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Not sure if this belongs here but since it's regarding photo manipulation (which counts as graphic design) I might as well try.
So I like this genre of edits of women called "Natural/Modular Body Magic", which basically means that they look like they either had their heads magically removed or that they never had any at all but they can live just fine without them (like dullahans), but many of them are pretty shit so I wanted to make some good ones of my own, the problem is that there are no good tutorials online on how to make them, so I was wondering if you guys could guide me on how to make them.
Pic related is more or less what I want to achieve, something that looks relatively natural and organic, rather than just a quick and sloppy MS paint job.
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And pic related is what I mean by "sloppy MS paint job", which is what I want to avoid.
dafugg? :D
never seen something like that. is that a fetish? you are planning on applying it to nudes, right?
hnestly these arent that much different
the whole thing is weird and gross, but hey we're all weird in gross somehow
i think youre getting way to obessed with insignificant detail
you would be surprised at the imaginations ability to overlook this kind of thing - sometimes, the more obviously fucked and fake the better
Nah lol, I want to make good stuff, not just settle for mediocrity.
Can't delete my other reply since I had to reset my router so I'll make a second post
It's not really insignificant to me, yeah sure many people aren't really going to care about the quality but it's more for my own sake since as I said I want to make good stuff, maybe it's just me being autistic but it is what it is.
oh fuck you're here, too?

this guy is a serial fetishist making the rounds
same guy as the stone women guy?
there is no escaping me
I was gonna ask the same thing
Also didn't that thread last like 2 years?
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you should think about what it is. 'good stuff' can be a lot of things. ive made some sloppy fakes, honestly and its never the perfection of the image that makes it work, its the power of the illusion giving access to the fantasy. still, check out hans bellmer. go watch Crash. make something worthwhile better than this stuff.
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i'm not a fetishist but i'm a newfag to photoshop so i tried making one of op's "magic bodies" or whatever the fuck as practice, feel free to roast me but please let me know how i can improve and make shit actually look good
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not so bad. you yourself are well able to see all the rough patches anyways. so there is no need telling you about those ... just take more time and refine!

the one thing that bothers me though is the centered sternocleidomastoid (artifact from the original head rotation).
really no need to turn a visionless stump. so there should also be no indication of her turning a nonexistent head...
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thanks for the feedback anon, it means a lot to me
i have made a second edit, this time of a smooth no-neck girl
getting rid of the head's shadow was a pain and i think i fucked up the background again, although maybe not as bad as my first effort but it still looks quite shit
Jesus fucking christ what is this shit
I didn't know this was a thing.

Is there a strong market for this?
youre a fetishist
own it
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ye, deleting shadows can be a pain in the ass.

don't stop there yet.
the background needs blending. so does the neck area.

in picrel I chose to go for the stump again, but that was only to show how much can be added to an image just with a regular ass round brush.
low opacity. color pick. sculpt. repeat.
don't shy away from additional layers. have in mind the skin is not single colored.
oh and
these things are not immediate. especially so during learning/trial phase.

can't imagine so - based on OPs example images. otherwise the quality of these would probably be better.
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I wonder whether there are more creative approaches as well. I mean why not abuse the changes to tell certain narratives?
How would you apply this to video edits?
I know you could take the approach of editing every frame individually but there's probably an easier way, right?
Well there are some people who make this shit and have patreon and gumroad accounts and there's been ads featuring this sorta shit so there's at least some demand for it
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i'm not but whatever helps you sleep at night, i guess
thanks again for your help anon
that re-edit you did looks pretty good btw
here's my third edit, this time i made a girl with a flat neck
it was very difficult since she had a lot of hair and it interfered a bit with the background, so i had to do a lot to get it to look half-decent but i think i still fucked up too much in that regard, even if it isn't as obvious as it was in my previous edit (you can also tell the part where a strand of her hair was interfering with her collar, i tried to re-add that part manually but i don't think i did that good of a job lol)
as for the girl's neck itself i tried to give it a bit of a texture and retouching the edges a little bit to not make it look as flat and plain as op's bad examples
again, please let me know what you think
how did you add the balloon's string around her neck?
lmao bro i'm barely learning how to edit still images, don't ask me
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gj! you are improving.

I just hand paint the ribbon in. soft round brush in multiple layers.
I start with the base color. add shadows and highlights on top. and I use adjustment layers to correct along the way.

