who the hell designed the 4chan banners, they are so simple yet so funshare some of your favorites
>>452295>they are so simple yet so funOne of my favorite things about each board on here, is just seeing all the different banners. Some are very fun and creative.
>>452295>who the hell designed the 4chan bannersnewfriend...,.
>>452295>who the hell designed the 4chan bannerswe did
>>452295does anyone have that one where it says in graffiti "FO CHAN" and its a nigger next to it
The one with Calvin.
>>4522954chan used to have banner contests, back when the mods interacted with us.
my original image macro was turned into a banner
>>452295When are we gonna have another contest? I have some I'd like to submit
I like the woody one looking at a skirt.
There's a bit under 500 banners. A few were even deleted! I'm currently in the midst of rewriting a tool. If it's done and this thread is still around, I'll share it with you guys so you can see EVERY. BANNER.
>>455306do it
>>455306>There's a bit under 500 banners. A few were even deleted! I'm currently in the midst of rewriting a tool. If it's done and this thread is still around, I'll share it with you guys so you can see EVERY. BANNER.Can't you just use wget?
>>455306They should replace all of the banners with BBC.
>>452295 i agree i like them very much they are good for my autism.
Whenever will they add new ones?
>>452477I always liked this one.>>455306There's a lot on here that I haven't seen in a long time.
>>452295FUN FACT: they were originally inspired by similar banners made on Something Awful. I'm partial to the FYAD and BYOB ones, which were bangers.
>>452295Millenials and gen x. Now kill yourself newfag
Love those banners!
I made these for /mu/ back in 2013 but they never made the cut.
>>458357>>458356these are kool
Where's the full image for this?https://s.4cdn.org/image/contest_banners/74f99a50c7b3c41c466a0b061f0dea3814bcb22c.gif