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>just learn to code bro
>18-month roadmap of non-stop training just to be able to compete with a simple AI model
sometimes it's okay to just admit you're too late to the party
no matter what you learn you are learning slower than current ai models are advancing
You're not late. Read about Dreyfus model. You can learn. It just takes time.
wait why the fuck are you still learning to code? its 2024, it's one of the deadest majors in the world. Worse job prospects than liberal arts and shit like that

They're not hiring juniors and laying off everyone else
Ok but can ai draw 5 fingers correctly and can ai assist in software deconpiling? Not really. Lot of zoomies think ai can hold their hand through life now and jump into any tech job they want but in reality they just be going on aibot websites all day and then get fired for wasting time prompting and not actually know what their doing. I seen many repos under github full of ai bot stuff lately then they break and die and left for dead. Ai doesnt get very far and just kills motivation to do anything whats the point of using it i find it is for dumb cunts.
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Don't stress it...
How many 'R' is in strawberry
Basic programming ability is basically required to even call yourself a citizen. The world is leaving you behind if you're tech illiterate, even if you're never getting a career in it.
ask the AI to implement Welford's online algo on a gpu see it struggle and make shit up now you know the limits so its just another tool. There are tons of things like this the "AI" will never be good enough to replace you because if it did then this whole thing would already be pointless.
>18 months

you can probably do it in 6 months if you have an iq of 110 or higher and spend a minimum of 4 hours per day taking a course and building your own projects.
>AI can now translate from one language to another
>Therefore it's too late to learn another language
This is simply not how it works
It's actually not true, since free robot thing can do that for you
you're not being fair, you omit the economic viability bit
programming is a type of job where the possibilities (for productivity) are far broader and more open than most other jobs. AI tools are just going to enable people like you to make more money, not replace you.

until AGI. then who knows what'll happen, but it'll be way more than just programmers that get sacked.
work should be enjoyable. some tasks are going to be grueling so it's best if you take some inherent joy from your work. if you have no passion for a task, only a begrudging and cynical attitude relating to money, you aren't going to make it. if the idea of simply learning something new makes you feel deflated, your time would be better spent elsewhere.
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Knowing programming is still important because it teaches you to think programmatically and and how to build scalable solutions. There are certain types of problem solving most people don't even consider simply because they don't know any programming languages.

Even when it comes to AI it's unlikely that a non-programmer would consider or be able to successfully instruct a chatbot to create a program that solves a work problem for them.
>if the idea of simply learning something new makes you feel deflated
i feel that way about every single job on earth, so the next best thing is finding a job that will pay well and isn't the most deflating
My advice to people thinking about CS,
Work in highly regulated union jobs
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so is programming going to be a useless thing to learn since AI will be able to do it?
I watched this video that this former CEO of Google guy was talking about AI and someone asked him if it's pointless to learn to program, and he said "no", but he didn't elaborate at all
Did you just learn to code for money?
Or only hiring other Indians.
I highly, highly recommend you do not spend thousands of hours of your life on programming. If you are looking to build a skill for income, go into the finance/data analysis/accounting route. It is programming on easy mode. Study that. If you are looking for a skill as a hobby, do something like learning an instrument and getting really fucking good at it or learning how to draw/3D modeling etc. Don't let retards meme you into buzzwords about AI regarding hobby work - it's for the benefit of your well being (assuming you aren't doing it for financial gain) along with gaining a life-long skill
Except machine translating actually killed professional translating. Trados is mostly automated, with minor contextual editing from the translator.
I'm tired of all you niggers saying coding is dead

You're all so fucking retarded

Every fucking company in the world needs computer people
Most companies are ran by old people who don't know how to open a text file

There are jobs everywhere if you sell yourself right

It's also one of the majors that gives you enough skills to make a startup

You're all just fucking neets who don't want to see all the jobs out there

I can go on any fucking website right now and send out my CV.

No jobs? Alright, I can go on fucking ROBLOX and code a cash grab game in a week. It's full of gambling games and copies of mobile idle games.
No success with that? You can go to any of your friends doing business majors and offer to make their websites

You can create anything on a computer and you're saying there are no jobs out there for that? Hear yourself speak

I'm Canadian and recently started CS in college so I haven't actually started sending out CVs but I don't believe for one second the doom you're all spreading
this is either clever bait or hilarious cope. if its the latter then wow you are in for a surprise lmao.
everyone and their grandmother decided to become a dev. anyone that starts a cs degree now that isnt a literal top 1% programmer is going to be unemployed and in debt. its that simple.
Lol at you kikes and your pathetic demoralization efforts.
>compete with AI models
if you weren't such a defeatist retard you'd be using AI as a tool to both speed up your learning and making your job smoother
this entire
>AI is... LE BAD
is just troonix/fosstard FUD because programmers somehow are the only people on this planet who are retarded enough to advocate AGAINST quality of life and making your job easier
cope harder cuck
Keep seething kike. Tick tock, LLMniggers
This. You now have access to an expert helper 24/7. You can learn stuff much faster than before.
Fuck whatever Pajeet roadmap you found and sorry if I'm the first to tell you, but self-learning isn't for you. What you should do instead is:

