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What are you working on, /gd/?
This... Thoughts?
I like this. This is what I'm working on.
What did you use to make this?
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materials (flyers, brochures, and business cards) for a SPED department.
Maybe you guys can enroll.
Is that supposed to be a starfish?
My first instinct when I saw it was that it looked too much like a hooded Klansman playing golf instead, but maybe it's just me being /pol/tarded here.
Why are you doing page layout in Photoshop?

Oh, wait, it's 4chan.
I'm not finalizing the layout.
I was really only experimenting with the colors. You can see on the layer tab there are hidden layers that I was messing around with.
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I dig it! especially the colored version. the font choice is also very fitting. reminds me of the pan am logo.

here are some minor ideas on what could be tweaked a bit. not saying any of my (very slight) changes are definite improvements. but maybe there is an adjustment or two that you enjoy. I tried enhancing the impression of movement, but on the other hand comparing these two I am not even sure that is such a good thing.
what would you use? you can literally do anything in photoshop
I'd use InDesign. Because using a page layout app for page layout is what you do, dummy.
I'd explain why it's important, but it's obvious you're not a designer, and never will be one. So don't sweat it, NEET.
love number 5

really brought this hotel from wacky 90s damp carpet smelling to the modern age
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Doing multimedia graphic design / previs stuff. It's more gd related than ic or 3 since it's mixed media and composition oriented.
Made this to show a friend of mine how I'd approach his design.
>What did you use to make this?
Made the logo on Inkscape
Made the document on Affinity Publisher
Mockups with smartmockups's free designs.

My ego and self-worth has been vindicated :-)

What are you making them for?
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I'm trying to make the fastman material more accessable
>What are you making them for?
comicbooks, ads. But when I get a better PC, since the workflow is camera oriented, animations and vids too.
I made this design just for fun. I work at a railcar repair facility. My company is going to make stickers out of it for everybody to wear on their hard hats.
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I have a vinyl decal cutting machine at work which can cut out this design. The software I used is called Graphtec Studio.
The primary reference I used was this artwork created by @eskae545
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some more shiet.
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lol is this Death coming for old golfers?
bro, do you even alignment?
indesign is really more a large scale page style application, not really a design tool
this is a rather naive use of a grid

also, ladnscape is cool, but youve put the tiny icons in the center
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Attempting to rebrand this local football/soccer team.
what are your arguments for them to go for that change?
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The current one is a copied and pasted stock photo. They were probably scammed by some dumb nigger designer.

Mine is symmetrical, modular and has character(doesn't look like a yawning lion and my lion is aggressive).

It's already circular thus already works as a badge unlike the previous one that require circles and text, allowing it to be used more wherever.

