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File: 122354984656.jpg (401 KB, 613x1080)
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Could someone explain to me how I can improve the sharpness of the entire photograph? The face and skin
Increase sharpness.
AI Enhanced
Thank you very much, the face improved a lot. Excuse me, is there a way to improve the body and background even more?
Who is this
depends on the program
do you have any editing program? online there is some garbage websites that could help

in something like photoshop you'd be able to easily, just select the body, put it in a different layer, and do this and that
Judging by the tattoos, it can only be a roastie slut.
a method I sometimes use for grainy images is to use the noise reduction filter in Photoshop. duplicate the layer, apply a noise reduction filter and play around with the opacity and layer style like multiply or something for subtle results, then apply a sharpen filter. with the ai enhancement together this might output an even better image if you do the Photoshop first and then use ai.

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