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through the maze edition

>Advent of Code is an Advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill sets and skill levels that can be solved in any programming language you like. People use them as a speed contest, interview prep, company training, university coursework, practice problems, or to challenge each other.

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previous thread: >>103533936
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I am too dumb for any of this all I do is monkey crud
what is a dijkstra's edition:
import math
import sys


g = list(map(list, open(0).read().split('\n'))); g.pop()
rows, cols = len(g), len(g[0])
cache = [[math.inf] * cols for _ in range(rows)]

m = {}
def dfs(pos, d, cost):
if pos == (1, cols - 2):
return cost
(r, c) = pos
cache[r][c] = min(cache[r][c], cost)
dx = ((-1, 0), (0, +1), (+1, 0), (0, -1))
minimum = math.inf

# continue
(dr, dc) = dx[d]
(rr, cc) = (r + dr, c + dc)
if g[rr][cc] in '.E' and cache[rr][cc] > cost - 1e3:
minimum = min(minimum, dfs((rr, cc), d, cost + 1))

# turn left and continue
(dr, dc) = dx[tmp := d-1 & 3]
(rr, cc) = (r + dr, c + dc)
if g[rr][cc] in '.E' and cache[rr][cc] > cost:
minimum = min(minimum, dfs((rr, cc), tmp, cost + 1001))

# turn right and continue
(dr, dc) = dx[tmp := d+1 & 3]
(rr, cc) = (r + dr, c + dc)
if g[rr][cc] in '.E' and cache[rr][cc] > cost:
minimum = min(minimum, dfs((rr, cc), tmp, cost + 1001))

if minimum not in m:
m[minimum] = set()
m[minimum].add((r, c))
return minimum

p2 = len(m[p1 := dfs((rows - 2, 1), 1, 0)]) + 1
print(p1, p2)
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idiomatic Rust solution
while let Some((cp

you rust pedophiles disgust me
the child consented though
top kek
glad I made sure to keep a tab open explaining dijkstra for the past ten days, it really came in handy today
sorry but you don't need dijkstra's today: >>103538070
keep that tab open
yeah that's dijkstra's
no dijkstra's is BFS but with a priority queue
dijkstra's guarantees that when a node is visited that its distance is final.
not only does my code not make that guarantee, it fucking *revisits* nodes.
you truly don't know what dijkstra's is.
same thing
nta but your version is retarded brute foce that assumes that the chracter is starting in such way that no pi radian turn is required and thus guaranteeing that it won't run for an infinite time
You didn't even solve the problem.
>b- but mut star
ok, be happy about it, that's a seperate system and doesn't equate to solving the problem.
>dijkstra fag coping and seething
DFS chads keep winning
are these pi radian turns in the room with us now? Eric only says they can turn 90 degrees.
Forgive me I didn't read through your code carefully
> cache[rr][cc] > cost - 1e3
So this is what makes sure that the program will eventually terminate huh.
Still slower than my bfs if the graph is large enough.
O(logv(V+E)) vs
Consider this graph there is an edge from every node in level 2 to the single node in level 3 and it has a really long tail. And all the edges are 1 smaller than last one, then it will revisit the entire long tail over and over and over again.
You could do this in muliple layers so the runtime is catastrophic, could be Omega(2^n) worst case if the weights are like that.
Face it, your solution is niggerlicious.
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Bigboy/day 16 bigboy    time:   [169.31 ms 169.93 ms 170.62 ms]
day 16 time: [1.7307 ms 1.7336 ms 1.7368 ms]

I first find all connections between important tiles: crossroads, S and E. Then use dijkstra's algorithm to find all shortest paths to E. At the end, I do dfs starting from E and only visiting nodes that previously had the exact same costs as current cost from E and record tiles between them. That last part is kinda nice, because I don't have to allocate or clone anything.
Are most of you employed or in school? Is it fair to say that most people who do these are in their 20s?
I'm younger than that.
this post glows
the 1e3 check accounts for branches which reach the same cell from different directions
if i had 4 copies of the graph in cache then the speed would be comparable to dijkstra's
the niggerlicious slowdown is from the naive "if it's only off by 1000 then it's still worth investigating"
i chose to solve it this way because it's shorter
you may also know me as the guy who rotated the entire graph on day 15 0 or 4 times on each step so i only had to consider one case
if this is monday's puzzle, I'll be filtered by friday
I can see the appeal of dfs for part 2 because of the path recovery, however if you store parents from which you arrived at optimum cost you to some node, starting from the end position node it will form a tree and by traversing that with dfs you still get part 2
And for part one bfs is objectively better how is that shit shorter than heappush and heappop
>you may also know me as the guy who also did some retarded shit on a previous day
If you feel like you'll get filtered on Friday because of today's puzzle, you got filtered by today's puzzle. Don't wait, remove your name NOW!
if this is monday's puzzle, I'll save christmas on time
Sorry this is not entirely precise the parent node thing will form a dag not necessarily a tree but that doesnt change the fact that it can be traversed with dfs just dont blindly increase a counter but rather turn the flag on sum afterwards
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washed and replaced my dumb implementation of part 2 with a smarter approach.
Anon Python is one of the 6 certified White man's languages
Anyone telling you otherwise is just cope
what are the other 5?
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Spent way too long trying to figure out why my hashmap wasn't properly hashing. Even had to use AI to find out in the end. It's so over.
man i’m happy with my part 2 solve. ended up just changing 1 line. score < visited(xy) to score < visited + 1000. that and len(set(pos)) was enough. unfilty’d today bois.
HolyC, C, C++, x86 asm, Mathematica
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Pretty sure I overcomplicated my solution, but I think it's pretty neat. I did two runs of Dijkstra's algorithm, one from S and one from E (and critically for the second one, I made (E, north, 0), (E, south, 0), etc. the initial frontier). This creates two maps, sSPD and eSPD, where sSPD contains the shortest path distances from (S, east) to any (P, dir) and eSPD has the shortest path distances from any (E, endDir) to (P, dir). For any particular point P, the length of shortest path that goes through P is the min over all directions D of sSPD[(P, D)] and eSPD[(P, -D)] (we have to negate D here because eSPD has paths in the opposite direction of what we want)
Probably could do some pruning during the second run of Dijkstra's algorithm to ignore points that won't possibly lie on the shortest path from S to E, but my brain's a little too cooked for that now
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>tfw been shitting out python for nearly 15 years now
it's just so comfy though
I solved it by doing Djikstra's and then
>backtrack through the least-cost path
>at every fork in the road, determine if the other fork is also a least-cost path
It was kind of retarded but happy to not be filtered without cheating
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Bigboy times:

   backfill: 28.95ms
nodelist: 36.81ms
graph: 13.85s
part1: 13.97s
total: 14.13s

Graph creation is killing me. Turned each <intersection, direction> pair into a hashmap node, is there a more efficient way?
C++ doesn't belong
where the bigboi at
what in the hell i aint reading all that shit
Yes it does and you're brown
See >>103536112
Part 1: 800196
Gold: 2367
Stop projecting vivek, only a streetshitter would defend what might be the worst-designed language of all time.
newfag streetshitter, how dare you question a Danish Aryan AND The Divine Intellect
Using Ddijkstra in Part 2 allows you to avoid tracking paths, which is expensive and slow. The idea is this:

>From the start, get the min cost to every other tile.
>From the end, get the min cost to every other tile.
>For every tile, if cost_from_start + cost_from_end == min_path_cost_from_part_1, add tile to set.
>Return length of set.

I'm getting 130ms in Python. You don't necessarily NEED to use Djikstra, but it's a very straightforward way to get the minimum cost to every other tile from some start tile (though you can also get this with DFS/BFS).
Oh, just doing Djikstras from the ending node is so much simpler than what I did for part2
oh shit that's brilliant
wow this is hella slow
>you'll need to determine which tiles are part of any best path through the maze
so? I'm getting ESL'd here. There's only one BEST solution. There are multiple good enough solutions, but there's only one BEST solution.
Unless multiple paths exist with the same score?
>Unless multiple paths exist with the same score?
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Well, I'm filtered. Can't even get part 1. I've tried both recursion and Djikstra, I've written the entire program 4 times, and every time it works on the two examples but not the input.
It's been fun, see you all next year.
>Unless multiple paths exist with the same score?

If only there were ASCII examples showing graphs with multiple best routes
Run someone else's code and see if it's something dumb like being 1000 off (aka one corner)
maybe read the part where it describes what a best path is?
>11:11:11 until the next puzzle drops
what does it mean? is this a secret hint for what tomorrow's puzzle will be, in the form of a little easter egg left by eric?
I wonder, does this show up in any inputs?

