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>be interested in saas applications, business and technology
>visit /g/
everyday the same boring threads about linux
>join linkedin and fb group
indians spamming
self promoting
dead channels
>visit reddit
little information

where is fucking everyone? I'm feeling frustrated
Nobody with an inner monologue is "interested" in saas
What you are actually interested in money, not technology. Try /biz/
yeah, constant tranny, rust and linux shit thoughts live rent free in your head
and additionaly /biz is all crypto indians. GOD I hate indians
all of the actual discourse is taking place in locations on the internet that most indians lack the skill to enter

i will not elaborate
Use X you dumb nut. Thats where all the tech people are. Specifically where all the leaders/high performant people are
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>>be interested in saas applications
You will never be a real programmer. You have no commits, you have no pull requests, you have no public repos. You are a low IQ brown man twisted by an unearned comp sci degree and coding bootcamps into a crude mockery of nature's autism.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and from bots. Behind your back people say you're a useless DEI hire. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “tech bros” laugh at you behind closed doors.

Real programmers are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of forum posts have allowed programmers to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even devs who “pass” have no creative output and excessively verbose with AI generated tech buzzwords. Your GitHub profile is a dead giveaway, and even if you manage to score a 3 month internship at some tech company, they'll lay you off the second they find out that you haven't completed any non school related projects.

You will never be happy. You cope by saying that your bullshit software is using a "proprietary test framework" so you can't open source it, but deep down you know it's because you don't want people to see your incompetence where all you did was push README updates over and over, and that the core codebase was stolen off an open source GPL licensed project which you're shamelessly profiting off.

Eventually it will be too much to bear. You'll buy a google gift card, a spoofed business phone number, and start cold calling old people into redeeming your scam.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
The only people interested in SaaS are corporate retards who want to have their hands in everyones pocket every month.
go check out the middle management general.
SAAS is bullshit. It's literally just providing a service. It's like calling an old timey accounting firm paper as a service.

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