Introducing more shades of color to the team's identity and codifying black(which has been in use by Simba for a while) to the club's identity.
how would you design a bowling alley with real life pictures? what do you add or say? fuck I have 0 creativity in this regard
i think they can fuck you over if they find out that you said nigger on this site
>if they find out that you said nigger on this site
While that may be true, I'm not really sure if companies really care that much to check if their logo gets uploaded to a Swiss letterset embellishing forum, much less the designers who post on it.
If it were something like say, designing for Arsenal, I might understand, but "Simba Sports Club"? Really?
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made this the other day
Looks fresh as hell anon.
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been working on dis ayy lmao comic.
Left is the original render. Middle is the color corrected one for print.
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Also made all of these stickers for it. Tonnes more in the folder.
very nice anon, where could I get a paper texture like that?
I think this is the pack I got it from
They don't call it The Masters Tournament for nothing.
LMAO, dumb faggot thinks no graphic design was possible before computers.
super cute and nostalgic good job anon!
these are delicious
Literally irrelevant. You're too dumb to be a designer. Probably a worthless poo, anyway.
So, this is what /gd/ considers "delicious"? Interesting.amyrm0
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I wanted to try and design some covers for books that i liked. Can you give some advice?
Do a full jacket so it doesn't look like you're just working on a poster. Designing the spine and flaps is comfy.
I thought it was a dorito chip glorifying how golfers outside the pro tours are fat people
I'm getting into graphic design and logo design, just wanted to ask: Do I really need to sketch shit in order to design a logo? Why is that common practice and not just doing it all on the computer with Illustrator? What are the benefits of doing it on pen and paper?
>I'd use InDesign
kek, lmao even
That's freaking cool dude, did you illustrate or was it all photoshop? I'm interested
use higher quality images - there are free databases like pixaby that you can use
I do that lol. Although I've also had colleagues who didn't so it's not something you have to do.
It's just comfier for me to draw something first before I trace it into a vector. It's much more fluid to turn a figure I'm currently imaging with a pencil over a computer input. But do whatever works for you.
Thanks, honestly computer is better for me but if that's not available I'll use pen and paper, thing is I can't draw for shit so it just feels so uncomfortable to me
What's wrong with inDesign?
Don't get me wrong, it's great for editorial design and I prefer working with it over Illustrator for text-heavy designs, it really is simply better for that, but anything involving
"elements" rather than text bodies is something I'd rather handle with vectors in Illustrator. Illustrator even comes with alignment focused tools like guides, bleed, and indesign-like column-row divisions in a single click. Having all three programs open and switching to the best one for the job is the way I work and saves me time and wasted effort that would be spent trying to do something in IDD that I'd shit out in 5 seconds using AI
wtf it really makes no sense to me why you would even mention this.
nobody ever created a logo in indesign.
thanks anon. I just use photoshop
Gantz energy
is your attention span 2 replies long you drooling moron? this retard really out here trying to line up a shitty UI in photoshop instead of just using AI which is made for that. Get thrown under of a mobility scooter.
mm as in you draw some of these and the others are made digitally or are there more methods involved?
It's all just digital multimedia, so like, crappy low res sprites, mspaint drawings composited in blender, or doodles with a computer mouse or laptop trackpad etc.
Oh, forgot, the bracelets were photos somebody sent me, for the last pic, and the audio equipment was photographs I took years ago. the little smiley faces and cellphones and shit for those were bought off of one of those deviantart 'Instagram KPOP' png packs.
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Heavy machinery web design GFX
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Alternate color scheme
Logo looks weird but if you got paid then who cares
>merry xmac!
it looks weird because he vertically stretched its proportions.
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Which one's best?
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This. Because readability.
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i used something using this as inspo when we had that one rate your work thread. i learned a lot but it's not as cool as yours
I like this one since it has a clearer negative image, but I guess it depends on the color of the speakers
The font on the top right isn't so legible. CHARLED LECURC
due to the light rim around the subjects in the photographs, the white versions are definitely better.
personally I like the black and white version the most, since it appears most tidy of them all. but I think that for reasons of wanting to draw attention to the poster actually the colored version (white) is best.

overall decent posters. tho you should work more on readability. you are lacking a higher sense of structure, which makes reading and understanding its contents unneccessarily tedious.
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I like drawing cartoon girls on Illustrator for fun, and with this one I tried to bring that "Adventure Quest" vibe to it.

Any criticism is more than welcome!
'ery nice anon, keep going
Very nice broski, all of them are strong
You're supposed to use Illustrator you retard
I would perhaps change the line weights on the lion's snout and mane so that the snout is more emphasized and the mane less so. As it is, the lion's face doesn't read too well, it took me a moment to tell it wasn't a floral pattern.
Stylish as fuck, make some more of these
im new to this and im trying to learn how to make AR PMAG15 Engraving Templates

I know a guy who does lasering stuff, but he said he'll do me a deal if i do the work for him.
They picked Alternative 2. I hate working for people.
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First year of graphic design, started a month ago and this is my first project
how is it looking bros?
Objective was simply to use the tools they've been teaching us but I got carried away
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beautiful though you could use more of color composition but otherwise it looks pretty good for a first work

good job anon!!
Its kind of hard to figure out what's going on in the logo. Once you figure it out it looks great but it takes some time. The bigger the logo, the harder it will be to see, i think.
For once, it looks you CAN'T make the logo bigger.
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I'm trying to make an art deco miku but I have literally no clue how; even finding references for where to start is a bit of an issue. any advice would be appreciated
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How to achieve this kind of effect?
How do you guys come up with your designs, specially for posters? Do you sketch thumbs with pen and pencil beforehand or do you just copy and paste shit around and go with trial and error until it looks good?
I sketch first.