Couldn't be in mine because I'm fairly sure it wouldn't handle this case
haha anon very funny keep it up
Luckily he was able to leave his job and move onto non-shit languages
So did you all find nodes or use the grid as is?
Graph compression is kind of a waste of time here, right?
making a graph is a waste of time, just operate on the grid directly
That's what I assumed. I can see how it would help on Part 1, but for Part 2 (which is where I wanted to speed things up) it seems pointless since you have to uncompress anyway to get the distinct tiles. Maybe there's a big brain approach here I'm overlooking that lets you get the count of unique tiles from the compressed graph.
I'm not sure how well it would work given that heading matters for scoring purposes
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Washed python. Quite pleased with this one, although it's completely different than my original solution.
Sorry, didn't mean to respond to you >103539786
I used a vector backed graph here >>103538776 and each node has 4 edges that might point to another node's index. A hashmap is used for the initial graph construction but that's it. It takes 135ms to construct the graph, but I create new nodes on the fly instead of your initial sweep. I still count all neighbors every step to detect crossroads but at least there are no hashmaps involved...
I store paths between 2 nodes, part 2 takes like 800µs for bigboy, it's a bit hard to measure. I think you could also just store the edge lengths, then:
part 2 = unique edges' lengths - 1 for each repeat node visit
ok i give up i spent way too much time on this and i can't figure it out
what is the trick to solve part 2?
or just Dijkstra again while recording the path so far, pruning every time you exceed the cost from your part 1 answer. Every time you get to the end with a cost equal to your part 1 answer, add that path to a set of tiles.
Brute force
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part 2 gif. nbd. but I guess you could say I'm pretty a-maze-ing.
I've got crossroads in my input, if that's what you're getting at. There's one in the first example as well, line 8 character 4.
all i'm sayin is tomorrow better not be some 3d bullshit.
just dfs, you can even use your p1 result if you want: >>103538070
does this have features not present in the official input? my solution solves both parts in 60ms but OOMs on the bigboy
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>code keeps giving wrong answer
>spend an hour trying to find bug, no luck
>copy paste code into chatgpt
>immediately points out minor typo causing the issue
Why shouldn't I do this? Why waste time when i can get my bug fixed immediately?
AoC didn't exist when I was in my 20s.
My shitty broot solution was just to keep track of the path tsken as well as the cost in my djikstra.
got filtered today on part 2. see ya next year bros.
Do whatever you want, lil brainlet
>immediately points out minor typo causing the issue
editors have been doing this for people forever
hell, even the python interpreter catches this shit
Constantly relying on other systems to solve your problems will erode your own ability to solve them.
let me guess, you didn't know how to handle rotations properly and just applied the score to the next node instead of the current one bricking your path reversal?
Part 2 is easy to broot using the results from part 1.
p2 is so short you can fit it in a 4chan post: >>103538070
no dijkstra bullshit, just broot: >>103540357
It has
A waste of programmer time for solving the input? Yes.
A waste of CPU time for optimizing execution speed?
new cope just dropped
define waste
my PC crashed when I tried, kek
Caught a cold and I can barely think... bros I don't want get filtered....
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washed ass for day 16, still lazy to wash 15
$ ./main < l64q3v.txt 
+ ulimit -s unlimited
+ pypy main.py
+ tee /dev/fd/63
++ tail -n 1
++ xclip -sel clip
800196 2367

real 0m15,494s
user 0m15,345s
sys 0m0,146s
Do you
>fap before the puzzle to have a clear mind when it starts
>don't fap unless you get stuck on a specific edge case, to let the problem sauté for a while, until you come back to it with a fresh mind
there's a reason why it's called an edge case anon
to handle rotations properly you need to add another dimension to your score table, direction
and now one of the paths you can take on your djikstra is rotate (different direction, same y/x) on a node
> >don't fap
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I adapted a pathsearch from previous years. I somehow got one of the 2000 and 1000 swapped on dirs_scores and it gave me the correct answer on part 1 for both examples but not the input. Quite MADDENING.

Also It is doubtful I will be able to do the next three days.
thanks, this makes sense. I still consider myself filtered. I spent literal hours on this, feel tired, and don't want to play anymore.
man I have RSI now after years of this shit, have to conserve my arms for typing
only when I'm actually horny
that shouldn't cause any issues for me, but my solution is to find all the junctions and path over the graph of those instead. maybe it's just too many (bigboy has 149966)
>edge case
No idea, but my solution most likely handles this.
My input has this pattern.
i do the puzzle first, then I spend the rest of the day fapping, once for each line of code
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Stop crying. It is quite unbecoming.
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Swift using BFS in both directions. Could be cleaner.
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truly an import solution sorta day today my uiua friends
code to come
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here it is
visualization code not included and left as an exercise to the reader
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why are all these nerds talking about their smarty-pants algorithms when all you need to do is ``from networkx import all_shortest_paths`` baka
you did not beat aoc
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BQN day 16
i haven't used nx but i've seen it in solves over the years -- do you have to massage your data into an adjacency list or what particular data-structure in order for it to work?
answering myself here but wouldn't you need to do a bfs over the gameboard and then add all the edges and costs in order to then use nx to solve it?
Well I am now filtered. Yesterday was piss easy, but I cannot figure out D16 part 1. I've got Dijkstra implemented, but setting up my costs for each travel step is fucking me in the arse. It's been fun, but this is where I get filtered.
if you need a hint and haven't figured it out yet you can calculate the next step's cost in a "stateless" manner
i.e. you don't have to keep the currently facing direction as global state to the dijkstra function
hint: you don't need dijkstra's: >>103538070
all this direction stuff made me think: is there a path where you cross a point twice? once on North-South axis, and the other time on West-East axis?
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This is my (broken) solution. I'm pretty sure the problem sits with the recurse function and not Dijkstra.
no, the shortest path would always turn at such a point
no by definition because you would prefer turning in that point
turnleft and turnright is useless, you just need to know the neighbours
dijkstra guarantees you wont turn back on your path
But knowing whether I continue forward or turn determines whether I add weight 1 or 1001 to the edge.
Not that anon and not the most efficient algorithm on part 2 but here's what mine looked like. Nodes are ((i,j), direction) tuples. Iterate over the grid adding every edge to the graph.
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import sys

grid = np.array([[*l] for l in open(sys.argv[1]).read().splitlines()])
dirs = [[0, 1], [1, 0], [0, -1], [-1, 0]]
G = nx.DiGraph()
for p, e in np.ndenumerate(grid):
if e == "S":
start = p
if e == "E":
end = p
if e == "#":
for i, dir in enumerate(dirs):
G.add_edge((p, i), (p, (i + 1) % 4), weight=1000)
G.add_edge((p, i), (p, (i - 1) % 4), weight=1000)
if grid[p[0] + dir[0], p[1] + dir[1]] != "#":
G.add_edge((p, i), ((p[0] + dir[0], p[1] + dir[1]), i), weight=1)

min((nx.shortest_path_length(G, (start, 0), (end, i), "weight")) for i in range(4))

seen = set()
for i in range(4):
for path in nx.all_shortest_paths(G, (start, 0), (end, i), "weight")
for node in path
like I said, you can do that statelessly
btw your recursion function is all sorts of fucked up
its better to just quit when you get to a bad path instead of only going to good paths, this is true for 99% of recursion algorithms
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It's entirely possible (at least in part 2)
>works on examples
>doesn't work on input
at this point I'm not even surprised
>btw your recursion function is all sorts of fucked up
Don't I know it, lol.
Ah well, it gives me something to do when I go on leave next week.
That is two different paths crossing one point. Not one path crossing the same point twice.
Don't do recursion.
Implement a stack. It is easier.
Had that with both parts, something about today's problem
Nodes in dijkstra can be more abstract than just irl coordinates
If you have dijkstra set up it'll be much easier to add direction to state than use a completely different algorithm
I really recommend watching this video to understand recursion
it's basically just proof by induction, you handle base cases first, you figure out how to get a step closer to a base case, and then you just assume that your function works and use the result of it to compute the total result
the video definitely explains it better, but recursion gets incredibly easy once you just handwave all the complexity away and assume it just works by default
recursion is generally easier than iterative once you know the process imo
Obviously it's impossible in part 1, you won't revisit any tile
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If you have any loop like that, then it'll always be a strictly worse path than just making a turn that avoids the loop entirely
>recursion is generally easier than iterative once you know the process imo

