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€1200 for a gimped planned obsolescence 16gb vramlet card
It's 1200€ you retard
People said the same shit about the 4080 and most of the 4000 series.
Oh, look at the little sissy boy mad that people won't use the right ordering for formatting the euro. Do you want us to properly reticulate our dodecacillion splines for your imaginary funny money too?
wow gayrope is getting butt fucked
Why is the € so much more expensive? It's not the rates.
Pirat_Nation sounds like a trustworthy guy
rent free
NTA, but putting currency symbol before the value is only does by 3rd worlders.
globohomo doesnt pay for itself you know
Because american publish prices before taxes. In EU, you can't just sneakily give a price without taxes.
fucking burgertards
i cant get a straight answer on how to run miqu120b on the cloud.
gemini saus it needs like 48vram atleast.
on runpod thats like $1.20 an hour right.
So i have to spend one whole dollar and twenty cents per hpur to talk to whatll probably yrt another dumb chatbot.
Oh no did you just say something bad about the US? Get ready for a random argument about war or military or a bunch of buzzwords.
Brainlet-take, 16GiB is plenty of VRAM for the rest of this decade for gayming and media consumption. Assets aren't going to increase until successor of PS5 and XSX come around.
It is only poor-fag ML/AL who are crying about "MAH VRAM" who cannot afford the intended SKUs for such loads.
Why bad? I thought regulations are le bad, so being able to false advertise should be a good thing, right?
okay dead
€ price is including tax
>siri how much is two thousand four hundred euros in australian dollars?
the answer is four thousand and four dollars and ninety cents

fuck me that's a lot of dollarydoos
EU: the actual price you pay
US: imaginary price without tax
my state has no sales tax nor income tax.
Sup new hampshire ?
yeah thanks
>What is federal taxes
There is no federal sales tax.
good thing I only bought a 3060 earlier this year
Give you a protip, our sales tax is around 5% in most states. Last I checked $1050 < 1200 euro
Leave it to /g/ to turn everything into politics
that sounds great im buying a 5080 day one if that is the msrp
There are ZERO states with 20% sales tax. The highest sales tax is 9%. States with high sales tax typically have little to no other taxes.
tariffs and vat(kinda like a sales tax)

in my country vat is 25%, so its gonna be more than the twitter screenshot says
Seethe harder europoor. How's your $70k salary treating you? Oh I'm sorry, 70k€
>$70k salary
try $40k
try 15k
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G has to be the dumbest tech board out there.
Not buying this ommm etc
T. 79xtx Chad
after or before taxes
Just enough to pay for single month of average US rent.
Who the fuck would pay so much for a graphics card? You need to be retarded with your money to give 1000/2000$ for a shitty pc part. This is the male equivalent of buying a new iPhone every year, except it's even more expensive and not a status symbol.
>t. poor fag
>source: blue checkmark faggot who shills his own twitter account on /v/ while stealing /v/ posts for twitter clout
Off yourself.
>t. videogooming troon
Amusingly, in many states the regulations actually encourage businesses to not include the sales tax when advertising the price; for example in Texas if you include the sales tax in the price you are required to add a disclaimer stating tax included & post signage if at a physical store. So its easier for businesses to comply with the law by not including tax.
>print a couple signs
>advertise that tax is included in prices
>nooo too much work
Broken system.
Kek. Is there any actual reason for this?
Do citizens have to pay taxes themselves? Or maybe government doesn't want them to directly feel tax increases.
imo businesses should put prices without VAT so you know how much you pay for the actual thing and how much goes to the government (aka gibs for Ahmed and Jamal)
at least in addition to the price with VAT
16GB isn't even enough for Indiana Jones, KEK.
>planned obsolescence
I'm still using a card with 8gb. You people have unreal standards and probably don't have enough money to buy anyway
>Don't give money to jewvidea
It's that easy
Recommended settings are 12gb
good thing im a budget buyer
Go die in a drone video, Marina.
Probably because there are 50 different states with 51 different tax rates, so it's nonsensical to put the price after tax for every single state in an advertisement. It should however be a thing in stores, especially physical.
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>europe has the same tax rate, unlike us americans, who have unique territories that make their own statutes
European countries have the same tax rate across the entire country whereas the USA, a single country, has tax rates that can differ even at the municipal level
lotta things you can buy for four grand that will feel better than a 5% fps improvement from whatever you have now
remember when console gaming was more popular than pc gaming because consoles were more affordable even though high end GPUs were only like $500? yeah me either.
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Nice try, frog. Also, you forgot your hard space.
Yes, it is more than enough you brainlet.
>ITT: retards who don't understand how graphical assets work in modern games.
The rational is that people buying stuff should explicitly know how much of their money is going to store vs how much is going to state, so the state prefers the tax be listed separately. A bunch of other states have similar, yet somewhat different requirements regarding disclaimers and signage needed to sell with sales tax included, which is another reason why companies just do the tax separate, as that is simpler than complying with the specific law in each state.
Price with tax is just more convenient. You can still calculate the VAT if you're curious, there's two or three rates depending on the country and it's constant for one type of product.
>2400€ each
>need 2 of them
bout to become a nigger to acquire those
how much is that in freedom units like 600 bucks?
>Spend your free time living in a fantasy world pretending you are a sharpshooter or medieval knight
>society punishes you
What's the problem
And it was true
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not an issue for me
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>paying two fucking thousand freedom bucks for a shitty emoji generator
lol. lmao even. couldn't be me.
What are you smoking?
Tax rates swing from 15% to 27% in Europe.
He meant that within European countries the VAT does not usually change; i.e. everywhere in France charges the same exact 20% VAT on video cards, while in the US the sales tax can vary within a state, with different counties & cities levying their own sales taxes on top of the state one.
Yes it is and also who gives a shit about an unoptimized walking sim.

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