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First real peace. Let me know what you think.

Good or bad?

Post also work my father made and I edited...
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cute sketch
modernism is over a century old.
put some effort into it.
What does your dad do
Tried to mimic old bibles with Latin text where drawings are next to straight lines. But syriac language is now my favoriete bible language!
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Retired art and handcraft teacher.
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#General Syriac language drawings.
Search on google or any other image search engine for nice images!

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god is a lie
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What is lied about God?
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Use translate on site. ;)
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Mthw7:7 ܫܰܐܠܘ ܘܢܶܬ̥ܺܝܗܶܒ̥ ܠܟ̥ܽܘܢ. ܒ̊ܥܰܘ ܘܬ̥ܶܫܟ̊ܚܽܘܢ. ܩܽܘܫܘ ܘܢܶܬ̥ܦ̊ܬ̥ܰܚ ܠܟ̥ܽܘܢ.
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I am a visitor from other boards.
What would that picture mean?
we call them schizoposts
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Can mean multiple things but book cover game map or illustration are the main theme.
tell me what's schizo about them?
game map? how were we supposed to know?
3 circles as spawn point for player and 3 dots as spawn point for npcs.
you did these gif?
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yh, took the file from other thread and threw them in a gif maker.
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Shitting up the board
Haters gonna hate.

Being human is accepting you're flawed. That's why I like the CIA because you need to counter your stupidness or your evil deeds (people often think humans can be evil natured). If I have to believe the Chinese with their legalism I do more wrong then right.

Did you know the Vatican has their own CIA? It is called the Jesuits and has a simuluar purpose as the CIA.
Aw shit. It's been a while since I've seen a good schizo-thread.
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Thanks for liking it you unsensible peace of pegan.
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Kundalini concept comes from ancient yogic philosophy in which it is believed that certain spiritual practices will cause Kundalini awakening. The phenomenon of Kundalini awakening can sometimes mimic mental illness and results in difficulty for mental health practitioners to distinguish between them. While there are ample literatures suggesting the benefits of yogic practices in mental illness, it is also worth understanding the side effects of these practices, especially if advanced yogic practices are not performed properly with necessary preparations and precautions under the guidance of an expert. In this context, we discuss a series of cases demonstrating altered mental experiences related to Kundalini, from both modern psycho-pathology and traditional yoga view points and try to differentiate severe mental illness from advanced spiritual states perceived after practicing Kundalini yoga.

Maybe calling people schizo is a coping mechanism for your god insecurities and way to discredit an honest fag. I'm not in the mood to argue over stupid language mistakes. I'm here to show my own work, my dad's work or god's work nothing else!
Forgot to mention the devilish nature of some of the posts but keep in mind what comes from god cannot be bad and as long as Christ is in your heart you will be protected!

He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

Getting free from bondage is by accepting your sins!
Look at Atlas and think how heavy it is to carry the universe for god
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I A sports it's in the game! ;)
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The image of the Virgin is very important in Christianity as many fall for the devil in it's deception for sex. Sex is destined for husband and wife that's why marrige is important it gives your parants blessing and secures a more sustainable future to the child(ren). I'm a fall of and messed up my life by worshipping demi gods but still believe in our lord and saviour. I couldve became a theologian when the devil didn't influence me too much. I've maybe lost my soul but not my faith in Christ and my knowledge of god! I won't bow down to my oppressor and show them the other side of my cheek. Amen

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This looks nice but I believe it can be better.
When you're better, you can build a website and Monetize your content with Hydro online for passive revenue instead of ads
What goes around comes around. Like money. Grafical design is not gonna pay as much as a patent but both can sustain the other.
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Would be cool to see an ai image generated story of the bible.
I, too, enjoyed Shimeji Simulation.
I'm waiting for kings avatar... It takes ages. :(
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Predecessor to the qr code correct me if I'm wrong.
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I'm a rebel at heart with my favorite passage Mathew 7 I slay my enemy with love.
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I kinda like John.

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1798, "common hemp," from Cannabis, Modern Latin plant genus named (1728), from Greek kannabis "hemp," a Scythian or Thracian word. That word is also source of Armenian kanap', Albanian kanep, Russian konoplja, Persian kanab, Lithuanian kanapės "hemp," and English canvas and possibly hemp. In reference to use of the plant parts as an intoxicant, from 1848. Related: Cannabic.
also from 1798
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Which scripture do you refer to ?
No scripture... Own experience and findings but my findings are that the universe is like a feather to god. Do you know why?

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How does the bridge between heaven, earth and hell look like?

What would your gate to heaven look like?
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