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>Advent of Code is an Advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill sets and skill levels that can be solved in any programming language you like. People use them as a speed contest, interview prep, company training, university coursework, practice problems, or to challenge each other.

/g/ leaderboard join code:
anonymous-only leaderboard:

previous thread: >>103538057
Remember to always read your ECMA 262 standard, my fellow javascriptfags
beat it faggot
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how long til the brute force finishes bros...?
why post this
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Washed Kotlin.
gotta say figuring out how to solve it and having it work felt good
best puzzle of the year?
Depending on the specifics of your bruteforce, between 2^8 and 2^30 lifetimes of the universe
people post their solutions here anyway, faggot
look: >>103548229
i would prefer people write their own solutions instead of copy from someone verbatim
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program state as "resumable generators". always feed in 3 new bits. filter by individual yielded output values
takes about 0.5ms.
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idiomatic Rust solution
no shit its in a picture instead of spoonfeeding them how to solve it directly in your post
so they can ignore the pictures if they dont want to get spoiled
actually kinda clean, saying this as a skeptic of rust
as for you, as always, your solutions are unreadable messes
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For me it's
>the output at index 0 changes every 1 step and the cycle is 1024 long, index 1 changes every 8 steps and the cycle is 8*1024 long, (same numbers as index 0) etc.
>check last number in target program array you want to generate
>find the first occurrence of that number in the cycle, set minimum to index_cycle_length*occurrence
>go in reverse order. for next index, start at previous min and find the next one in the cycle
>repeat until index 0
>return minimum
It does require generating the output of the first 1024 possible values of A to get your cycle but if you want efficiency you can just add a stop condition for the first output since all beyond that don't matter for cycle gen sake, or just determine the math required.
This I think would be fast regardless of the size of the input, and since the bigboy doesn't change opcodes and you are getting mod 8 constantly the cycle won't ever be more than 1024 so it'd need to be like an 1000 long program to even slow it down.

Cool problem overall
if they read the whole thing after ignoring "HINT / SPOILER" that's on them
>but they'll see keywords like 'dfs' and 'reverse'
don't act like people don't discuss their solutions in their posts; they'll see those keywords anyway
if you come to /aocg/ before solving you're probably filtered anyway
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BQN day 17
or you could just not be an attention seeking faggot
anonymous imageboard
>he can't grok idiomatic Rust
The poster is probably actually mentally retarded and he's proud of himself for reading 8 (eight) lines of code in 6 hours.
some fuckery is happening even before any of the numbers exceed 2147483647
i might be retarded
deleted for you faggots if you're going to cry that much about an aoc solution in your aocg threads
Good, retard

- on each step you pop the last 3 bits from A
- B and C are temporary registers
- the answer is 48 bits; a bad day for brootchads

dfs in reverse to a depth of 16; try all 8 possible permutations of 3 bits and dfs `A << 3 | bits` if the output matches the reversed program at that depth

based post undeleter
>introducing subtle errors into the spoiler repost
>off by 1
How the fuck are spoilers real just walk away from the screen like close your eyes
Thanks anon! Appreciate the helpful post!
Can anyone confirm this is actually correct?

Register A: 800263
Program: 2,4,1,5,7,5,1,6,4,1,5,5,0,3,3,0
Output: 5,5,5,0,3,3,0

Register A: 800264
Program: 2,4,1,5,7,5,1,6,4,1,5,5,0,3,3,0
Output: 3,6,5,0,3,3,0

This is going against my intuitions of how the most significant 3 bits should work...
The other observation is that the final program is just the reversed form of the base 8 representation of your A value, except instead of 0-8 you have to cycle through the 1024 cycle for each value. That's probably a bad way to explain it but it's because each index can have 1024 different values but each next index will increment every 8 of the current index
im going to sleep with my broot from 8 hours ago still running wish me luck bros
yeah i get the same
I get the same results for both.
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can you share your input, anon?
You're gonna have to go to sleep a few trillion more times anon
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Intcode, my beloved.
Holy fucking verbosity batman
listOfA = [0]
for lengthOfProgram from the end
for reminder 0-7
simulate for each A in listOfA using A*8 + rem as a starting register value
if it outputs a subprogram of original push A*8 + rem to newListOfA
replace listOfA with newListOfA
return min of listOfA
To illustrate what I mean see this
[2, 1]
[3, 1]
[4, 2, 1]
[5, 2, 1]
[6, 3, 1]
[7, 3, 1]
[8, 4, 2]
[9, 4, 2]
[0, 5, 2]
[1, 5, 2]
[2, 6, 3]
[3, 6, 3]
[4, 7, 3]
[5, 7, 3]
[6, 8, 4]
[7, 8, 4]
[8, 9, 4]
[9, 9, 4]