I like the neck form in yours better though.
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oh shit, i'm sorry, i barely realized you replied to me shortly after i posted my pic
anyway, thanks anon, i appreciate the encouragement
i have made a couple more edits
the first one is this one, i got the shirt's collar from a different image but since it was blue i tried my best to match the color of the shirt the girl's wearing
i think i got the background right this time around, as the parts where the head used to be aren't really that visible anymore
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the second one (and probably the most stupidly ambitious one i've done so far) us this one
as with the previous edit, i got the hood from a different image but since the texture and color were different, i did my best to try and match the girl's sweater so that it looks at least half decent
the lighting was also pretty hard since i had to add the light and shadow manually but i hope it's acceptable
again, please let me know what you think
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fuuuck ugh im so hard
Why did you give her a steak wound lmao, that looks worse than OP's bad examples
this isnt ambitious you dumb fuck

oh really im not a fetishist at all just want to practice
lol the second guy's not me
>this isnt ambitious you dumb fuck
it is for me since again, i'm a newfag to photoshop
maybe it's easy for you
Can someone tell that fucker rgt on DeviantArt to PLEASE reupload his stuff for archival reasons, even if he's just going to be a lurker?
I can't send shit on my DA account for some reason, apparently the system detects throwaway accounts' comments as a spam account or some shit.
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the original uploader of the webm you posted said this in the comments of another one of his video edits
what the fuck is this weird ass shit
Stone thread 2.0, "So no head?" edition
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Oops lol, sorry, I hadn't thought of checking the comments since there's usually nothing but trash in there, thank you for telling me.
Would you happen to know how to make something like gif related, where the light gets reflected in her neck in a realistic manner?
doesnt't have to be realistic but convincing.
some handpainted light movement is probably enough.

a step up would be a tracked 3d model with similar enough lighting conditions, I guess.

what is that scene from?
It's from an ad
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forgot gif
i’ve seen this kind of stuff before and i’m 99% it’s a fetish but ask invisible.girl22 or invisible.world23 on instagram cause they have that shit down to a t
just visited those accounts, they've got pretty good edits but they're very different from what OP wants to achieve (he said headless, not invisible)
>very different
Do you know how to make someone with clothes that cover up the hole where the neck is supposed to come out of, like picrel or this (https://www.deviantart.com/kouiichi1234/art/Fully-covered-907697092)?
Now that's a real blast from the past, used to follow him since the early 2010s. It's a shame his stuff is gone, I really liked it, he was one of the pioneers of headless edits on DA.
This is one of my favorite edits of his, wish I knew how to make the neck touching effect.
Well I stumbled upon webm related as part of one of those shitty "respect" compilations while scrolling through YouTube shorts, so maybe, I guess...?
excuse me. what is your fucken question again?
Sorry, I meant that I want to make the girl's clothes not have a neck hole but instead have them cover up the girl's headlessness seamlessly.
okay, okay I stop being snappy.
I do not really understand the question though? at what stage are you stuck? I don't think technically it is that different to doing necks? you just copy other parts of the original image.
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Here's what I have so far, the shadows where the neck hole used to be doesn't look all that great and I don't know how to add her sleeves' stripes to the top of her shirt
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looks alright. but since every piece of cloth looks different, hair and lighting might work against you etc I cannot give you a definitive answer. In the end it is a drawing exercise. how well can you envision what it could look like. and then you execute it, making use of everything you learned so far. many different approaches possible and no correct one. creativity and imagination are something that comes with experience.

the technical operations you need to know include (but are not limited to):
doing rough sketches (I use brush tool), clone stamping, liquifying, curve adjustments and color correction, masks and clipping masks, texturing (noise and so on), rinsing and repeating.
as I said. the vision and understanding comes with experience. stuff to have a decent understanding of are: perspective, light and shadow, anatomy. these you have to learn on your own at depths that seem appropriate in your individual case.

in the fields the steps involved are the same as with necks or any other comping tho...
why does it look so asian?

why does it look so slavic?

why does it look so european?

why does it look so american?
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DesignCrowd used to have Photoshop contests where people made this sort of shit
I see, thank you. I assume it's the same thing if you want to add a hat like in your pic or like in picrel, right?
yes. for complex stuff dont forget to reference and remember the possibility of including parts of other images.
This is for girls in half but I'm pretty sure the process for headless girls is nearly identical, if not easier
why is her neck concave? It looks weird
probably because the maker likes it that way.
it is a weird genre. surprises me that is where you are drawing the line.
sorry that came out wrong, I just meant that it's an unusual choice, not that it makes me uncomfortable in any way lol
yeah, kind of not an obvious choice.

on the other hand from personal experience I would say that weird solutions can sometimes be more convincing actually.
as if people wouldn't want to believe the weird solutions to be fabricated.
if you take the obvious solution that everybody kind of already has in their mind, then they will also have a fairly trained eye at spotting inconsistencies and small mistakes. but when it is totally surprising, then by definition will also be less well "understood" and therefore less easy to see weaknesses in.
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Had another go at making a covered up headless edit using the tools you told me to use and this was the result (also made an uncovered variant).
>head gone
>head shadow still present
Come on, removing it is not that hard... is it?
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Tried to make all 3 headless styles from OP's pic
But why?
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There used to be this guy on youtube who made this sort of creepy as shit but in video form, his name was williamrohrer1 but his channel got deleted and now his videos are lost media (picrel is some of the thumbnails, courtesy of the web archive).
I had told /x/ like 2 years ago when it was still up but they thought I was just making up creepypasta bullshit until someone found it but now it actually is gone.
>I like this genre of edits
There is no such genre