Sketch, scan, photoshop, then vector.
depends on what the goal is.
different settings and prerequisites do indeed inform the approach.
also (and to be very frank) my brain works differently in these instances. so my route is also depending on how I feel, or what mental mode (mood?) from experience I consider more productive in the individual case.

but to give a more concrete answer as you would expect it; overall it is primarily digital sketching for me that directly ties into the following digital workflows. I am much quicker exploring ideas in ps than I am on paper. allthough admittedly also not equally as sharp.
either way I rarely end up with something that contains more of the original idea than the rough concept.
I need to make a cannabis related logo showing the golden gate bridge and LA city/skyline. It'll say "Bay to LA" in it. They want a fucking QR code in it too, wtf do I do bros.
you make it you tard
What is this shit called
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Thingie i did for a college proyect where we had to design for a fictional product
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working on digital prints to sell on etsy. new to everything digital and bought a plan to Midjourney and its been so fun. hoping to make my first sale in the next 3 months which is what i read the average time would be.
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give me your honest opinion

do i have potential
How do I make a font? Like the mechanics of it, how do I take my littler letter fellas and get them into a useable Truetype/Opentype file
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how the fuck do you do this?
I'm thinking of paying for it too. How do you find it.
Who cares if the client likes it and you're getting paid? How much did you get paid to do 5 minutes of work to add 1 aspect to the design. You're living life on easy mode if this is even a problem to you let alone more than a passing annoyance
You have the potential to become 41%
Dude you are not good at graphic design
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Hi, absolute noob question here
How can I make a line with 3 segments like the top and turn it into the bottom? I'm using Photoshop
use illustrator.
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I also designed a fictional product somewhat recently.
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Back into creating stuff after 5 months of pause
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Variation A
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Variation B
This is true, which is also why I make spreadsheets in PowerPoint and write essays in Excel
This one caught my eye at a distance.
These two not so much, though Variation B looks more visually interesting once I looked at it a little more.
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cute logo, y's descender is a bit awkward. nice mockup too, the shadow behind it doesn't really fit or work with the layering of the background.
bit of a mess
this one's fine too, nice subtle texture. something about the text bothers me
blue one is best, but as anon above said, maybe the red one would work even better with slight color adjustments.

another party promo graphic, love making these desu
Looks super cool
InDesign's ideal for brochures, books, magazines, etc. Complicated or large layouts..

Laying out a postcard that's going to have two lines of text and some contact info in InDesign is just silly. Especially when you're, as OP said, playing with colors, in other words, doing image editing.
B&W striped background to look like mugshots. kek
this is cool can Illustrator do this?
planinski hrvat
hello, I wanted to share my unusual hobby, it deals with restoring old photos. Recently, I even set up an instagram to keep it from getting dusty on my hard drive... What do you think, brothers?
Needs more diversity.
Doing some other stuff right now, I'm doing a poster for a fictional kabuki play that will be presented at a fictional theater, just an excuse to add some typography to an illustration I did. Exploring some variations right now, critiques are welcome.
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Forgot to post pic lmao
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Just finalized a project. Everything (negotiation, drafting, redraws, etc...) clocked in at 8 hours.
Pay was 1,500 USD.

That's my quota for the week my dudes. I'm gonna play /v/ideogames until monday.
>1,500 USD
500 USD only. lol sorry. I need some sleep.
Unironically WIkipedia has a good article about coats of arms
Did you do the illustration.
I tried to learn some graphic design for fun and I realized I have no talent for it
Keep doing it, if you have fun with it it means you have the passion to improve. Dont let your limitations ruin something you like, but also dont pressure yourself too much or you'll end up hating it. Talent is a myth and all of us started doing horrible shit so dont worry, all of us started in your position. You can improve i belive in you.
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nice illustration. 2nd is clean, 5th would be great with red background, 1st with a bolder title
based. I envy efficient designers like you