To compare to what I was saying earlier, this one has a cycle of 10 and it increments the next index every 2. So my input (and the smallboy too I think) has a cycle of 1024 and iterates every 8
Give me a sec, just shitposting in bed I'll post it though I think this insight is true for all inputs. Check your first 1024 and see if the first digits cycles exactly in the next 1024
forgot i wasted a bunch of time on part 1 because i thought XOR was | in python instead of ^
not that it mattered because part 2 took forever
^ is exponentiation, silly!
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Unwashed golang.
I feel like I could compute each value from each input, but too dump to do that and just bruteforced number on each position
God what a fucking ugly language

Don't have my code with me at the moment, was just able to grab my input on my phone since it's 4am. But the 1024-8 cycle should hold true for all inputs since it worked for the smallboy and it seems all the inputs perform the same operations relatively
(Go)d what a fucking sexy language
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mine isnt checking 1024 for each index
assuming 164540892147362 is the right answer
Dunno, looks better than rust solutions, every over lang don't matter because performance difference is just too high
idiomatic Go solution
package iter

func Pull[V any](seq Seq[V]) (next func() (V, bool), stop func()) {
yield := make(chan struct{value V; ok bool})
pull := make(chan struct{}{})
go func() {
seq(func(v V) bool {
_, ok := <-pull
if !ok {
return false
yield <- struct{value V; ok bool}{v, true}


next = func() (V, bool) {
pull <- struct{}{}
return <-yield
stop = func() { close(pull) }
yea, sadly iterators looks awful, I think nobody will use them outside of stdlib, until someone fixes this mess
When did that get deleted?
Actually the answer is (...)390. I don't know why, it's only off by a little bit. It confuses me since it's almost correct
Sorry, meant 389.
solution to what?
to what ails ya'
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ah interesting, i guess i got lucky with my input then, i was only checking the most recent digit but with this one it actually flips the second digit before finding the first, then flips it back a bit later if you keep going
works now if i check all of them
nah im losing my fucking mind
is this another 2016 day 6? fuck me what the hell
>2016 day 6
it's just 7 lines of code bro
two of the variables are temporary bro
you can bruteforce in 0.5s bro
i think he means 2006 day 16
>advent of code 2006
alright I know my bruteforce is correct and its just going to take really long so i'll just go to reddit and get myself the start
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oh i meant 2018 day 6
yes? how do you think Christmas was saved before 2015?
I felt the same way at one point.
if you're using javascript like I was, there is a secret special edge case not present in any other language
let me know the edgecase otherwise im jumping off a bridge
I don't know golang, but I like how it looks.
blind retard: >>103548217
Look at op
i saw this and accounted for it so im just doing something else wrong
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got stuck a bit on p2 but it turned out to be pretty simple once you step through the program and see what it actually does..
public static void Run(Span<int> program, int a, int b, int c, List<int> outputs)
var a, b, c;
int ip = 0;

while (ip < program.Length) {
int operand = program[ip + 1];
int combo = operand < 4 ? operand : (operand == 4 ? a : (operand == 5 ? b : c));

switch (program[ip]) {
case 0: a /= (1 << combo);
case 1: b ^= operand;
case 2: b = combo % 8;
case 3 when(a != 0): ip = operand; continue;
case 4: b ^= c;
case 5: outputs.Add(combo % 8);
case 6: b = a / (1 << combo);
case 7: c = a / (1 << combo);

ip += 2;
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I get the gold result but there is a TON of files remaining trying to be placed but apparently no space for them left.
I'll have to implement some thing to keep track of the largest free space available to the left so I can quickly skip files that can't be placed anywhere.
>only 16h left
I don't think I can make it bros
Hilarious how the entire silver star leaderboard for today and the gold star leaderboard are full of completely different people.

Strange how "KedharnadhKamatham" solved part 1 in 28 seconds but doesn't appear on the gold leaderboard at all
Its kinda sad that this is how we celebrate 10 years of AoC, by having machines solve Christmas for us.
I hope AoC doesn't end like this.
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your broot will finish in 5 more minutes
did you read the last line of part 1? the part clearly bolded telling you in what form to submit your answer?
part 1?
commas are part of the answer
who cares about the public leaderboard
just enjoy the puzzles
lol my part 2 code doesnt work on either of the examples
im fully willing to admit i got filtered today but out of curiosity i tried to implement >>103548115

it doesnt work on my input. am i just that retarded or is my input just more tricky than lucky anon here?
That's retarded. "join on spaces" means get rid of the spaces and concatenate what was previously separated by them, how is this any different?
"what do you get if you use commas to join the values it output into a single string?"
i found this didnt work on this input too >>103548648
until i changed the condition to
while not all(a == b for a,b in zip(reversed(run(registers, program)), reversed(program))):

