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Previous: >>424227
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ARZxvImCto [Embed]
in the early 2000s it felt like graphic design was trying to be the opposite of "soul". sci-fi swiss modernism that was deliberately sterile to convey jet-set efficiency, blurry photos of liminal spaces with Helvetica slapped on them
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Is it just me or are blobjects making a huge comeback lately?
fuck off carifaggot
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was trying to be anti-cari, arguing that that whole playful y2k look wasn't as widespread as people think ,and that the default for this era was the backgrounds in Tom Jones' Burning Down The House music video. could have done so while sounding less like a faggot, granted

you could argue that trying to define an aesthetic at all is carifag shit, which is arguably true, but it's baked into the premise of this thread
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>you could argue that trying to define an aesthetic at all is carifag shit
The difference is that CARIfags are very careless with their labels and tend to lean too much into extremely broad stereotypes rather than being thorough with their investigations.
Just look at what happened with "Frutiger Aero", it's become a very ugly and exaggerated caricature of what the mid-2000s clear, skeuomorphic UI design actually was.
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>anons hate CARI
Damn. Gonna play devil's advocate. I've been in the discord server for over a year and as a guy who doesn't specialize in graphic design or UI, it's been very helpful in research. The discord has people discuss how they hate the broad stereotypes issue too. I've seen complaints on the server of Fruitger Aero being misconstrued too through youtube clout chasing channels. Honestly I see more damage from the aesthetics wiki than CARI, as they do more baseless claims over """vibes"""
anyway here's some pics I got through a shared zip file from the server
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Haven’t seen these styles in ages.amdkn
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that's all I'll be posting. Honestly, I think I posted some vectorheart stuff here when there's another thread for that, oh well
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Is their discord still up? I thought they closed it down

Also thanks for the images. sometimes when you reverse image search this stuff you'll stumble upon a random wallpaper collection from 20 years ago

>. I've seen complaints on the server of Fruitger Aero being misconstrued too through youtube clout chasing channels.

That was bewildering to watch because frutiger aero is extremely coherent and easy to define as far as made-up aesthetics go.
>Is their discord still up? I thought they closed it down
Still happening, invites are lock for me. I assume it's periodical or maybe they don't want too many people around
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Honestly this would've been easy to avoid if CARIfags were a bit less liberal in their definitions and more strict with their community, calling out dumb grifter faggots who don't know shit (and of course taking actual design courses).
If they stopped jerking each other off and playing armchair designer, and instead became actually serious with what they're trying to achieve I would not hate them, because design history is a very interesting field and it's a shame that it's not getting the respect it deserves.
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Time for some 90s SOUL
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Al21T1WP9Io [Embed]
This game main menu fits the thread.
but only the menu, not so much on the rest, but at least the OST is great!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlDCT_1u7hU [Embed]
this one is cool
threeoh.com still looks cool also
watch shit like this to catch glimpses how kitsch and banal and greasy and ordinary and not-cool-like-acid-rave-graphics early 2000s were
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Os02K3VP8-I&list=PLz92k7gg9AcYHbvRJf1JD1sFcnE-xlmd2 [Embed]
(it doesn't help that vibe of the british postmodernism is of a middle aged woman or a loud gay man)
this guys is like a matt berry character
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>be rummaging through cari
>see user post his work
>the stuff is elite
>see he's not part of the server
>weird, he seems to be actively participating
>decide to checkout what happened
>find pic-related
Beautiful! Would it be possible to come back to these?
And what does this have to do with 90s/early-2000s art?
How do you ignore the bullshit?
Some of the reason some of this art is the way it is has to do with the limited resources of the time. Computers from this era had as much as 1/1000th the memory, storage, and processing power. There are probably features that would give it its distinctive look that no longer exist because they were intended to save resources. If you were to attempt to make the same thing on modern software running on a modern system, it would probably look "enhanced" in a way that would make it look like a different style. It might be worth exploring, you might end up contributing to the next thing in design. Anything is better than the flat shit they've had us sucking on for the past ~10 years.
> we felt that was beyond reproach

Pompous fucking retards are the best retards. Comedy GOLD!
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checked the trip dubs

I had a talk with an old family friend that has worked in the industry since the 80s and he educated me on the Quantel series of computers. Quantel Paintbox, HAL, Henry, and the like. I had no idea these existed till a month ago and it's been super fun going down the rabbit hole on these things. the UI on these computers is super basic, but they absolutely were the photoshop and after effects of the 80s and early 90s.

for anyone interested in this style, there is a treasure trove of demoreels, showreels, and company instructional tapes from this era and they go as far as breaking down layer by layer how some of those early motion graphics were made. really really good stuff.

pic related is a screencap from some motion stuff I'm working on thats heavily inspired from Quantel showreel videos.

forgot to include the link
The Amiga Video Toaster is another platform that made the most of limited resources, and actually had the jump on other computer companies for producing video content because Commodore's computers were designed to display on standard TV monitors.


The effects may look cheesy and dated now but a lot of that stems from early overuse just like a lot of early desktop GD effects got overused, because they were previously untouchable for average users and amazing.