Recursion is just iteration where you're using the call stack as your stack. Sure it's slightly easier in that you have to write less code, but if you're at all confused about what's happening, better to spell it out. Plus you often end up with much faster code.
sounds like this AoC features all the most fun and exciting topics: parsing, caching and graph algorithms
it's basically work
What edge case this is falling?
const auto [nodes, start, end] = parse(argv[1]);
auto score = std::unordered_map<vector<2, int64_t>, int64_t, hash>();
auto pqueue = std::priority_queue< std::tuple<vector<2, int64_t>, int64_t, int64_t>, std::vector<std::tuple<vector<2, int64_t>, int64_t, int64_t>>, cmp>();

for (const auto& n : nodes) score[n] = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
score[start] = 0;
pqueue.emplace(start, 0, 1);

while (!pqueue.empty()) {
const auto [n, s, d] = pqueue.top();

if (n == end) {
std::println("{}", s);

auto nn = n + directions[d];
if (nodes.contains(nn)) {
auto ns = s + 1;
if (ns < score[nn]) {
score[nn] = ns;
pqueue.emplace(nn, ns, d);

auto ns = s + 1001;
auto nd = (d + 1) % 4;
nn = n + directions[nd];
if (ns < score[nn]) {
score[nn] = ns;
pqueue.emplace(nn, ns, nd);

nd = (d - 1 + 4) % 4;
nn = n + directions[nd];
if (ns < score[nn]) {
score[nn] = ns;
pqueue.emplace(nn, ns, nd);
>Recursion is just iteration where you're using the call stack as your stack.
that's true, but imo only in a literal sense
from my experience when people "get" recursion it's as simple as being able to solve one or two incredibly simple examples and then just handwaving away the rest of the solution because they know they're always progressing towards the base case
with iteration there definitely seems to be a bigger incentive to people trying to fit the entire problem (or at least the stack) in their heads, which is probably why recursion ends up going above people's heads
edgecase bros
doesn't your priority queue want the priority to come first?
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Now that we've had dijkstra this year, what can we expect in coming days?
>3D points and lots of calculating intersections or some shit
>line segments
>unfuck this assembly program
>DP (yes I know we kinda had it day 11, but that was too easy)
>rotating shit in grids
>RPG / simulation
>line segments
>unfuck this assembly program
>hard cycles shit with primes
Those for sure
Folding origami 4D hypercube

Fucking do it, Eric. I dare you.
Cellular automata
Didn't have one last year, so we're due
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Not that anon, but this was my lazy solution using networkx. I just created a directed graph where there was a separate node for each (x,y,direction), then added edges with the appropriate weight between each of the relevant nodes (1000 to turn on the spot, 1 to move forwards while facing the same direction).

The contracted_nodes part is just combining the two versions of the end node where you are facing north and east, since the problem doesn't care which direction you're facing once you reach the end. It would probably be more efficient to identify the end space during the parsing and handle it differently at that point, but I cba to deal with that. It's also ignoring the versions of the end space where you're reaching it facing south or west, but in this case since the end is always in the top-right corner those situations are impossible here.

After you've set up the graph, it's just a case of abusing the built-in methods to find the shortest path and getting the answers.
We just had cycles with primes, although it wasn't very hard
I edge on puzzles for hours.
a mid problem shit or fap always helps me debug
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Holy fuck, this actually works for Part A. I just handle the direction within Dijkstra's algorithm. Thanks for the advice, lads.
Would love for him to thrown an intcode program in there as a callback to 2019, perhaps as the "unfuck this assembly" problem.
redpill me on C#
>grid problem
>grid problem
>grid problem
>grid problem
>grid problem
>grid problem
more like C-Shart
Did we?
Fuck I can't recall at all.
Maybe I got Parkinson's or something.
lots and lots of leetcode-tier problems -- forever
white mans language
Day 14 can be brute forced by just checking all W*H states, but one way of optimizing it is by finding two points in time that minimize the X and Y coordinate variances (which requires far fewer iterations as the motion is periodic) and applying the Chinese remainder theorem to find the time that minimizes both variances at once
it's the most indian thing that isn't java
no thats js
all programming languages should be ranked by how much of their relative popularity comes from india
prove it
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oh nonono pytoddlers...
not filtered but today was straight up NOT FUN
Assembly would be nice. Anything visual too.
>already have a graph of each state visited and the best possible score at the state
>just start at the goal, imagine the prior states and then add all ones in your graph to the set of visited states (repeat x failure)
Is Part B just asking for every path that goes from S to E, without cycles?
Every path that goes from S to E with the same min
surely there must be an alternative to advent of code where you build something cool over a few weeks, rather than doing job interview problems
len(set([node in best_paths]))
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you don't like doing graphs?
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worst thing about aoc
You mean like home projects?
tomorrow you have to dust off your intcode vm and extend it with doubles. the 4.5793472146389 instruction is division
codecrafters has this but its not an event
idk how good it is either I just know its shilled by some youtubers I like
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corejavabros we came really close to being filtered today.
one more day with this kind of part 2 and it might be it for this year...

getting wrong part 1, then part 2 balloons to multiple dozen gigs of RAM after a few minutes and presumably never finishes
thanks for providing a bigboi tho, it's truly a big one
>just imagine a solution to the puzzle
>then part 2 balloons to multiple dozen gigs of RAM
This is the same problem I'm running into, no idea how to solve it. But I get the correct part 1 answer in 600ms.
Are you enumerating all paths? Because the number of paths is exponential, and you don't need to do that.
Yes. Is it not enough to just cull paths if they exceed the min cost I find for part 1?
The number of minimum cost paths is still exponential, so no.
Dijkstra tutorials suck because they pretty much all confuse a node in the search with a physical node in a map. When irl the state often carries other info.
Now we know why shills hate Rust
dubs and this is happening
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Fellow anons what is wrong with this obviously perfect solution? I get both examples correct for A and B, but this solution for part B, on my actual puzzle data is too looooow.
What are you considering a node, each dot?
Each junction. Solves the official input in 30ms so I'm surprised it doesn't work for the bigboy.
There haven't been any days with difficult parsing yet this year.
Triple check your score algorithm.
I got it wrong and some how gave me the right answer for both examples but not the input.
>filterlet cope
seethe and return to vscode with catpuccin I see you faggot
off by 1 error add 1
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Looks like there should be another valid path here.
what the hell is catpuccin?
Common (and overdone) onions-dev color scheme.
Damn. I think you are right. How could it catch the others but miss that one? Investigating. Thanks!!
Triple check the start/end states are handled properly, that was my edge case. Thought Eric was generous with two examples but a bunch of anons are saying the same thing, there are common input edge cases the examples don't touch.
How exactly are you storing the graph+paths? I got similar times on the input and bigboy was 14s. Others got similar input times and ms bigboy times, and at a high level all our code sounds pretty similar.

while let some cp r(a)p(e) d(ouble)p(enetration) h(ymem).pop()

No way that is a coincidence.
>no idea how to solve it
ngl I just ran it to see if it would, saw that no, and that's it. doubt I could find a fast enough solution even if I tried.

>Are you enumerating all paths
to a point?
enumerating routes until one of:
1. I run into a node+orientation I visited before, and my current cost is higher than back then
2. current path cost exceeds best cost (silver result)
I'm sure there's much clever ways to do it, but by the looks of it >>103542623 is right and my priority queue grows faster than I pop off it, and the cost of interacting with it is what dominates time spent in the end
Consider each node individually. Is the minimum cost to end plus the minimum cost to start equal to the minimum cost from start to end? Then the node is part of a minimum cost path.
yeah I tried this double-dijsktra-type approach at one point, and got the wrong value back
probably cause I didn't handle the matching of both sides + their respective possible directions
but also double-dijkstra for each node is slow as shit and I strongly doubt anyone solved bigboy with that
but maybe there's a way with 2 dijkstra passes and then just looking at cost maps? idfk to be honest
based solution importer
Dijkstra gives the minimum cost to all nodes, so you only need to run it twice and save the cost for each node.
You solve exactly like part 1, except for each node you store a vector of [shortest nodes that reached this node]. Almost all vectors will have 1 element, some will have 2. At most they can have 3.

When you reach the end node, put it on a stack (only exit when you find a node with a higher value, just in case there are 2 routes that approach the end from different directions).

Then you backtrace, sure this occasionally branches but it's basically linear:

// node.0 is the coordinates, node.1 is the direction

// Count unique tiles on shortest paths.
let mut unique_tiles: usize = 1;
let mut been_on_stack: HashSet<Point> = HashSet::new();

while !stack.is_empty() {
let current_node: PointDir = stack.pop_front().unwrap();

// Cannot retrace further than start.
if current_node.0 == start.0 {
for prev_node in previous.get(&current_node).unwrap() {

// Rotation, doesn't affect path count.
if prev_node.0 == current_node.0 {

// Hope there are no paths >1000.
let path_len: usize = graph.get(prev_node)
.filter(|maybe_current| maybe_current.0 == current_node)
.unwrap().1 % 1000;
unique_tiles += path_len;

// Only backtrace from each node once,
// even if mutiple paths lead to it.
if been_on_stack.contains(&prev_node.0) {
unique_tiles -= 1;
} else {

// unique_tiles is now your part2 answer.

