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We had the technology 100 years ago.

What happened?
>Why is Returning to the Moon So Difficult?
>What happened?
We never went to the moon, and never will. Simple as.
doesn't it get tiring saying the same shit in every thread?
I don't think you believe any of that space isn't real shit, you're boring
No Soviet Union to defeat and no monetary gain
its going to be a wild ride when china lands a man on the moon in 2030
Space is fake and gay
NASA's budget was like 4.5% the federal budget in 1965, compared to 0.3% in 2023.
But they've had more time, trying to go back since Reagan was president.
Nasa hasn't had the money or drive for a moon landing since the early 70s, after 2 successful landings, people didn't even feel like watching it on TV, Apollo 13 wasn't even televised until the disaster happened.
Smaller budget mostly. That and the goals are a bit different I suppose. Less about just getting to the moon and more about sustainable long term settlement. I.E developing cheaper rockets and flights.
Same reason why CRT still better
Then what do you think is there?
Nice try glowie, you're the one getting tired of defending this obvious scam to anyone with an IQ above 70
There's no gold - no reason to even think about space travel let alone thinking about going somewhere further.
If there was a gold or mineral rush every nation on this planet would be building their own shitty rocket propelled vehicle. And there would inevitably be wars out there too.
Its alien property and any attempt to land is destroyed.
almost every corner was cut in the original space race
now there's actual safety requirements and an expectation that anyone that goes actually gets back, rather than it being a nice-to-have
NASA claim all the blueprints for the rocket engines were "lost" so they cant build it again, oopsie daisy
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>We never went to the moon, and never will.
well maybe this will make you understand it, imagine a huge ladder that we lean on the moon. it's up there after all.
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The Soviet Union is self destructing lol
Anon, if you believe there's nothing up his sleeve then nothing is cool :p
The moon is literally fake
>We had the technology 100 years ago.
we actually didn't
it was fake.
Couple reasons
NASA has almost no money to work with and getting to the moon is extremely expensive compared to just getting into orbit
>fucks to give
99% of what we wanted to know from the moon, we figured out after the first few Apollo missions, there’s not much reason to actually go back there in person
>conventional rocket motor technology hit its ceiling in the 60’s and getting consistent and predicable results out of the motors manufactured required shitloads of specialized tweaks specific to each motor
Actually getting a dependable motor built is more mechanical witchcraft than engineering
>the moon isn’t stable
During all the Apollo missions we were causing moonquakes, the moon is best thought of as a meringue cookie like consistency, it’s light and fragile, there is a legitimate chance we could cause geological damage to parts of the moon by launching shit off of it near fault lines
>there’s nobody to impress
Realistically enough money and you can throw someone on the moon, any nation could do it with limitless funds. You could give the average retards in a third world country a goal and a blank check and they’ll just hire engineers from other programs anyway.
>NASA's budget was like 4.5% the federal budget in 1965, compared to 0.3% in 2023.
That's because they know they can't get people to the moon so there is no point in having a big NASA budget anymore.
>The moon is literally fake
It's not fake. We just can't get people there.
Ceiling? Can't see shit up there.
>there’s not much reason to actually go back there in person

There's always politics. NASA was never a purely scientific institution. They're planning to send the first woman and first black person to the Moon by 2026.
>What happened?
Russians and I happened.
Amurica was too busy spending all the money on destroying the already destroyed USSR and time on stupid shit thinking that they are the super power. The America now can't survive without Asian immigrants chiming in so making any technological progress without them is out of questions.
It doesn't matter if you don't agree to it but an average american is more dumber than an avarage asian, despite all the geographical and political advantage. Its no wonder they find it hard to land on moon. The only way they can do it is by relying on Asians or Russians, I think.
watch this and make up your own mind
>What happened?
Diversity is our strength
Nothing happened, we still have the tech and even better tech
We just realised it's a fucking retarded endeavour to send humans to other space unless the goal is actually having humans there. We take up lot of space, need a dozen different life support systems to keep alive, need to fucking run on a treadmill for fucks sake to not lose muscle mass. Compare that to a spacecraft which is just a computer. No life support systems, no dumbbells and gym equipment in the spacecraft, no Doritos and poop bags, ony scientific equipment and metrology stuff.

Why send a human when a machine can do it cheaper, more reliably and without the possibility of someone dying. Voyager 2 is still in space, and alive. Still transmitting to this day from the time it was launched in 1977
>doesn't it get tiring saying the same shit in every thread?
He has to cope with the fake moon landing narrative, otherwise, he has to admit he is wrong about diversity.
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costing too much to fake it.
>What happened?
Niggers and women.
Government doesn’t want to go for some reason, tech is ready and available.
>What happened?
Shaniqua is starving.
>What happened?
This happened:
I watched it, and my mind is made up; you guys are schizos and don't understand the science involved, but are too stupid to understand how dumb you are.
never ending DEI
>uses the word "science" as if it powerfully negates all who disagree with him
you can't even explain why the lighting made no sense on the official NASA photos.
It's amazing how many people just accept things because they think "ur dumb if you don't believe something that involves le holy science" so they accept it so as not to be classified as "dumb"
did the moon project develop a ton of material science and technology in use today?
just keep the patents?
Not enough profit.
All the people that knew space tech have passed away. Current generation are still arguing what color to paint the bike shed.
>the moon isn’t stable
If that is the case, shouldn't the moon damn near explode from all the random asteroids hitting it daily?
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I think it gets tiring insisting that we went when no one else has ever gone, we haven't returned in 50 years, and even the X-Prize group that wanted to land near the original site was told to land elsewhere and ultimately never went at all.
Why are you so desperate to prove that the moon landing was real in every thread?
>moonlanding is fake
>muh diversity
bullshit, the technology already existed
the same happened to OSes, they don't fail just because nowadays there are non-whites
brother you just don't understand how light works, and I would wager you're a religious retard who think he knows the answers to everything
atheist here and I don't believe the moon landing happened when I looked at the discrepancies in the "evidence" supporting it. I'll believe it when I see somebody walk around the moon with a 4K camera showing me what it's like to walk on the moon. I don't believe in god for the same reason. Show me live video from the fucking moon now or I will never believe men can walk there.
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People actually believe humans went to the moon a handful of times more than 50 years ago with what looks like a shoddy homeless encampment and never repeated the feat despite 50+ years of technological advancements (pretty much unheard of in human history, any actual tech conquest was replicated and became easier and easier with time)
>just keep the patents?
Patents expire, these days they last 20 years from priority date.
Tourists would go partying on the moon instead of climbing Himalayan mountains.
ancient romans had indoor plumbing, a feat unreplicated for over a thousand years
>Tourists would go partying on the moon instead of climbing Himalayan mountains.
Until I see Tiktokers dancing on the moon, it is not possible to send anybody to the moon.
Please understand, Shaniqua and isreal need that money.
>but but but nasa still gets-
Shaniqua works at nasa
Good, far better than the shit tier fake landing with an even shittier fake return.
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>technology already existed
Pic. related flew in the 1960s, while today, the state of the art aircraft F-35 is best suited to look menacing on the tarmac. The tech must have been forgotten in the decline that followed stagnation.

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