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File: 348741.png (17 KB, 1000x416)
17 KB
before/after thread i guess
To a graphic designer, this is the same logo.
sure ok but to a juvenile cunt that likes to bitch on 4chan uh whatever man
Lmao, this is the thing people who bitch about "flat design" don't seem to understand.
Left looks like a spell icon in world of warcraft. Right is a responsive logo that can be used at any size and animated easier.
which one works better at 16px?
older version looked better
This. For me function adds to the value.
and that's a good thing!

>responsive logo
this doesn't mean anything
>can be used at any size and animated easier
both can be used at any size and neither is or has been animated
I think they will both work equally as well.
Stop inflating your job.
File: 1683394872677096.png (379 KB, 780x748)
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379 KB PNG
why did the fat go down in % and what happened to vitamins A and C?
this is basically another product
what happened is that i ate em

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