I have no idea where you're using gigabytes of RAM on part 2 specifically.
I didn't have to worry about directions at all.

optimal_tiles = set()
for y in range(len(grid)):
for x in range(len(grid[0])):
if grid[y][x] != '#':
for dir1 in '^v<>':
for dir2 in '^v<>':
if forward_costs[x,y,dir1] + backward_costs[x,y,dir2] == min_cost:

Just broot through every direction combination and take all combos that result in the min_cost path.
My graph is an array of nodes, each node has an array of edges, each edge has an index into the node array and a list of points between the two nodes. I think the design is all reasonable except where I build paths. Each time I visit a new node I record the position permanently in a list as a child of some other position in the list, and this list of visited nodes is multiple millions of elements. I don't prune it because I want the indices to be stable, but this is partly why mine is fucked (the other is that the queue of places to visit is also >1M)
what the FUCK my mind is blown
thats normal for a bfs, you have to use a different algorithm if the number of paths is that large
for the bigboy or for the real puzzle? if its the real puzzle you fucked up somewhere
I was able to modify my Djikstra's to actually work though... The path mapping gets hairy but conveniently the input lets you implement it incorrectly and still get the right answer. There is also only one unique way to reach the End point with the lowest cost.
Thanks again this fixed it. I was backtracking from the end and only following edges with exactly the cost I was expecting at that point. The flaw was marking vertices as 'already visited' instead of the edges as 'already followed'.
In this edge case you have to revisit the vertex while backtracking from a different direction.

Is 326ms anywhere near reasonable for this problem? This is taking a big bite out of my self-allotted budget of 1 second for the entire aoc2024.
imo anything 3 seconds or less is good enough but im a pytoddler
How do you handle the scoring with Dijkstra? I'm thinking of an example that has a crossroads. When you approach the tile, there's no guarantee if you'll turn or keep going straight, but if you just store it as a series of nodes there's no sense of "turning"
Using this as a sample >>103539720
>Approaching from the west, heading east
Would be no turn, only +1
>Approaching from the west, heading south
Turn, +1001
>Approaching from the north, heading south
No turn, +1

I don't get how you store this on a node by node basis because in this sample going from the middle node south can have a different score depending on where you came from, but that'd mean storing an extra node back worth of information. Do you just check the last two nodes instead of the last 1 node?
Forgot to add,
stores the shortest previous nodes, and
is just getting the distance between the current and previous node from the graph.
instead of using nodes as (X,Y), consider (X,Y,face).
if approached from different direction, you are on a technically different node
A node in Dijkstra doesn't have to be a (y, x) coordinate. It can be a (y, x, dir) triple.

So (4, 7, N) is adjacent to (4, 7, E) and (4, 7, W) with distances of 1000 each. N E S W can just be numbers 0 1 2 3.
Don't move on turns.
Your state key is basically current x, y and your vector and your cost is well, the cost.
At each junction you just push a counter clockwise and clockwise rotation (+1000 cost) and one step forward (+1).
Your base case is wall (prune) or finding the E.

Use a hashmap for your distance map and a minheap for the frontier. Part2 is a bit hairy, but idk if you're at that point.
>I don't get how you store this on a node by node basis because in this sample going from the middle node south can have a different score depending on where you came from

The beauty of Dijkstra's algo is that you don't need to store this.

With Dijkstra's algorithm, if we process nodes in strict order of current cost (guaranteed if using a heap), then the FIRST time we visit a node is GUARANTEED to be the cheapest possible path to that node.
Yet another person filtered by >>103542674
>ran poster and python user
BASED ** 2
that doesnt help you with part 2 though, as you could visit it again later with the same cost
He's right thoughbeit. People forget the "node" can be virtual as long as it carries the necessary state. I used Dijkstra's for the Wizard problem in 2015 as well and it literally just works.
I'm doing C++ this year and going for highly optimized solutions. Hence the bugs :)
Did a small optimization in my cost calculation, and brought the time down to 46ms. Might still be some room for improvement, but now day 14 is a bigger problem with 133ms.
game jams come to mind
There could be a south->north path that's lower cost than a west->east path at that physical location, but has more turns and ends up more expensive than the west->east path. You'd never find the shortest path if you treat each location as a node. You have to be more abstract with what you consider a node to be.
Did you do this?
>People forget the "node" can be virtual as long as it carries the necessary state
people dont understand algorithms at all, they just mindlessly copypaste it
For most advents you don't need the path mapping in Dijkstra, just the cost. for part2 you can tweak the pathing storage to work for part2. Worst case (which seems to never happen) you can pop more off the heap if they're same cost and at End if it was possible to reach End with the same cost from different states.
imagine if you weren't awarded any starts today
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Better safe that sorry.
Anyway I have being doing my own research and it seems that language is popular among certain population that is commonly associated with child abuse.
I will do what I can contacting my representative to bring some attention to this issue. Hopefully we can ban that language as part of the Project 2025.
Obviously you need to consider turns and forward advances as separate nodes.

It helps if you use a bidirectional dijkstra for part two.
>It helps if you use a bidirectional dijkstra for part two.
whats the point when you can do it with one
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double dijks saves you the trouble of needing to track or save paths
I don't get it, what's all this arguing about? it's just dijkstra but you append new shortest paths found instead of replacing the previous one, then you go backwards from the end node
>Obviously you need to consider turns and forward advances as separate nodes

Clearly that's not obvious since the whole issue with >>103543157 stemmed from confusing physical locations with nodes.
tracking paths saves you the trouble of pathfinding multiple times
No I counted the number of adjacent robots in every frame, and the image has a much higher count than all the others. I just did the counting in a really dumb way by iterating over the entire grid. Just updated that to just look at the robots. It is now down to 38 ms.
* Day01 0.305ms
* Day02 0.737ms
* Day03 0.247ms
* Day04 0.945ms
* Day05 1.185ms
* Day06 2.104ms
* Day07 1.517ms
* Day08 0.063ms
* Day09 0.492ms
* Day10 1.943ms
* Day11 6.254ms
* Day12 0.718ms
* Day13 0.748ms
* Day14 38.576ms
* Day15 1.516ms
* Day16 48.505ms
It doesn't happen in this problem on any input I've seen, but if it does, just keep a sentinel that's basically costmax = INT_MAX.

When you reach End, set costmax = cost and then keep popping the heap til your cost is no longer equal to or less than costmax.
It's an abuse, but it should guarantee you get all same (LOWEST) cost paths to E.
>doing [complex thing] saves you the trouble of [simple thing]

If you do dijkstra and want to save your min path(s) just store the min prior node(s).
You'd think, but at least when I tried both methods, my double dijk was about 10x as fast. Maybe my implementation was bad though.
For path map, you just do -> hashmap(node, list node)
It's really not that complex. You can use a simple stack to visit all the paths to origin...
Idk why you niggas using double dijks or whatever the fuck. Obviously the list of old nodes must have the same cost reaching the node you mapped it to.

If your cost visiting node is less, clear the list before adding the current node you're on.... Again, real easy.
Do that but instead of doing 10403 steps over two axes do 101 steps over 1 axis and 103 steps over the other.
Bigboy time?
it's over
starting to filter myself due to sheer unwillingness to do another AoC pathfinding puzzle
send help
Idfk. If I had to optimize it, I'd just use a fixed 4 space array since the same cost can only be coming from different vectors, but I didn't bother because I don't care.
Just copy code from previous puzzles. Less than half the lines in my solution were original.
welp good point... tyty both

>you have to use a different algorithm if the number of paths is that large
is there any good method aside from the double-dijkstra one?
Played catchup on the weekend's at work today. Saturday's was pretty easy, the Christmas tree part was a bit annoying since you have to either make assumptions or watch through thousands of outputs, I just assumed that the output from the first 10,000 that minimizes the number of robots with no adjacent robots would be the best, and it ended up working
Sunday's annoys me because I had a very clean and clever recursive solution but had to write a way to view the map each iteration to find a miniscule bug (I had a set of boxes, when a box is moved up, it is removed from the set and the box with the new position is added to the set. Problem is if you add a box that is already in the set then that box will be removed when it is supposed to stay)
Didn't start writing today's but it seems like simple uniform cost search should do the trick
for an exhaustive search you can just dfs, the problem with bfs is only that it uses too much memory to expand every path at the same time
yo am I still in this if I hand my assignment in late or as soon as I miss an assignment by 24 hours I'm officially filtered?
Oh that sounds interesting. Going to think this over on the morrow.
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Finally had time to wash my messy solution.