i did get a lucky input
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washed ass
no eric, fuck you with the 150k united statian dollars
your paycheck is from me (as always) $0.00
let the AoC++ paypigs be enough
>use commas to join the values
>gives you a literal fucking example answer
You're the only one who's retarded anon.
i beg to differ
the difference is in the program, so you need to look up what program indexes modify registers A B and C and adapt the code
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Winner winner chicken dinner.
Yes. here's the unwashed >>103546692
Compare to that
you're the canonical puzzle solver of /g/, never forget that
i think other people did something similar but also implemented backtracking, which i didnt do
to explain, there are multiple values which could result in it getting n for a particular index, and i just took the first one each time, but its not guaranteed to be the right one
e.g. something like 101 or 001 (binary) might both give you the same value so you could try 001 and if it fails on the next one, backtrack and try 101
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data = open("Day 17 input.txt", "r").read().strip().replace("Register A: ", "").replace("Register B: ", "").replace("Register C: ", "").replace("Program: ", "").split("\n\n")

rom = map(int, data[1].split(","))

def combo(i, a, b, c):
if 0 <= i <= 3: return i
elif i == 4: return a
elif i == 5: return b
elif i == 6: return c
else: print "combo screwup"

def run(a):
b = 0
c = 0
pc = 0
outputs = []
while pc < len(rom):
if rom[pc] == 0:
a /= 1 << combo(rom[pc+1], a, b, c)
elif rom[pc] == 1:
b ^= rom[pc+1]
elif rom[pc] == 2:
b = combo(rom[pc+1], a, b, c) & 7
elif rom[pc] == 3:
if a != 0:
pc = rom[pc+1]-2
elif rom[pc] == 4:
b ^= c
elif rom[pc] == 5:
#print combo(rom[pc+1], a, b, c)&7
outputs.append(combo(rom[pc+1], a, b, c)&7)
elif rom[pc] == 6:
b = a / (1 << combo(rom[pc+1], a, b, c))
elif rom[pc] == 7:
c = a / (1 << combo(rom[pc+1], a, b, c))
pc += 2
#print len(outputs)
return outputs

def solve(prefix, step):
for i in range(8):
if run(((prefix<<3) | i) << (step*3))[step:] == rom[step:]:
print bin(((prefix<<3) | i) << (step*3))
if step == 0:
return True, (prefix<<3) | i
solved, n = solve((prefix<<3) | i, step-1)
if solved:
return solved, n
return False, 0

print solve(0, 15)

Started late.
>manually screw around with A, narrow in on the first 16-digit answer, start brute force (never finished). Also realize the later digits are only affected by high value changes.
>narrow in on highest 16-digit answer, realize it's 2**48-1.
>disassemble program enough to see it consumes 3 bits at a time, and each digit also depends on some extra higher bits (but not any lower bits).
>start manually working out the bits, realize there are possible branches, write a recursive solver instead.
Took a while to find the right approach, but not too bad. Satisfying to see it construct the final number (pic related).
i even tried it with backtracking, didnt work

i think my program is FUCKED
2,4 B = A % 8
1,5 B = B ^ 5
7,5 C = A >> B
1,6 B = B ^ 6
4,1 B = B ^ C
5,5 push b
0,3 A = A << 2
3,0 loop

so if A % 8 = 2
2 xor 5 = 7
A >> 7 means that means that 128 numbers can effect the output
thats a deep ass fucking search compared to lucky fuckers who only needed to test 8
whats your input?
it's illegal and eric's reddit mod will sue you and you will have to pay 150000$
its in >>103549051 just remove my annotations
>just remove my annotations
fine, lazy ass

sue me eric 150k for 16 numbers
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this solves it instantly for me
unless the answer is too high? looks right though
part B 107413700225434
I'm also getting that, runs in half the time of my own input.
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my humble BQN solution for day 17, generalized to solve both parts now \^o^/

