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What's the use case of these? Who the fuck likes ligatures? I've only ever seen foids and pajeets use them, who
actually finds them clearer or easier to read?
I really dislike these. I don't want meme symbols from math in my code.
They are better. More readable for sure. I got the MonoLisa font so I can use custom proper ones.
a lot of webdevs probably use them. if it's something that makes their code look more artsy, they do it
god i hate webshitters with a passion
are they actually meaningfully worse than normals programmers or do we just hate them because their failure is more apparent in our day-to-day lives?
They are meaningfully worse. It's easier to become a webshitter than any other kind of programmer.
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I do.
I like to use lambda symbol in haskell
Using actual unicode chars w/ defines is far superior to this cringe.
looks good for md notes
I think they look neat.
I didn't think someone would come up with something even more retarded.
People who have to read a lot of code like them. I'm sure that's not something you ever had to do in your nocoder adventures, so just don't worry about it.
they're niggerlicious and I don't like them.
simple as
Webshitter detected
The world would be better without low IQ pajeets like you shitting up the internet and tech space
It is the wrong way around. Modern languages should support unicode symbols as operators, and your IDE should convert some easy to type combinations to these operators. I want language support for "subset of", "proper subset of", "element of", "not", etc operators.
fuck off faggot, ascii is all you need
>What's the use case of these?
In some languages like C ligatures can be useful to spot operator mistypes
They seem cool until you use them. Then they turn out to be a retarded waste of time
This is better but you need
1. An established canon of symbols and what they mean (or nobody will know wtf your symbols mean or how to pronounce them)
2. A language where everyone is expected to use some plugin anyway (because otherwise you force people to support an input plugin and fuck that)
This is why it works for lean but wouldn’t work for kotlin or whatever
Btw haskell has unicode syntax and basically nobody cares
ligatures are customized by the user you fucking retard, why does there need to be a standard for something personal?
i dont know they are extremely gay
ricer shit like this is #1 telltale time of 'tard programmer
any project created by a 'tard programmer will have 1000 dependancies
How will you know if programmer used ligatures to write code? Why are you shittalking Linux kernel devs? Are you some retarded wintoddler?
if i see their ide in person
how else would i know, dumbass?
you're not a kernel programmer you are a homosexual
you never met anyone who programs in real life, keep your fantasies to yourself
I'm white and I like them. People say "UHHH BUT ONE CHARACTER IS SUPPOSED TO BE ONE CHARACTER, IT'S CONFUSING." It's not that hard. You are smart. You can get used to it and easily know what it represents without thinking.
>one character is one character
nocoder thinking, modern unicode doesn't work that way
A kanji character is encoded in multiple bytes in utf-8 but is still one character in your editor.
A ligature is two separate characters (or more) that are yes, also more than one byte, but also two separate characters, like ! and =, that your font setup reneders as "one character".
a gook character takes up two cells in my terminal as opposed to one
ligatures are nice and don't affect you one bit so choke on my foreskin
They seem cool until you run into a instance where it creates a ligature where it doesn't make sense semantically, and then they're just adding visual noise instead of mitigating it. 2/10, would not use again.