1. Try out some programming exercises/tutorials
2. If it's fun, get certified in some way
3. Apply for jobs
4. Repeat from 2. until you get a job
If you don't have any actual interest in programming then fuck off
I'm already wasting enough time rejecting PRs that are obvious AI slop
>everyone and their grandmother decided to become a dev. anyone that starts a cs degree now that isnt a literal top 1% programmer is going to be unemployed and in debt. its that simple.
The majority of people going into the field don't give a shit about software and were just told it was a free money hack
Being top 1% is trivial in a field filled with retards incapable of opening a terminal without having a panic attack
Learn at your own pace is my suggestion
Code is not about being able to spit out solutions in seconds, but how elegant you make it
A machine can't tell the difference between shit and quality code, when projects start to get bigger, with more unknowns
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>he didn't start learning to program at age 10
>>AI can now translate from one language to another
>>Therefore it's too late to learn another language
it is however too late to become a translator
t. was a translator, roughly 80% of work no longer exists
You will never be a real programmer. You have no commits, you have no pull requests, you have no public repos. You are a low IQ brown man twisted by an unearned comp sci degree and coding bootcamps into a crude mockery of nature's autism.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and from bots. Behind your back people say you're a useless DEI hire. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “tech bros” laugh at you behind closed doors.

Real programmers are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of forum posts have allowed programmers to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even devs who “pass” have no creative output and excessively verbose with AI generated tech buzzwords. Your GitHub profile is a dead giveaway, and even if you manage to score a 3 month internship at some tech company, they'll lay you off the second they find out that you haven't completed any non school related projects.

You will never be happy. You cope by saying that your bullshit software is using a "proprietary test framework" so you can't open source it, but deep down you know it's because you don't want people to see your incompetence where all you did was push README updates over and over, and that the core codebase was stolen off an open source GPL licensed project which you're shamelessly profiting off.

Eventually it will be too much to bear. You'll buy a google gift card, a spoofed business phone number, and start cold calling old people into redeeming your scam.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
Why do you think you deserve to not be poor? Just because you went to school?
With his attitude, he sounds like a top 1% programmer. It's not like it is hard to attain that. You sound like a coping poorfag too retarded to write software.
God bless AI. It filters out all the people who got into the field for money only.
Whatever depresses dev salaries is good
Do you want to enter big tech? Yeah good luck, you're going to have to grind 24/7 until you're portfolio is packed.

>wait why the fuck are you still learning to code? its 2024, it's one of the deadest majors in the world. Worse job prospects than liberal arts and shit like that
>They're not hiring juniors and laying off everyone else

Sad how true this is. The growth for junior tech positions (yes they still exist) isn't enough to hire all the new grads.
Make 7 more AI threads that will surely fix the board.
The future is here, grandpa. You’ll manage with one less ”best used chinkpad for under $100” thread
Señor developer, a second LLM hit the jobs market
*too lazy
unironically should've learned to draw
maybe the money isn't the best. but at least you can create something worthwhile instead of being a cog in an industrial machine
Artists are replaced.
How? Every game I played in 2024 had human artists behind it. Every manga I read was made by hand. most art on the catalog of /g/ is human art most of the time.
Trump/Musk won the election. Its not time to code. Its time to build. This is the builders Era now. Build your dream. Build your product. Build and SHIP.
there is a stupid amount of money in porn, assuming you live in a market where you cancapitalize on it. ive thought for years about working on a porn aggregation/subscription/gallery site, but the monetization tech and law just isnt there for it. payment processing is absolutely fucking insane for sexual content in the us/europe, and no other market are worth touching if you dont speak the language/grease the cock (china, japan, india, etc).

onlyfans pays 30% to its payment processors per transaction. thirty fucking percent per transaction. you dont even know how many potential businesses this kills ight off the bat.

being able to just use paypal under friends and family for shit without going through alegal entity that reports "pornography" as an income source kills anything even remotely centralized or above-board. crypto is a non-sequitur for at least 3 reasons.

