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File: WEBP.png (73 KB, 598x301)
73 KB
Save all your files as WEBP to save space preserving quality!
Kill yourself
Webp is like the dei score of file formats. Google actively punishes your website ranking if you don't use it.
From 13MB to 0.6MB
Tell me it is not ridiculously efficient and great.
I exclusively save all my pictures as a one static frame in webm
>attached picture is a .png
that's because it's great. favouring pretty much an 85% or more compression ratio is Not something you should be complaining about
AV1 avif > webp
go kys you corpcuck
4chin shud add WEBP support
>not jxl
No thanks
i love compressing images. as a web developer you should kill yourself
I love nothing more than having to take screenshots because WEBP cannot be opened in the classic Windows image viewer and instead either forced to load up Firefox or the Photos app that has a memory leak where if you keep it up on the second monitor as a reference it starts eating up like 10GB.
you can open webp with ms paint
Microsoft's support of webp is an inconsistent mess.
WEBP developer spotted opinion noted and rejected
you can get a browser extension that lets you save .webp as .png or .jpg
bumping this shit thread to not let it die.
how judicious of you!
gaygle shill thread
low tier lossy format bullshit. i want my images viewed at the highest resolution in the largest size.
Kills me that it doesn't support transparency.
But what is the point if webp can be both lossy and lossless? if I see a png or jpg I immediately know what I'm getting with a webp it's a crapshoot
avif and jxl are way fucking worse than webp for losslessly saving real-world images. the last time i tried, the lossless webp version of a processed image from my dslr was around 10mb but the jxl version was nearing 100mb, cant remember what avif got but it was worse than jxl.

for lossy images at low quality, webp tends to block and avif tends to... remove. i'd take webp blocking over avif "smoothening" any day.

webp ftw
>what is the point if webp can be both lossy and lossless?

hahaha so in your mind having the consumer see whether it is lossy or lossless compression the only viable goal/explanation for why a file tyoe exists?
>imagine unironically using vanilla windows tools

you hate webpfags because we tell the truth
Kys contrarian retard
not sure you are targeting the correct one of you two with that accusation
why doesn't webm get any shit?
that's because webm has a propose that being compressing video to something more smaller to upload.
File: Battle-of-the-Codecs_fnl.png (400 KB, 1400x1559)
400 KB
400 KB PNG
This but with JPEG XL.

WebM is a container format that allows many codecs such as VP8, VP9, AV1 and soon AV2.
WebPiss is an image format that already getting destroyed by JPEG XL and AVIF in all fronts: quality, compression and features.
lossy shit
If it's so good why isn't it everywhere yet
Because it's new.
AVIF is from 2019, JPEG XL is from 2021, these formats don't have decades of widespread adoption like PNG and JPEG.
sorry for only getting back to this over a month later, tfym, i presented my findings and you're the one who got all pissy lmao
why wasn't webpiss a container format to begin with then?
the last time i tried to save a fucking webp image as png so I CAN ACTUALLY USE THE IMAGE it fucking crashed my entire pc. not even shitting you. i have no idea why or how. fuck webp and any site that uses it. fuck off.

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