(don't ask me how Xor52 works, i had to steal it from someone else since BQN only uses floating point and has no 64 bit integers)
i swear i had this implented ages ago but gave up because the answer was incorrect
i gotta figured out what i missed
maybe check your registers? it should start with a fresh copy every time you run it, incase you are mutating the one that gets passed in
my `run` command doesnt even take in a list, it just takes the a value and inits the rest to 0

ill post it when i figure out what i did wrong
good luck anon
thank you anon. i feel the christmas spirit thanks to you
@HRHdaggerdragon check this out
am i getting banned because my input is my UUID and now he fucking KNOWS
yes, unless you buy AoC++ immediately
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im too broke for that shit anymore
its been tough since i lost my good paying job
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Took a while to get a webm under size limit.
Had to speed up the video, too. Takes about 4.5 mins to run.
>Kana key
you will never be japanese
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ezpz only took me 4 hours
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Most memory intensive solution so far. I use 120kB of the GBA memory to store the information about the filesystem.
3 2byte words per file/free space. FID, size, original size.
For part one I just alternate reading left and right sides of the file system, keeping remainders from the right to fill in spaces on the left, don't have to alter the table at all.
For part two I first just compute the score of the beginning file structure, then I go from the right looking for spaces to move each file into, subtract their present score and add their moved score if they can move and update the "size" of the free space areas in the table.
And then I have r11 holding the largest free space to help skip files that can't be moved.

This was fun.
umm sweaty he actually moved to japan, which means he's japanese - just like in his animes!
>samefagging this hard
It's sad, really.
>weeb keyboard
forget what i said earlier, filthy weeb
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btfo the fuck out
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REMINDER, save your code
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>counting up
did nobody do the counting down strat?
all me btw
whats the point? this way is easier
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thats not close at all are you stupid
no? why are you so rude?
>part 1
>impl instructions correctly
>um that's not the right answer sweaty
aw this is super fucking embarrassing
at some point i changed the division ops to be
if (op == 0) a = a >> combo(operand)

instead of
if (op == 0) a = floor(a / (2 ** combo(operand)))

and when i saw >>103548217 i thought this only applies to bitwise or, xor and and, not bitshift too

most embarrassing evening of my aoc life
top kek
Your fault, should have taken a shower.
>impl instructions correctly
prove it
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look who I found
nevermind. I assumed Bdv and Cdv numerators were their respective registers.
>part2 is 2021-24 all over again, but with an annoyingly unreadable Intcode tier ISA
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braindead but fun solution
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Post link nigger
>those fucking inlay hints
>those fucking colors
literally unreadable
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alright heres the monument to my shame
other than that dumbass xor function its not even that bad
but i could have solved this 4 hours ago if i wasnt clueless
you’re altering the 4 least significant bits
i like those colours, nice and festive!
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>used Z3
now I’m curious, might give ol zoomzoom here a view
>He still hasn't gotten gold
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it's been 17 days and i have not yet seen a single (1) rust solution that isn't vomit inducing
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Don't make me tap the calendar
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don’t make me tap the manifesto
I fucking hate these kind of puzzles almost as much as I hate the line segments ones.
give me some more grids ericbrehh
Is there a generalizable solution that isn't: implement your own optimizing compiler or should I just inspect my individual input alone?