Benchmark 1: ../target/release/aoc-day16 /tmp/bigboy.txt
Time (mean ± σ): 1.129 s ± 0.009 s [User: 1.050 s, System: 0.072 s]
Range (min … max): 1.115 s … 1.140 s 10 runs
nobody on /g/ knows what Djikstra's algorithm is huh
I'm guessing "aoc_utils" is an external library? If so, that's probably cheating
>yo am I still in this if I hand my assignment in late
Looks good
>organizing and reusing your code is cheating
it's my own local crate, I'm not going to redefine Point2D or rewrite the code to open the input file every day
I think I wrote
>return i >= 0 and j >= 0 and i < arr.length and j < arr[0].length
at least 5 times now
Formally or informally, everyone has their own utils library. Or do you write another grid-reading algorithm every day?
I write grid = np.array([[*l] for l in open("input.txt").read().splitlines()]) from scratch every day
The filter is dropout cope. If you solved the puzzles you're in.
There is no cash prize. You're doing this for fun. You're an adult, you get to decide for yourself whether you're "still in it" and who else is "still in it" from your perspective.
24 hours = filtered
Oh shit this works. Set ans2 to xr and add width until it equals yr mod height. Where xr and yr are the indices of the steps with suspiciously clustered values. You only need to simulate 102 steps.
my broot part 1 is still running guys give me a minute.
Basketball rules, you dodge the filter if you ran your code before 24hr.
>add width until it equals yr mod height
>not brooting your congruences

Are there any youtubers who explain this stuff well? Not livestream/speedrunner shit but explaining the most efficient solution.
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finally a fast solution. this was such a pain...
 time ./target/release/aoc_2024 < ./bigboys/l64q3v.txt
day16 result:(800196, 2367)
./target/release/aoc_2024 < ./bigboys/l64q3v.txt 0.11s user 0.01s system 89% cpu 0.130 total
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Perl. I should try to store sets of paths of optimal lengths to each visited point instead of brute forcing p. 2, but it is good enough for today.
sub 1 ms for regular input
wait, people on /g/ are unironically using rust now?
>import numpy
>hash map and hash set for x,y,r tuples
What if you use an array instead?
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> Wake up, open puzzle.
I'm not writing a maze solver again.
> Manually color in spreadsheet cells and prune passages for five hours.
> Got silver star, fuck part 2.
>anime girl as the background
Either you're a coomer and that's your waifu or you're a tranny
that IDOL song gets stuck in my head whenever I see Ai Hoshino
>doesn't know oshi no ko
anime website
troon confirmed
I know this is an anime website, but
A) not many people, even on 4chan, would go out of their way to set their spreadsheet software's background as an anime waifu, and
B) do you expect me to know every SOL anime? Only anime I watch are shounen like dragon ball and the occasional "2deep4me" shit like steinsgate
>as soon as I miss an assignment by 24 hours I'm officially filtered?
That was the last year I consumed any weebshit desu
Oh and speaking of "2deep4me", I need to watch lain some time but I'm too lazy to get around to it
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watched hunter with my kids last week or two and just started trigun
I forgot how good that shit can be sometimes
those are good animes not tranimes like posted above
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actually sped it up a tiny bit. about 110 ms now
Small boy:
Silver 3007
Gold 17
Is there some way of doing it that blows up here?
Impossible boy:
Silver undefined
Gold undefined
The official inputs are formatted to make it easier, so there are fewer "corner" cases, this one is not.
>using networkx
you didn't beat aoc
i dont understand how this could cause problems for anyone
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only if your code is retarded
>Is 326ms anywhere near reasonable for this problem?
My solution takes 70 seconds and I'm not going to do anything to improve it
My machine is 9 years old and it takes 20ms, but I am coding in C++, not Python.
That is total time BTW, everything included.
Is 10ms after commenting out the code that prints the maze to screen.
I've written Dijkstra's algorithm a dozen times
I could again
I simply choose not to
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More people have been filtered this year than last year. Both screenshots from ~8:00PM Eastern on Dec. 16th of the respective year.
probably due to the influx of "coders" who make apps with ai prompts
Advent of Grids. I'd guess a lot of people got bored.
damn, what happen? I remember last year being harder
How come none of the search problems ever require a heuristic, I feel that'd be more fun
>I remember last year being harder
Maybe you just got better at coding. You should ask for a raise.
Just get better libraries, one that turns those grids into a proper directed graph. You only need to provide a lambda to calculate edge costs and call one of many functions available that do the job for you. EZ AF.
Of course you can reinvent the wheel if you are into that.
I only noticed now that excluding day 2, every single even-numbered day has been a grid problem. Wild
Don't forget day 15.
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Lisp, simple as that.
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cycle detection today
I already get 200K making node.js webshit
You have never used Dijkstra's algorithm to solve a real problem and you'll likely never will.
biittch you ameri-jeets have it good. thats like a million leaf clown bucks
just used it to calculate the cost of getting my dick into your mom's pussy ($0)
jokes on you retard. with no cost thats just regular BFS
How many "real problems" are you solving by posting on 4chan buddy
its lame still, when i see a grid i skip the day
yeah I don't think I'll be back in time for today, good luck anons
>today was simply too easy, that's why I needed someone else's code to solve it
NTA, but I decided pretty much my entire career path based on 4chan posts and it turned out pretty good and I also found true love on here
completely filtered on silver of a boring and trivial problem that I've solved a dozen times already in prior puzzles, and for which I have 99% applicable code from last year, and while passing the examples but not the input.
Thanks Eric.
>biggest filters were days 2, 4, 5, 6, 12, 16
The stars predict an easy day for us.

Beware multiples of 3.
Aho–Corasick algorithm today.
Btw, it's hilarious that this is actually Aho algorithm, and he only added his assistant Corasick there because she sucked his dick.
>How many "real problems" are you solving by posting on 4chan buddy
You're joking, but shitposting on 4chan really improved my writing skills for IELTS. They have this bullshit assignment about comparing pee to poo, and you just need to shitpost many words without ever doubting whether what you write is true or not.
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Aho algorithm? I'm intrigued
who is he going to enforce that? retards will just search for every single pattern with python "in" or find or something
has anyone seen the krita drawing anon?
Been missing for 3 days now.
it was the best drawings
The filter is ruthless....
Part 2 can be "Oops, the first string is actually just a seed, and now you need to find all matches for these 1000 words in 1 000 000 000 characters of the generated input".
noo. every morning I woke up I was looking forward to the new drawing
Hi I didn't get filtered lol, I just had something super time sensitive come up a couple days ago and had to focus all my energy on that. Should be free for the rest of December though. Probably gonna post all my catch-up drawings tomorrow
based, I hope eric does that, 90% of /g/ would be filtered
and anyone looking up the algorithm or import solution is filtered
>anyone looking up the algorithm
how did you learn about it then dingus?

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2023 was comfy.
It's basically just an automaton (graph) built from all the patterns and putting the big text as an input.
You can figure this out yourself, you don't need to know what Aho-Corasick is.
i invent my own algorithms
>you need to know the algorithm off the top of your head because... you just do ok?!
Fuck off.
Learn to read illiterate retard, I didn't say you need to know Aho-Corasick.
I said anyone who looks up the algortihm is filtered.
really hungry and tired
hope today is easy so I can eat and go to bed
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cancer music
kino music
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>thread is dead
everyone went home because it's too hard
everybody's filtered, sorry
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we rollin
game of life today
lcm today

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DABUCHI time!!
regex problem today
source: I am eric
thread becomes a ghost town as we approach christmas
I will do it without regex
CRT today
HRT today
what IS a monad anyways?
advent of parsing
>wall of text
>tiny input
oh no...
>It's a rev eng episode
pen and paper chads?
advent of reading comprehension
This one is cool, but I would hate to do it in a hurry. Sounds like a comfy problem to do with a glass of beer after work. See you later.
but i don't want to be an emudev
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i dont understand a single fucking thing he wrote
Brootchads... our time to shine.
>part 2
see you guys next year
>part 2
brute force bros...?
>works for all examples but not puzzle input
fuck my ass
>works on examples not input

oh no this is the reverse engineering day isn't it
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>read part 1
>ez pz, no problem!
>read part 2
I'm gonna be up for a while it seems
>part 2
im a fraud... see you guys next year
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I'm brootin so hard...
why does OUT do a mod 8 on it's combo op? all ops must be 3 bit and thus already the equivalent of mod8
>The answer is somewhere between 50000000000000 and 100000000000000
Are commas part of the answer or not? I have no idea where my shit went wrong, the example is working
its a combo op, which means 4-6 is a register value
uhhh brootchads?
>it's another program the proper part b while the you brute force it day.
>example works
>input doesn't
>part 2
>example works
>real input returns 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
inb4 my laptop is still brooting by the time i wake up
read nigga read
>Once it halts, what do you get if you use commas to join the values it output into a single string?
So for part 2 im noticing that the program increases in length every so often after each number in it goes through some cycle.
>wrong answer
>rewrites my code
>gets the same answer back
jnz means jump to 3?
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bros... i don't think brooting will work.
>realize that by jumping to an odd number it can read a secondary set of instructions
shit that complicates things
>Not just brooting harder
this is a joke, right?
Check your input anon. There's only one 3, and it points to a constant.
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here's my brootable saars. it will finish, I'm sure of it
only one way to know.
brooting isnt going to work

with some trial and error i determined my answer is between 35184372088832 and 281480000000000

since the output gradually grows as the initial A register increases
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day 16 p1 in BQN
so could you do a binary search?
>works on sample
>doesn't work on input
I need YOUR input, because this shit cannot be debugged at all
Theoretically yes, but you'd need to decode the output to determine whether to look above or below a given initial A register

