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File: image-20.png (1.34 MB, 1080x1341)
1.34 MB
1.34 MB PNG
Make a tactical redesign of the Kekistan flag for the upcoming meme war.

Bottom flag is for referance. Maybe you could use flecktarn camo patern as the base instead of multicam.
Here is the base png image of the flag.
File: Flag_of_Kekistan.svg.png (71 KB, 1200x721)
71 KB
Sorry, here it is
Flectarn pattern
Rhodesian Brushstroke camo pattern
File: Kekistan_militaryflag.png (1.51 MB, 1080x690)
1.51 MB
1.51 MB PNG
My attempt

Can you stop mutilating the US flag? It's disrespectful at a minimum
replace white and black colors with olive and dark brown
File: 1622138630617.jpg (29 KB, 570x556)
29 KB
Such a shitty flag.
It' not original or unique and I expected more from 4chan.
I have no words to describe how cringe this is
Reddit is more your speed OP

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