No spoilers.
I don't think there is one that isn't bruteforce
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Not too bad
I found it helpful to actually look at the input, like: write its assembly language on a piece of paper
Yes, I understand that, I've done 2021-24 as well so I'm familiar with this cancer, I just want to know if I should hard code and fuck off or not.
I played a bit with Z3 for this but gave up after reading that it doesn't support XOR for integers.
Doing it using bit vectors looked more of a pain than solving it without Z3.
>works on example
>doesn't work on input
I can't anymore bros...
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experimenting in jupyter is nice for aoc but maybe I shouldve wrote the bruteforce in c instead kek. This is going to take a while..
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Haskell solution. Fun day, I enjoy these "decompilation" problems
see >>103549641
it really was not >>103549694
advent of laid of programmers with nothing better to do
I can't understand you with goldstein's dick in your mouth
Just to let you know, your target is in the 100 trillion range so "a while" is an understatement.
yeah I don’t think my solution generalizes at all. it strongly uses special properties of the input, which I gather are common to everybody’s input. it would not work on just any program
>implying I’m getting laid on the 25th
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>CGA palette 0
Try palette 1, there should be a switch on the back of your monitor
symbolic execution >>103549694
"i'm getting laid..."
nope not it
kek, fuck
48 bits, but you can broot it in chunks of 3 bits
it's faster if you start at int64.max and count down
Brooters you better start praying.
i'll just wait for cosmic rays to give me the right answer
any minute now...
if you know about the 3 bit shit, it's not even brooting, kek, you basically check 16 * 8 numbers
all this time could have been spent on writing a nice graphical disassembly view of the program so you can peacefully reverse engineer it and notice a very exploitable pattern to speed up the process
what the fuck is your problem?
>imagine getting triggered by counting down
were you molested as a child while playing hide and seek or what?
that you're trolling in /g/ AGAIN
looks like an advertisement for "/b/", whatever that is
just report it and move on
It's gruvbox, so I guess you aren't far off
i'm sorry if i'm polluting your stream of potential solutions to steal and pass off as your own, i guess?
>it's faster if you start at int64.max and
anyone with a single braincell knows that this is gigantic bullshit, you're just doing this to troll retards
why are you posting misinformation in this thread? i literally solved the problem by counting down...
>it's not possible
why not? you stupid bastard
One more trollpost and I'm reporting.
you're probably one of those retards propagating the "you have to solve with dijkstra's" psyop yesterday
i'm telling daggerdragon
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we have better things to do Anon, we just choose not to do them
How would counting down work though? We must find the lowest value for a, when do you know when to stop counting down?
Could Z3 somehow reason about an input that isn't guaranteed to make progress on the output before hitting a jump?
You can make the registers into arrays indexed by a time variable and then phrase everything in terms of ForAll constraints, but I have no clue about how well Z3 actually solves systems like that.
Stop, don't engage with him. He's a troll.
99% percent tho that this is him speaking with himself so others will bite but just in case.
you are the troll though
Hold on a second, where is drawfag. Please don't tell me drawfag was filtered.....
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forget the drawfag, where is the input-chan faggot?
it wouldn't, it's a meme. on day 12 some anon suggested an alternative to counting corners and provided an extremely vague hint as to what that was and this hyper mad anon spent probably 48h or more trying to figure out what the solution was but as you can see, he got filtered in the end and is just infinitely mad now.
he was obviously filtered finding the Christmas tree.
>an extremely vague hint
dumb retard, nothing vague about counting down.
You start with 4 * area and then count down to get the perimeter. Then for part 2 you take the perimeter count and count down to get the sides.
when you find a new value you have to check it with higher values to make sure it's lower than them, duh
so you count up?
I got the solution for that day long before that conversation, and I instantly pointed out the intent behind the post.
Hang yourself rust troon. You're participating in this shit now too.
Wrong, I'm not filter, in fact I'm the first on both /g/ leadboards.
>rust troon
>he thinks that everyone who uses "dumb retard" is me
well, you're right. but I participated in the counting down meme from the start, dumb retard.
Although that one doesn't look too complicated I just watched the guy struggling with bool vectors for an hour to try getting it to work so I'm glad I avoided that route.
>fun reverse engineering problem
>llm's btfo
>javascript jeets btfo
Today was a good day
No one gives a shit about your solutions, participating all day every day in unfunny troll campaigns, a disgusting man pretending to be woman, terminally online, and retarded too.
The niveau has really become low for someone to become a CIA agent. All you have to do is to shill a backdoored language and you get paid. Amazing.
k, 2 was gay. but it didn't mean I have to rewrite my whole program. still gay since it only works because Eric makes it work.
lmao, xolatile is seething right now
>instantly pointed out the intent
no you started sperging about it not being a valid solution, which it is btw.
And he lives rent free in your head, every time I post you mention him. It's fucking hilarious.
It doesn't matter if it CAN be solved using counting down, the point is that it's significantly more complicated than any other solution and there's absolutely no point to it. You know that too, and you didn't implement yourself, exactly because of that.
That solution is the same kind as something like let's generate a random number for each graph component, and if it's 0 we traverse with DFS, if 1 let's traverse with BFS. It CAN be solved like that, but an gigantic bullshit and no reason to.
the problem is that you need to dispatch based on p[ip]
i'm literally a z3 noob though so don't know
wasn't needed though, this returns in like a second
alright I've figured out my solution is somewhere between 8^15 and 8^16 we'll have this brooted in no time
your solution will be 48 bits
8^15 is 46 bits
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this was me brooting part 2
correct I didn't, on the other hand it's not at all "significantly more complicated" either, dunno what you're getting that from
You have figured out the main insight needed to not broot it.
Thanks for confirming, no further questions.
(Nobody respond to that, ignore him.)
you need meds and you need them now
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Yeah, your program terminates because you always hit an out (that increases outl) before hitting a jnz.
I will have to try an array solution later.
>2017 was the easiest year
didn't someone here say 2017 was the comfiest year?
i want some puzzles I can do nice visualizations of
>[the year i started] was the comfiest year
wrong. It was actually the year I started.
has someone already added this architecture to ghidra?
Is there an AoC colorscheme for Neovim?
I did that and it didn't do well. I think I ran it for half an hour or so without finding a solution.
After explicitly writing the loop, it returned instantly.
if i was running into infinite loops i'd probably add a hard iteration depth limit and hope for the best
plz poast soluton
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which one should I do while waiting for tomorrow?
Do the 2015 one that makes you compute an MD5 sum.
elves and goblins fighting
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How long will I be waiting for Part 2 if I bail on an iteration if the last output is not equal or the size of the output is greater than the program size?
I should be looking for patterns in how the seed affects the output shouldn't I?
just fucking write your code out
you'll see it takes the first 3 bits from A, rshifts A by 3 bits, and loops if there's anything left
start there
huh, do you mean this one? https://adventofcode.com/2015/day/4
i did that one a few days ago
looks interesting, i'll give it a go
elflord, obviously
JS bros.... I don't feel so good.
step 1: disassemble the program
step 2: realize why naive brooooot is pointless
step 3: realise you can "count down" by starting at the end and handling 3 bits at a time; make sure you count down from a 64bit int
more like
>the sneed
if I run part2 answer with my part 1 code it should output a string of equal length or can there be something more?
no, the program has to print itself verbatim
16 numbers generated from 48 bits (16 sets of 3)
kino problem
>have to feed it the same amount of data as the program itself
People are really calling this a quine?
that works
yes, they are stupid
I've just noticed that my program and all of the examples don't actually use opcode 6 (the bdv instruction). Is this the case for everyone else? Have we all been tricked into implementing a superfluous instruction in our programs?
Part 3 in the AOC++ version of this problem actually tells you what opcode 7 does, so you better implement it
same for me; everything but bdv is used
don't tell me it's DEC?
>when i saw >>103548217 i thought this only applies to bitwise or, xor and and, not bitshift too
That's because you haven't read your ECMA 262 standard, my fellow javascriptfag
its the input instruction, it reads an intcode program to register D and then you have to implement an intcode vm in bitcode
stop making up words
You need double Dijkstra actually
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Your program IS capable of finding all valid values of A, not just the lowest one, right anon?
of course; for how would i know which is the lowest one unless i knew all of them?
I solved it by counting down. When I get to the last valid a, I know that it is the lowest.
based, i solved it the same way; 12 hours of brooting paid off
Is this viable to brute force on a GPU?
I know CPU would take an obscenely long time, but this seems well suited to a GPU
ah fuck it requires bits from higher up the word
i'm not making up any words
ok so start bottom up; the first set of 3 bits, i.e. the last digit of your program, can be solved for independently
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ugh that's a lot of stuff but I bet it makes a neat movie when it's done
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Fuck this. The one day I couldn't wait until 2 AM Eric decides to drop a fun one.