Haven't figured that out yet since the output values dont increase or decrease linearly
Finally did it. I experimented with larger steps until output was closer to the desired.
      -------Part 1--------   -------Part 2--------
Day Time Rank Score Time Rank Score
17 00:22:18 1275 0 00:59:56 219 0
so the output needs to output a copy of itself, correct?
my program has a length of 16. interestingly, I printed how many instructions each starting value gives, and I noticed that from 32767 to 65536 it gives a 16 length result. however, the answer isn't within that group, but I suspect there's a cycle and it has to do with these ranges since it's powers of 2. it seems like for each number, the resulting length of its output set is log2(A+1)? I can't see where the cycle comes in, must be a lot larger than I realize. going to try a few million steps at a time and see
Divide by zero error. It's over.
digit 1 starts at 0
digit 2 starts at 8
digit 3 starts at 64
digit 4 starts at 512
digit 5 starts at 4096
digit 6 starts at 32768
digit 7 starts at 262144
digit 8 starts at 2097152
digit 9 starts at 16777216

Trying to figure out how you can work backwards given the expected output. It's super complicated because output is COMBO % 8, and because there's jumps involved. Almost feels like a pen and paper thing, though that's probably incorrect.
I found the lower and higher bound of A and thought about this, but idk how I would even determine which half of the space to eliminate.
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Solution is very hacky. I ran it mutliple times adjusting starting register A and step.
i wrote it down with pen and paper and got a formula but then was too dumb to solve it
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Unwashed Kotlin.
      -------Part 1--------   -------Part 2--------
Day Time Rank Score Time Rank Score
17 00:09:33 294 0 01:16:22 441 0

Did a binary search by hand, lmao.
>works on all sample input
>real input rejected.
F U eric
>length of programs only goes up over time
>my program is only 16 long
so how exactly is it supposed to be a massive number? does it loop? I shouldn't even need to run 100,000 iterations to get it if it's that short, or do I misunderstand?
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is 32 bit xor fine?? or do i need 64 bit?
>so how exactly is it supposed to be a massive number?
>he didn't write his program in human-readable format to understand what it really does
Check your program and see how it reduces the A register. It's a huge number.
no what I mean is, the program is supposed to output a copy of itself, right? so if the smallboy is 0,1,5,4,3,0 then the result should be 0,1,5,4,3,0 right? but if you add a high enough A register, it's going to produce a result that is something like 0,1,5,4,3,0,0,1,5,4,3,0,0,1,5,4,3,0 which is much longer than it should be. so how can it be a massive number, if it's going to produce a program that is 50-60 long?
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      --------Part 1--------   --------Part 2--------
Day Time Rank Score Time Rank Score
17 00:34:12 2444 0 01:16:03 430 0

Had a lot of bugs in part 1, mostly due to not skipping the wall of text. The solution to part 2 is suspiciously simple but it works instantly, so I'll take it.
thats it im just gonna leave the bruteforce going and do some other shit
it will probably find an answer eventually
>he never heard about the exponential function
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This is the worst ASS that's ever been left UNWASHED.
>absolutely sure my code should work
>wrong answer
>try someone else's code
>wrong answer (same as mine)


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Good Morning Sirs! Nice of Eric to make such an easy challenge today. Still waiting on my Part 2 but that shouldn't take too long
>Are commas part of the answer or not? I have no idea where my shit went wrong, the example is working
I bet there are going to be some infinite loop values of A. That should be fun.
can someone post part 2 my mom says i have to go to brush my teeth and go to bed :-(
so the solution was to just discover the solution three bits at a time
lol best day so far
      --------Part 1--------   --------Part 2--------
Day Time Rank Score Time Rank Score
17 00:24:14 1467 0 01:34:04 826 0

this was for you bruteforcers, dont give up

just reduced my steps size and added more output matching starting from the end as i decrease step size.
    step := 1 << 2
step = 1
low := int(163827235291136) - ((1 << 22) * 2)
low = int(164239550054400) - ((1 << 21) * 2)
low = int(164273909792768) - ((1 << 20) * 2)
low = int(164278204235776) - ((1 << 18) * 2)
low = int(164278472540160) - ((1 << 17) * 2)
low = int(164278496460800) - ((1 << 16) * 2)
low = int(164278496488960) - ((1 << 10) * 2)
low = int(164278496489088) - ((1 << 4) * 2)
.... snipped

fmt.Println(output, low)
if Equal(program, output) {
fmt.Println("MATCH", low)
low = low + step
if output[lll-1] == 0 && output[lll-2] == 3 && output[lll-3] == 3 && output[lll-4] == 0 &&
output[0] == 2 &&
output[1] == 4 &&
output[2] == 1 &&
output[3] == 1 &&
output[4] == 7 &&
output[5] == 5 &&
output[6] == 1 &&
output[7] == 5 &&
output[8] == 4 &&
output[9] == 2 &&
output[10] == 5 &&
output[11] == 5 {


Just run the brooting algorithm and go to bed.
My answer is 1XXXXXXXXXXXXXX, so this shouldn't take long.
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>Still waiting on my Part 2 but that shouldn't take too long
Anon, I...
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i bet there's some hacky shit you need to do specific to the puzzle input, similar to 2023 day 20.

idk what though. yup. this is a panic.
I tried some binary search thing trying to close my low/high values.
But I wasn't sure how to reduce/increase my lo/hi
>get p1 correct
>put 117440 into my program
>get 0, 0, 0, 4, 6, 3, 5, 2, 5, 2, 1, 4, 6, 7, 3, 1, 0 (not the smallboy's program)
To compute in one second you need a ~20THz computer, and that's assuming you complete the entire program in one cycle
The A register gets reduced by a certain value every time. Just iteratively approach that value by going down a power.
the example changed. its not the same ex as part1.
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>part 2
guys I hope you produce idiomatic code today for your computer.

>Combo operand 7 is reserved and will not appear in valid programs.

we might use combo 7 in a future day
>intcode is back
What a time to be alive.
> by going down a power.

ah neat. that didn't cross my mind. will try that and see if I can get the answer again
Can you not just work backwards? i.e. you know the last digit it outputs has to be the last digit of your input, and work from there? is this stupid
from the right end. from the wrong end, you run into problems for some reason
I tried this but the problem is that one of the operations is non-reversible.
you wouldn't be able to know when you're dealing with a jump
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As usual, the intended solution is to inspect your program and see what it does. Then do a backtracking solver or something and you're done.
However, by the time I got halfway through that the leaderboard was already full so I decided to just write a nice and (somewhat) general Z3 solution instead.
All of the inputs end in 3, 0.
Yes you can do that. With all possibilities.
Good work, anon. Now POST UNWASHED ASS
I was able to find the last 7 output digits, but then it said that number (~281 trillion) was too low, and if I increase the number further to try to find the last 8th digit, i end up losing the previous matching digits
The next digit may be lower than your first guess. Make sure you start at offset 0 for the next power.
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      --------Part 1--------   --------Part 2--------
Day Time Rank Score Time Rank Score
17 00:41:30 3065 0 01:52:21 1267 0
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positively miffed
Since register A get divided by 8 by loop, I just reversed that and check the other 7 possible As. I think the first xor is for changing the value a bit by adding +/- 1 to B.

I left in a bunch of debug print garbage.
I nearly "manually" found the answer digit by digit, as i figured out the rough relationship between A and the next digit very quickly. But I couldn't quite figure out how to deal with the "third instruction" of the intcode program, where the entire value of A matters for finding the next digit.
I wish I started programming my solution immediately after figuring out the relationship between register A and the input digits, rather than continuing to fuck around with the "theory" of exactly what bit manipulations were happening. I could have improved my time by like 20 minutes.
Yeah, basically went through the exact same process and approximated it by hand to get my star.
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Reverse engineered my input program and came up with a sort of closed-form solution for part 1

Part 2 should be a lot easier now since i can find a try a value for the last program item, multiply it by 8 and try again for the next item to the left

on and on until it finds a value that works for all 16
I semi-brooted by trying 0-7 for the next mod8 digit and pruning out the ones that don't match the program.

