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File: 1705291398948019.jpg (223 KB, 836x1319)
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Is this good poster design?
Looks like a 90s action movie, if your making something for say a stand up commedy or whatever probably not. We have no context here op.
Something you'd see during the summer of 92, to be precise.
Generic Austin stand up comedy style poster

Swear I saw this guy getting VICIOUSLY raped at gunpoint by a black guy
Would you really?
Didn't this guy get DENTED by a group of melaninated gentlemen?
is the poster cutoff of is the text just not centered.
its ok
think the guys colours need to be washed out a little more, lettering looks a little weird offset, lose some off the bottom and expand the top so the aerials aren't cut off

its a good jump off point, i can see some skill used, keep it up youll learn
you tell me
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No regrets.
It’s not bad for a rape victim
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This is now a wrestling themed GD thread
Afraid it is
You can't rape the willing. He was just in a frisky mood.
Council approved thread.
oh geez Louise
Nash? Heard he got RAPED. LOL.
This very well could be the longest lasting 92 thread in 4Chan history

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