Benchmark 1: ../target/release/aoc-day17 /tmp/input
Time (mean ± σ): 547.5 µs ± 9.7 µs [User: 385.0 µs, System: 96.5 µs]
Range (min … max): 534.2 µs … 562.9 µs 10 runs
You somehow managed to make this more bloated than my intcode vm, is this the power of rust?
A lot of it is just pattern matching.
the first valid match it finds is the lowest though
2AM? Where the fuck do you live? In the middle of the Atlantic?
Your code doesn't check if one of the previously checked output change in part b...which can happen.
You should check all element of the output list instead of just output[0].
> The Kingdom of Kong
Make sense
this only works since registers b and c are written before they are read in each cycle. else you would need 9 bits going backwards still one less than the 10 bit needed for forward iteration. well, I think most solutions depend heavily on the specific structure of the inputs.
Best puzzle of all
yes anon, the general case is np-complete
when eric asks you to do something np-complete you have to look for weaknesses in the input
Good puzzles are 15/19, 22/16 and 23/25
There are 1-2 goods per year
95% of aoc puzzles are dogshit
you just keep throwing around the np-complete right? still looking for weaknesses in the provided instructions (i.e. the problem structure) is much more satisfying than looking for them within the input... also it feels like more general solutions should be possible. esp. since the only branching OP only takes literal values.
AAA I got it FUCK finally
had to disassemble my input program by hand
it's against programming intuition to solve a specific problem on a specific input rather than solve the more general problem, to the point that very feasible work goes undone because the general problem is impossible.
hence, the puzzle
the threads when that dropped were legendary
the utter panic at how long it took for the global leaderboard to fill
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Finally passed today's part 2. I'm not filtered after all!
Did pen and paper bros win biggest today?
Part 3: for an arbitrary program, determine which initial register values will cause the device to enter an infinite loop.
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of course
/aocg/ is getting visibly slower. the great filter is taking its toll.
yes anon, that's the joke
haha anon good one very funny
I laughed
That was the joke, but actually it is not impossible. The Chronospatial Computer is not turing-complete.
this assumes touring completes...
the instruction set feels much more like a glorified filter than a programming language...
almost all instructions remove bits, there are none that "generate" new ones. info cannot flow out of register b(?)... it's just too restricted to be a programming language
the only "cyclic" data flow is via the "jnz a".
and when this bit of info is transferred, a=0 => this transfer can only happen once.
this feels like deciding if we loop should be possible
inst -> a
inst -> b
inst -> c
a -> inst
a -> c
c -> b
a -> b
a -> OUT
b -> OUT
c -> OUT
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210µs runtime, eat shit brooters
I started trying to write a proof. The complicated part is adv 5, since B might be 0 (meaning that adv 5 would not decrease A), but if B is 0 then B might still increase later via bst or bxl.
kek this meme is growing on me
Whether it loops can be determined by some rules, not to lay them all out but just for example
>if there is no jump instruction, it will not infinitely loop
Without jumps it will just proceed to the end
>if there is an adv instruction within any loop, it will not infinitely loop
adv will continuously reduce A to zero and then eventually result in the loop ending, so any form of jump must jump somewhere that it can reach itself without coming into contact with an adv instruction