>Natural/Modular Body Magic
That does not exist

>many of them are pretty shit
That's because it doesn't exist

>relatively natural and organic
You're a psychopatic ince

This thread is just an incel wet fantasy
Not to defend op's creepy ass shit but the so-called "genre" does exist, search for it on deviantart.
Didn't Solar Sands make a "Browsing DeviantArt" video on this stuff years ago?
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bumping whatever weird shit this is
don't post men here friend
he only wants women, since this is a insanely weird sexual fetish shit
it's not necessarily a fetish, some people enjoy the surreal aspect of it (though probably not OP and about 2/3 of the people ITT lol)
Maybe so, but where does one draw the line between "surreal" and "fetish"?
I did not know there is an excluding sharp line between surreal and fetish...
Well obviously not, there's a huge overlap
I thought so! drawing a line between surrealism and fetish seems pointless
What I meant to ask was, at what point does the plausible deniability of "surrealism" end, and the work becomes merely fetishistic?
This is kind of cool because it is so dehumanising to women. I can see the outrage once women hear of it and complain that removing the face and head is removing the woman and reducing a woman to just a body. But really it is anonymysing the person which is bad in the attention economy.
It is removing capitalism from a woman's body because her face is what is used to make it individual and sellable. Just a torso could be anyone, more or less
How do you add back the part of the collar that was blocked from view by the head and neck?
it's really not
Those are actually pretty easy to make, and there's a lot of tutorials on how to make them.
See >>447651, all you have to do is get the collar from either a different source or another part of the shirt, depending on the type of clothes you're working with.
lmao based onion
>complain that removing the face and head is removing the woman and reducing a woman to just a body
Not if you tricked them into doing it themselves with a challenge or a filter (like the concept from picrel) or something like that.
you must be either extremely naïve or extremely retarded to think this would work
yh fuck you too faggot
just stating facts ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Women have fallen for worse things.
right. an apple, for example, once.
r8 my edits
you a bitch for using the dick and balls version of i
The hat's shadow could be better IMO
Sorry, I'm retarded, I meant it for >>449813
lol you're very stupid
>the dick and balls version of i
I kek'd
100% this, also it's just refreshing to see something new brought to the table.
man that is so creepy, I love it, how do you make the scars and throat holes?
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OP do you like the decraniated from nu wars?
Not really, they're kinda mediocre and not headless enough, especially considering that they also made an actual headless woman with a hologram head for either episode 8 or 9, I don't remember which one of those two.
he's now uploading again
you guys are epic lol
this is crazier than /d/
have a bump
exactly on the border between them
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>erasing a woman's identity for your fetish

not sure if cringe or based
>There is no such genre
>That does not exist
>That's because it doesn't exist
Yeah of course, ignoring the current Discord server, the Facebook pages, the Tumblr blogs, the DeviantArt communities, the websites dedicated to this shit, and the very old Yahoo and Google groups it doesn't exist, sure bud.
Fucking retarded underaged zoomer faggot, go watch Minecraft let's plays or whatever the fuck you kids are into nowadays.
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Like the other anon said, you really need to work on your shadows.
Also, you should probably change the color of the cap so it doesn't blend with the background.
seriously though, how do you make the amputation scars and neck holes?
You could practice by editing the shitty ones to make them look good
>first the stone thread
>now this
/gd/ - Fetish Photomanipulation
Finally. The perfect woman.
and if you're a FOSSfag/GIMPfag and like smooth necks
bruhhh it's not fucking hard
>make neck shape
>add amputation scars and bumps from a picture of an amputation stump (tutorial if you're too fucking retarded to do that https://youtu.be/WTL0sDrs16Q, https://youtu.be/qJPFp-G6XFQ)
>select area where you want the neck holes using the circle or lasso tool
>manually draw neck holes using dark colors picked from the shadows of the body
why are you people so insane?
How the actual FUCK does one end up with THIS as a fetish? What has to go wrong in order for that to happen? Why?
do you really think a person with such proclivities is self-reflective enough to give a satisfying answer?
I am open to being contradicted, but my hopes are not high
how many women have you killed already?
I'm onto you, you sick fuck.
The bottom left one looks best imo. The same color as the skin with correct lighting for the angle, and the sharp clean edge makes it look like a barbie doll or a realistic android from the future. The other ones look like the couldn't actually be something real, just images. If you're going for amputated limb look then the left one in op looks the best.
pretty cool stuff man
lol i came here from ifunny just to laugh at you
Why would you admit to using that shithole??
try buying and taking photos of manikins in the same position as the photos you are editing that way you have some sort of reference. i do think the flat neck looks better then a rounded knob. idk how you woud do the texture on the skin to be honest
you absolute retard
what even
this is actually pretty based. good job OP
What the fuck is going on here??
Look like a got myself a fetish.
Sounds interesting
>see this thread
>turn to look towards my PC case
>two headless naked dolls are sitting on it

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