ai porn is huge, but its never going to replace everyone, and the people that command a following are set.
>Learn at your own pace is my suggestion
He's trying to get a job he doesn't have the luxury of doing that
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Maybe he should get a real job instead and not something a computer can do on its own
A computer can't do that on its own because we don't have AGI (yet)
Drain the swamp thats stopping you. Be your own man.
>journos, artists, voice actors losing jobs to ai?
>lmaoooo get fucked how bout u find a real job
>code monkeys losing jobs to ai?
Employers were able to replace many employees with simple shell scripts for decades now but they are too retarded to do that, this will be the same for programming jobs for decades to come too.

also if you learned """coding""" just to get a job you are unironically cattle and i laugh at you
I had these visions/day dreams as a teen that eventually computers would become these magic boxes no one understood how it worked. Like demolition man or idiocracy type shit but more focused on computers. I imagined that no one would have even the most basic simplest understanding of how it works under the hood beyond the concept of it needing electricity to work. The few underground people that did understand it were like modern witches/god-like because they could do whatever they want (hack their way into good grades, remove or add criminal records, etc) and no one could stop them because so few people remotely understood how the shit works, let alone be able to detect that the fuckery was happening in the first place. Average Joe has been conditioned to trust the system so much that even if he did suspect something, he'd be laughed out of town because the idea of someone capable of doing such things were thought to be preposterous, to the point that even the authorities can't do such things even if they wanted to. I always imagined it'd be like 200+ years from now and not within my life time.

my prediction now is that demand for us will drop a lot for the next 5-10 years, then will skyrocket. Someone will need to clean up the mess this AI slop is making and the younger generation who is learning to code using AI mostly won't have the skills to fix it.
Just coding is a mistake. You should augment some other specialized knowledge with coding. Then you can write code for that field of science of whatever. What are you expecting to actually do? People without specialized knowledge end up making websites, and that is hell.
no he does not lol, he sounds like every other 20 year old that thinks theyre smarter than everyone despite all evidence pointing to the contrary

you guys are so average you have no clue what it actually entails. if you are going against all common sense and doing cs now, remember the words "told ya so, dumbass" in 5 years
Why are there so many retards on /g/?
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Factually incorrect. I proompt AI all the time (for free) and have even started using GPT-4o since copilot was free. They're all shit and are only useful for helping me avoid reading the documentation. Whenever I actually try to use their code it ends up turning into a clusterfuck nightmare because it doesn't actually understand anything about good software engineering principles and asking it the same question in two slightly different ways will get you incompatible designs that are both filled with anti-patterns and an inherent lack of understanding.
this. so much this
I found it borderline flawless below ~800 loc and usable below ~1200. I will never hire another pojeet on fiverr for a simple wordpress plugin ever again. It’s also good for bite sized refactoring.
Other than that code monkeys are still superior… for now. But not for long, looking at the rate of progress.
AI cannot write acceptable code. Simple as. If you think differently, you're a JS søydev and deserve to lose your janitor tier job to a 50 IQ machine.
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>I found it borderline flawless below
Once you learn to code, you'll realize AI is over hyped most code produced by AI is shit it can only reuse rubbish its seen before it can't maintain an existing code base that with components that have multiple dependencies on each other its too stupid.

At best AI is just a glorified auto-complete its a tool to make your life a bit easier its not going to replace programmers any time soon if that was a danger it would have already happened.
I could barely get it to download JSON from 4chan and display the threads in the terminal. I had to start over and rewrite the entire program from scratch because the logic had turned into spaghetti
>sometimes it's okay to just admit you're too late to the party

Or you could pull the tampon out of your bussy and stop being a defeatist faggot.
And if you work in a niche (meaning not a webshitter or backendshitter) ai shits the bed so badly it's not even funny. Each time I ask it to generate some boilerplate code in my framework it hallucinates so badly half of the code has syntax errors due to using function parameters that don't even exist on these functions lmfao.
>completely meaningless statement
AI bros are completely cooked, if this is the best boosterism slop they can come up with. I can already see the coming wave of suicides.
The ADL works overtime. I wouldn't be surprised if they outsourced the demoralization to Indians.

I honestly don't get it. All the people obsessed over AI...haven't they seen the garbage that it produces? At best, it writes boilerplate code so that you don't have to but its not sentient.

These people making threads about the singularity. Its all so exhaustingly stupid.
Why are you reading shitposts in your terminal?
great time traveler from 2014 improv
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>He fell for the "AI can write good code" meme
>a literal top 1% programmer
This is me, so I'm all good. Top 0.001% even.
For fun
seriously where to go now? I'm about to get a statistics degree
buy an ad
There's no such thing as an enjoyable job. If you enjoy your job, then it's a fake job.
>I honestly don't get it. All the people obsessed over AI...haven't they seen the garbage that it produces?

They're NVDA bagholders.
internet money. gamble on memecoins, you'll become rich eventually if you keep jumping in on coins early.

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