>They seem cool until you use them. Then they turn out to be a retarded waste of time
My experience exactly.
>you run into a instance where it creates a ligature where it doesn't make sense semantically,
Can you provide an example?
Nope, since I only tried ligatures once years ago and then dropped them in less than a day. It was probably either in a comment line where I was shorthanding my code comments or it was in some non-programming file for notes or irl to-do items. Still annoying, still drop-worthy. What anyone else uses is their business but it's just another form of dithering/procrastinating/ricing like laboring over color schemes or fonts.
thought the op title was niggerature, like literature, and it made me lol. Just wanted to share that.
Ligatures have nothing to do here. You just need a linter with no-unused-expressions rule on.
If anything ligature long equals is harder to spot than two short equals, but you just don't need to do that if you have a linter.
I never used a linter because I actually care about learning my tools.
> I never used this tool because I want to learn my tools
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don't worry, you're not alone, many nocoders struggle with wanting money but not wanting to put any effort into doing something they don't even enjoy doing, they just hope that compiler will catch all of their mistakes, basking in the irony of their hipocrisy, expecting a machine to perform a task that wouldn't require human programmer if the machine was aware of all possible mistakes
Linter can't save you from errors in your logic obviously, computers are not that smart, it just checks that your program makes sense to computer and doesn't have typos. Do you want to spend an hour debugging a fucking typo? I don't.
The whole point of computers is to process data you don't want to or can't process by hand. And I paid for the whole computer, so I am using it to process as much data as it can.
I use fira code ligatures and never had a moment of confusion
I can check everything everything myself because I take these things seriously.
>Do you want to spend an hour debugging a fucking typo? I don't.
Then don't make a typo.
Programming as an activity is pretty fun to me, of course I want to make it even more fun by removing the tedious parts like checking typos (linter) or typing boilerplate (copilot) or trying to recall how the fuck did I call that one variable (autocomplete) and what form does it have (type check).
If you don't like programming and still have to do it, you can still benefit from those things, since they let you spend less time programming.
If you can check everything yourself you probably never worked on any project larger than helloworld, let alone working in a team.
ok nocoder, when you will have a job, you will learn that we don't make 5 million line commits and everything that changes is trivial to check, let alone if you wrote the code which doesn't need to be checked, you already were staring at it while writing it
we need context-sensitive ligatures
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You had better enjoy this since I spent like half an hour trying to track it down.

I must be getting old, because at first glance I thought this was an itunes ("niggertunes") hate thread

But no one uses that software anymore... right?
not your fault, op could've said "niggatures" and it would've sounded better
Do you also like escaping characters in strings with things that look like a lambda?
now that is a classic, thank you for sharing.
Claiming to simply never make mistakes is a sign of inexperience and overconfidence.
Knowing you will make mistakes, and therefore taking steps to make them easier to spot and more likely to be detected, is a sign of actual experience.
He never claimed anything of the sort.
no that sounds niggerlicious
they are like fashion designers trying to be engineers
>Soft R

>I've only ever seen foids and pajeets use them
yes, I use them, saar.
I like it when a lambda symbol pops up while I'm writing lisp.
>codes in memelang (lisp)
checks out
ligatures are a great way to signal that you enjoy having the penis of other men up your butt
They're uninspired DESU. If my code is going to be displayed in a way that's not exactly what I typed, I can think of a lot of things that would be more useful than "an aesthetic <= symbol"
any IDE will underline that in red and say "expression is not assingment or call"
and Rust won't even compile that
lol ckeks
Knowing I will make mistakes when typing, therefore turning my monitor on and looking at what I type will let me notice and fix them.
for sure, having to remember the text input that the ligature expands to while typeing and reading them is much more efficient
I never needed to remember any of this.
WYSIWYG is cancer
I've been programming for over a decade, I think about what I'm going to do next, not about whether I should write != or >=, learn welding if it's challenging to you, zoomer.
>I've been programming for over a decade
same, so any obfuscation is just fucking annoying, zoomer
there's no obfuscation, you're just a nocoder hallucinating problems that don't exist
Like what? I'm curious.
if he actually did, he'd have already made it
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You think you do but you don't, unironically. Also you're a tranny.
ok nocoder, tell us more about how math symbols filtered you, and not everything else that's much harder to read, like your shitty attempt at fizzbuzz
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Checked. And butthurt. Is your ass OK?
is your testosterone level ok?
it becomes very annoying to write code without pretty ligatures for array based languages. Not like you care but it is a thing.
I think that was OP finishing his sentence, not someone who was actually shilling ligatures.

Shut up femoid, go back to your JavaScript "full stack development".
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Shiiiiiiiet you're right
Sorry lil tranny my bad
>frognigger keeps thinking of men
your testosterone levels are too low, visit a doctor
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Thanks for the butthurt fake (you). Those are my favourite.
In Forth this is just
synonym ≤ <=
synonym ≡ =
synonym ≢ <>
They look good. I like things that look good. I spent like 3 hours to make my VSCode blur on KDE Wayland since I use that at work and it always makes me happy to program in that environment. You can keep using trigraphs or whatever the fuck you use.
>in Forth it's just retarded
I can turn on ligatures on my machine without forcing everyone to use them

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