I would be interested in seeing the "smart" solution where you can predict exactly how the output changes with A.
To add onto this, there's techincally only 8 possible 'seed' values of A to try, since A being less than 8 will terminate the program on the next cycle
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unwashed ass
Yet another terrible day for me, I fucking hate intcode
Bring back Advent of Math!
      -------Part 1--------   -------Part 2--------
Day Time Rank Score Time Rank Score
17 00:23:37 1406 0 02:10:26 1633 0
day 17 p1 in bqn
code's not particularly interesting for a problem like this, but BQN at least has terse tests and doesn't get in the way
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Advent of pen-and-paper bros, report in

(What i was trying to do on the bottom half didn't work, ignore it)
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how many digits is your part 2? im up to 152,318,285,876,145 with my BROOT and wanna know if im getting close
Just woke up and from what I'm reading in the thread it's not looking good...
very neat solution
I got four then two numbers working from the left (first output), then the rest is taking forever, so you're probably right
You are, impressive speed.
its optimized broot, im not checking literally every index and also it can exit early on obvious failures
i also skipped everything that wasnt big enough to get enough digits
> I wrote it, but xor in js breaks on large number
>Found the exact value of A where I get 11 matching digits
>Can't find the 12th digit, eventually A gets too big and I lose the other 11 digits
mine needs 48 bits of representation, it's 15 digits long
oh, fuck.
that explains why I can do part 1 but not part 2
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save your code we might use it in the future again.
i will quit
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intcode returns
Lmao there is no way this is real. How can js be THIS bad.
But I can't write
op < 3 ? op : reg[op]
if there's a third case
floating point shit is the least bad that JS gets. Any language with a single numeric type's in a similar boat.
JS doesn't have integer primitives, anon
Ints > 2^53 are opt-in
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Red 10 standing by.
Ok i will give you guys a hint as you clearly need it. The answer is less than 2^53
Lmaooo I kneel. Are you doing part 1 or 2?
Notice that the computer is basically base 8, if you're trying to find the number by hand or whatever don't use base 10
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Holy shit I can't believe it worked

Basically entirely close-form solution that recursively bubbles its way up from the 'final' A value used in the program to the first, based on possible inputs to the floor divide that happens after each chunk of the program

0.001 seconds in normal python
That's it, I am learning rust.
I managed to solve it using BigInt, but I hate js now, fuck it.
very cool
very nice
That's still part 1. First filling in all the dead ends, now bigger and bigger paths that lead to the same point in higher scores or are just unnecessary detours.
I'm starting to see some denser villages, connected by longer roads.
is that closed form solution specific to your input? You will need a different one for the examples?
okay I have narrowed it down to this:
>first digit of output cycles every 1024
>nth digit of output for starting value A can be acquired by
(A/(8^n)) % 1024

now to figure out how to reverse it.. I'm almost there
It is yes, but as far as I could tell the only part you'd need to modify is in 'calc_out' on that one long line

I'm not sure what other people's inputs look like but i imagine you'd just be changing some of those constant values around
so what's the trick? I observed the output and saw that increasing register A led to increasing output so I attempted to solve by bit shifting left to right until the outputs matched, however they never do. does the value begin to oscillate or something?
acquired by looking at that position, within the original cycle*
i just had a realization, the solution probably has something to do with the specific bits in each position of the number
oh well im too tired now maybe tomorrow
I can reverse everything but op 7
How the fuck am I supposed to reverse A and B being used to make C....
there are multiple valid values for A to recreate your program.
part2 wants the LOWEST value.
You might be cycling around them?
My broot is still running. It's been 3 1/2 hours.
Today may be my filter lads.
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In my program, the execution could be broken down into 16 'blocks', one for each value being output. Each block looks like pic related according to my input, which might be slightly different for yours.

Each time one of these blocks happens, it outputs a value based on some computations and then floor divides A by 8, with A being otherwise unmodified. So basically, its just calculate -> A // 8 -> calculate -> A // 8 -> etc etc until A reaches 0.
Do you know what number it's at?
stay strong brootbros our time will come
JS has only one number type, integers < 2^32 work as expected, large integers are actually floats and it breaks xor.
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remove this shekelberg-dicksucker goodgoy wagecuck from the leaderboard NOW
To him: if you're here and read this hang yourself
<insert streetshitter codemonkey you'll never be a real programmer copypasta here>
lol 2h for part1 and 3min for part2.
I tried to do that, didn't get very far though.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  try searching for A from the end, not from the start                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
> Have a solution for Register A that returns an exact copy of the program
> Answer to large
Hmmm, how do I go down from here though? when do I stop?
do what you just did to find the large value, but start small and increase your guesses to find the lowest value.
Makes me wonder how many of the remaining unfiltered are cheaters (including reading the thread before solving) . I'm thinking 80% of us are legit, but maybe I'm being too optimistic.
>> Have a solution for Register A that returns an exact copy of the program
Your solution should incrementally produce a set of values, and then you get the smallest one.
>instruction set emulator
FINALLY something I've actually been working on at my workplace
I feel like a genius for figuring out the pattern, although I'm sure others did faster.

Multiplying A by 8 causes your program to output the same digits as before, but with a new digit on the left. And adding to A by up to 7 adjusts the digit on the left without affecting the others. So by incrementing to get things correct, then multiplying by 8, you can start working on the new digit and repeat. Of course, you may have to backtrack in some cases, but this is a lightning fast approach.
>Of course, you may have to backtrack in some cases,
If it wasn't for this, i would have been like top 200 or something. I spent way too long trying to "solve" it to avoid backtracking. When I should have just brooted.
you can start with the last instruction retard then you don't need to backtrack
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broot bros I scanned up to INT_MAX and did not find the result. time to bump those bits to 64
No. I didn't print because I didn't want to slow down. Now I don't want to ctrl C because I waited too long lmao.
You only get 8 chances to increment A to get the first digit correct. You can do this 8 times and the first digit still may not match, forcing you to backtrack.

It's pretty negligible though.
You do. Or at least you did for my input
>source: manually got to digit 10 or so before no bits were valid for digit 11 and I had to actually write a program to solve it
What i do for my long broots is i have it print every million or something. That way i can estimate how long it's taking.
I didn't have to backtrack
am I wrong? Mine has a lot of backtracking even if starting with the 8^15 term, then 8^14 term, then 8^13 term etc.
Mine was:
Mine is > 2^48, so good luck
>How the fuck am I supposed to reverse A and B being used to make C....
Op 7 doesn't use B at all
Just keep waiting. You'll definitely get the answer before the heat death of the universe.
I optimized it such as I can scan to INT_MAX in 50 seconds.
Gonna try further and rewrite the input as C program, should speed it up by a lot.
Never give up.
> manually find each answer then reduce the modulus 8 to find the lowest answer
> Here's your gold star!
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>me give answer, incorrect
>wtf.jpg look for 5 minutes at the code like a retarded
>find i give the answer with a coma at last place
Use a typed array of one element:
const a = new BigUint64Array([ 12105981156665749n ]);
Math.floor(a / 8) * 8 + (a % 8 ^ 5);
This also works:
const a = new BigUint64Array([ 12105981156665749n ]);
Math.floor(a / 8) * 8 + ((a & 7) ^ 5);
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You need to skip values. Print the numbers in octal base and start skipping 9 bits, make sure to set the lowest bits to the bit pattern that satisfy your puzzle (print those A values that output the first valid values). I went up to 30 bits, so that makes the brooting up to a billion times faster.

for (N i = 1; ; ++i) {
// ---------------------> bit pattern in octal
const N oa = (i << (10*3)) | 05110264632ull;
N a = oa, b, c;
while (a) {
b = a & 7;
b = b xor 5;
c = a >> b;
b = b xor 6;
a = a >> 3;
b = b xor c;
out += char('0' + (b & 7));
if ((i & 0xFFFFFF) == 0) std::cout << "....." << i << std::endl;
if (!target.starts_with(out)) continue;

std::cout << out << " <- 0";
for (N n = oa; n;) {
out = char('0' + (n & 7)) + out;
n >>= 3;
std::cout << out << " decimal: " << oa << std::endl;

>so that makes the brooting up to a billion times faster.
hmm feels like cheating
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>I looked at the input for hours
>I tried searching for any pattern I could
>I printed out every step, every output, poured over everything trying to find the answer
>I had simplified the interpreter into only the instructions that mattered and translated it into my program so that I could read exactly what it was doing in a readable language
>I studied the XORs and that one division operator, thinking maybe there's a way to simplify it more, maybe you can combine XORs in a way I don't understand
>but that one division operator with register C, it's just too random, there's no way to predict how the output will turn out with that instruction there
>I knew exactly how the program worked from each crook and cranny and the general shape of the output from a given input but I just couldn't find that one secret ingredient to finally crack it open like an egg and reverse engineer it completely