another event, another design. not too hot on the central layout, but the new facebook header crop makes it necessary.
>no talent
lel, you have exactly what it takes to get hired
just looks like halftone dots im pretty sure.
there's filters for that or you can do a hard mix pattern layer of little dots
it better be actually printed with expensive metallic ink / on expensive shiny material plastered around and not just another zoomer purely digital cookie cutter concept LARP although may be interesting if thrown into c4d and rendered out as tilt shifting video in different aspect ratios (with some muffled warped industrial techno blasting in background) for social media but even that sounds soulless in current year
chill bro
you can just like stuff
it's a real event, relax. I'm still working on the posters and videos. sadly not enough funds for metallic ink, that would be sick.
Thanks, your words mean a lot
I really like this
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Lack of access to stock photos and blank packaging templates are hindering me so fucking much. I don't want to pay $7 per image.
just use AI
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Stupid memes
HUD for soldiers utilizing a shoulder mounted microwave or sound based mine detection device, It gives other information, as well. I’m not done mocking it up but I threw this together before I do the 3d model and build the thing. I’m going to probably outsource the mine detector engineering but I’ll build the main module and design the interface and hardware integration.
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A key visual for Mitsubishi exchange programme.
Shown are print variants
nice work!

I would put the "Y" in the third artboard a little closer to the "o" it feels like they are drifting apart
What a pretentious faggot. Years ago I made stuff for clients using GIMP and they were non the wiser.
where did you learn to use type and colours like this? any inspirations in particular?
Try incorporating parallel lines and diagonals into the design. Go look up those Great Gatsby posters from a few years back.

And use less neons.
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I've been fucking with photoshop for over a decade but never actually learned about it or tried graphic design properly (only forum """GFX""" back when I was 13)
recently reignited my interest and got a bunch of books to read but I wanted to start making stuff just for practice
it's just a mock event poster but it's the first "artistic" thing I've finished in years of half-baked attempts
thanks, anon
pretty much just trying to understand what makes good references work and experimenting off that. a good grasp on modernist principles like hierarchy, contrast, grid systems is key, even if you end up doing trendier contemporary stuff. I follow the likes of metahaven, timothy luke, tim lindacher, braulio amado, alex mccullough, noah baker, lion sauterleute, lucas hesse, anna mills, lucy harmony grimes. a good source of references are music labels with consistent aesthetics like pc music, ad93 and ig pages like anothergraphicdotorg
This is actually adorable
This third one is fantastic, all you need to do is fix the scatter lighting on the clothing of the 3 subjects.
Search "Victorian flourish"
Cool! This is really good use of form and color, you obviously have a knack for design. If you are open to critiques: I would suggest playing around with your composition. This is arguably the hardest part of graphic design (at least for me). I always “finish up” a piece, post it to 4chan or twitter or whatever, and then look at it and realize I should have resized my fonts or something. In your case I would give the ‘DEATHDOME 1998’ some room to breathe (move it up, and resize the center image of the woman to be a bit smaller) But this is all just nitpicking either way. Good job I hope you keep at it and post more stuff
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Thank you, I appreciate that! Yeah I'm definitely open to critique, I have no real formal education in design so I have nothing but room to learn.
Yeah I definitely see what you're talking about, I'm used to messing with small resolution pictures so spacing is gonna take some work
I just coughed up the cash for creative cloud so I'm gonna mess with then new ps features and try to get used to illustrator
hopefully I'll have some more to post soon
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been messing around with AI. Literally endless possibilities for stuff to use in your designs
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how do irender glass materials... the refractions and reflections, internally, and then many of similar is driving me nuts

basicalyl just translucent things on translucent things

How were things done back in the airbrush and paints era?? whats the physics!?
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teaching myself gimp, just threw together whatever came to mind. opinions?
>>447172 bump
I need a diagram for this like scoro, or loomis.

Mostly so i dont get fooled ove-i mean uh
Personal cho
How could I improve this?
Why the fuck is PDF supported but not MP4, WebP, SVG, APNG, BPG, FLIF?
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Just finished this
full visual identity
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decided to revisit this yesterday because I was feeling a bit creatively bankrupt
Why is the golfer a klansman? kek I hope you fix it before you show anyone else
If anybody here uses Linux, what program do you use? My work computer runs Linux, and right now I use some kind of weird MS-paint clone that isn't ideal
image editing, making logo's and little pamphlets
doesn't linux recently released a new program for running windows programs? before they had Wine but apparently the new one is better or something like that
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how can i improve this?
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is it a font issue
Did you make the pixelated image yourself?
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nope its a game called boku no natsuyasumi, pic rel is something i made
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what font do you use?
Feels like global-homo if you ask me. If your looking for good refs try art deco sports posters. I'd try giving it a few spray fades to reduce your color and decrease the vertical symmetry while simplifying the geometry (like decreasing the hair stripes and aligning them with the curve of the skirt)

Greyscale contrast filter plus a dithering filter, possibly ordered due to the grid pattern.

