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File: ick.png (90 KB, 500x500)
90 KB
Can you help me become a better meme creator?

How do I make this spread?
lmao veggoid, kys before you die prematurely of "natural" causes
just type your stupid ideas in DALL-E
I eat living animals
I eat dying animals
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File: 8c7ej2.jpg (78 KB, 500x716)
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what about this one op what if you spread this one instead?
Ick is a garbage meme, just say it ick at the thing instead of using normalfag slang
Idk watch memes and shit on Tiktok I constantly get shit there imand I deserve I feel like that about everything now except my relationship with god and my family and loved ones to a lessor extent.

When you make memes try doing inquiry unquie art, drawn by yourself. We don’t deserve AI shit, being inspired by AI is fine but don’t just generate shit on IpenAi OpenAi
>Open Photoshop or whatever
>Find a stock image of a woman making a disgusted face
>put some retarded caption on top like: He Breathes
>then put that's in ick in bold
>Profit from mostly crystal cafe foids, 30-40 year old hags living alone with cats, and foids in general so kys.
This is based
Ick is just a term only foids use when guys playing video games or showing their emotions is way worse than getting raped by gangbangers and drug abusers.

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