This doesn't seem tremendously difficult, might get hard in the details if you jump to an odd number then start reading a secondary set of opcodes
Oh, as >>103552741 pointed out adv might not reduce A. Still, definitely not impossible to prove
t. doing this at work
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Unwashed haskell ass after multiple hours and 4 pages of pen and paper
>if there is an adv instruction within any loop, it will not infinitely loop
This is not true. It depends on the operand of the adv instruction. adv 0 is no-op (A / (2^0) == A). For adv 5, nothing happens if B is 0 (and it's hard to tell whether B will be 0, since there are many ways to change B).
I was thinking an argument of the form:
if there is no non-zero "adv" within n cycles (and the program has not ended) then we have to be stuck in a cycle. i.e. a single "state space is limited" argument without "adv".
when adv happens we lose at least one bit of a => iterate the argument and you are done.
today and the christmas tree are my favourites so far this year
Same. Got a huge rush from figuring out the pattern here and seeing the tree for the first time.

Shout out to day 6 also.
I just brooted day 6
christmas tree and the box pushing one for sure
>part 2
ummm brootbros.. i don't think this is brootable...
Same. Feels good to be saving the Christmas and getting paid for it.
Can't this be brooted on GPU?
if you count down i think so
number of program states is limited by a**3 times len(program), since no number can ever be formed that is larger than a. => state space is limited => just run the program for that many cycles. if haven't stopped until then, we are in a cycle.
.t filtered
will you still post the graph every day?
nice to see the progress when you search by filename on desuarchive
Is there a way to do Part 2 generally? I reverse engineered it, typed the reverse engineered instructions into a recursive function that works backwards to the number. But that requires me to read the instructions and type them in by hand for each input.
seeing myself officially filtered actually feels kinda liberating. I was way over my head anyway. I was spending HOURS every day to keep up, and felt miserable. it wasn't comfy or even satisfying at all.
t. filtered on day 16 part 2
>drawfriend filtered
>thread indexer filtered
>aisloppers filtered
>calendaranon filtered
>even filteranon is filtered
It's lonely at the top
>company christmas party soon
either I'll speedrun it drunk during the night, or it's officially over
I'm still here :)
>missed one day on the first week because I was meeting family

It's not fair bros
I'm usually filtered due to family around Christmas and have to finish on the 26th
>hendrik sandnigger
remove him NOW
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Slightly washed C++. Doing these at work the next morning instead of right when they drop is much more comfy, leaderboard be damned.
I was too dumb to reverse engineer it, but I noticed that as the input value increases, the output numbers work like octal digits except out of order. So after each guess, I find the highest index where the output differs from the expected value, raise 8 to that power, and add it to the guess.
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I have allowed myself to be consumed.
Replace the % 8 with
& 7
for peak comfiness
Yeah, I should have just used >> to divide as well instead of the nonsense I did.
register a is the input.
the adv,bdv,cdv instructions can be thought of as "read from input". the trick is to have a "lazy" input that only gets set once it is required, to allow pruning to occur before actual work is done.When such a "lazy" read is requested you just have to provide all possible inputs (like in probabilisitc programming"). from the filtered lazy sequence of valid just take the first one. Thi s model fits nicely into "effectful" programming where each read calls an effect handler and that handler just loops over all possible continuations . thanks for listening to my TED talk.
Where did Eric fell you?
% 8 should be easy for the compiler to turn into
& 7