My pipeline starts with research, a metric ton of it, then I draft my work in Inscape with basic outlines. Doing it on paper's a bit less easy for me (as my physical drafting skills are a bit underdeveloped) so I just go directly to digital drafting.

If your talking about crests it'd be >>444146
but if your looking for what the detached versions called it would be a pressed calligraphic flourish.

Tutorial for my Inkscape bros

Nice! I really like your mock up work.
Did you add the text or did the AI create it from a prompt? Noticed that almost all AI have a tough time rendering out words last time I check. Which AI you using?
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I added the text in Photoshop. I use Midjourney
>client sends me a file for print
>it's all fucking clipping masks

the invention of canva and clipping masks has single handily set design back decades. every drooling retard and their mom can not clip the fuck out of retarded shit to get their final "design" and send it to some poor bastard like me who has to try and make it a usable file.
New renaissance roman I been working on. Sort of in the vein of Centaur, Garamond but trying to get that lively calligraphic Rudolf Koch/Oldřich Menhart feel. Numbers are always hard.

Try designing the inside too! With an A4 printer you can print out and properly bind an A5 book. Picking up some royalty free content from Project Gutenberg and typesetting it is a great way to hone print skills.

Are you Windows or Mac? There are a few open source type design softwares that are available for both but the paid versions are much more serviceable. Start with a trial of Fontlab or Glyphs (if on Mac) and upgrade to the light versions if and when needed. Glyphs also has fantastic tutorials on their website related to the production of fonts.

The descender/terminal on the /y looks very strange, I’d transform this into a more conventional ‘schoolbook’ /y. The bottom stroke of the letter should be flattened to be parallel to the baseline. The top left stroke can connect to the righthand one slightly above the baseline (zoom into Helvetica’s /g and see how the bowl is rased above the baseline.)
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what would you change? it's a bus passenger information system
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motion graphics for a project of mine:

i'm trying to go for the Quantel HAL late 90s/early 2000s motion graphics look. i m not satisfied with the font choice in the beginning one but i haven't found a better alternative yet
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Fellow HMI designer? What device? Looks pretty good as is, just make sure it's readable if it's gonna be mounted up high.

I work on industrial machines, my buttons look pretty flat, ¿any tips? I promise the color palette looks better irl.
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why do you dislike legibility?
All different texts must fit inside the header bar and the font size is fixed. Also, text scroll isn't allowed in this UI design software, which sucks big time.

I like the fade tho.
Opinions about School of Motion?
Or where is a good resource to learn?
I'm doing all the tutorials of Adobe Live...
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Just finished the sound test screen for the game I'm working on. Unimportant features first!
Also would love feedback <3
if the game is absolutely mindbendingly good, then the interface has soul.
if it is just some random forgettable program, then it kinda implies cheapness and inexperience.

weirdly placed
unusually noisy
not particularly easy to read
> Their extremely long position and title
I prefer this option over the others. The background is subtle enough to look like currency and the presenters really stand out.

I'm also now realizing that this was posted in March, so fuck me I guess.
like currency?
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Messing around.
i very much enjoy this. i want to see it move
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Messing Around Pt. 2
goes insanely hard
i'm done designing my wedding invitations, what do you guys think?
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firstly: congratulations! I wish for you guys to having made the right decision and for many amazing (troubled) years to lie ahead of you.

idk. maybe.
on the one hand it is fine.
on the other hand I do have some issues with it.

call me a misogynist, but I would definitely put the brides name above the grooms name.
also I think the sizes of the different elements (texts, images, cards and all the stuff) isn't quite balanced in size and tone. - for one I prefer less *loud* designs anyway, but I don't think my taste to be the main problem here. to me all the relations between these elements are a bit random and uncoordinated.
I do not really feel satisfied by their interactions.

so there you go. you wanted opinions. here is mine.
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i'm getting into graphic design and i have no idea what to make, so sometimes i just hop into photoshop and fuck around
>Romanian text
>English (possibly American) names
>Spanish address
A most diverse wedding indeed.
Good thing to do. I knew more bt photoshop than someone who would have done a course learning the basics doing this. Those you will get easily then anyway. Layers are important, best get your ass some overview about them; how they interact and what the different modes are.

