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I want to start designing some models for 3d printing, which is better for a beginner from your point of view?
rhino asshat
if you want to design mechanical or practical models, go with a proper cad software like fusion 360. there are also free cad software like onshape.

if you want to design art models, go with blender
>for 3d printing

Fusion , blender is fucking trash, the proper way to learn blender is to watch professipnal tool tutorials (maya 3dmax)
people will say fusion360, and they're probably right, but I still will frequently use blender to this day for random 3d print projects, despite knowing a solid handful of industry standard programs such as picrel

But I occasionally come back to blender specifically for its ability to interact with python/ other externals.
blender is the best 3d software and also free, you better use it before they change their mind about the free aspect
you obviously don't know nothing about GNU licensing or the history of blender as a business...
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>you obviously don't know nothing about GNU licensing or the history of blender as a business...
in general you would use fusion for any parametric modelling, so anything where you don't need very organic shapes or spline modelling. Its good for making basically anything you would consider a product rather than art, as a rule of thumb.

Blender does everything else. Like all of it. You can do anything you want to in fusion instead in blender, but unless you load up on add ons youre not gonna make parametrically perfect things, its more for art.

TLDR: fusion for products, blender for art

sounds like shill propaganda. if you know c4d and blender youre better off than 3ds and maya. The skill transfer is simple anyways
anyone here use dimention - photoshop - after effects as the workflow alternative to blender? I do all-around media design and want to add 3d product renders and 3d animation to my skillset. Blender does a lot of stuff so idk if its overkill to use it if i dont intend to do heavy 3d. I like the interconnectiveness of adobe products but i also dont want to potentially cuck myself with some limitations i dont understand yet.
>for 3d printing
It depends on the fuck you want to print, Blender is better if you want to do figurines and shit like that, Fusion if you want to do tecnical stuff, Plasticity could be a better alternative to Fusion and Nomad to Blender too, both are paid but cheap.
Blender can do everything, maybe Fusion lets you more easily create certain kinds of shapes but you'd be better served learning how to make and assemble your own library of procedural model objects in Blender rather than learning the asset / tool library of a product you have no control over.

Yes, that means you'll need to learn a lot more to eventually get the same results, but you'll be learning fundamentals of modeling (I recommend if you want to build up a library of extensible assets that you learn about non-destructive / procedural modeling using Modifiers and Geometry Nodes).
Well Blender is free. If you want to crack Fusion why dont you just crack Solidworks?

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