The division between variables might be more difficult, but maybe the compiler is able to turn
c = na / (1 << b);
into a shift as well.
>54.6% gold
I failed on 16 part 2 also. That one did my head in.
The AoC subreddit is so sad. 80% of the posts are people asking for help debugging, but since they can't share their inputs, nobody is really able to help.
that's the actual reason eric goes so overboard with his "intelectual property" he's a sadist.
>16 part 2
that one was free if you used Dijkstra for part 1
holy based
Eric should put out a single example that is similar enough to input runtimes that input sharing could be avoided. Or stop being a bitch about input sharing.
Is AoC getting easier, or is my hard work just paying off? I would love to see these problems as myself from 5 years ago when I started and see what I think of them.
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>dm people saying I can help if they give me their input
>immediately tell u/daggerdragon they were sharing inputs and get them banned
I did. I just couldn't figure out Part 2 and I got justly filtered. I will now commit sudoku.
>announcing a report
What the fuck is going on
I tried the simple bruteforce, obviously didn't work, tried some memos and pruning still didn't work
So I took my input and traced the full program, coded that program directly instead of simulating a CPU. Got it down to 2 lines of code + 3 more for pruning. SImplified all the mathematically redundant operations (e.g. 4^B^4 simplifies to B), rewrote it in C so it'd be faster. Got it to where it checked billions of inputs per minute, but it still wasn't enough
So then I think maybe there is some patterns I'm missing on, or a math's trick, or a way to work backwards, and the answer to all is no unless its in binary, very likely not, and certainly not, so it seems completely fucked
check what the output is for every input value from 0 to 10000
check the data
find patterns and use them
if you want to retain the lower bits, &7 is exactly what you mean by that, and %8 is something else that might mean that depending on the specific values involved and the specific tradition of % involved. &7 relies on the reader understanding bitwise representations of numbers, which is required to understand why someone would even want to retain only some bits of a number. %8 relies on the reader understanding that this is actually &7 but the programmer wanted to write more obscure and less direct code in order to avoid having some nag come along and regurgitate ancient programming wisdom.
If you're really going at billions of inputs per second, it could still take days to get the answer.
Are /g/oons unironically using rust now? Wtf?
for mine the program output depended solely on a. so you just need to find "a" at each step to generate the desired output.
the way my program was structured, it became clear that a portion of "a" was used for each step, then discarded and the remainder used for the next step.
i fucking hate these puzzles with a passion but there's one every year. inshallah we don't have any more.
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ok what's the trick for part two
broot + 128 cores
disassemble and reverse engineer
Broot force on your GPU. Have each core try a seed value.
The instructions amount to 8 lines of code. Honestly this is probably Eric's easiest "reverse engineer this inefficient pesudo-assembly" problem.
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don't worry anon I'm not going anywhere, I did the same last year
lel. it's ok anon, he's a fellow racist fren
I got stuck trying to do come up with ways to do day 10 part 2 using BFS and memoization. I could easily have done the "mark-compact" day 9 part 2 but my heart wasn't in it. Then there was day 12 part 2 at this one was a motherfucker.
generate input 3-bits at a time.
start with bits [47:45] of register a and go down. set unknown bits to zero.
find all values that generate valid last digit of output
repeat, but reuse input(s). generate all bits that give you valid last two output digits
and so on
and so on
and from all the valid inputs pick the one with smallest register a representation
we all transitioned, join us sister
I'm curious as to how many variations of the input there are. I'm guessing the bulk of the program has to be the same for everyone. Looking at mine, I expect everything apart from the second and fourth lines would have to be fixed, with the remaining two lines each in practice only letting you change a number between 1 and 7. That would put a limit on 49 distinct inputs, possibly less if you want to avoid boring combinations.
Washed and down to 80µs, hashmaps were bloat
This is one case where writing everything in bit operations makes the code more readable.
Inspect your input until you understand what's happening in terms of bit shifts etc.
It was always projection
disassemble the program and figure out how it works (it's only 8 instructions, you can do this)
screw around with the input and monitor how it affects the output
either one of these is enough to solve it, but both is recommended
Previous years with assembly programs usually work this way, with fewer variations than other days.
Comparing my input with others people posted, the only difference was a number or two.
Interesting. Most of you seem to be guessing some bits of register A, then run the program forward one iteration, and check the output.
I ran the program backwards, starting with the output, then guessing bits in B and C, then testing if they can be consolidated with the known bits of register a.
It took this idea for it to click for me, then I was able to clean up my solution to do it properly (just rerunning the program instead of reinplementing it).
it's just two fags spamming
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washed up
>not canceling all your real life arrangements for aoc
>not using sick days for aoc
>not using paid vacation for aoc
Another one filtered...
>Another one filtered...
He was weak.
took me an embarrassingly long time to solve because I didn't realise every step could have more than 1 solution. i turned it into a dfs solution and finished it in <5 mins.
I didn't like today's part 2. It was NOT fun.
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clojure for today
how does Xor52 work?
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>wrote all this and didn't even use it for part 2
wtf is this real
Don't worry. You're prepared for day 22. Trust the plan
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