Curves then pretty much do all the jobs for color/lightning adjustments.
For a newbie, what is the best approach?
Learn one program at a time or enroll in that king of courses when they do a project using multiple programs? The two suitable for beginners, of course.
Thanks and have a fantastic weekend!
Pick a niche, master it and move onto another.
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Any of these good?
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i got inspired by you and tried to do the same thing. amazing poster dude
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need crits on legibility and overall composition. prolly for a tshirt
thanks, anon. I need to do a car ad. I dig yours a lot
How do I attach unique file names automatically using variable Datasets?

I have hundreds of unique product images with variable text of the model name / description included in the image but when I export the Data set it will only save as the original project name. I can’t seem to figure out an action automation to copy the text within the image to then change the project name to the corresponding text within.

It would be amazing if it could just pull the new file name from the CSV film column.

I really appreciate the help bros, labelling manually sucks ass.
Never mind I actually figured it out.
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not so much
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Meh. Neat.
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>Alternative 2 applications
The use of the shape of the countries and the globe behind it is inconsistent where the initial logo has both, colored application does away with the globe and keeps the countries in positive, white background application uses countries in negative and brings back the globe, black background application removes the globe once again.

Is this a legal way to apply logos? Asking because I'm facing a similar situation with a face-silhouette based logo where the application on a black background looks horrendous if inverted. I'm considering resolving it the same way you did here, but it feels off to do so. Haven't done this before where the actual shape of a logo differs from one application to another. Would appreciate it a lot if someone can give me their input on this matter.
Fuck, I meant
>Alternative 1 applications

This is fucking sick anon
where did you find the paper texture?
Thanks anon. I think I got it here
lol ignore the text.

I was giving selling points for the contest prompt.
Judging by the filename you've done this ruse as far back as 9 months ago and no doubt have posted this before in other threads. I see what you're doing, very amusing. Here's your You I guess.
The filename matches the date it was posted, which was 9 months ago?
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>blogpost inc
A while ago an /a/non wanted pic related without the watermark it had. I kind of wanted it as well, so I said to myself "how hard can that be". Turns out, it is only hard at the beginning, once you remember what tool you need and where they are, it is just really fucking tedious. Keep in mind I never did much on Photoshop, only cropped images or done a meme or some quick shit like that. I still have no clue what 90% of the tools it has do. With all this said, took me 10 hours to do it (in 2 days), and I'm not even satisfied with the result to be honest. I just cba fixing every little detail.
>blogpost over
Now the question. Is there a program or something that automatically does what I did? I did a quick search on Google but it didn't clear things up
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Also, pic related is the original image, for comparison
needs to be simpler
damn why did it think tanzania is in Africa. Fix those damn eyes .
I don't really use /gd/ so not sure if this goes here:

