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Cheap flip edition

>What phone has X and Y feature?
Don't ask, use these!

Good Resources:

>Frequency Checkers

>Visual Phone Size Comparison

>Everything rooting and custom ROM related
>Beware carrier variants with locked bootloaders

>Debloat your stock ROM

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>Anyone aggressively promoting iPhone is an underage micropenis shill who should be ignored
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>Tell us how many shekels you spent on a good/bad phone

Previous thread: >>103560595
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Why is Samsung the only good flip phone maker?
I don't want fuck huge camera on my square screen
>upgrade from XS to 15 pro
>the biggest difference is the lack of 3d touch
so phones pretty much stopped advancing, huh?
Motorola RAZR is better with a more stock android flavor
I thought MiUI was supposed to be ad-ridden spyware, yet I am able to disable all the intrusive stuff and I see no ads.
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Why do they tell me that there are no ads in MIUI, but I still get this?
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BTW its a scam. So MIUI is malware.
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> Why is Samsung the only good flip phone maker?
Because you live in the USA and you only have Goyim approved brands™.

There are even fairly inexpensive flips below to $500.
>I don't want fuck huge camera on my square screen
What a boring video
Tablets that don't suck?
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Galaxy Tab S9
>Wacom in the box pen, 2.8ms latency (Bluetooth integration, accelerometer, gyro)
>11.0 inches, Dynamic AMOLED 2X, 120Hz, HDR10+, 1600 x 2560 pixels, 16:10 ratio
>Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 for Galaxy
>128GB 8GB RAM, 256GB 8GB RAM, 256GB 12GB RAM
>microSDXC (dedicated slot)
>stereo speakers (4 speakers)
>8400 mAh battery
>45W charging
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Will OneUI fix this garbage cluttered status bar bros?

I'm going back to iOS if they don't
Why do technology enthusiasts on a technology board, in a smartphone general thread only know three brands: Samsung, Apple and Google Pixel?

both are shit actually. people just dont have other choices.
The software and QC has turned me off of ever buying another Samsung tablet

oh io love Huawei. especially their tablets. but i dunno muricans can talk about.
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Also, DeX is awesome!
stupid question:
need to root an old android device; which is the real/most trustworthy website for kingroot? there are like 3 or 4 different ones...

What color tho? The options aren't very appealing but I gotta pick one. I want the blue one but they did it with fucking plastic leather for some reason and idk if that shit will last. I do NOT plan on using a case
unironically skill issue
Use magisk, fuck whatever kingroot is
Black and white are glass?
Kingroot is itself untrustworthy, iirc
Maybe I am thinking of another sketchy Chinese rooting program though.
I'm pretty sure yeah. Black and white seem kinda boring but not bad choices. I glue a phone ring on the back and if I get the "leather" one idk if it will stick well
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Really can't decide between a Shitty XR 16 PM or the 24U sis...
it's an old unknown shit device running 4.4.2
was hoping for a simple exploit, cuz there is no custom recovery avail for this thing...
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Lenovo legion y700. The 2023 model specifically, if you want best value. They are small though, which might not be what you're looking for.
S25U in a couple of weeks. 7th January should be the announcement. Otherwise S24U.
Oh, throw it in the trash. I don't know why anyone would waste effort on a 13 year old phone
Shoulda bought OnePlus. You can disable status bar icons
>trying out hyperos
>it's actually good
bros... did chinks win?
Do you recycle and reuse 13 year old toilet paper too? Does your country even use toilet paper?
Between the two the iPhone has a superior chipset, Samsung will probably catch up will the S25U with the 8 Elite SoC next month. It really just comes down to whether you prefer iOS and Apple or OneUI and Samsung. Personally I loathe Samsung's skin on Android, and not a big phone fan so typing this from my 16 Pro non-Max. Pixel OS is quite good but Google is not even attempting to compete on raw performance, probably won't even after the 10 series with TSMC fabbed chips.
So what is the difference between charging from:
>20 to 80
> 20 or less to 100
Brown hands typed this question.

Just know that you shouldn't charge over 80 if you want to keep your battery healthy and have it last for more than 5 years without massive degradation
Here's a rare informative markass brownlee video to explain
Looks CHUDS. All you need is one phone and one phone only.
Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra.
That's IT. You don't need more.
Go to eBay and get one for 300 dollars and stop poor posting about your shitty $9.99 Pocos and your trash 25 year old, dead battery, Motorola.
There.... we don't need generals for smart phones now
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Too big
That's the same thing you said your boyfriend nailed you from behind.... look at you now! You can't get enough.
I have the base s24 but holy TRVTH NUKE...
It's not $300 dipshit
Except it is
Sorry anon,I got a Motorola
>immediately starts thinking about gay sex
Why are gookphone enthusiasts like this?
That camera placement bothers me.
I checked. You didn't.
Why? Because it's a disk or because it's off center? Because I actually prefer the latter to the big blob in the center
It's not retard-kun
Cheapest Ultra is like 600 euros
Because it's off-center. I think the Find X8 Pro looks better desu.
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I think it's among the best looking central camera island phones, but I still prefer the off center camera
120$ budget
All i want is some androidslop around 4gb ram that's bloatwareless or easy to debloat, i worked with an itel previously after my old phone was stolen and it was a pain in the ass with all the bloatware and the horrendous processor
I've had mine since launch (preordered) along with the iPhone 14 pro though.....
Personally I'd get the fake leather one because I like blue and the back will be easier to grip than glass
>calls someone brown
>can't afford a battery replacement at two year intervals
>limits xer battery to 80% in futile attempt to arrest battery degradation
is this the ultimate poorfag move?
Pack it in boys, this tranny has solved phone choice for eternity. Want a small phone? Get the two year old S23U. Want a large phone? Get the OneUI infested S23U. Want to game? Get the GOS hampered S23U. Want a clean version of the OS as intended by the developers? Too bad, get the S23U.
It's very tempting but idk if the leather will last 5 years. If it's anything like the fake leather on my couch it will start peeling after a year.
>OLED screen
Yikes. I don't want green lines.
A fool and his money are soon parted. Enjoy your yearly $200 battery replacement and imperfect reassembly, assclown. Kiss that IP68/69 goodbye the second it gets cracked open. Your phone will literally be circumcised lmao
You have a shitty xr.
The software and QC has turned me off of ever buying another iPad.
>he thinks I have a Xiaomeme and will take it to Sandeep at the mall kiosk who will do the needful and ruin the waterproofing while installing a low quality third party Chinesium battery
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>MOM!!! I posted it again
A moto g power or some other low end moto g phone.
>he thinks I don't know he's a poor brown boy
Are Xperia phones good? the 10 VI is cheap where I live
Man it must suck being poor. I spent about $120 on sushi last week and didn't think much of it. You guys really can't scrounge up $800 for a 5 year purchase?
>brown "boys" live rent free in his head
weird fetish, but ok

- Sent from my iPhone 16 Pro typed with my white thumbs on Clicks keyboard.
No, you fuckers live rent free in our imageboards.

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