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16gb >12gb
>As if Nvidia cards didn't soar resale prices at launch
I remember seeing 4060s being sold for over 500 bucks
>memory chips on both side of pcb
>only 2 fan
Enjoy your hot shit
but Nvidia runs cooler than every other brand
Who even gives a shit about low/mid level cards? Get a job and get a 4090 or at least a 4080S, if you need a dedicated GPU, otherwise just use your iGPU. The fucking console level gaming experience is such retarded shit, you spend a huge portion of your free time gaming? Yeah spend 800 bucks on your console/PC! What could go wrong!
>Most expensive 3-fan model of a GPU that just released
>Cheapest 2-fan model (also discounted) of a 2 year-old GPU
Nooticer: out.
Who cares when it released when specs are superior for 5he same money?
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>Njudeia shills in full damage control mode
Then I will keep hanging onto my GTX 1080, since it has 8GB of VRAM and that is still GoodEnoughâ„¢
Nigga, the older card in that pic has more ram and your line of defense is that it's older.
Well in this hypothetical case, why upgrade from a GTX 1080 to an RTX 3060(8GB) or even the upcoming 5060(8GB), I mean, the only specification that seems to matter right now is VRAM??
Why is /g/ always so obsessed with VRAM?
What cope is this? It is slower than 4060 ti and has less vram.
Because modern devs aren't obsessed with optimization

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