I got a project I need to finish and my last Graphic Designer more or less bailed out on me to draw fetish porn. The templates are made, everything is in order and all you would need to do would be to copy/paste some information within the templates, maybe find and properly crop/compress some images you found on google. There is no catch here, I'm too busy to really do it myself and I got a little bit of cash I was saving away for something else anyways.
The gig is easy but it is tedious, so if you have nothing better to do over a day or two you might as well earn a few bucks.
I don't know where else to post this, but I figured what the hell, right?
Here is a throwaway email, contact me if you're interested. I will ask you to do a quick and simple design job once you respond to see if I'm not wasting my time, just be aware:
Newbie on this, please need help!
What do you recommend me, make a "project oriented" course, where I will learn a little of Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign? Or go with a "full" specific program?
I want to learn gd to promote my music band. Thanks!!
depends on what your goals are
you want to do print - InDesign
you want to make digital materials - Photoshop
you want to do illustrations or draw shit - Illustrator
>I want to learn gd to promote my music band.
Just use Canva or pay someone $50. Learning graphic design JUST to promote your music is kinda silly. Your time is better spent on making music.
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Whipped this up for funsies, really inspired by old LRG print ads and their shirt designs
Trying to figure out digital drawing, this any good? (Dont have money for a tablet so working with mouse)
(Dont question the second reference, i have an idea for later)
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Absolutely bro, that looks awesome! Keep it up! :)
minus the fact that the original is a copy paste stock image, it is undoubtedly better looking
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it's a fun one, learning a lot
You fucking got bad skill in designing. Create a website and Monetize your content with Hydro online pajeet. You get passive revenue that way.
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Not much of a graphic designer but they keep asking me to design logo's so here I go. Top is original, bottom is my attempt. I think it's alright but maybe it's missing something
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after some feedback i changed a few things, like placement and making the text less boring
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I'm working on a solid products that is already on my website and I plan to Monetize it using hydro online that doesn't rely on ads.
Second one is SICK
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spacy space
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here's the rabbit version
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(it is for a A4 sign in a gym for whey shakes)
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is alright. nothing special but fine, I guess.
it has a small shop crafty business feel to it, which is probably one of the most important aspects to it.

personally I wouldn't add as many small elements. either that or I would consider filling the whole background so that it starts looking like a texture. y'know make it part of a kind of corporate identity instead of trying to make it part of the "logo". also I would definitely not make half of the words ('my' and 'toys') merge with the background noise by putting them in the little images. at least 'toys' seems like an important word that kinda gets lost at a glance... maybe it is even more important than 'unique handmade', but that is very debatable.

the colors aren't terrible, but could be a lot better as well. I would recommend not picking them manually yourself, but eyedropping them from either a palette website or a professional finished design that you enjoy.

I like the font.
sieht für mich anständig aus
sprich englisch, du hurensohn
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Pirate and steal everything and only pay after you’ve made a sale, you do know how to get free stock photos right?
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kinda in love with the top right
and the top left here
this is sick
add some drop shadow or feathered blending around the edge of the moon, the first thing that i noticed was the stark outline of it
i love this

im an architecture student currently composing a portfolio to apply for internships. it was very last minute, but i wanted to showcase my 3d modeling skills on the cover of my portfolio so i wanted to create a sort of cascading falling composition of various 3d assets created by me. I figured i would play with scale and depth of field to add a bit of perspective
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i really like this style, maybe fav in thread

added the table of contents spread as well. since the scale of the projects is highly variable i didnt want to maintain true scale but rather relative to portray the details of each 3d model.
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i think im losing it
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i g nore
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i ascended

thanks for inspiration
>ascension through deep frying shitposts
a classic
/gd/ is unreadable posters?
absolute noob here, how do you make that specific grainy effect?
you google for 'photoshop grain effect' and do as instructed.
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I'm working on my site. Just finished a graphic design tutorial for Inkscape on Frutiger Metro circles. I have a few warning banners for how much I've finished a certain page, and a few images that act as buttons taking you to different parts of the site. I'm procrastinating on making the button for social media links. Might get to It In a few minutes though since I have nothing to do. Maybe not. I'll see.
Also not posting the images since anyone who knows me might see this and think I'm a pedo since that's what 4chan Is associated with ;-; really sad
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Some weird shit I did on my phone today.
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Can I copy fonts from font catalogs, for fuck sake? Can't google the legals
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its gone
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Am learning Figma + Design
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qrd on ur paper and grit textures? they look sick
Don't want to make a new thread for this probably stupid question so asking here. What would you guys use to make those animated posters? Is it a combination of 3d modelling and after effects?
I use a lot of copyscan textures for grit. Just use the screen/multiply blend modes depending on the texture. Also using a good paper texture with wrinkles and folds as an overlay really goes a long way.
I put together some textures if you are interested. Some are paid and there is also a handy psd for giving pictures some really nice grit. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XGjw3Q1vi4nP06pqMGXkYmf2jVQ9Odxt/view?usp=sharing
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downloaded. ur a lad. thank you
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What do you guys think of this floor plan? Is it good?
why do you have a room just for a bath and why is it as big as your garage?
Won't people smell shit in the bathroom from your kitchen.
I didn't want to create a thread for this, but can anyone tell me which text alignment is better for readability purposes or why am I too fucking dumb to know which one works best? (they both look weird to me to be honest, being a designer is tough)
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OF COURSE I'd forget the godamn file
>being a designer is tough
you are so motherfucking stupid, wasting your and our time with half a centimeter of indentation!

