>>103596193RSS Guard
>>103596193Programs, I use programs, not "apps".
I made my own RSS aggregator and client
Unironically tiktok
>>103596193Feeder on Android. Live Bookmarks on Firefox. I haven't decided on an RSS reader for PC yet. I think anons were recommending Feedly? I have a list somewhere, but I didn't get around to it.
>>103596193>mfw someone consumes daily news
>>103596504>"To be completely cured of newspapers, spend a year reading the previous week's newspapers." - Nassim Taleb.I don't even need to go that far anymore. There's only so much bullshit someone can take before they go "fuck this". But there's still value to certain tech sites, local news etc. which is why RSS is still useful.
>>103596193I don't use "apps" you fag. I use programs.
>>103596504RSS allows me to follow what i am interested in, and if its some schizo conspiracy blog, while i can fully block any globohomo propaganda.
I use firefox to browse a web-version of this news tele-text service.
miniflux, google news [spoiler], reddit, youtube[/spoiler]
>>103596193I get all my news from clickbait OPs and schizophrenic shitposters on 4chan.org