>revisit my "recursive search by checking if the end of the output is equal to the end of the instructions" idea
>print out what the output is when they're getting close to matching
>mfw there's negative numbers in there
>mfw I was using JavaScript's XOR operator
>mfw I realize the logic operators assume signed 32 bits and 1 | 2147483648 results in -2147483647
>mfw I replaced both values with bigints and my solution worked immediately
>mfw I solved the problem hours ago
wonder if any jsbabs will whinge at eric about it
fugggg, updated it to use bigint and now works
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Python washed. I'm really happy!
thanks chatgpt
Haha, I do have it help with formatting after I've gotten the stars. The logic is all me though!
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I am never using JS for AOC ever again after this year. Will probably switch to Python
I didn't solve it
from z3 import *

program = [2, 4, 1, 1, 7, 5, 0, 3, 1, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 3, 0]

def f(a):
b, c = BitVecVal(0, 64), BitVecVal(0, 64)
result = Array("r", BitVecSort(4), BitVecSort(3))
for i in range(len(program)):
b = a & 7
b = b ^ 1
c = a >> b
a = a >> 3
b = b ^ 4
b = b ^ c
result = Store(result, i, Extract(2, 0, b & 7))
return result

a = BitVec("a", 64)
o = Optimize()
for i in range(len(program)):
o.add(Select(f(a), i) == program[i])
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sorry anon. hate it when that kind of thing happens.
dumb frogposter
Kill yourself
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Yep, not filtered.
7,2,5,1,7,5,0,3,1,7,4,1,5,5,3,0 190615597431688
7,3,5,1,7,5,0,3,1,7,4,1,5,5,3,0 190615597431752
7,4,1,2,7,5,0,3,1,7,4,1,5,5,3,0 190615597431816
5,4,1,2,7,5,0,3,1,7,4,1,5,5,3,0 190615597431817
5,4,1,2,7,5,0,3,1,7,4,1,5,5,3,0 190615597431818
3,4,1,2,7,5,0,3,1,7,4,1,5,5,3,0 190615597431819
1,4,1,2,7,5,0,3,1,7,4,1,5,5,3,0 190615597431820
0,4,1,2,7,5,0,3,1,7,4,1,5,5,3,0 190615597431821
3,4,1,2,7,5,0,3,1,7,4,1,5,5,3,0 190615597431822
2,4,1,2,7,5,0,3,1,7,4,1,5,5,3,0 190615597431823
Runtime:> 71.408s
reddit niggas really say "right shifted by three bits" instead of "divided by 8" huh
Anon did you take math first class elementary school?
Do you know what division is?
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I think I basically did the same thing except without a closed form solution. takes 0.002 s.
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> Both parts of this puzzle are complete! They provide two gold stars: **
just managed to solve it manually. don't (You) me.
You mean programmers?
lemme guess you also say "orthogonal"
Part 2 is just too hard for me. I'm filtered.
Part 2 doesn't have a generic solution.
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reminder. save your computer for later
ah yes, input 2 which has only one jump at the end and at step (i+1) you only depend on the a from step (i)
and "orthonormal" yeah
Based Z3gger.
The right tool for the right job.
Okay? It's still too hard for me.
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is oofmatoes an LLM cheater?
eric just couldn't think of a fun thing to do for 7, don't get your hopes up
That will be $150,000 each.
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$ mix run -e 'AOC.main()' -- 2024 17 b input/real

Ran in 0.429ms

Might wash later, the simulation loop is really ugly.
I'm somewhat confident there's a pseudo math generic solution to this. Currently trying to work it out, I'm close
elves are gonna invent memory protection and SMT
>and SMT
they're gonna summon demons and cause the apocalypse?
Eric's input has a math solution, but a general input doesn't have a solution that is not bruteforce.
Is there? I think the computer is Turing complete, since the registers are specified to be of infinite length and bits can be used to track state and control the pointer.
how the fuck do I solve it if changing just the 3 leftmost bits of A changes all the output so after a few recursive steps it finds no solution
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idiomatic Rust solution
>changing just the 3 leftmost bits of A changes all the output
Dude, what?
The program is literally
A = A / 8
oh nonono...
same, im tired of these python niggas in the top of the leaderboards. im gonna be a pythonchud next year
I'm talking about part 2
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Let's fucking go.
>day 9
How about you change the three rightmost bits?
>implying filtered
how about you change my diaper faggot
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It is fucking fast, too. And doesn't modify the filesystem table in memory, so I can start gold without rebuilding it.
Op 7:
C = A / (2 ^ combo(operand))
In my input , it's 7, 5
Combo(5) is B
>your answer is too low
>plug answer into part 1 to double check that it produces the original program
>it does

I am going to go insane
hot hot
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>diaperfag is filtered
Based Eric.
Did you check if you actually get the right computer output in part 2? I had the same issue, because I put the upper limit too low and it just returned that.
>produces the original program
so where's the bigboy?
int64lets need not apply
How the fuck do digits downstream change

I got something like A = A / 8 at the end of my prog
So I've been trying to slowly reconstruct the output by increasing A by 1 and as expected it changes the first output while the rest remain the same
Then I do A = A * 8 and try the next output

But at like 6 deep it changes shit downstream
overflow or something
Should it even be possible to get negative numbers out?
If so that means I've been bashing my head against my languages bitwise xor this whole time
New AoC theme music
ai be wildin fr
non-cancer music
Haha. You're filtered.
Can't believe I didn't realise it sooner....
Killing myself promptly
>divide by 2^n
right shift n times
>mod by 8
bitwise and 7
there's a pattern and I'm gonna crack it
I bet a full bruteforce would take under an hour on GPU
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my humble BQN solution for day 17.

only does silver. for gold i have some hardcoded stuff that works only on my input. haven't found a good way to generalize it cleanly.
It's not Turing complete.
Every instruction generates an output with either the same or a smaller number of bits than its largest input. Thus, only a finite number of states are available.
In particular, you can solve the halting problem just by calculating an upper bound on the number of available states and running the program for that long.
>finally try to solve p2 intelligently
>code gets the answer I got for round one and one of the answers I got for round two
>no possible solutions by round 3
I'm getting there!
Need a good meme image for new thread
I've spent the last two hours looking up pics about the number 8, power series and what not and I can't find anything.
Just go with >>103547281
File: Ernie8Salesman.jpg (13 KB, 460x327)
13 KB
>pics about the number 8
>divide by 2^n
>right shift n times
Interdasting, that means I don't need to generate a power of two each time. Thanks anon
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File: today_i_will_broot.png (76 KB, 665x278)
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File: manualp2.png (338 KB, 700x495)
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338 KB PNG
me manually building up my solution for p2
>pic related
Is there something obvious i'm missing here? The answer i get back is close to the original instruction set, but there are always a few numbers it can't find a solution for on each iteration. I'm going fucking insane.
make some smallboys that change the program fundamentally but are still valid inputs by following all of eric's rules and having existing silver and gold answers
very nice problem today
one of those problems where you keep making observations about the input and it gets simpler and simpler until the whole thing unravels and the solution is trivial
good puzzle for once, Eric
i have a smile on my face
Register A: 2024
Register B: 0
Register C: 0

Program: 0,3,5,4,3,0


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432 KB PNG
bros i made it
im not filtered
      -------Part 1--------   -------Part 2--------
Day Time Rank Score Time Rank Score
17 00:21:53 1245 0 06:16:45 5138 0

printing out the values as binary did help a lot
evidently lol
Fuck you, today was extremely bad.
Nothing interesting about it, completely boring.
What was your time?
what's part 2? I can't do part 1 yet and want to think of a solution for part 2 as well while I wait
hello oofmatoes
I got distracted

New bread
auto solve2(T)(T computer)
auto target = computer.program;
auto targetRetro = target.retro.array;

long start = (8^^(target.length-1));
long end = (8^^(target.length));

long current = start;
long step = (end - start)/(256);
long lastMatchlength;

while (current < end)
computer.registerA = current;
int[] output = computer.run();

if (output == target)
return current;

// How many of the numbers at the end of the output match the back of program array
auto matches = commonPrefix(output.retro, targetRetro).length;
if (matches > lastMatchlength)
// Getting Closer to target
current -= step; // Lets Step Back incase we missed it
step >>= 3;
step = max(step, 1);
lastMatchlength = matches;
current += step;

return 0L;

Its Nasty, Brooty but it works.
Given the same program and a different output, find the initial register state that results in the new output.
What is the lowest positive initial value for register A that causes the program to output a copy of itself?
2 hours, I wasted more than an hour from my life before looking at my specific input.
I don't get it what do you find "interesting" about it?
can a nigga not skip a question
so just to confirm im a dumb js fag and this should never actually happen if my program executes properly

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