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Not fascist-y enough
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How could we represent a 4th dimensional hyperswazzie?
you can't. you have to steal one as they alway did
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Here's one in working on, kind of a happy/angelic iron cross
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Cool this time I'll steal a rainbow
is this supposed to be a witty joke?
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No, the rainbow is unironically a good symbol for ethno-nationalists of all races. Globalists and multiculturalists want to mix all the shades of humanity into one boring light brown. Those opposed to global homogenization want a rainbow of peoples and cultures on this planet.
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fascism is the satanic inversion of National Socialism
What's with the bisexual color scheme

Pink means girl, blue means boy. As in men and women complement each other ect, ect.
yet you have the colours blur into one another? implying there's no real distinction between the two?
Galatians 3:28-

>There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
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They already did in 2016
Unironically accurate
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I watch fox news pretty much every day, and they said democrats are actually the real fascists, and it makes sense if you think really hard about it
I want a world for the Aryan race. Not for third world trash.
>fascism is the satanic inversion of National Socialism

>I watch fox news pretty much every day, and they said democrats are actually the real fascists, and it makes sense if you think really hard about it

We've reached never before seen levels of retardation I see.
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also a big fan of the dunce
What is fascism though?
Is it an economic model or is this just more jewish trickery?
Sorry, that looks gay.
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did i do good OP?
Most of those other than the Nazi appropriated swastica are actually nordic runes. There will be a fuckton of lawsuits torpedoing organisations such as the ADL for their rampant fraud in the future.
Well said, anon
It’s funny because you can just switch fox with cnn and democrats with republicans and thats how you actually are.
Right well, if you think that one party is the fascist and the other party isn't then it means their game is working on you. Truth is they're both fascist and they pretend to argue with each other to make it look like theres a difference between them, like you actually have a choice but you don't.
хyї(dick's), :)
What would the fash equivalent of picrel be?
if youre too big of a pussy to actually have a fascist little scribble somewhere on you if you identify with it so much just dont be a fucking nazi atp you little scaredy bitchboy.
Someone make "Choose the third reich, not the third world" a slogan.
Yeah christcucks were anti-white globohomos, what else is new?
If you know where this one's from you're a real one.
>What is fascism though?
Whatever Mussolini needed it to be to stay in power. He himself said multiple times fascism doesn't have allies or ideologies beyond ensuring his agenda came to pass.

Of course that means it's now the perfect jewish trick because it doesn't mean anything and therefore you cannot prove that you are not fascist. It's a meaningless brand of othering.
Did you guys know that Dune proves the superiority and necessity of race mixing to end war? Your silly and ironic sub-human incapacity for compassion and depraved emotional intelligence doesn't stand a chance against the Truth!
American futurism

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