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Request purchase advice:
>location (country shipping from and shipping to)
>open/closed back
>sound signature (favorite music)
>previous equipment (dac,amp,cans)
Any good headphones yet?
I found a pair behind the dumpster yesterday they worked pretty well until the cable started burning.
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Just got the Fiio ft1 but it came like this in the box… any chance of putting it back together?
>[hearing-damagingly loud] LOW BATTERY, PLEASE RECHARGE HEADSET
this isn't uncommon apparently. for the screws to arrive too loose. i wonder if QC is suffering because chinks, and fiio trying to keep up with the massive demand they didn't expect.
Should be a torx t6, if I'm not mistaken.
Humor me for a second
How does a first generation Modi hold up in 2024?
I dug it out so I could use the KVM on my monitor while it's infinitely better than using the analog out on the monitor It makes me wonder how much things have advanced in 10 years.
why did anime girl looked embarass to be have bob
Sennheiser HD590 for 60 bucks worth it? also found sony mdr-cd570 from 1980s made in japan for like 90$, i know they are rare but are they any good?
>Sennheiser HD590 for 60 bucks worth it?
if they're in good condition sure. they're older headphones (definitely older than the average 4chan poster) but would be neat to have as part of a collection, i imagine they still sound decent as well since it seems like the drivers are similar to the 600/650 series apparently based on a google search.
yea t6. Unscrew the plate from the cup, once you screwed it back together, attach the cup again.
they are in really good condition, even cups are good but i would change them probably. i will check them out in person but seller is reliable
i'd definitely pick them up if it was me but that's because i like the typical sennheiser sound and their offerings aren't as varied nowadays and are kind of boring. they don't really make new consumer wired headphones anymore and probably won't for the foreseeable future. they'll just continue to sell the lineup they have for good now it seems at least.
I had issues with the torx head
the heads break fucking easily and while my T6 worked on all other screws it didnt fit the hinge one in that pic, but then another t6 head screw did work on it because fuck you.
Then if you use some t5 head on it its even more likely to break apart because its too small

Make sure to buy some quality chrome vanadium torx screws and avoid chinesium that doesnt say what metal it is
>i wonder if QC is suffering because chinks
yes, that's how they made it so cheap
>and fiio trying to keep up with the massive demand they didn't expect
nice cope
not really a cope just speculation. i have no skin the in game, fiio ft1 and pro don't really interest me since i don't like planars or closed backs.
What dac/amp should I be using for the Arya Stealth? Have a magni/modi stack, but I hear dac/amp makes a big difference with the Arya.
Based Fiio QC
Magni is fine.
>fiio is now going after koss
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What are the best quality budget earphones
That seems closer to their level of competence than AT and Hifiman. On-ear foamies are a badly underserved market atm.
Depends what "budget" means to you. Truthear Hexa is decent, if you want rock-bottom prices the moondrop chu 2 is alright. There's a few decent options in the ~$20 pricerange.
idk what exactly makes something better than moondrop chu 2
>one is a DD that tracks harman target
>other is a DD that does the same except costs more
The jump isn't that huge, it mostly just sounds a bit clearer. Frequency response graphs don't tell you everything. Most people would probably be more than happy with the Chus.
grabbed some ATH-M20X for 40 bucks in my shithole because of christmas offers
my first cans worth more than 20 bucks and holy shit, I don't think I can go back. Everything sounds amazing
btw is the Maizu Hifi (Lifeme Mblu whatever) still the best budget dac? thinking about grabbing one considering how cheap they are since my shit mobo has noticeable noise
do they work with USB-C female to USB-A adapters? if so, what's a good adapter I can grab from amazon?
AH-D5200 any good? i have a TH610, AH-D2000 and TR-X00.
Sennheiser HD600
Audio-Technica ath-r70x
Doesn't suffer from the Fostex family's weak hinged but has zero parts compatibility with them, despite very similar engineering.
Tuning is more mellow, with bumped up bass and less sharp treble.
I've got aeon2c, the cable has a chunky end point that's not gonna fit into computer or anything, but that's ok cause I'm supposed to get amp to power it, so I'll get jsd atom 2 but that doesn't seem to come with anything but a power cord for itself, so assuming the amp has a chunky port for the aeon's plug what cable I want to plug the amp into the computer?
Real headphones don't have batteries.
my USB DAC just died. I will be trying to fix it, but need something in the meantime. let's say up to $200 tops. any ideas?
$9 Apple dongle
>assuming the amp has a chunky port for the aeon's plug
assuming the aeon's plug is 6.3mm or 4.4mm, yes
>what cable I want to plug the amp into the computer
3.5mm to rca cable
>nice cope
Their initial production run literally sold out on every platform lol. Who's the one coping here
>ATH-M20X are amazing
Kek wait until you hear some proper open-backs
As for budget dacs, that one is mediocre, consider the Jcally JM20
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I recently purchased a pair of Beyerdynamic DT 900 Pro X. This was the first time I've paid more than $50 for headphones. They should arrive either today or tomorrow. I'm pretty excited. Do you think it was a good choice?
I plan to use them as my main headphones for my desktop PC, so basically gaming, voice chat, and listening to music.
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its probably fine for comfort but it doesnt use 3.5mm connector so I dont see the point of buying headphones that do that

it lacks in the bass region
>it doesnt use 3.5mm connector
Nah, it does. One of the reasons I picked it over the HD6XX is cos I can just stick it in my PC without needing amps/adaptors/interfaces/whatever. That, and the shipping and import fees...
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>forgot pic
on the headphone itself meaning you have to buy cables that only work on that 1 headphone
ahhh ok, I see. fair enough.
At least it's mini-XLR, a common standard connector, as opposed to some fully proprietary bullshit.
no its not at least
theres literally no other reason to use random connectors besides selling your own high margin cables