the text isn't even vertically aligned with the rose bars and still you are worrying about fucking 5 millimeters?!
definitely the top one. now grow up and work for 10 minutes without asking for feedback, child.
the sheer honesty hurt a little but I'll take it like a champ, thank you for the feedback, anon
sports graphics bro
what kind of prompt would one use to get something like this?
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hey /gd/ I don't want to make a new thread just for this so I'm going to ask here.
I'm a /co/rtoonist and I'm working on a mini comic, I'm in the thumbnail/storyboard stage right now.
I sketches the logo on top and then I released that graphic design in comics is stuck on its own conventions and styles so I decided I wanted to break from that so I made the logo on the bottom, the idea is still very rough and I just know I need advice from people who knows what they're doing.
I will get a vector program to do this stuff once I have to do the final design, for now I'm more comfortable sketching like this.
What do you guys think?
LARPshit for fictional companies

Who wants to scream at me for improvement? i take all
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threw this together in a few minutes last night and i think it's a really good way to have realistic fallout-like maps and heavily stylized characters, showed it to brother and he said the characters look too slanted to the terrain, though i don't feel i could achieve the style i am going for if i accounted for perspective when it comes to characters. I'm shooting for them to look like very stylized icons and each character to be slightly different but mostly naturalistic. I originally intended to (and might still do) make stop-motion puppets and to rig a camera in the right perspective to animate puppets but idk that isn't "hard" per se but it's time-consuming especially for a videogame.
Maybe it just wouldn't work and i should instead have a highly relativized iconographic up-is-in-all-directions style but idk.
Maybe if i made the camera angle lower? I don't intend on the maps being too complicated and i intend on segmenting it so you can look behind occluded areas or just not using occluded areas.
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works really well
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shooting the shit with "designing" album covers for music that sells on gb cartridges until i start new job.

i present to you: holo-castle - the joy of unbecoming (darkwave shoegaze)
I love these edits! I don't really edit images myself although I love saving pretty art edits. Bumping the thread cause the content's good!
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Finished this a few days back for a local podcast.

currently working on a financial magazine and absolutely hating their writers cause it's a shitshow trying to get their text looking good...
what the ai did looks like cheap ai shit.
and what you did looks inexperienced.

>unsophisticated and lazy.
Fair enough. I was lazy

Currently working on this
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>dated and soulless geometric sans
>badly paired oldstyle serif for heading
>badly spaced & too thin enlarged caps for subheadings
>underlined bold for captions
you need to get rid of ~80% of what you’ve done here and fix the essentials first
fries look pretty unappetizing, font: see above
the drawing and lettering could use some work, works well with the cartridge though
as an arch, these ‘showcase’ covers always felt a bit tacky to me, could be a case of local culture/atmosphere. the spread in >>452671 is okay, but fix the titles. either commit to monochrome or go full ‘pop of color’, this warm grey you got going on the bottom doesn’t work. and fix the way ‘material’ and ‘basins’ are just touching the render edge, either avoid the edge or overlap it way more.
these I like a lot

collab on an animated club event promo poster I’m working on with friends
*badly kerned, sry
but yeah, get a good grasp of the basics first. start with butterick’s practical typography
immediately recognize the wiggers faggotry, and there's no way people outside of the wiggers like them so hi jet
Good job anon I love these
I believe the shadows are part of the problem here also I'd try to make the ball simpler
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just finished the vidya so made something about it
the text over and under is really odd
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sticker I made
Not sure what this is supposed to be. Why is there an entire synopsis on a poster? Why the word DELIVERANCE in the top middle AND below Kingdom Come?? Why did you weather the poster? Stop doing that, you're just trying to cover up your shit designs by making it look worse on purpose.

Also the kerning on ROYAL might be the least of your problems but it still puts cancer in my eyes.

Don't get me wrong, it looks decent at a first glance, but that's all mostly down to the image created by Warhorse studios that you've used here which is really well made.

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