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File: removed3.png (1.39 MB, 1200x769)
1.39 MB
1.39 MB PNG
does my shit suck im just messing around in photoshop

didnt even know this board existed lol
I like it! if the use case is right it is pretty cool actually! gj
you are a teenager.
now leave.
look who recently found out to be having a deteriorating body and not much time left for reaching their own sad goals before at some point they die. oh the pain!

poor grumpy is so poor!
Very cool, I think the title is kind of hard to read, but other than that it's a good idea
Damn, looks awesome.
You did a great job.
underage posters go
so poor!
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so, so poor!
check ur resolutions. under image size, checking DPIs when you collage imgs to prevent blurry or weird varying pixelation with compressed source imgs. try getting it closer before merging
Looks rlly good :D
good stuff
love it, adobe flash era
Absolute and utter dogshit I need bleach for my eyeballs
That looks awesome as fuck
Unironically painful to look at. If that's your objective then it's great!
have you learned classical art and read books about art etc. or is this purely inspired by other artists? Oops i'm a month late i'll post this anyway

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