chances are you'll never buy a 2nd pair that also uses mini xlr and the 35€ cables go into the trash
Mini-XLR is a common connector and finding compatible cables is piss easy, you're not stuck with Beyer's own offerings. They even used the normal 3-pin variant so normal A/V mini-XLR to 3.5mm cables work just fine.
As far as non-3.5mm TRS connectors go it's one of the better options.
bro, you think mini-xlr is bad? how do you think i feel?
>>Kek wait until you hear some proper open-backs
yeah yeah, I know. It was my first time buying big boy headphones and I didn't wanna go big just yet but holy shit, I'm convinced now. I'll go big once the M20Xs die
>As for budget dacs, that one is mediocre, consider the Jcally JM20
why? they literally have the same chip (CX31993)
what makes it so different? apparently it has dual DAC chips but I don't understand the benefits of it
It has a higher SINAD for pretty much the same price
Honestly nobody will hear an audible difference, but there's not much of a reason to get the one that measures worse if they cost the same. The Meizu is still good if you just like the design better.
moondrop para or at R70X?
ft1 pro
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Here's how Fiio FT1's EQ to a Harman like flat treble looks like.
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>EQing headphone treble by graph
Any headpos has enough fit consistency to EQ treble to a decent state just by using sine sweep.
Yeah it'll just sound like shit to everybody else.
we need it in a higher resolution
no balls
para is heavy af and ur supporting weebs
r70x treble is wonky, comfort is weird if ur head doesn't agree with the wing support system, and short subs extension
Planar needs to be heavy to perform better though. FT1 Pro is still way heavier than good DD and doesn't have any headroom advantage over them. Total waste of plastic.
>they literally have the same chip (CX31993)
JM20 has a CS43131. So a different (better) chip.
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I wanna get these SENNHEISER HD 660S2 but I have no clue what amplifier I should get with these, I'm new to all this, been using bad headphones and no amps all my life, I want to change that now
Theres plenty 150-200€ dac/amps that chinks produce and they'll all output music just fine
Name a few good ones, theres hundreds, also I prefer to just buy one on amazon because it arrives earlier
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I think I will be getting CA DacMagic 200M for my HD 650.
Just get a Jcally JM20, that's all you need.
Gives me more than enough volume for my HD600
Get the 6xx instead. Doesn't even need EQ, but you can definitely EQ it to sound like 660S2 if you really wanted to.
Topping DX3 Pro+
yeah I realized later on that I was looking at the JM6 Pro
JM20 seems unobtainium at least in amazon
worth it?
just listen to speakers instead
they have a natural compensation for your head related transfer function
Is there a sticky?

I thought there was a site people used to compare headphone frequency response curves and other sites with good information
I bought a Fosi Q4 DAC+AMP combo, but I'm noticing a faint white noise in the background when I turn the volume and treble up.
My headphones are the Sennheiser HD 569's and after doing a little research I heard its the "noise floor" I'm hearing? I'm using the cable that came with the headphones which I would hope is meant to be decent, I've read about balanced cables but its a constant white noise so I'm not sure it would be fixed by one of those.

Is this just a standard part of using better audio equipment or is there a solution?
ok so if I get the amp and the cable, do I need a DAC? is it truly necessary?
>balanced cables
no balanced in/out on Fosi Q4, so moot point
but anyway
balanced headphone cables don't do anything against noise at all
balanced interconnects between dac and amp can help against ground loop noise, they won't help if either the dac or amp itself is noisy
>Is this just a standard part of using better audio equipment
no, Fosi Q4 just sucks
>or is there a solution
get something that doesn't suck
even Applel dongle doesn't have this problem and HD 569 doesn't need much power anyway
Just get a USB c dongle like the Jcally JM20 ffs. This should do fine as a dac/amp.
Then if you need more volume, you can get an amp and the dongle can work as a dac only.
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Why do anime girls always wear the same headphones?
>non-detachable cables
They had one fucking job
>Their initial production run literally sold out on every platform lol
and that somehow justifies selling disassembled headphones
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k-on influence
just bought theTopping DX1 DAC and AT MX40

my beyerdynamic dt700prox are nice
but i honestly cant turn up the volume on my pc a lot
or else by eardrums will burst

anyone got experience with either/or the two things i bought?
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What is generally the lifespan of DAC/AMPS? Can you expect them to last for 10 years?
The power supply caps may degrade and fail eventually, but 10 years should not be a problem for anything even remotely decent.
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If an album is marked as Dolby Atmos on Tidal, does that mean I can just download the file and get the same spatial effects using Foobar?
And do I need to retain the original lossless format or can I re-encode to AAC or opus?
>but it came like this in the box
Just ask for a refund or a replacement?
i bought a 'repaired' "as is or for parts" denon d2000 that was replugged. i stripped it off and this was the job on the plug. the brown is right, white is left, and guessing the two black wires are for ground? can i rework this into a 4.4mm balanced? i was just gonna get a replacement 3.5mm plug, but i might try and make it balanced if it's doable
Never cared too much for headphones,but my old pair finally croaked so I got a hyperx cloud 3 that was on sale .
You bought an amp you don't need and shittier headphones when you could have just EQed the treble down.
This is so deepfried from AI "image processing" I can barely tell what I'm looking at. Try taking off the cups and check continuity with a multimeter, if the two ground wires only merge at the plug you should be able to put a 4.4mm on there (although they really don't need the extra power).
Typically the volume knob is what wears out on a good one. Line facing components may wear out after 20 years. The solid state DAC/amp components should last basically forever.

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