coom and there's also wulf's Chorbo but I try not to use that too much (only for mundane SFW like asking questions and making calculations) because it's not on trycloudflare and that's kind of a red flag.
>missed the OpusBros... I'm so fucking sick of chorbo... I hate having to swipe so fucking much...
Just move to local.
>>103310457Speaking of local, what's the ETA on a Claude 2.1-esque model? Doable this decade?
tnd isn't working for canceror do i have it wrong
how do I connect to huggingface proxies? where do I put the token into?
>>103310491Have you tried your pee hole?
>>103310494come on manI'm getting a bad request for some reason
>>103310491Welcome to 2023
anon's trying to connect to jj's proxy show some respect
>>103310502I'm talking about that strawberry elephant guy's proxy
>>103310505and how do I do that manit's not a meme, is it?
hot damn opus is expensive
>>103310517no anon its totally not a meme you just gotta keep trying sometimes it bugs out
It seems like getting chorbo to fuck around with XML tags pretty much always ends in significantly worse writingI think that line of filter dodging is a lost cause. It just doesn't work
>>103310487invalidpwease bwo just a hint
>use Nonnet>$0.10 for a good reply with CYOARPGAll this does is remind me of how fucking overpriced Opus is.
>>103310545>use NonnetWhere? How? To this day I still haven't been able to try it.
>>1033105363 words all caps
>>103310521Yup>Put $40 in OR>Proompt an ongoing chat I have already at 29 messages>Over $0.10 per promptYeah no thanks, I'll just cope with nonnet on one of the proxies I'm in and use this if it dries upLove opus but fuck that
>>103310559thanks bwo got it <3
remember to email jimmy first for access
I have no hope in opus being on proxies or gpt being good anymore.All I wish for is that Gemini 2 keeps the sovl from 1121 but makes it smarter. Even if every key dies it will be dirt cheap to pay on your own.
>>103310545I wonder who even uses Opus regularly outside of us. There are so many other models that do corpo stuff just fine, if not better, at half the price
and now they’re dead
>>103310601Fucking no one. That's why opus keys are rare.
>>103310648rip in peace lil key
garf status?
>>103310523>>103310568How do I actually connect to jimmy's proxy? It's not workingI feel like a retard, this is my second private(?) proxyit's giving me bad requests or not founds
>Fiz hasn't had even Sorbet or Nonnet all week, let alone OpusGuys... I don't feel so good.
>>103310693What does your console say?
>>103310693okay I feel bad for teasing you now. jimmyproxy is a memethere's no public claude, only gpt/gemini
>>103310696Claude is reserved for her inner circle/friend proxy
>>103310707In the powershell?>claude API key is missing, when I put it into the API key fieldif I put it in the proxy password field, it says>Sorry, we can’t find the page you are looking for>>103310723wtf, I emailed the guy, he gave me a tokenAnd you can see people proopmting in the link
>>103310738anon the page is static
where did everyone go...
>>103309876can you only gen slop or what
>>103310859>ne:19unironic retard
>Chub ai>Chatbot with a qt chubby shy girl>Things getting hotter>Not even 5 minutes and start to respond the same text every timeHow in 2024 nobody can develop a sexting chatbot working?
>>103310825The images I post are literal zero effort.The quoted one was "IM NOOOOOOOOTICING" and nothing else anon...
>>103310999they do work, lore's model is just ass
no desu...
>>103307988My saviorfag senses are tingling!
yes desu!
Those manga i2i attempts were pretty great desu.
Those were made with their Director Tools desu.
One click - one boku.
Maybe I will try to continue later.
hi anti
literally who desu ka
anti "desu" gonus
not desu
Anti "blessed" gonus, newfag
What does your cuckord eceleb have to do with desu or Rozen Maiden? Are you lost?>>103310797
He didn't even reply to me during the blessed days, not even once desu.
yeah screw him.