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Any reason to use AirVPN over Mullvad?
Port forwarding, maybe.
go host your own
airvpn has port forwarding mullvad does not
airvpn is more flexible and quite good for power users
other than that mullvad is better
How does Proton VPN fair compared to Air VPN?
No Monero payments. Can't trust it.
this, they seem to offer more for the money
>no monero
good, i'm not doing anything illegal with it
I've tried both

>rejects Monero
>no port forwarding

>half of servers are banned by YouTube from watching videos
>most servers are extremely slow and have extemely weak latency (about 20 kb/s dl/up)
>shitty support
>often attacked by captchas
AirVPN is what I use. It has great port forwarding, with an actual port checker on the client area. You can literally check via their site if your Gluetun setup has the desired port open.
Excellent for torrenting indeed.
>most servers are extremely slow and have extemely weak latency (about 20 kb/s dl/up)

I'm torrenting at multiple megabytes per second through AirVPN Wireguard.
Did anon say all servers are slow, you fucking retard?
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>rejects Monero
Huh? I paid with it a couple days ago without issues.
what about protonvpn?
/g/ likes to make shit up. the site at this point is only useful for memes
mullvad only accepted monero recently

>i like to make shit up

ftfy, you self-projecting retard
Isn't AirVPN free?
No you didn't, you said most, and I have used many different ones all across Switzerland and Netherlands with these download speeds. So, you probably just made it up? Def can't corroborate your claim.
All VPN's are cracked by NSA all your traffic is stored on their servers
PIA is cheap and has port forwarding for torrenting. It's US based though so it probably is:
I guess I just gotta hope they're more likely to go after the pedos than my torrented anime, books, TV and movies. as long as I'm not getting letter from the MPAA&RIAA, I'm good
so is it free, or no, you dumb faggots.
better than kgb who won't let me connect to nsa's servers at all

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