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no overarching theme
just post stuff that you like and think other people might like
be it just because it looks cool or you think it's exemplary of what graphic design should strive to be
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I'll drop a few things and fuck off
if the thread seems active or otherwise of interest I'll try to post with some frequency
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I'm not into design or anything but I really like this kind of stuff.
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Im thinking soul
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I love these, shame my country has the Pantone 448C boxes and white text on all brands.
I really like cigarette boxes’ colors and variety.
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there are days when i like the western version better
it just doesnt get much better than this desu
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Imagine how sad these people look in their 30's and 40's and beyond.
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Got any good Pinterest accounts? I like this one by the former senior artist of Rockstar Games: https://www.pinterest.com/lordchelsea/
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I don't really use pinterest, I just scan archives and dumps for magazines and collections and then pick through them
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Sorry, I don't use Pinterest and only come to this board from time to time. Almost everything I have I get from 4chan and slsk
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