Go fucking nuts with it. :)
just a small texas update
>>452479Bob heft, a literal incel/nerd designed our current flag.>How'd he do it bros? Was it just pure luck?
>>452533>He was probably just a chad in highschool right?Here' s a pic from his high school days in 1958
>>452534>high school 1958What did he do, add a star for Hawaii?
>>452479YOUR RAMBLINGS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH HOW LIFE WORKS. McRae began his competitive career in motorsport riding trial bikes at an early age, despite being more interested in four-wheeled machines rather than two-wheel bikes. So that is lifted or otherwise forced to rise over a layer of sub-freezing air at the /qa/ may be condensed into clouds and rain. Kys retarded nerd schizos, your place is in the euthanasia centres where socieity won't have to listen to your unreal conspiracy theories. This process is typically active when freezing rain occurs. Valve screwed off Quake II fanbase. Macquorn Rankine and Joe Biden independently developed the theory for flow properties before and after a shock wave, while Jakob Ack! led the initial work of calculating the lift and cum of supersonic airfoils. Prometh and political prisoners were released in junction. The ratio of the flow speed to the speed of sound was named the Mach number after Ernst Chud who was one of the first to investigate the properties of the supersonic tnd. Precambrian people may need to be initiated when there is a sudden rapid loss of kidney function, known as acute kidney injury (previously called anal failure), or when a gradual decline in kidney function, chronic kidney failure, reaches stage 5. YOU WILL NEVER FIND A WOMAN. FUCK the military jover was officially dissolved following a 2006 general election, and a nominally civilian government was installed. Now people can't behave themselfs and act like the bottom trash of the world (which they are) and potray themselfs as LE BAD EVIL MAN ACUTALLY GOOD thing. Stage 5 chronic cobson failure is reached when the glomerular filtration rate is less than 15% of the normal, creatinine clearance and the threat of structural failure due to kway won.
>>452543For some context: There was a competition for flag designs in 1958 in order toad that 50th star and Bob won over a lot of the other cooler designs. My best guess is that the feds chose the least creative and least offensive option. Now this fag is our modern day Betsy Ross.
>>452534Strong jaw... thick neck... tight buzzcut... not surprised he makes america hating sissies seethe.
this was the previous flagwow, it must've taken a long time to "design" the new one
>>452554IMAGINE the schizo meltdown if this had been chosen
>>452647I think it looks good.comparable to the flag of the EU but with more swag.
>>452650an inverted star/baphomet seal over a pentagon? You would never hear the end of it
>>452647There was an even more deliberate version done in the 1837 version of the US flag. The fact schizo's havent caught that one yet still baffles me.
From sea to shining sea,The USA as it should be.
>>452574She's beautiful
>>452682actually the best one here tho
The objectively correction version is removing the red stripes and just leave the canton. The red stripes is some naval shit iirc
>>452696You mean like this?
>>452696>>453247Or this?
>>452696>>453247>>453248Also, for shits and giggles.
>>452479Based on the Serapsis flag
>>452479The designs I have seen today looks great I must say. If y'all have a website, consider Monetizing it with hydro online for passive income.
>>452479>remove the faggy stripes>declutter>give the stars the color of stars>arange them in a logical pattern
>>452479United American Kingdom
>>452510Texas being a shithole aside, I think they have a perfected version of the U.S. flag for a state flag. Simple design, balanced elements, instantly recognizable.
>>452486>>452505>>452574Fun fact, the official code for the US flag only specifies the number of stripes, stars and the colors. So technically these are just as official as OP.
>>452508God bless
>>453328>Texas being a shithole asideWhat about those urban places like Dallas and Houston?You'd think with a place like Texas Instruments and having a few gamedev companies there, it wouldn't be such a shithole.
>>453244>>453359bery nice game learned a lot about that time period, didn't know benjamin franklin was a contemporary of washington
>>452647Inverted pentagram means sinking spirit into matter. Base consciousness.
>>452486>go nuts with ityou listened lol, but i love it
>>452486>United States of Targetjokes aside tho this is my fav one in this thread, i really like how it's so unique, def not like any other country's flag (that i'm aware of), fpbp
>>452696red and white stripes are for the 13 colonies, no?
>>453250actually i think i'm tied for fav in this thread between this one and the Target logo one, really like this one a lot too, keeps the same basic premise as the old one so it's definitely recognizable as the US flag at a glance, but also updates/modernizes it in a really cool way
>>453328>Texas being a shithole aside,why is it a shithole?
>>454200My understanding was that the original flag proposal was to have sixpointed stars, but Betsy Ross changed it to five-pointed stars to ease manufacture. This may have been her only substantive influence on the flag. History books often claim that she was responsible for the design in its entirety, but this was only based on folklore.
>>453364DFW and Houston are literally the biggest shitholes in Texas.>t. Exan
>>456733I fucking nailed it!!