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This is the most beautiful GUI I have ever experienced literally the best. It's a fucking joy to explore. It may be little rough around some edges but damn it's beautiful.

I don't want to be the guy that talks about souls and design. But this thing might as well breath.
I love these things, some anon on /g/ made a small archive of wmp skins.
Winamp and Windows Media Player had a huge customization scene, shame that not many media players are as customizable nowadays.
b-but it's INEFFICIENT!
File: X-FHL.jpg (418 KB, 500x750)
418 KB
418 KB JPG
thread's probably superfluous because of the y2k thread but whatever these are cool and the others are web design
ty very much.
i know it's an overused term. but windows customization seems so much more soulful than most of the unix customization i've seen.
things like this, rainmeter, etc.

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