This part is really worth considering in the context of capabilities and lesscthan state of the art equipment and techniques-

>A lot of professional companies like Grass Valley would pooh-pooh the Toaster, but you couldn’t beat it on the quality...

>If you didn’t use the built-in Toaster effects, nobody could tell you were using a $5,000 Amiga system over a $50,000 to $75,000 system. You really couldn’t tell the difference in quality.

This is pretty awesome, keep in mind that all all the editing/compositing and rendering required three videotape machines; there was no hard drive and max 18 MB of RAM-

Video Toaster 4000 demo-

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TT-b08IVnr8 [Embed]
Also, if the narrator sounds familiar to some of you hep cats and beatnicks it's because its the legendary Ken Nordine who knows a thing or two about art-

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HIrCizE_678 [Embed]
wtf whats wrong with CARI? I just stumbled on their website a few days ago through design twitter and I thought it was extremely useful, especially for reference
I dont really care about splitting hairs over categories just whether I can find good design work and cari is a great archive
>inb4 long winded posts from dramashills and tagents about lolcows
It's a place where design motifs from adverts and artwork are simplified to a terminology. Some anons hate that because it can easily cause a lack of nuance to those design motifs and turn it into a phrase for zoomers to latch onto. Others hate it because of the user culture being the Gay liberal echo chamber. I just use it to ask questions and references, which most people should too. Life's too short to get a stick up the arse about le drama from "FRUITYGAYMAN369" on Twitter. Take the good, leave the bad, etc. etc
when it comes to cari the bad stuff about is as bad as the good stuff is good, i.e. while it is da bes at the same time it is curated by freaks, snowflakes and other such entities inhabiting the far left of the political c2wvd8ompass.
Id take your opinion into account if you could string together a sentence, good lord
>>445598 (OP)

Haha I have a TracidTraxx vinyl, one of Timo Maas’ releases they made some fucking cool acid techno and hardtrance
sentence is fine, seems you lack comprehension skills
interesting, thanks
this is really cool anon thanks for sharing
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>>445598 (OP)
I used to listen to pic related album all the time when I was a kid. OP's picture immediately made me think of this
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>I dont really care about splitting hairs over categories

That's their entire premise and MO, and the hairs they split are both ridiculously arbitrary ("Often rough stones") and so circularly self-referential and qualified with the weasely-est of weasel words that it's meaningless-

>"The CARI system is not universally applicable; many artifacts fit either zero or very many aesthetics."

Embarrassingly dumb and pointless...except to allow them to be wildly wrong as they split hairs and ignore all context for that purpose.

> just whether I can find good design work and cari is a great archive

The clear implication of much of their commentary is that the examples and "aesthetics" they catalog are NOT good design, but are an ersatz version of existing aesthetics that only get on their radar because they-
>"...have broken into "mainstream" culture by way of corporate appropriation"

This not only betrays a simplistic "corporations are bad, m' kay?" mindset, but also betrays a fundamental misconception of how and why certain trends in visual arts and advertising happen the way they do.

Like when they label modern/pop art inspired visuals "corporate hippie"-

>Appropriation of 'Hippie' culture, motifs & psychedelic graphic styles for corporate applications.

- but ignore the fact that "hippies" didn't invent that stuff but appropriated the hell out of it from much earlier trends and sources, much of it commercial in origin and having nothing to do with any counterculture. (pic of WW1 era Wedgewood ceramics related)

At best its just ignorant, and at worst it's just propaganda in the service of anticapitalist historical revisionism.
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this is the best case against cari i've read, thank you anon
sauce on song?
late 90s happy hardcore rave album
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>rave album
zoom zoom
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some 3d interactive ads plugin for ur browser circa 1999

this collection has lots of weird janky "virtual worlds" crap up to 2008 to look at
no you
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glad you like it!

wagon christ - chunkothy
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What kind of methods could I use to make things like this green part on >>446164
not sure how well it'd work but couldn't you use layered shattered glass/crumpled paper textures of differing opacity? it looks like it's just a bunch of random geometric shapes layered to look more complicated than they really are.
this is my absolute favorite cover from them, wishing they could pull something like this again
Thats bullshit! look at this artpiece i found, believe it or not this is from 2019, at first glance this looks like something out of the early 2000s, so its absolutely possible to replicate it but you have a good point even if its not 100% accurate to the aesthetics of the 2000s it would be 100 times better as long as corporate memphis fucking dies
this is fire
Lads, you will like it, trust me
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnA-3f4yDGU [Embed]
remind me to never trust you with anything again
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uh yeah i'd like anudda bump please
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>>445598 (OP)
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>>445598 (OP)
does anyone have an invite to the cari discord?
also why the fuck are the images gone?
What happened with the pics?
There's any site to check them?
Just make sure you have Ublock on your browser.
4chan's backend runs on sticks and stones, few months ago there was a massive unexplained catalog wipe that hit tons of boards. /gd/ wasn't one of them but it was around then that the images of older threads died.

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