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I’ve been reading around the internet and I hear that internet providers, in my case spectrum, can be varying on the severity to DMCAs and terminating your internet. In my case, my wifi has been shut down twice within the past month, and I’m pretty sure it’s started because of the torrented games I have on my computer. It also claims in the emails to be able to see movie streaming sites, and I wish it wasn’t cracking down so hard on my family’s shared experience since if we get terminated we’re all under. I’m only 18, haven’t really been around much, just discovered torrenting when I heard it meant you could get games for free (Which was an ease on my financial situation…) I want to know a little bit better how I can avoid it, and what sort of VPN I can get that has a reputable server. (And please, I need it cheap. Nord has 90 for two years and three months right now as its cheapest option, which is a lot for me to drop rn. But, is that safe? Is it efficient? Does that option check every box needed to be kept from view?) Worst case scenario, I can just remove the stuff off my computer, but I would like to know how to do it safely and leave no trace for another DMCA notice. Thank you if you read this, I hope you can understand my situation
Well if it were me I'd phone them up and tell them to cancel everything and that I'm switching service immediately and I'd be a real fucking cunt about it too
literally either don't use bittorrent or pay mullvad for vpn
SEEDBOX you dumb cunt.
Move to southeast asia
I have NEVER had a DMCA in all the torrenting I've don't in Australia (10s of TB).

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